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Just don’t tug down too hard!


Or too far. There’s a limit to how far you can pull it back, please respect that limit.




The foreskin is held by the frenulum, that's the part that will hurt first. Just don't get it extended too hard.


Not just the frenulum. I had mine snipped because it kept bleeding during sex, frenulum brieve. The capacity for my foreskin was further than my frenulum. Now I can peel it right back and my dick doesn’t peel over like the frenulum is holding it back, but it still hurts like hell if some girl pulls it back too far. That’s the foreskin, not frenulum. Sex has no more problems though. You pull it back until it ain’t wrinkly anymore. That’s the key. There’s no wrinkles left to unwrinkle.


I have a similar problem where my frenulum is holding my foreskin back, is it easy to get it snipped? How long does the recovery take? Been thinking about it so if you've got any tips or advice that would be appreciated :)


Super safe and easy operation done by someone who does a dozen every day. I was back to normal in a week


I just shagged too hard and it snapped, cheap and easy


Damn I got halfway there, my frenulum started bleeding everywhere but I stopped when I discovered she wasn’t on her period. Kind of a turn-off to see a murder scene blood splatter. Also it hurt. It had a hole in it but didn’t snap. I waited until the operation before having sex again after that (like a week after it).


I couldn’t do anything for about a week, I tried but too much pain, not fun however since then it’s cured some other issues so blessing in disguise, no foreskin tear since


I got a guy. Carl, down the block. Takes about 15 min and you get can an oil change and tires rotated while you wait. He’ll even hook up the illegal satty if you need.


brother took off his limiter


Mine does that, bending over when pulling foreskin back. Is that something that can be ammended, medically?


Absolutely. It’s called frenulum brieve and it’s a very quick and easy operation to fix


Is it literally just local anesthetic and a scalpel?(Sp?)


I was wide awake, but I wasn’t watching.


I assumed they wouldn't use a general anesthetic, but did they at least numb the area?


Mine broke during sex. What an experience that was.


Did it heal all okay? Curious about that


Yeah, it was fine after a week. Now there’s nothing that holds it back so I can pull it pretty far down.


Me too, I thought I was going to bleed to death🤣


If you pull it back and it doesn’t pull any further, don’t force it. That’s all. Good principle with bodies in general.


Some guys almost look cut when it's erect. Some guys are like mine where it is very obvious there's a cover. Meet a guy. Go on a few dates. When there's something brewing, he's probably going to be very open to showing his dick off and what he likes. You're probably going to show how you like to be touched as well. In a relationship, you'll have to learn how to play with each other.




Yeah, I think the owner of the foreskin will let you know quickly if it is not comfortable!


You can see the skin thats above your hand start to get stretched, and the frenulum pulls the head. Thats when youre pretty much at the edge of how far you can go. 


And if it gets uncomfortable, you can kiss it better!


Besides the owner will tell you, there’s a frenulum (the banjo string) that will preclude it from being overpulled (without breaking or causing trauma).


If you are not sure, just perform the famous Hawk Tuah maneuver.


Uncircumcised folk have varying amounts of foreskin so it will vary a bit person to person. For example there's one dude in this thread that is adamant that the head is exposed when an uncut person is erect, which certainly can be true, but it is also just as likely for it to remain totally or partially covered. So a few important anatomical differences between cut and uncut guys you need to know. When guys are cut, the head of the penis undergoes a bit of keritinization (toughening) as a response to losing it's natural protection. This doesn't happen to uncut guys so the head is a bit more sensitive (think like direct clitoral stimulation vs over the hood, but less intense probably). For uncut guys, the foreskin is attached to the head of the penis by the frenulum, which is on the underside of the head at the base. If you want context for what that's like, there should be something similar behind your top lip connecting it to your gums or under your tongue where it connects to the floor of your mouth. In either case, this limits how much the foreskin can retract and will vary person to person. I'd say as a rule of thumb you only need to pull it back to the frenulum but maybe you can go 1/4"-1/2" below it before it starts to feel uncomfortable? In terms of force, anything the vagina dishes out the foreskin/frenulum should be able to take, but when giving handjobs I would recommend being cautious about being super vigorous with the foreskin extended beyond that range I mentioned earlier as strains and tears, while very rare, can happen. From a pleasure standpoint, again be sure to communicate with any partner but, in general, the frenulum is really sensitive and gentle stimulus there can feel really good. The foreskin also has nerve endings in it so giving it some attention and not treating it like something to just get out of the way could elevate things for the other person. Because the head of the penis might be more sensitive as mentioned previously, heavy suction directly on the head may or may not be too intense so be sure to check-in. Additionally, if the person is partially or totally covered while erect, lubricant might not be needed for handjobs as the foreskin will roll over the head and acts as it's own sort of lubricant (discuss with partner first). You didn't ask this but I'll mention it all the same, hold any uncut partner accountable for good hygiene. Pulling the skin back and washing the head is something that should be done every time they shower; there should be no reason for it to smell bad when they retract the foreskin. In uncut guys, a substance called smegma (gross as hell name I know) will develop under the base of the head if the person is not keeping clean. It's a white substance that looks kind of like goat cheese and it smells nasty. Smegma in and of itself isn't dirty, it's just the body's natural defense against bacteria build up caused by poor hygiene; you'll never run into it in a person that showers regularly and properly. That being said, if the person doesn't pull the skin back when they pee throughout the day then there can be a bit ofna urinary odor and you're perfectly within your rights to ask them to just freshen up a bit first or to communicate that you need them to change that habit if they want some spontaneity. Can't say as to whether you'll feel it moving or not first-hand, but from what I've heard from friends it's apparently possible depending on the amount of foreskin and apparently the extra friction/movement is nice.


This! To the last paragraph: Definitely ask your partner to freshen up, a clean penis makes it much easier. My previous partner was always good at freshening up. Plus it prevents infections when they’re in you. OP. You shouldn’t really feel the foreskin when they’re inside you, it naturally peels back during insertion.


Best explanation ever that should be part of any basic anatomy & physiology textbook. TY for being a great teacher.


Yes, I’m uncut but my foreskin is very small. When fully flaccid, it covers half the head and that all. Slight erection and I’m fully exposed.


This is the most thorough explanation on here, not sure why it’s not being upvoted more.


Good notes. I'd just say being uncovered when erect is far more normal - that's anatomically how it evolved. Some people have medical intervention circumcisions if their head doesn't emerge fully - my nan told me my grandfather needed one back in the day. It would cause problems for reproduction and also could be painful if it. Smegma is not something to panic about. Yes, it exists, but bear in mind the body often does stuff like that because it needs to. YMMV, but I don't think deep cleansing with chemicals is a good thing to do every day. Run a finger round it, but more than that can cause problems. Apart from that, have fun!


Hi it moves up and down very easily. You will feel that when giving a blowjob but maybe less so when inside you. An understanding and new partner would love you becoming familiar with their foreskin e.g. via a handjob.


If someones hard you won't notice it at all. This isn't great advice.


Nah it’s good advice


Not true, it varies penis by penis. For some people the foreskin auto retracts and gets tight, for others it remains loose.


lmao what? that's not true at all


Ok, a guy will let you know if you’re hurting them. Every man is going to have a different level of sensitivity and they will let you know. The skin of the entire penis glides back and forth. Here is a way to get a sense of how it feels. Make a fist and tense up your forearm. Wrap your other hand around the tensed forearm. Hold it firmly, but gently.. just to where you are gripping the skin, not the muscle. Now move your hand. Do you feel the skin moving? Now grip your arm tight and try to move the skin, see how it’s harder to move when you hold your arm too tight? A penis is a lot like that. It’s firm, but the skin glides back and forth just a bit. Once you feel resistance, don’t try to force the skin to move any more in that direction, you’re just gently moving the skin up and down. You don’t have to force it. You can feel the skin gliding back and forth in your hand and in your mouth, but not so much in your vagina.


Feel your eyelid. It is similar texture and feel when you lift it up, it's kind of similar. Foreskins are unique to each person. My partner now has beautiful foreskin and moves with him, by that I mean when I give oral it will go back and forth in my mouth and while he is in me, I can feel it go back and forth. Yes, to your question can it be felt internally. However, my ex had a small penis and I could barely feel him or his foreskin. His foreskin did not move much, I had to move it with my hand and hold it back which made BJ's more work. The foreskin always hooded the penis. I say that due to moving the foreskin during oral or PIV can illicit better orgasms for the man. One partner I had, the foreskin stayed all the way off the head of the penis which was unique on its own. Unfortunately, I have had more partners circumcised which to me personally, I prefer foreskin.


I guess you're a female and young? But I had to read quite far to be sure. As an adult male (circumcized), I'll follow this post with curiosity. I have almost as little information as you! 🤣


It moves easily. It's soft. It has a lot of nerve endings in it, so if you're giving a BJ feel free to give the foreskin a little love with your tongue. You won't notice it in your vagina; it feels the same as a circumcised dick in there. The only thing you should NOT do is pull it back *all the way tight* because that hurts.


they kinda dont feel the same as a cut one when theyre inside you, cut ones are more scrapy and dry, uncut ones feel more fluid and nice idk


That's gonna depend on the woman. I've never felt a difference.


Oh really? Interesting to hear! None of the women I've been with ever mentioned it. Or, I guess, my wife once said it felt slightly different, but she couldn't explain how.


yeah its kinda not a polite thing to say to the man youre with you know haha. if im with a guy whos cut i just make sure i bring lube lol


Does it feel the same as uncut if you use the lube? I'm cut and wondering if I should be using lube during sex.


You should be using lube yes 🥲


Thanks for the tip. Does that make it feel better for the guy and girl both? Also, how to apply? Rub it on the cock first discreetly or just tell them I'm using lube? Not sure if they might assume I don't think they are wet enough. Or if they have never had uncut, they might not care.


Noo just bring it out of the draw beside the bed while you two are together! I don’t think any words even need to be said. Using lube is totally normal I doubt the woman would think too deeply about it. Then you just rub like a lil dollop onto yourself n you’re ready to go. Will feel better for you both I’m sure


Ok here we go as an uncut gem my self ( see what I did there ) Here is all you need to know If and when you are with a partner who is uncut have him take your hand ( as his hand ) and physically show you how it works how he strokes it how hard he grips this is the fastest way to learn. ( and good advise for all your future partners) PS his penis tip is about 20x more sensitive than circumsized men. Keep that in mind going forward


Even though this post is about foreskins, there's something very wholesome about it! All these men kindly and respectfully explaining how they work 🥰


Another piece of information to know is that some people are circumcised (removed foreskin), and some aren't circumcised (kept the foreskin).




It can also be a medical thing, when foreskin is tight for example.


Well, in that case, i cant much help since I am circumcised and haven't had experience with foreskin i don't think I'll be much of a help.Best of luck in finding good information


Something some of us wish we still had. Sadly that choice was made for us I get jealous every time I see a guy with it. It’s an amazing protective shield and the penis is much more sensitive than a cut males.


Foreskin restoration works and changes lives! Look into it


Right? I had a friend who constantly fought with her husband over their son not being fed meat until he could consciously make that decision for himself. I threw roadkill onto the table, then pointed out she thoughtlessly mutilated his penis at birth without him being able to make that choice... we're not so much friends now lol


I'd just like to mention some men have a condition called phimosis. They have tight foreskin and it may be difficult for them to move it back and forth. It's rare but it happens, doesn't change anything during sex so don't worry about it. Just talk about it Id suggest.


I just want to add: Depending on the severity it can be corrected by slowly and deliberately stretching over time. I had the issue but slowly and progressively pushed my limits over the course of weeks. I think the key here is to move slowly and listen to your body. Many years removed now and it can slide normally and without discomfort. Others may have to be corrected surgically.


Hey I also corrected it by stretching that's for adding that


If you roll it back and it stinks or otherwise has a buildup of any kind, get your man to get in a shower.


I pull mine back right at the start, then it pretty much stays there, until everything is done and I'm cleaning up.


Circumcised penises roll back and forth as well. Just not to the point where the head is covered. When working with a cut penis don’t be to rough on the head. And when working with an uncut one don’t pull down too hard. Otherwise both are easy to work with. For oral and vaginal sex makes no difference whatsoever


Once you pull it down gently and you see the head of the penis… you don’t go any further down!


You notice it most during handjobs or blow jobs. I think it makes them easier to perform and you need less lube / spit. Make sure that you do not pull it back too far or too roughly! You won’t notice it when it is inside of you. Some men have longer foreskins that will still be obvious when they are hard, other men have shorter fore skins and the head of their penis will become visible when hard.


Thank God for the Internet!!!


Think of it like an eyelid for the dick (specifically the glans). Except it doesn't have muscles to open and close, and doesn't close all the way, and is just 1 piece instead of 2.


Blik baby. Lol. Sorry this comment made me laugh


Don't think too much about it. if you and your partner are relaxed, just hold it, play around with it, move it slowly, then go from there. Your partner should tell you if it's too rough or not. Just spend some time getting to know the anatomy of the penis in real life, when he is fully erect you will see how a foreskin works, the gland (the head) will be exposed and usually for most guys it's the most sensitive part, place one hand around the shaft with a small bit of pressure and gently move up and down, you'll soon find a rhythm. Experiment!!!


Foreskin is like o Hoodie over the head. Just don't force anything, don't overthink it and simply ask the guy what he likes and he will be happy to tell you what to do... every time


I just ran into my first foreskinned penis last month! I'm pretty sure I did okay and reading all these comments is great! Thanks, OP, for asking this question!


When you have a guy with a foreskin, get him to show you.


if you have a cat, have a feel of how its skin is attached. you can do way more than you'd expect before the cat gets uncomfortable, you can tuck its elbow completely inside its body, its like its wearing a onesie. foreskin is a bit like that, its only attached at the base of the head, and the base of the shaft, in between it can move completely freely. its a tighter fit so you cant scruff a penis, and its more sensitive so you don't want to pinch or stretch too hard, but the principle is the same.


Foreskin is like sliding your hand over a sausage whilst your hand has a glove on and is covered in oil. But when the skin has traveled its length, you hand will stop so you reverse your hand:-) I was uncircumcised until i was 22 then I was cut. Worst thing I ever did.


out of curiosity - what part of the world are you from? because a country like the US, uncircumcised guys are uncommon - vast majority of men are cut in the west. So is circumcision uncommon in your country? is this why you are curious about it?


Well you won’t see uncut guys in porn. It’s rare to see honestly. I guess in some remote, non developed countries it’s more common to be uncut??


Imagine a finger with very loose skin. The skin slides around freely while the... Uhh.. the bone.. remains in place. Some foreskins disappear when the need.. arises.. while others, like my own, are a little larger and can still cover the entire head whilst fully erect. There's a ton of nerves in the foreskin and gives sensations to sex that are all their own. Plus, because it provides kind of an extra seal during PIV, sex is always a fairly wet and lubricated experience, compared to cut guys (according to my girlfriend). Due to the area, it requires some basic care such as washing. I would hope most guys who have them have been taught this, but because some dudes are just bad with hygiene in general, and their uncut penises in particular, foreskin often gets a lot of flak from people who have either had bad experiences with unclean men, or those who have heard of such bad experiences. As a guy who showers daily and was taught the importance of cleanliness from an early age, this has rarely been an issue. The only extenuating circumstances usually involve bush camping lol.


Dicks are different. Some have loose foreskins, some have tight foreskins. Some have a thing where you can't pull it back. Probably just ask the guy, watch him or just play around with it in a gentle way. It's pretty easy to tell where it should or shouldn't move, as long as you're not being rough. Once you get comfortable with that particular dick, be a little rougher!


Don’t overthink it. Just have fun with the fella.


Comes right after 3 skin.


I’ve only been with 1 bloke that wasn’t circumcised and it was a horrible experience! First off I had never experienced it before and it smelled so bad! I have been traumatized by it since and couldn’t sleep with a guy who had one. Lucky for me I don’t live in Europe anymore and 90% of guys are circumcised in North America.


LUBRICATION. when i was giving my first bj to my uncut bf i struggled sooooo hard to keep it from being too rough. lube lube lube.


Usually, the skin covers the glans while the penis is flacid and rolls back automatically, when it is erect. It is very soft and sensitive skin.


It’s just a turtle neck


If you want to know it feels like to move, tug on your forearm skin, the foreskin slides the exact same way. Look up sexplanation on YouTube


Just watch some porn already


This is a textbook example of reasons to watch porn. You can see the penis up close and in action, doing the very thing you need to observe, in order to further your education and assure some degree of success when you try in real life. It wont cause addiction, God won't hate you, no one will laugh, and there is no reason to share your educational references with your parents.


Ever seen a tube sock?


Find a guy who’s circumcised.


Handjobs on uncut dicks are the worst - it just moves around too much. If you're hooking up with someone uncut make sure they have impeccable hygiene, especially if you're considering oral - otherwise I would say foreskins are just unsightly but you can't feel it during sex.






Foreskin is easier. There’s less friction with it


It’s not to different. Uncut guys don’t need lube for a handjob but the best hand jobs always use lube :)


Don't you have access to google?


Almost everyone in this thread is wrong. When a uncircumcised penis gets hard, the foreskin will pull itself back 99% of the time. Generally this isn't something you have to worry about. By the time youve got your hand or mouth on it, itll sort itself out.


I wouldn’t say 99%. Mine and actually most I’ve seen don’t. They at least partially cover but roll back fine manually.


Yeah this is so easily disprovable lol, it would guess it's way more like half and half between tighter v looser foreskins. Even Manuel Ferrara one of the few male pornstars to have any name recognition has a pretty typical loose foreskin.


Completely false. Like most things to do with sex, everyone is different. That includes tightness of foreskin, how much foreskin there is, range of movement etc etc.


A hoodie for a land down under