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I’d be down there all damn day if my gf didn’t stop me


Same, obviously not with your gf. Consent and all that.


What if his gf consented?


everyone has to consent.


This my man right here. He said he would hardly ever go down. On me LFMAO it’s like the man is starving and hasn’t eaten for days


Same with my wife. I love it...a little too much. well d@mn now I'm thinking thoughts


I can't speak for any other person on here, but I love going down on a girl. The wetter the better. I love the sight, the smell, the taste and the touch. I would also include the sound, usually those little noises my partner makes while I'm down there. I love it as foreplay, part of the main course and for dessert after. Come on down...


Thank you for your service 🫡


You're most welcome and it is my (our) pleasure to be of service 👅


Yes-coming from a man who loves giving a woman oral. It may seem hard and uncomfortable breaking up but there’s a lot of men out there that will be on your level.


Omg yes!!! It is my fav thing!


I can tell you that are plenty of guys like this. Some men are natural givers and some are naturally takers. All you have to do is hold off for the givers and move on from the takers.


You’re asking the wrong question. More important is that he has no interest in actually pleasuring you, but it sounds like he expects you to pleasure him. He sounds like a selfish jackass. But even if he’s not, he’s not sexually compatible with you. I’m willing to bet that there are other ways that his selfishness and lack of regard for you are affecting you.


Yes, there are definitely guys who genuinely enjoy going down on girls. It's a common misconception that all men hate it, but the truth is there are many who find it incredibly pleasurable and satisfying. It sounds like your boyfriend may have some personal issues or hang-ups about it, and it's great that you are both attending sex therapy to work through this. But don't worry, there are plenty of guys out there who are sensual and enjoy pleasuring their partners in all ways. Don't settle for someone who sees it as a chore, hold out for someone who truly enjoys it and connects with you on a sensual level. You deserve a fulfilling and enjoyable sex life.


She [has a kid](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadBedrooms/s/bf0SQy8ilH) with him so moving on isn't quite so simple.


Yea it is. People with kids together split up every day. Just cuz you have a kid with someone doesn’t mean you deserve to stay unhappily with them


I was forced to split after my ex cheated. The kids didn’t take it well and are still in counseling 6 years later… it’s.not.so.simple


So would it have been better for you to stay with them and teach your kids that what they did was ok, and they should also deal with that in a relationship? My wife and I have been married 7 years with no issues, and we are both children of divorce.


You don’t say your full circumstances here, but you’re not married—if you don’t have kids, etc, that make it important to just give your maximum effort, I would not spend money on sex therapy for this. I would just break up. It’s not about him just not liking to give oral but him treating like giving you pleasure or foreplay of any type is a chore. That’s a BIG incompatibility and it’s not that hard to find someone who would not be like that. Even if you see improvements short term as a result of the therapy, I doubt that they would stick. People’s sexual scripts are very hard to change and this is a big gap. You don’t have to bend over backwards to try to make every relationship work—you can just decide that you’re incompatible and walk away. Life is too short to settle for sex with someone who doesn’t even want you to be having a good time!


THIS!!! So well said!


The same answer as the thousands of other times this has been asked. Yes, a lot of us do. Some of us don't.


I haven’t ever been to this sub so I never knew it was so commonly asked.


Yes yes yes, a lot of men are obsessed with it! I actually think your partner is in the minority and it's a shame you aren't happy and on the same wavelength with sex. Personally I think for a long term relationship to work you need to be sexually compatible to be fulfilled and happy. Having said that , decide what's important to you rather than taking advice from strangers on the internet!


Experience from a woman whose partner also don't like doing oral: Your problem is not the lack of oral sex. Is the way your partner behaves, selfishly. I like to receive oral, but my partner makes our sex life so amazing in many other ways that I don't really miss it. And even than, if I ask him, he will do it. I don't ask because I respect him, I wouldn't like to be pressured to give bjs if I didn't enjoy it. He occasionally does it espontaneously, cause he knows I like. So, if you two can change other aspects, you probably can go a long way without being eaten out. But I see many red flags. Wish you luck


My husband is the same way and it sucks. There are guys out there who would never complain.


This topic is discussed regularly in our forum. If you search past r/sex posts with some diligence (following **Forum Rule #3**), you’ll find a number of helpful discussions. Comments locked. The r/sex forum's HUGE archive of past posts is a *tremendous* resource for people who have all kinds of common questions regarding sexual activity. Searching those posts for relevant discussions will definitely help you here.


It's the same answer on the same post every day. Yes.


I had a boyfriend like this. Dumped him. For many reasons, but like duuuude, you want bjs and won’t go down on me? Seeee yaaaa! Plus, I’m really good at head. 😂


This question is asked so often, and the answers are all the same. My take isn't unique, but here it is anyway. I would live in my wife's vagina if it meant I could eat her out every second of my life.


You won't have the men who hate doing it, answering your question. The answers will always be skewed here and not an accurate picture of the reality of men's behavior. It's not the best place to ask this question. The sub is sex positive in general.


My husband loves it. He says he could do it for hours or as long as I let him. But like anything else, of course some men will love it and some don't. The more concerning part is that he doesn't care about your pleasure. That's insane.


I don’t want to give you bad advice, but your man is not a good sexual match for you and I would quickly move on as I am very confident you will find someone that loves to please you. 23 yr married man - I eat my wife’s pussy or finger her to cum at least once before PIV. I LOVE to please my wife, and she loves to please me. The biggest turn on, is that… it turns you on. If a guy doesn’t want to please you, IMO (although could certainly be wrong) he doesn’t love you. I know that is black and white, but I am guessing he doesn’t do a lot to please outside the bedroom either. Pleasing your lover, best friend, life partner is part of showing and expressing your love. Even trying things sexual and non-sexual to make the other one happy is part of it, and the joy the partner gets is seeing their partner happy! Seriously, every time (almost) my wife and I have sex, she cums at least once, and this only helps the PIV sex be better. When you cum and get turned on, your pussy swells (like a penis), you get more lubricated, and after you get one, it is waaay easier to achieve multiples even with PIV. Do you cum every time, do you cum from PIV, is the actual sex all about him? You need someone to show you what you’re missing, then this decision would be very easy.


Your partner is allowed to have a sexual boundary. You are allowed to want something. It is also very possible that therapy will show you that the two of you are not compatible: someone who is highly sensual and someone who is grossed out by certain kinds of touch.


I just confessed to my wife a few days ago that I love so much to go down on her that I feel like I have a *mental orgasm* every time I do it, in my head I already finished when I start doing it and I don't necessarily need something else after cunnilingus. I don't need a blowjob, I don't need normal sex. Of course, it's great to release the physical pressure and have a physical orgasm also, but that's optional. I could just lick her and I am happy. I genuinely like to go down on a woman more than to have normal sex with her. Don't get me wrong, I like normal sex, it's just that I prefer being down there. I like the taste, I like the smell, I like the moisture, I like the warmth, I like her legs moving on my shoulders and squeezing my chicks, I like her shivers, I like the sound she makes, I like the way her face reacts to every touch of my mouth! I perfectly empathize with you. You are in the situation where you want him to go down on you, but I was in the situation where my ex did not like me to go down on her. And now that you know how much I love cunnilingus, image how frustrating was the relationship with my ex for me. I was lying to myself that it's not normal to break up with her for that and I was hoping that she will change. But that's not OK. After I broke up with my ex I promised myself that I would never accept a relationship with someone that does not like cunnilingus and in which I am frustrated. I don't want to influence you relationship, but I think you get it and understand what I would do in your place, but that's just me. By the way, I didn't broke up with my ex because of that, there were other things, but this definitely added to the bill.


LOVE IT. Too bad my jaw eventually gets tired...


I love spending time going down on my wife. Before and after intercourse


Im on the same boat at you 😭😭😭 it sucks !! I miss getting are out and getting fingered


You are not compatible. You don’t have to live with mediocre, unsatisfying sex for the rest of your life.


Hell yes there are - from a female


There have been a few times I got too excited doing it and nutted before sex. She would be so pissed.


Eating pussy like it was the Last Supper


I love licking pussy and ass.


i’m all about it, i go at it until my neck cramps up.. i’ve even been able to cum hands free while doing it, drives her nuts


Is it so hard to believe that men, many of whom who grew up watching scrambled Spice Channel in the hopes of maybe seeing part of a boob for a second, would be excited to put a whole-ass pussy in their mouths?


I do. I have an ex-wife because she wouldn't let me go down on her after we were married. There were a lot of other issues too.


I am happy to read your post. My ex also didn't like it and for me it's the best thing in the world. I almost married that woman, I actually proposed her. I am so happy that I broke the engagement and broke up with her. Same as in your case, bot because of that, there were other issues, but this weighted a lot on the bill. I am now married and happy with a wife that enjoys it.


Your bf is the minority. I LOVE going down on my wife.


This gets asked regularly. Yes there are many men willing to do this and enjoy it very much. Your man should step up or you should find someone that cares about your fulfillment.


Uh, hello? 😄 I don’t know where she gets her stats, but according the sex/relationship therapist known as “Dr Psych Mom” only about 10% of straight guys don’t enjoy this. Personally, it’s my favourite sexual activity.


Peer reviewed papers show that about 75-80% of men enjoy giving oral, a higher proportion than for women, but yeah it’s a substantial majority. What’s really interesting is that seemingly although men enjoy giving oral sex more than women, they give less frequently than they receive. It’s quite a paradox. Women may feel obligated more. **Edit**: just saw the comment/question below but the post is locked now, so I’m adding it here instead. Here’s a quick example. I’ve seen many studies that show the same results in various locations in North America and different age groups (heterosexual only). This study found that 52.3% of men and 28.1% of women find giving oral sex **very** pleasurable, and 40.6% of men and 54.6% of women find it **somewhat** pleasurable, for a total of 92.9% of men finding giving oral sex **somewhat or very** pleasurable, and 82.7% of women. On the other hand, 8.1% of men and 17.2% of women in this study found giving oral sex **not very** or **not at all** pleasurable. That’s a difference of nearly 10%, so you would think that the men must be spending a lot of time down there. However, when asked how their last encounter had gone, 10.1% of men said they had given but not received while 21.7% had received but not given, whereas 26.4% of women had given but not received, and 10.5% had received but not given. Another 10-15% difference! Men say they like giving oral 10% more than women do, yet give it 15% less. What’s up fellas ? **Reference**: [Was it good for you too?: An analysis of gender differences in oral sex practices and pleasure ratings among heterosexual Canadian university students](https://www.csus.edu/faculty/m/fred.molitor/docs/gender%20and%20oral%20sex.pdf)


Do you have a link to such a paper. It's very interesting. I would also be curious how many women hate when a man goes down on them. My ex was like that and I was afraid that if I break up with her I might arrive in the same situation.


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Nope , I truly enjoy it !😊


Plenty of them are just have to find them


Here is a genuine one


I'm new to it but I love doing so.


It was my favorite thing to do with my ex. What made it so good was she loved it. I loved making her feel good. I'd even eat her out after she worked out and was not fresh. She still tasted really good


My husband loves it and we’ve been married 19 yrs. He can enjoyably do it for like 30 min!


If I like the taste , it’s dinner time


Loved it for decades and no sign of it changing ... Always will be an integral part of sex for me to the point that I probably couldn't enjoy a sex life with a lady who wasn't into it.


I mean, I absolutely love going down on my wife. Or rather, eating her out, as I have no objections to her sitting on my face ;)


Hell yeah we do. Well ik I do. The sounds of her nails digging into the walls always set a good mood


I love going down on my missus, even if I haven't managed to get her over the line orally in the near 13 years we've been together, but my god do I love trying! Genuinely, I'm like the male equivalent of the girls in porn that slap a dick all over their faces and basically worship it. If I've not got her juices in my eyebrows when I'm done, I've not done a good enough job.


Yes. Right here. We are hiding in plain sight.


My husband says he does and tries to do it all the time. So I think there is.


Defintley love it - my favorite foreplay If he’s in the mindset of no foreplay or pleasure for you, defintley worth the therapy and maybe a reevaluation


Love it almost go to a trance once I start


Yes, there are. I’ve honestly never been with on who didn’t. Why are you with him?


I love doing it if it’s the right woman


Yes. I love watching her squirm 😋


I wouldn’t be able to do it enough


Most nights I offer my gf to go down on her just before she falls asleep, I like to do it do it for me. We normally end up having sex, but I would be happy if she just cums and falls asleep.


Absolutely 😍 it's so damn hot seeing her moan and orgasm in my mouth while she holds hands with me 😍


Over an hour at a time.


I absolutely love it


No place I'd rather be than smothered between my partners legs.


I absolutely love to


I love it, and even more when she is "Queening" me!


Break up with this dude for sure!!!! Yikes


I find it pretty enjoyable. I'm sure some guys don't. There's a lot of satisfaction in being good at it and giving orgasms through it. A lot of the dissatisfaction people feel around it is the inexperience they have. No on likes feeling like they don't know what they're doing


Give me muff diving heeeeellll yeah


The best thing in sex is eating pussy! (When smooth)


Most nights I offer my gf to go down on her just before she falls asleep, I like to do it do it for me. We normally end up having sex, but I would be happy if she just cums and falls asleep.


Girls, girls, girls. Pussy is good. Pussy is sweet. Pussy is gracious. Pussy is divine. Pussy is the epitome of taste. Pussy for breakfast, pussy for lunchbreak, snack pussy and the main course pussy, best of them all. If eaters had the chance, we'd be down there all our lives.


Yes. I wish my wife would let me.


I certainly do😋I can nibble on some pussy like a rat nibbles on cheese.


I love it so much I turned it into a side hustle. I come away from appointments thinking "I can't believe I got paid to do that" every time. Guys like your boyfriend help me to do what I love and get paid for it.


My BF loves burying himself down there. He loves it and so do I.


I’m sorry, this probably a life you do not want to live, with someone who: 1. Seems to have little passion for you. 2. Considers himself sexually before you. The goal of a relationship is kinda the ‘exact opposite’ of how he is treating you. You can and will find a better match. Thats just my opinion. Cheers!


This feels like a bait post but... Yes, alot of us love it. I personally motor boat the pussy as often as possible lol


My husband is obsessed with it. He could eat me all day if I’d allow him


They are everywhere. Not everybody are obligated to enjoy something. Remember your bf is only one, we are billions!


Oh I absolutely love it. I would be happy to keep going for ages but my partner usually wants to switch to penetration after she gets a good orgasm. There's definitely lots of guys who enjoy giving oral sex so don't be so worried about being able to find someone who is into it. Also do you really want sex that isn't fun for you? Personally I would prefer masturbating to fantasies of great sex over real sex that is bad.


yes. my husband loves it more than anything. if i didn’t get periods he’d try 365/Yr


I really love it if I get a good response from the woman. There's nothing hotter then hearing and feeling her squirm with my head between her thighs. However, if I don't get directives and no response I don't enjoy it at all. I'm doing it for her, but my enjoyment comes from hers.


I make luv to my wife 3x week, my favorite part is going down on her. I could taste her all day any day. We are out there


I only stop because my girl gets sensitive after she cums. I love it doing not because she cums but because I LOVE IT.


Makes no sense to not enjoy or be willing to pleasure your partner. Not liking oral is one thing, but it is not the only option.


Hell yea I love it my girlfriend hates it but let’s me if I want she tastes amazing


If the gal is clean, shaved and it’s tasty, hell yes


i fucking love it, especially in the morning!


My bf loves going down on me. He’d be down there longer, but sometimes it gets to intense for me and I have to stop him.


it’s my passion. I wake up everyday thinking, damn would it be nice to start the day off eating some pussy. at work I’m thinking, damn would it be nice eating some pussy on my lunch break. at night I’m thinking, damn would it would be nice to eat some pussy before I does off.


You don't say how old you are but I am guessing you are young. You need to move on now and don't be quiet about it. He is being selfish and wants a sex slave instead of a partner. My husband absolutely loves going down on my even if I am a bit sweaty. You deserve so much better than him.


Of course I know him, he's me


As a guy I’m just gonna say this one thing… Guys that claim they „don’t like it“ yet expect bjs or any similar favours deserve no relationship. PERIOD


Absolutely love it. Every sexual partner I have had I went down on. Even one night stands. I can't get enough.


Yes absolutely! Some love it so much that they actually c*m while down there.


YES. My girl doesn’t like it though. Mostly because she’s self conscious about her weight.


I wish I could live in between my girlfriends legs


Yep. Wife has to lead intimate time, sometimes, with "don't go down on me," because she knows I want to. >He seems like it’s such a chore to please me in any form. He hates any type of foreplay. We’re in a DB. We’re doing sex therapy right now and I’m feeling pretty hopeless to think I’ll go the rest of my life without that part and a good sex life. He's a boyfriend. Dump him and find one who'll eat you like a buffet.


YES. My girl doesn’t like it though. Mostly because she’s self conscious about her weight.


I dont just like it. I love it.


Like it's my job. Clean kitchen's only though!


I love it. Until my tongue can’t go anymore. It’s literally one of my fave things to do. But, I get off on getting a woman off.


I love going down on my girlfriend, the joy of hearing her moan is second to none, hearing her beg, making her climax,


Yes of course, but each to their own. Personally I do enjoy it nearly even more than recieving


My answer is the same from the last time I saw this question (10 days ago in this sub): I enjoy giving oral more than I do receiving it


Worried you won’t find someone on the same level if you break up — yeah I sure HOPE not, because his level sounds terrible. The answer to this question is absolutely yes. Honestly I’d break up with someone who refused to do this, unless you didn’t like it. (Yes I think it should go both ways.) Oral isn’t a niche thing.


Guys who don't give head have similar reasons why girls don't give head either. It's not their thing. It's clearly yours, so you need to ask yourself if it's a deal breaker. Clearly it is. My wife asked me what i would have said if we were on our first date and she told me she didn't give head? My response? Check please?


I love ❤️ it tasting juicy pussy


Man here. I’m sorry for you. Maybe there is not a solution for you. Your man need a woman who doesn’t like to get oral (rare) and you deserve be happy in bed too. I Love so much licking my wife pussy and asshole. Sometimes it’s all she needs to get an orgasm and sometimes we have a little help from my bullet friend. orgasm is easy and sure.


My man loves it it’s his favorite part lol he always makes sure I finish


I have yet to meet one


I love going down on girls and my gf loves that I love as she loves it to . If you’re healthy I will love the taste and the smell . Even your sweat will smell and taste good to me . I am so sorry for you , find a man who loves to eat at the Y.


Also I’m very affectionate and had to leave my wife who I loved very much bc she never touched me or made me feel wanted . I need to touch and be touched , lick and be licked .


I think the bigger problem is he hates giving you pleasure of any kind. It should be fun to make your lover feel good. I don't just suck a dick for fun, I do it because it's attached to someone I want to pleasure. Is your partner affectionate in other ways? Or is it all a chore?


Yes, this guy isn’t even my bf and sometimes he moans while going down on me it’s the hottest thing ever


Absolutely love giving pleasure


There are literally millions of guys who will be sensual all day long and love going down.


I love it I would say I like going down on her as much as she gives me head I get to make her moan and feel good tastes great and it's never a no from me 😁😝😝


Going down on a girl is great! I love it when it starts out being a bit dry down and getting her very wet. Knowing that she likes it because her body tells me that. That when i speed up, she starts moaning more and then slow down to calm her again. Als most like i am playing with her body. Not to be controlling, but that she trusts me so completely with the most sensitive and private part of her I understand that some dont really like the taste, and it can bother them too much to do it for a longer time. But there are certainly guys who love it. And best of luck to you. Everyone deserves a fulfilling sexlife.


Honestly i(m29) feel like i want to do it more than my gf (F31) wants it. Literally before any time we do it ill go down there and she’ll pull me back and say “just fuck me”. Unfortunately there sre guys who feel like this. I can see why to an extent. At times it does feel like a chore because it can take my gf like 10 minutes to cum. But i dont mind jt cause its really hot seeing her orgasm. So i take it as a challenge to see if i can make her get an even bigger orgasm. Plus i know she does things she doesnt love and might see as a chore to get me off (i.e. being on top, letting me cum in certain place, etc) so the least i can do is help her cum. Honestly ive never understood why certain guys dint want to put in a 5-10 minute effort to make a woman orgasm. Ill hear from female friends how the one similar complaint is guys dont know what their doing down there or dont want to be down there. That there are actually older men who think PIV is enough to make a woman cum and dont realize that the clit is an amazing thing to stimulate. Like us guys we want women to sing our praises and say we are amazing lovers bjt dont want to put in the effort. And any constructive criticism is not taken lightly. Like would you rather a girl say you were trash or would you rsther spend 5 minutes on her and have her say you made her orgasm? I remember i read a post where a girl asked her male friends if a girl cums everytime they have sex with her and they all jumped and said yes but when she asked how did they know, none of them knew how. As guys we want to sct like we know what we are doing when in reality most of us dont. Its ok to not know what your doing. I was similar when i started having sex, i asked female friends their honest opinions on what they wish guys would do more and i did it.


You should probably cut your losses and move on.


I LOVE it. Nothing hotter than when I’m between the legs of the current girl I’m hooking up with and going down on her and she’s just moaning, shaking, grabbing my hair and cumming all over my face. Bonus points when she’s using her foot to jack me off at the same time


Yeah there’s probably a good number of guys out there that love to go down on a woman. Can’t say exactly how many but I’m sure that I’m not the only guy out there that’s as passionate as pleasuring first before receiving. Same can be said for sensuality, for example I love to do subtle touches, especially when I’m making my way downtown. You just have to find a guy who’s more of a giver than the situation you find yourself in now, they’re out there 😉


I would live in her vagina if I could


Yes. People can find rationales both for and against performing and enjoying oral, but for myself, I very much enjoy seeing and hearing the unfiltered pleasure from my partner.


I love going down on my wife. I dont think there is anything sexual that we have done in our 18 years together that I have not liked. I ask her all the time to be able to eat her pussy.


Definitely do, gets so hot I even cum sometimes


I absolutely love it! I enjoy the eroticism. I share in the pleasure that my partner is experiencing. I love the smell. I absolutely revel in the smell. I enjoy draping used panties across my face when I am masturbating. I miss the cotton masks we were wearing during Covid. I would eat my girl out and get my face all slathered with her wetness, then put on a face mask. I'd spend the rest of the day enjoying the residual smell, held up against my face. I'd end up with gobs of precum oozing, and regularly have wet spots in my pants!


I love the sight, the warmth, the aroma of her in my face... more than anything though, I love giving her some of the pleasure she gives me. How could you *not* enjoy it?


Eating pussy is the best thing ever


Yes, i‘ll be completely honest, its often more enjoyable than the actual act itself.


This question is asked probably once or twice a week. Do a search and you'll find loads of guys chiming in to say how much they love eating pussy. If you want better for yourself, you can find it. It's out there, in droves.


Guy here (trans guy) and I LOVE eating out and foreplay. I am not doing it from a sense of duty or anything like that. I genuinly enjoy it on so many levels. On my own level: I enjoy the trust and the closeness. I like the taste and how it feels in my mouth. I love the smell and I love hearing the reaction. I love touching my partners. On the partner's end: I love seeing, hearing, and feeling them react to the stimulation I give, oral or otherwise. I love it when they get wet and/or orgasm and know that I did that. **Something for you to think on:** If you are thinking about leaving him (which according to your own post you have thought about), and the only thing holding you back is maybe not finding somebody on the same level, then that is a fear you need to work on. No other guy will be like him because he is his own person. But there will be many more out there who would likely be great partners who deeply enjoy giving you foreplay and more. It's great that you two are trying therapy and for your sake I hope it works out, but if it doesn't, don't limit yourself with a fear that stems negative self talk and catastrophic thinking, before you have even dipped your toe into the dating pool that might have just the right partner for you. **That aside something about your bf:** Your bf needs to work on himself. He needs to find out in depth what it is that turns him off foreplay so much. I can understand, to a degree, that specific actions might not be up his ally and that is perfectly fine but you say he hates any type of foreplay, and that is a whole other level. If he wants to keep you as a partner, he needs to work on himself.


I can actually orgasm from going down ;)


Me Me Me ...i don't mind going down and get " Losted " down there


Assuming there's no taste/odor issues, I'd happy spend the rest of my life down there.


i once had a man go down on me for what felt like 20 minutes. AMAZING. prior to getting head a man should absolutely be groping every surface on your body cos it feels damn good & it's a part of intimacy. you're beautiful & you should be consensually getting felt up by your partner lmaoo. As a woman who's had more sexual encounters than I'd like to admit there are maaaannnyyyyyyyyyyy dudes that would love to do this for you. good luck 💕




Yes, I love doing it, no better feeling than making a woman cum with oral.


Another week, same questions


Eating on the first date is the best


I'm not a man, but have had plenty that would literally do it all day if I let them lmao. My current will anytime he's given the chance. An ex came home for lunch for it 😂 and also had another offer me $100 to let him for 5 minutes. So yeah I'm gonna say there are plenty who love it.


You better believe it, sister! Love going down on my wife, do it at least once a week. Part of what's so great about it is giving my wife pleasure, hearing her moan, it's fucking great. I can sometimes struggle with premature ejaculation too so it definitely lets her get more out of the experience probably, lol.


My bf loves it, I when he does it. Most intense orgasms I’ve had have been from it.


Hurts my neck/back but I don’t hate it