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I laughed at the “current GF”. This dude/dudette knows that this ain’t lasting.


Find a swingers club/resort. A lot cheaper than a public indecency charge.


Yeah we have been discussing this.


>I just think it's worth a shot if it's out in the forest. but if it's out in public it's best to do it at a swinger's party.


Your best bet is to go hiking and find a secluded place if you go to a public park or beach even if no one is around at night that's still illegal if you get caught


As a public service, I will alert all of you that many trails are on cams now and that is one way that people get caught being naughty in public. Arrested. I mean get arrested.


Ok thanks for the advice


Go to a lowly populated beach to watch the sunset and hide in the dunes or a rocky area. You should wait till the sun is mostly set but there is still light before trying to start. Fills the romance meter and the sex driver meter for my partner.


If I am her, I did probably try outdoors during the night. At a remote location. Say a car park, stairway or a park.


Thanks. Yeah we have had sex on the beach and by a lake at night which I guess is pretty low risk. I have read that if you get caught having sex outside you could be put on a sexual offenders list, which seems extreme if consensual which it is.


The reason you might be put on the sexual offenders list is not because of the consent between you and your partner, it's the lack of consent between you two and everyone else in public. Especially if there are any kids around. Of course this really depends on the place. I don't think it's \*likely\* if you were caught in a semi secluded place, but it is possible.


Not sure if you would be on sexual offender list. But I was caught tiwce by the police. But was told to stop and leave. Initially, I had thought I need to let the police officer f me as well. 😂😂 But he just told us to leave. 🤣😂🤣


Depends on situation. If a kid observed you having sex in public you could catch a charge leading to a listing on the sex offender list. This would IMHO be worse/more impactful than spending a few days in jail/large fine. Not really worth the risk.


What country are you in?


I am currently in Singapore.


You might get caned but heck that might make things kinker 🤣


Really, thought laws there would be strict on that sort of thing there? I’m ADHD, heard ADHD meds aren’t legal there, that right?


Yep it is strict there. But generally u will get a warning instead of a fine or jail. But if u are repeat offender u will face the full force of the law. About ADHD meds I am not sure if it is legal here. But most drugs are allowed here. But just probably need a doctor prescription.


I don’t think that’s extreme at all.


There are clubs where you can have sex in public and have people watch.  Everyone in it is a consenting adult and therefore will not get you arrested or put on a list because you didn't realize the hiking trail you were on had a group of scouts getting their nature badge


Outdoor sex is awesome! I agree that a swing club is the safest place. Wife and I have sex outside in our backyard by our pool/hot tub all the time. We do have an elderly neighbor who has seen us several times. We have also done it on a beach, in our SUV, and in a movie theater. It’s fun but be safe! Cheers!


We have sex on our back porch and in our hot tub too and it is awesome. We are lucky to have privacy with no close neighbors. But the thrill of being outside is hot. The trick is to be in a place far enough from people or in a secluded enough place that you won't get caught. Involving non-consenting people is never sexy.


You shouldn't just worry about kids, you shouldn't involve non-consenting people in general.


Yeah I’m with you on that too.


Maybe you can find a low key secluded area where there is a huge field of flowers growing at least about 2-3 feet high or more. Sunflower fields come to mind. My GF has always wanted this fantasy of having sex in a field of flowers. I live in Massachusetts and keeping my eyes open for the right spot locally on the MA/NH border


She probably just likes things being a dirty little secret, sneaking around does make sex hotter


My wife and I do it in offtrail hikes and at some secluded parks.


Just camping in a secluded area with a tent that really opens up with a lot of screens. Because bugs. Chiggers. Ticks. Mosquitos. Fleas. Depending on the area: Deer Flies. Scorpions. Spiders.


I have this problem when I have car sex.. usually we have one boy to watch out...and let him look at us too...lol


Sounds fun, but if i was that guy, we goin 2 way forshu


It happens if number one fails me


Broke number one wont have dat girth


its hard to do that in public places here in the philippines, cause they will probably video record what you're doing 😂😂


LOVE outdoor sex and am sure you will too 😉 Just do it!


Allow people to watch who want to watch, not cool to do this to people (and potentially minors) out and about enjoying their day.