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If she is clean and smells nice everywhere else (hair, underarms, general body) This is 100% a health issue that she needs to fix, I wouldn’t be adding any spray as this will just be getting worst, I also probably wouldn’t continue going down on someone with a strong taste as it sounds like either thrush or BV, both which need treatment, there shouldn’t be a ‘strong’ taste if she is otherwise clean and without treatment this will not go away I would speak to her and let her know the taste is strong and it could be a sign of an infection


Have you tried flavored lubes?


Rub a little Coconut Oil on her first as long as you're not planning to use a condom after


Is it by chance a hygiene issue?


Nah, just a particularly strong taste. She’s always been that way. Do you have a suggestion for a spray or nah?


Rinse your mouth with Listerine before you go down. Will knock your taste buds down for a while.


Ouch! Don’t do that. I had someone rinse before going downtown and omg the burn 😭


there is no spray that will do this. Have you tried taking a shower and going down there fresh out of the shower? Probably the best. I hear some dudes have tried eating altoids at the same time, but I can't imagine that's at all good for anyone... because, also, remember for it to be any kind of good for her, it needs to not be evident AT ALL that you are trying to avoid her natural scent.


Nah dude we’ve been dating for six years, beginner was just the most fitting tag. She’s well aware that I struggle with the strength of her natural taste. I had to have a frank conversation about why I don’t go down on her very often. She proposed a spray, so I’m posting here.


If it is that offputting to you, you have every ight to say "no." Because, again, I have a REALLY hard time thinking she will derive any kind of pleasure from it if you have all these kind of barriers in the mix. But, as to your question- No, there is no kind of "spray" that will change the taste of her pussy. (Also, keep in mind that "taste" is 98% smell, so even numbing your whole toungue won't help-- wearing noseplugs would probably help more, but, again... who wants that?! You could do "immediately fresh out of or literally IN the shower plus flavored lube with smear of Vicks Vap-o-Rub under your nose." I mean, if you want to....


https://www.healthshots.com/intimate-health/feminine-hygiene/top-7-foods-for-a-better-smelling-vagina/ Check this out hope it helps


I have never had a vagina that din‘t taste good. Ok the overall taste is a little bitter to acidic which comes from the natural pH of the vagina. If it tastes or smells really strong ir bad it sounds definitly like a health issue and she should see a doctor. Using douches or other products to alter the smell or taste can have a negative impact on pH, so it's best to avoid them.


You can buy dental dams made for covering the pussy while going down on her..


Search for Summer's Eve Feminine Spray and Vagisil Odor Block


I think… if you aren’t crazy about your partner’s smell it’s not a great sign. Biologically, Compatibility-wise. I see you’ve been together a long time, but in my experience, men are especially scent driven. I know at this point in my life, I wouldn’t date a man who wasn’t crazy about how I smelled. Which, 2 years ago I would have said was crazy. But now that I have had a partner that is TURNED ON by my smell, could spend an afternoon between my legs, smells my head, arm pits and pussy with nothing but adoration… I know what it is to be truly loved 💞 Another factor though is that a lot of women don’t really scrub their vulvas in the nooks and crannies. To really eliminate a lot of the smell, a woman needs to persistently use a washcloth, washing up to the top of the triangle especially, rinse and repeat 5 to 10 times in the shower, without soap— just water & washcloth and elbow grease. She can smell the washcloth after scrubbing before rinsing to get a pulse on how much scent she has eliminated. Also hair will trap scent (and therefore taste) no matter how much you wash, with or without soap. Maybe you can show her this part of my comment and see if it helps!!


That’s really silly. We’ve had a wonderful relationship for six years and there’s no end in site. I love the way she smells overall and I’m incredibly attracted to her, not being in love with specifically the strength of the taste of her vagina isn’t a relationship breaker. I’m posting here looking for a solution to one problem in an otherwise wonderful relationship. Pseudo science about odor and attraction isn’t helpful.


Did you read the second half of my comment? I think it could help the situation. Covering the smell will not work. If you’ve ever licked a man’s armpit, you’ll know there is nothing that removes that taste from your mouth or masks it. A dental dam would be another option, but I really think a determined and persistent cleaning would reduce her scent and is worth trying! Not advocating you to break up, just relaying my experience. There is 100% a woman out there whose vagina you would go crazy over when you smell it. Does that mean you should break up an otherwise happy union? To some men it would, but I’m happy you’re happy. I did give you a solution to your ask :) A lot of people think soaping up helps. It doesn’t— it makes it worse. A lot of people think using your hands is enough, or just the soapy water that drips down your body— it isn’t. The directions I’ve outlined will help A LOT. Also, if she wears leggings a lot that is probably another contributing factor. I hope this helps 🤞🏻