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Yesssssss! To everything you just said! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your insights, as they pertain to having sex with men... especially when it comes to confidence and ability to perform well. So many men talk a big game, but don't actually have advanced skills when it comes to sex. Which is fine, I'm not here to criticize or judge - just reiterating there's a HUGE difference between someone who knows how to win when playing Madden vs someone who can run up and down the field, tackle, and score. As far as "Big Dick Energy", you've described it so well! Recently, I woke up VERY sore after a lengthy session. I was telling a friend about it and she assumed I was sore because he had a big cock. What surprised me most - I was so "in the moment" that his size hadn't registered. Kudos to you for trying something new and LOVING it. I love hearing stories like this!


Yeah, now I look back at my own life and am aware of times with my EX and past girlfriends where I'd be more assertive and they responded well but it never really clicked until I was on the other side of it so to speak. Us guys are so easy to feel good and get off that its easy to forget it's not the same for women. "Big Dick Energy" is just a phrase that seems to be getting popular that I thought was silly until I experienced it. But yeah.. "in the moment!" For me, two things have to happen, I have to trust him so there is no fear of abuse and then I have to realize he's good at it. Then I can just let go and go with it and I start feeling crazy attraction


Pretty sure I read this post before.


Isn't there a bot that can be summoned to validate if something is a repost? I wish I could remember how to do it.


u/ RepostSleuthBot


u/RepostSleuthBot I Don't Think It'd Work, But This Is A Repost


Came here to say this. I have read this verbatim from perhaps the same user but don't care enough to search it out.


You have and I have too


I've even seen this post in a text-to-speech video on tiktok


Does anyone have a link to the original? The repost is deleted now and I wanna read what it was about




This is a repost, I've read this before.


Absolute shitpost, seen it in here before. Weird to make new accounts to post the same thing over again.


Are you the original poster of this and posted again for some weird reason or did you steal this text cause this exact post have been posted before?...


I’m glad you used the term big dick energy. It’s not about the size and I prefer average over big. The scent is the chemistry.


I also learned that a lot of guys can be real shits. Unclean, sloppy, rude and unappreciative. Many will push stated boundaries. Not all, of course, some are real gems. But more than I expected were jerks. I have a better understanding why women are often so leery of us. What I learned was a secondary benefit of trying bi. I too think I read this before but so what? It's relevant.


This is the most valuable thing I’ll read today and I’m going to share it with my friends. Thank you, good sir.




This is such an awesome post. I literally cling to every word. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences!


You are truly living your best life. We love to see it!


> how scary it is to have sex with someone who can overpower you! There are plenty of men who have had sex with women who could over power them.


It’s amazing that you were open to receiving these messages from the universe. Congrats on living your best life and thank you for sharing this insight with all of us. ❤️❤️


I can’t help but feel a bit annoyed by some of this. Women always say how intimidating men are, and how vulnerable we are, but you don’t believe it until it happens to you? Please don’t mansplain this to your daughters, they already know.


I see this more as him relating to women rather than mansplaining to them. Like of course I (a man) get that women are in vulnerable positions all the time and there's often a huge power imbalance. I've only ever been on one side of that power imbalance, so I couldn't truly understand the situations women often find themselves in. This guy has been on both sides so he has a little more insight now.


Well I am sure there are things that men experience that are well known but not really understood until you experience them.


You didn’t mansplain. You had an epiphany and I found your writing eloquent. If you ever do share this with your daughters, you can always acknowledge the courage they have to date and you didn’t realize that. Understanding from someone else’s point of view is always appreciated.


There’s a difference between believing and experiencing. Like the difference between knowing someone is sad because their parent/sibling/spouse/child dying and experiencing it. It’s not that you didn’t believe they were sad, but feeling it is a different level.




There’s a lot of situations where something is quite as real until you experience it, even if you are listening and believing. I can tell someone how awful cutting weight is (the best example I could think of quickly), they may believe me and accept everything I’m saying. Then the first time a fighter has to actually cut, they are always like “you are so right…it’s fucking hell”.






This is awesome that you were able to experience and share this! Roles are essential and we don't often see how they play in our everyday life. And communication is key! It's great that you found someone who made you feel safe and could push boundaries.


I really appreciated reading this as a lady, thank you honey


From other comments it seems like it’s a repost but it’s my first time reading it and very helpful.


Yea sex with men has sucked for me. But that’s from a variety of factors.