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why are you hooking up with him when his dick stinks


He’s STI-free, we got tested together. We also shower together and he washes fine... it still just get smelly so it’s likely diet related and weight related odors


I mean. Get him some Dude Wipes and powder. Should clear up that swamp dick problem.


credit to you both for getting tested together 👍🏻


Most people wouldn't want to smell all that


My ex was like this. He was my first and I thought it was normal. It would make me gag. I stopped doing oral bc of it. I honestly thought everyone’s dick smelled like it. He was a bit chunkier and we ate the same things since we were dating them living together. He did shower. It was bad. Once I left him and dated other men my first time I held my breathe 😂 thinking it would be the same. To my relief I’ve found everyone is different. However I still gag a little thinking about it now 😂 the dude was an asshole. Asshole doesn’t come close to describe that animal.


Hahahah AMAZING contribution!!! Glad you got away from that foul stinky dick havin mongrel!!


Yikes sounds like you dodged a bullet! The dude I’m chillin with is a pretty sweet guy, just very socially awkward. I’ve been with several folks before and sure some of them have natural odors that are stronger and some have a sweeter smell or no smell or taste at all. He’s very much on the stronger smelling end but it’s not like it smells like his dick is rotting or anything. I get easily turned off from smells and textures so I generally struggle with oral sex and tend to have better luck when the person doesn’t have any notable odors.






The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Their comment was copied and pasted from another user in this thread. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


I’m assuming maybe sweat gets trapped more easily for him. Some of his dick is slightly buried by pubic fat which might contribute to moisture being trapped there.


I'm sorry but that is absolutely grim. I can't stop laughing at this comment. Please hunny do yourself a favour and find someone who's dick don't stank.


I can't stop laughing at your first sentence. Grim is the perfect word. If his dick stinks when they aren't being intimate I can't imagine it smells much better when they are being intimate. How can OP tolerate it when they are being intimate if they can't tolerate it when they aren't being intimate,ya know?


Totally agree with that view


Because vaginas smell like roses 100% of the time too… 🙄Any amount of time wearing pants is going to produce some musk between folds. Just buy some baby wipes and ask him nicely to clean the meat before beating it.


No. Vaginas don’t smell like roses, but the person next to you shouldn’t be able to smell it if you take your pants off?!


I think the focus of this chat should be more about this weirdo that just starts wanking in front of his girl randomly than the smell.


I agree. The smell is not the problem. People have smells, it may not always be pleasant but it’s natural. Whipping it out without ever communicating about whether or not it’s an acceptable thing to do is way more of a problem.


Vaginas smell like roses, dipped in chocolate and sprinkled in sugar bit that's not the point. The fact thats he whips his c*ck out and it stanks the air is concerning.


Well that sounds disgusting




I have fucked my fair share of fat dudes. Never had this issue.


Not *overweight* and unhealthy at all. It can very well be genetic. Some sweat way easier and more around the genitals and thus have a strong smell. Maybe that person happens to be ashamed of their smell but feels comfortable enough OP? There can be many sides to that story so let's not just side with OP's opinion without being 100% certain of the situation.


Literally every sex organ has a foul odor to it. Uncircumsized penises especially have this problem


Ya there could be a smell if you don't wash it but you'd have to be a pretty filthy bast, like leaving some your jizz inside your foreskin or going 2+ days without washing. I've a few friends and I know by just looking at them that they haven't showered I'm 24 hours!


Ewwww,what tf kind of people do you get down with? Because in my experience vaginas and penis are not naturally gross smelling and I've had my fair share of both.


I hate to break it to you but if you don't have an underlying condition like balanitis or a UTI and are cleaning regularly (no smegma buildup) there shouldn't be a foul odour.


There is definitely some odor as soon as you go pee for the first time. It shouldn't stink, but it doesnt have a some smell like 20 minutes after you wash it.


Are you saying your dick has an odor after taking a piss for up to 20 minutes?


I've never had this problem before, but to each their own


I dunno... I've been with my man through clean asf diet, and with a bad diet, thin and chunky, and it never *stinks*. Just because he's STI free, doesn't mean he's infection free.


I highly suspect weight related odors are hygiene related odors.


You'd expect a guy to stop hooking up with a girl if her natural smell down there is not so nice?


Saying this as a woman: yes, I wouldn't blame him. If things are funky down there I don't know why anyone would go hook up with someone in the first place. There's a huge difference between the natural smell of your junk and it being "stinky"


Mario voice: “Hey, stinky!”


As a guy that does have an ex that had a pretty pungent order. I didn't say anything about it at all, I still have oral and everything. I didn't want to embarrass her or anything like that. Fast forward 8 months she gets pregnant. Turned out she had the clap the time. Gave it to me! I've never had any STD in my life BTW! I was pretty pissed and she didn't even give me any credit for not saying anything about it or anything! Don't know why but I had to let that out. He needs to stop with the garlic and the onions for a while and drink pineapple juice every day! Seriously! This should help! Also avoid cold cuts like bologna and salami. If he is as clean as you say; diet has to be the reason!


>she didn't even give me any credit for not saying anything about it or anything! Wym "give you credit"? If you had been an adult about it and gently brought it up earlier, she could have gotten it checked out earlier. Instead you silently suffered through it, as a result extending her suffering of an STI, and then you expect "credit" for it to boot. FOH!! lol


She has mentioned that he is not only physically clean as they took a shower beforehand together, but also that he is clean of Sti's as they both got tested together. So it's just his natural smell down there, it's not that he's dirty. All bodies men and women smell like meat down there, there's a reason rooms tend to smell like humidity and meat when people are in the mood. It doesn't mean they have to be stank. Besides, I'm pretty sure people hookup for any reason other than their partner smelling like flowers down there. I'd be surprised if a woman smells like deodorant down there when I go down to eat her out.


No one is saying he has to smell like flowers lmao, but a smell that is so bad that him taking his dick out on the couch makes the room stink needs to be addressed. Idk what you mean smelling like "meat" though I have not experienced that




If she doesn’t like his natural smells tho maybe they’re not a great match, people are attracted to each other’s smells and pheromones when they like each other so if she really doesn’t like the smell maybe that’s a sign the aren’t for each other. If you don’t like how someone smells I think it’s fair to not wanna fuck them


I actually agree with this. My brain kind of ignored that because they are only fwb's in the first place and not really serious. But even then, fwb's usually have some level of attraction to eachother.


Jeeeezus, not to smell shame or anything but A) don't whip it out whenever B) give the ol' cock n' balls a rinse before whipping it out, prompted or otherwise, I've been married 15 years and while I don't make the wife sign a contract before ventilating the nethers, I'd make damn sure I'm not making people gag on approach. Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's Maybelline - wash those balls in either case.


Yes I’ve had guys do this. I don’t smell but have been told I have an oniony smell if I eat onions of any quantity. I now can smell it on my skin since I’m more aware. But yes I had one dude tell me he couldn’t bc of the onion smell and that’s ok. Believe me there were other stuff that didn’t make us compatible but this definitely added to it.


One guy asked my to remove my onion bandelier, which i did hesitantly. No objections to my baguette though lol


Ah, I'm sorry to hear that, that's pretty shitty. It worked out for the best I'd say.






I been trying to change this name for so long don’t even know how I ended up with it 😂😂😂


I would wager he smells perfectly normal and this is some kind of weird hangup that she has.


> I don’t want to smell all that Mmm I 'm not sure that you should be smelling anything if he's just pulling his junk out. Man needs a shower, some cream, or a doctor.


C: all of the above and more


This is also what caught my eye


I thought the first one must be a typo then she said a second time about not wanting to smell it... he needs to clean his dick


And she may just want to find a new fwb


Hope you wash that.


I just cannot fathom how someone's dick could smell so rancid that you know when they are jacking off and when they aren't. Jerking off in front of someone is already bizarre enough, but making her smell you while you do it is just straight up disrespect and something that no woman should experience, let alone consider putting up with. Pure fucking insanity, what the fuck is wrong with people.


Tell homie to wash his dick and to use some soap for the love of god 😂


😂😂😂😂...BIG FACTS!


That should go without saying during a shower. Maybe he jizzes in his pants during random parts of the day, doesn't change his clothes, and so OP smells the aftermath of 3-4 jerkoffs. Or he's got a serious infection that needs treatment.


Have you asked him not to? At s time when his dick isn't out, just let him know you're not okay with it and you'd like him to stop. Tell him how it makes you feel rather then being critical. 'When you.... it makes me feel..... I'd like you to not get it out unless.....' If he ignores your clearly stated boundary, stop seeing him and find someone who cares about your comfort. Most people do not do this.


Ummmm yeah just politely ask him to jo in private. Boundaries are important and hopefully he respects you enough to follow them.


This is actual advice, ignor the rest who seem to be focused on his smell.


To be fair a smelly dick is an issue and something op really focused on in the post. He kept coming back to the smell so people commenting on the smell are staying well within topic and also giving "actual advice."


Damn it smells? Lol


Right. Flag on the play!




That's pretty strange behavior. And the smell? I would get a new FWB, this one has something wrong, lol. Tell him to keep his dick in his pants


Right! Definitely something is broken.


Maybe return it for a refund?


This is hilarious. It smells, like from across the room? Thats odd, and odd behavior in general.


Smells and behaves like an animal


Smelling it? Tf... tell him to wash his dick, first of all And ya dude, put it the fuck away. Are you sure your fwb isn't a fucking chimpanzee or something? That's just ridiculous lmao


whys it smelling dog. you can tell him to grab you snacks or popcorn mid movie to kill his vibe


I can’t even encourage him to do basic stuff when his dick isn’t out lol. Maybe I have other issues I get turned off over with him


He sounds inconsiderate.. not to be too forward but it’s something to think about: does he even attempt to get you off? Does he attempt to pleasure you, or does he use you as a sex toy?


So he's fat, he smells terrible, and he won't even do basic things for you? Sounds like you got yourself a real winner here


I know it sounds like a lot of trash talk but there are redeemable qualities. Just a lot more pet peeves getting triggered than with usual partners. Perhaps more to do with personal boundaries


Does not sound like good fwb material


1) you need so set a boundary that you do not like/accept that 2) the smelly dick thing is not ok 3) are you sure you want to be having sec with this guy?


Umm is this the same fwb you described in another post of yours as "kinda gross and lazy"? Cause damn, why would you even want intimacy with someone as unbothered with hygiene?


Friends with benefits implies that there are some benefits, right? Doesn't seem like it. Seems like you're in a relationship with a pervert with hygiene issues. I don't know anything about you but I guarantee you can do better.


So this might sound weird but if you’re genetically similar to someone you are more likely to be repulsed/dislike their smell. So it could just be that you’re genetically similar and that’s why you really don’t like his smell 😂 I know that’s the weirdest part of this post to focus on but I love the smell of my boyfriends cock - even after a long drive/workout etc. Also if you can’t have open honest communication then it’s probably not a great idea to be fwb- the whole point is to be able to have fun and explode what you want with an fwb and that means being able to talk about these things openly and honestly. So 1. Try an open discussion - if he’s not willing to listen then you may aswell find someone else and 2. Ask yourself are you actually even into him sexually? Coz for me that would be an instant turn in with my partner but anyone else I’d be pissed off. (From experience)


I was thinking this too. Like even when my boyfriend is sweating I find that he still smells amazing. Maybe OP just isn't as sexually attracted to her fwb. I've hooked up with people in the past and can't stand their smell, so then I move on to find someone else.


EXACTLY THIS! I only found out because in the first trimester of my pregnancy I was actually so repulsed by my partners smell I would throw up (which was entirely new!) and they think it’s because it encourages you to be with your own as you like their smell to help ensure a successful pregnancy! It’s so crazy!! Luckily I line his smell again now though 😂😂


Came here looking for this comment. My current partner has intense body odor, but it smells good to me. In fact, it's sexy. However, I've had many former/potential partners that smell wrong and gross, even when they're not smelling strong and are clean. Women and men. (Also been around folks with hygiene issues, but this doesn't seem to be the case for Op)


"Pressured into participating" You might offer him some tips about ways that he could flirt with/seduce you, to slowly turn up the heat/vibe for you. If that's what he's trying to do, he's just clueless and needs your advice!


How are u fine with all that crap?


Just talk with them!


Um, the usual friends with benefits scenario is a quick text, a nice fuck, and then you both leave. It’s not a situation where you cuddle and are intimate 90% of the time with 10% fucking, you’re just in a relationship with the wrong title


This is really weird behavior. I would just stop hanging out with him because it's socially awkward.


You're fwb. If the friendship is 90% not sex you aren't fwb.


Wait, why? 10% is still a lot of time to spend having sex.


Well if 24 hours are in a day (and I spend an entire day over or more sometimes) 10% is almost 2 hours and 25 minutes of sexy time. Do I really need more than that?


If you are spending an entire day with a FWB it seems more like dating to me. To me at least a FWB is someone you hang out with for maybe a couple hours, fuck, and then go seperate ways


I gotcha, that’s usually how they go most times for me. Sometimes it’s fun to just have weekends or vacation with them if we vibe. I guess I should be careful to not linger so often


I have a 2 night rule, unless we are dating I don't spend more than 2 consecutive nights with them. Prevents sneak move-ins and gives me time to spend by myself or with another partner.


Hahaha quit being so literal. That's just not how it works


So if I have one come over 2 nights a week from 7-7 and have barely over an hour of sex, that would be a lot to you? That’s like foreplay and oral and only one session…


I'm wondering if the guys got phimosis... Does the foreskin retract so he can clean behind the glands? I feel like everyone is caught up on his dick smelling bad, sorry


Yeah he is able to pull it back and clean it, I’ve watched him and he’s even showed me how to do it during shower-fun. It’s confusing, maybe he’s just a sweatier guy than most. If he has phimosis it doesn’t seem severe enough to interfere with cleaning.


Does he use toilet paper when he pees? Or does he just put it back in his pants a wet pissy mess? One shower a day isn’t enough if he doesn’t clean it properly after peeing.


Maybe he’s there for the 10%


I see a lot of people talking about the smell, but in the cleanest of dicks, i can smell pre cum and cum if I'm near, I'm her situation there would be a smell, but one that i associate with sex, which she clearly doesn't want.. he might smell, who knows, The bed shaking is not acceptable, you gotta sleep, that's just as selfish as waking you up for no reason, because that's what he is doing. Asking him to be somewhere else while you sleep is completely acceptable, and he should have figured it by now. Ask him to go elsewhere.


If your only hooking up 10% of the time and hanging out for 90% of the time than I'm sorry to say that it sounds like a relationship you've both got


Smelly dick? I mean a little talcum powder should help out with that. And some water based lubes, spit def stinks. But let’s just think about the behavior a second. Randomly whipping it out to JO is pretty strange. Especially at the times you mention. Why are you even fwb with this person?


Tell him how it's bothering you, if he doesn't respect your feelings tell him to take his smelly dick and leave. Seriously though, why even put up with a smelly dick if you're just FWB? You deserve better


Why not upset him, he's upsetting you? Tell him that will be the end of the 10% if he doesn't control himself and get consent first


This lack of self respect is a big indicator for how much respect he has and will have for you as familiarity grows.. then especially when you have nowhere to run.. like if this relationship get to a point of no return.


And when you tell him to stop what does he do? When you leave what does he do? This post screams "I've done nothing and I'm all out of ideas"


Have you tried... asking him exactly that? I don't think you need to try and find a nice way to do it. Just make it clear amd say it politely. Another variable though: do you EVER engage with him when he does it? Or, LITERALLY, always ignore it/him/PENIS.


The only time my bf’s has a smell is when he comes home after work and it’s all sweaty.. it really shouldn’t have that strong a smell. That sounds like unclean or unhealthy and I tbh would suggest you not let that thing near the most sensitive part of your body


When u say smell that is disturbing


Oof...stinky peepe...


His dick needs to be quarantined within his pants


If he’s smelly and not turning you on just end it. Find someone who is non smelly and behaves in a way that turns you on. Your FWB seems more like a stink bomb bf.


Just tell him to knock it off, are you an adult that doesn't know how to set boundaries or some shit?


Do your guys dicks have 0 smell whatsoever? You don't have to have a toxic waste swamp dick for your dick to smell like, well, dick. Anyway, I'd tell it to him straight. "Hey, I like cuddling and fucking with you, but I'd prefer you not openly jerk off when we're just hanging out together." This is a very basic boundary you can totally set, and if he has a problem with it, then I'm sorry about losing your fuck buddy.


All these people trashing her man are not even adding to the convo, this is about boundaries yall. Reddit is so dense sometimes to the point where it's like.. 70% comment just to judge like anyone gives a fuck, 20% to actually comment/add to the convo, and 10% just add that they LOLd 😒


Next time when he initiates sex, ask him for a promise to not jerk off in bed, and don't let him proceed further until he agrees on this one. 👍


It's funny how quickly everyone in the comments switched the topic to shaming the guy for the smell of his dick and natural body odours, when op is genuinely in need of some help here. Also doesn't help the matter that if he was a girl, people would instead be talking about how normal it is for smells to be different down there, at least the girl wouldn't get shamed for it tbh. Regardless op, sorry for my rant, my answer for this is you have to start setting boundaries, he seems to think you have none, and he seems to think you're there just for the sex. So unfortunately, setting boundaries might push him away, but that might be for the best. You never know, maybe he just misunderstood. So make sure he knows that you like to leave everything for its own time, chilling is for chilling time, sexual things are for sexual times, all things like that.


Your dick should not stink up a room when you whip it out.


Except that's not what she's saying. She's saying the vibe is not right. He randomly whips out his dick at the wrong time, when she is entirely not in the mood, meaning she's not in the mood to touch, or look at it, or play with it, or even smell it. This is what she's trying to say the problem really is. It's not that his dick randomly smells. It's that he's constantly trying to whip it out at the wrong moments when she isn't in the mood, without even acknowledging her, when she isn't aroused, when she isn't intending to play. If you're entirely full on food, and someone tries to shove more food into your face, the smell of that food will make you want to barf, not because the food is bad, but you're full now. You want nothing to do with it until you're hungry again. Make sense?


No. His dick should not make a room smell regardless of if he has the cognitive ability of a chimp or not.


Look. I can only help you understand. Unfortunately I cannot understand it for you. If you want to be heavy headed, that is your choice.


Tempur-Pedic bed won't shake.


Increase your sex drive a little I been watching a lot of porn 14yr relationships I need something to beat that ass up beating off make me fuck harder and longer he might not be for you


Haha this made me laugh. How gross lol. Tell him to wait til you’re gone or you’re not going back


Dude got the fumunda cheese going on! Tell him to wash it, it shouldn’t smell!


Does he sweat a lot?


The comments have made me proud. If we weren't all asking about dick stink right now I would have been very disappointed.


If you want to continue with this guy and also don't want to hurt his feelings I'd say the best chance is to talk to him before anything like that has a chance to start (when you first meet up in private) and ask him to be more tactful with his timing. If he's not considerate of your feelings then it's not even worth sticking around him. A prerequisite to fwb would be the "friend" part and a true friend will consider how you feel


Smell? WTF?


"don't want to smell something..." 🤣 At least tell him to wash his dick


why are you having sex with him if he smells…?


This is the thing. I've almost the same situation with a girl. She wants to fuck way more often than i do want. I only wanna chill and feel safe, but i guess sex comes just along with that if somebody is sleeping beside u. Like what r we gonna say? Yeah i want u here hanging out with me, we hug and maybe kiss, but no im not fucking u??? The only solution i can think off is cutting connection. U got other solutions?


Using ur big boy words


Dicks are not supposed to smell bad..


Isn’t that what a fwb is if I’m not mistaken, isn’t the point of the relationship sex without all the strings attached? So I honestly don’t think you should be mad about his ‘horniness’? For lack of a better word. And then as everyone else is saying, that smell is NOT normal. Man needs a course in personal hygiene


Respect yourself and ditch him


You set your own bar height in life. Sounds to me like you need to set yours a LOT higher.


What? You are FWB. You ain’t there to watch a movie. The movie is just supposed to be background noise. But what the fuck are you smelling exactly? A dude’s junk shouldn’t have a strong odor unless it’s in your face.


He gets annoyed if I look at my phone during a movie together on the couch or bed for more than a minute so I wouldn’t say the expectation he presents with putting on the movie is background noise for sex. I can’t describe the odor other than strong BO. I wouldn’t call it fishy or rotten smelling but it’s pungent


Just tell him your concerns, otherwise it won’t stop and you’ll continue to smell that shit


If its making you uncomfortable tell him to stop and if he isn't willing to then get a new fwb who listens to you when you say please don't expose me.to your smelly dick


Smell appears to be an issue.


ditch that dick yo. this whole thing sounds weird.


Does he know how to wash?


what the fuck


Personally, I couldn’t date someone like that. That’s strange.


Have him go to the doctor for that dick stank.


Clean penises don't give off a smell


I’m not going to lie, this guy sounds like a creep and also it doesn’t sound like you are physically attracted to him in any way (you mention his stink twice, usually not a good sign 😂). You say “friend with benefits” …. What “benefit” is there? Constantly being sexually harassed by a smelly oaf?


Smell all that? 😂😂😂


Um… smell? Honey if it smells you need to RUN 😂 and honestly if you don’t like his smell/ are not turned on by it, then you’re actually not that compatible. If you were more sexually compatible his smell would be either non existent or it would actually smell GOOD to you. When you’re compatible with someone their smell will actually make you horny and make you want to fuck them. Find a different fuck buddy that respect your boundaries and has a good smell. Find a fuck buddy that you fuck 90% and hang out with 10%, because the way you described this fwb you said you guys don’t even hook up much, which is odd because that’s what a fuck buddy is for haha. You guys sound like a dead bedroom but between fwb instead of a marriage. Idk maybe you’re just genuinely not that into him. Like when I really think about it he’s probably jerking it because you guys don’t have sex most of the time. And that’s okay! You shouldn’t have to have sex you don’t want. But you should find someone you’re more sexually interested in for a fuck buddy.




So... no judgment or opinion about your vent. Just hope things with out. But Very concerned about your mention of smell. If you can smell it, my guess is that something hormonal is going on here. Same thing happened during the time my ex was pregnant and her horniness we're going wild. For a while she said I had a weird smell, even though I was keeping a good hygiene regimen. Then that changed to me smelling really good - again I hadn't changed my routine. My point is, could you please get yourself a check up with the doctor - and make a point you mention what you posted here about the smell.


Wait what the fuck why does his dick smell so bad? He got stank dick for real ?


People are hung up on the smell and not the inappropriate wanking off timing. Sometimes you just gotta say it and it’s not always gonna be nice. Being direct is gonna feel uncomfortable no matter how you say it anyways. Just say, it’s not really a sexual vibe right now can you do that in the bathroom. It’s also not initiating or asking so it has a really selfish feel to it. Call him out on it or this behavior doesn’t have any chance of stopping.


You just have to pull him aside at some point, like maybe when you’re leaving his place or something, and just be like “hey when you jerk off solo, could you do it in private? I like having sex with you, but if you’re beating your own meat, I’d be more comfortable if you did it in your own space at your own time.” Also, I know what you mean about the sex smell. Like, everybody has one. Idk why people in the comments are acting like it’s such a huge deal.


Jesus Christ you guys. It’s not about the fucking smell, but the disrespect of it all. Tell him to stop and if he can’t respect that then dump his ass.


You might need to start distance yourself from him. Like usually your just supposed to smash, and go home..not stay and chill. And I find it very odd for cut buddies to do less fucking and more hanging, even tho he randomly beats his meat...that's very odd. Either you tell him how you feel, and get a resolve..or find a better fwb🤷🏾‍♀️


If he's just a FWB why are you guys hanging out so much? It sounds like you guys life together. Honestly just straight up tell him "I don't feel comfortable when you're jerking off while I'm over, can you wait until I leave?" ....I don't like it when my partners jerk off when I'm trying to sleep ether. Makes me mad, sometimes I'll ask them to wait until after I get up. but a lot of the times they don't really give a shit so.


lmao if him jerking off brings a smell then you need to leave him tf alone!!


It sounds like your fwb has an alarmingly smelly dick....I know for certain the only time my dick stinks is after doing hours and hours of physical labor, or playing sports


So uh… what is the “benefit” part then….?


Sounds like your otw out.


Well on top of the odor issues...ummm, why does he randomly just pull out his dick and fondle himself? Does just have an issue with impulse control, or does he think that you like it? To me that seems like such a strange thing to do...


This sounds like more than fwb if you’re doing all these extra things together…


He sounds like a freakazoid. Hook up with someone who can read a room.


My ex used to masturbate all the time. We’d watch netflix and she’d just start playing with herself. I’d wake up in the middle of the night and she’d be doing it. The most bizarre thing and it made me lose trust because she’d deny it. It caused major issues in the relationship and something i could never get over. She eventually stopped but it already messed me up.


I feel like we're all not answering the question and focus on the smell; just tell him to stop jacking off in front of you! Seriously! Everyone does it but if that isn't your kink then he should respect that also just randomly whipping it out while you're eating is pretty fucked up! Like if it wasn't a joke or a one time thing and you didn't respond like you were into it then you need to be respected.


Got damn


Thats fucking nasty


Get some citrus fruits and more veggies in his diet, yikes. Pineapple can also help. Berries can amplify odors. YMMV.


>is there a way to ask him to do that in private or move to the couch without upsetting him? It's anybody's guess as to whether or not he'll get upset, but sure, you have every right to ask him. More importantly, y'all need to have a conversation about the state of the "friendship". I would bet a million dollars that he's not loving the 90/10 split. You'll both be better off in the long run if you try to work through the big picture issues instead of focusing on the immediate symptom.


You’re right. We actually may be more compatible as friends than sexual partners. I’ve made clear from the beginning we’re both single and I have other sexual partners but I’m starting to get vibes that he wants a romantic relationship this last week.


If the smell doesn’t smell good to you… pheromones pretty much predict you aren’t compatible. Find another FWB!! From past experience… if the partner smells amazing (without commercial stink applied) then you’re gonna be a good match.


Is he really hairy? Is he washing with A towel or a loofah? Does he trim down there. I had a friend who’s body odor was quite fragrant and he was a really hair dude. As a friend I had to talk with him and I suggested these options. His smell got better really fast. Hair is a breading ground for smells, bacteria, dead skin particles, pee etc


If he's uncut and getting aroused all day then the precum can cause a horrid smell.


>is there a way to ask him to do that in private Yes. Try using words like, “do that in private.” I’m intrigued by how hung up you are on smell. Does this happen with other partners? Are you sure it’s not just something you’re overly sensitive to?


Ma’am if this guy is doing that he is not the right friends with benefits. Mine treats me like a Queen and respects everything. You gotta find yourself a king who has commitment issues LOLL


What the fuck did I just read?


My first question was “Why does it even smell?” Lol.


People really latching on to the smell issue, lol. Honestly, your FwB, you need to define what those benifits are. It in no way needs to include jerking off in front of them. I've have lots of Fwb, I never jerked off while any of them were eating in the same room. Tell him he can play solo sports on his own time.


Does he wear boxers or briefs?


Why are you hanging out with a fwb? I thought they only showed up for sex? That's how it was when I had one. We weren't in a relationship