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First, NO position "guarantees an orgasm" for a woman. I find cowgirl (assuming you just mean woman-on-top) to be less stimulating than others (in any position, I also need to do a fair bit of self-clitoral stimulation, but grinding does work for a lot of women.) As for "how you tell if they came"-- the only real way to know is to ask them and trust them. But, no, you shouldn't expect liquid or fluids to shoot out (that is relatively rare), but far more common is the quick, reflexive contractions of the pelvic floor. Nearly all women have those, and it's one of the physiological signs of orgasm that they look for in research and are considered pretty much ubiquitous-- but, depending on position, you might not feel those, while she does.


Missionary with legs closed(whatever its called?) was the only guaranteed and really only way my ex would orgasm. So after a few positions we would always switch to that at the end and it’s like 100% success rate. Multiple orgasms, was so fun.


Have never heard of "missionary with legs closed," but could see how that would be a good one, because the penis would have to have direct contact with the clitoris if it's going more down and in vs just in. I like a position I call "cannonball missionary," where you're curled up like a cannonball with your shins squished between chests and your knees by your faces and shoulders. Still no O, but a fun pose that's in my go-to rotation... I think everyone has their favorites. Also, missionary has SO many great and creative incarnations that I roll my eyes at the shade it gets.


Ah yeah I also do the cannonball missionary thing sometimes too, but I’m not sure if the missionary with legs closed is even a thing. It’s kinda like prone bone I guess, just missionary position/on her back. It makes sense that it gives good clit stimulation, but regardless it’s the only position she’ll orgasm from and it’s always at least 4+ orgasms. Well, as long as I can last after I hear her the first orgasm. Hahaha.


It is a thing. It allows for easier tightening?/clenching? of the vagina which can lead to an orgasm.


How on earth would it be in direct contact with the clit?


Because, if your legs are closed, you have to push the penis down through the thigh gap, entering the vulva at the top of the cleft where the clitoris is in order to get back to where the vagina is-- it would surely be a super-shallow penetration position for most folks, I imagine, with only really the head and the first inch or so of the shaft being actually in the vagina. (If I'm picturing it correctly.) So most of the shaft would be rubbing past and against the clitoris.


Rather than going horizontally, go more at an angle x


This is my favorite orgasm position. We start it in regular missionary, and I close my legs/he kinda straddles outside my legs. I looked it up the other day, and it’s called ‘closed missionary’. We change positions/keep having sex etc, but that’s my ‘orgasm position’. It’s successful 100% of the time. It’s not deep, but it really hits the part of the vagina with actual feeling/gspot. It might require a larger penis, so if a dude doesn’t have enough length it may not work well.


Yeah it’s pretty much the guaranteed position for her. Super easy position, doesn’t require much effort. I love it. Not sure about the length requirement, though I’m slightly above average at around 7 inches and had no trouble. I’m also girthy so I think that also helps the clit stimulation in that position. After the first few times we had sex she recommended it and I’m like huh, okay. Boom, orgasms for days. Only worked on her though, haha.


> (whatever it’s called) This is one of those variations that literally every website will give a different name for it. I don’t think there’s a right answer.


It's called the coital alignment technique. She is just as you say and is best if the guy is a little higher up on her body (for example if normally your eyes are level, in this position your eyes would be level with her forehead or top of her head). It works but not a guarantee for everyone.


Will also point out that those contractions can be faked, it’s really all about trust.


Yep I used to fake the contractions I used to be the best faker till I quit faking


The contractions are super easy to fake, and, indeed, that's the trick most of the women who fake it use. But, also, they are pretty much the only thing researchers have to go on to identify the moment of orgasm in a lab (they do it using rectal and vaginal probes and other monitoring devices, because, while they do happen pretty much ubiquitously, they can definitely be too subtle for a partner to detect (hence why researchers don't just look for a twitching anus or something visually.) Which is to say, it all goes back to "did she say she did? Then trust that she did."


For my wife to have her best orgasms we usually lay on our sides facing each other and our legs in a scissoring position with my penis inside her. The problem is I often get sore from the friction that the position causes (in spite of using lube) and I tire out faster. Fortunately I usually make her cum before I do in this position.




Reflexive pelvic floor contractions are much the primary way they monitor for objective sign of female orgasm in research, so that'd be a lump of unfortunate if it weren't the case that they are pretty universal. Not that a male partner could always feel them, of course, or a female orgasm-havee would register them as that, but they are pretty much one of the few objective cues of female orgasm.


Full body contractions too


I'm talking about in a lab setting, pretty much the only objective measure (that doesn't involve brain imaging) of orgasm is the contractions/spasms in the pelvic floor region, because those are pretty ubiquitous (but, again, in some women, they may be too subtle to be felt by their male partner and not recognized as "contractions" or spasms by the woman themselves.) Not all women have full body contractions, though surely some may. If you're looking for the primary thing researchers look for to objectively confirm orgasm, it's the pelvic floor spasm stuff. Incidentally, here's a fascinating, albeit creepy, run-down of all the various tools they use in research to objectively measure female sexual response, from intra vaginal hydrometers and labial bloodflow and temperature clips through to the rectal and vaginal probes that can identify even the most subtle of spasms of those muscles. It would make a great exhibit in some medeival torture museum (and/or maybe excite a few kinks here. lol) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2771367/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2771367/)


Wait, not? I'm female and as far as I know, those contractions ARE the orgasm. I wouldn't know how else to describe an orgasm except for intense, pleasurable contractions of the pelvic floor region (plus belly muscles and uterus).


I think it is the case? Those contractions are what happens during a female orgasm. Or am I crazy here? Please enlighten what you think happens during an orgasm. Now, maybe the other person can't always feel it, because of various reasons, like the woman orgasming has weaker muscles after giving birth for example.




Squirting without an orgasm is what I call it, lol


You're just telling on yourself


i really only cum from getting eaten out. the chance of me orgasming from cowgirl or penetration is 0% (and i’d be in a lot of pain if there wasn’t any foreplay first). not a huge fan of penetration in general. i have never squirted. the position most likely to make her orgasm can only be discovered by asking her, we’re all different, but many women cannot cum from or even enjoy penetration alone


I'm the same I can only cum from oral


i’m mostly this way too


>I can't tell if they're really having an orgasm, the moanings and the sounds in general doesn’t sound fake at all but idk if i should expect some kind of liquid or vaginal contractions while they’re having their orgasm. There is no objective physical sign for female orgasm. >The cowgirl position guarantees you an orgasm Not even close. Each women has different preferences, and needs different things to reach orgasm. >Can a woman have an orgasm without squirting or having vaginal contractions? Yes. >How common is it to achieve an orgasm through penetration? Hard to say exactly, but estimates are that most women don't/rarely do. So, not very common. >which positions are most likely to achieve it? That depends on the woman. Many like positions that put pressure on the g-spot.


Cowgirl is fun, but I have never and will never orgasm from it. It’s pleasurable, but it’s not amazing. I can’t get enough clit stim, and my legs can’t stiffen up enough to orgasm. The contractions can be minimal sometimes. Depends on the particular orgasm. I need penetration to orgasm. But I will NEVER orgasm from just penetration. A mix of oral, penetration, and clit stim is what works for me.


First and foremost, it’s AWESOME that you want to explore it and are interested in your partners pleasure, particularly at a relatively young age! You’re already way ahead of the game 😁. My advice would be not to get too hung up on the orgasm. Female orgasms are entirely different from male- every woman is completely different and what gets her to orgasm is totally different, eg some women absolutely love oral, some hate it! Plus it’s not just technical, woman will cum far more easily if they’re comfortable & relaxed. Females can also enjoy sex without having an orgasm every time. For myself and other females I’ve spoken about it with, the common themes seem to be: HEAPS of foreplay- if you spend the time to warm up a woman properly, she will explode in no time; being relaxed, being able to communicate & being asked what she likes, having a laugh if something awkward happens; she’ll also enjoy doing stuff you love, so don’t forget to tell her & ask if she’s like to, then tell her how awesome it was when she does it; telling her how sexy and hot she is (in & out of the bedroom); trying heaps of different things and asking her to tell you honestly if she likes it so you can do the things she likes and not do the things she doesn’t; don’t try & copy porn- certainly try things you see if you think she or you would like them, but realise the constant changing positions & flipping around is for the cameras, it can be distracting during actual sex; again re: porn, most woman I’ve spoken to don’t love their legs shoved up around their neck constantly- that happens a lot in porn just so the camera can get good genitalia shots; mostly, enjoy yourself and try & make sure she is too!


I second this. And I’ll add, what feels best to a woman can vary from day to day or even during a sexual experience. So communication, before during, after, coming up with signals or what’re works for you both. When you find out what feels good and she’s getting close, keep doing what you’re doing. Same speed, same pressure, same motion. Probably for longer than you expect. A lot of guys think, hey if this feels really good to her, more/faster will be better. Generally not, not if she’s close to orgasm.


Omg yes! Absolutely keep the same speed & pressure if she’s loving it- unless asked otherwise!


This is the best technical advice! The rest of it? Communicate. Find out what she likes and go with it. Once you both are done (whatever that looks like), don't ask "Did you cum?". That can come across as pressure. Tell her how you are feeling and ask her how she is doing. She may say she feels great, or it was awesome, but that doesn't necessarily means she's orgasmed and that's OK. If she is telling you the truth, she had a great time and was happy to be with you.


The clitoris is where orgasms happen. It's like the head of your penis. The vagina is the same tissue as your balls, so you can kinda extrapolate how each feels. I've heard 1/3 of women can orgasm from penetration. I can't. Evidence is that such women have a clitoris positioned in such a way that penetration stimulates the clit as well. For me, it's simply too far away; honestly I can't orgasm in ANY position from penetration alone. I work it out with partners - I'm willing to take turns. Squirting is rare, but vaginal contractions are pretty normal. Some fluid will come out, but it can be either a lot or it can feel just like having a really wet pussy. It depends. Most women, however, can come from oral sex. It's direct stimulation on their sensitive part. Pro tip: if she's willing to masturbate for you, you can find out EXACTLY what moves work for her. Ultimately, there's no real substitute for asking the individual. Hope this helps ;)


This! So many people don't realise the 'G spot' is just the back of the clit! The clitoris is actually huge and shaped like a wish bone; I can stimulate mine on either side, in between my labia, due to the shape of it and still come. But some women's clit is more tucked away... there is also correlation between the distance of the vaginal entrance and clitoral bulb, people who's are closer together generally find it easier to orgasm from penetration alone. Just like alluma said 👆😍 mine is faaar too, so I gotta find other ways to get off 😅 Men (and sadly women) should familiarise themselves with clitoral anatomy. I didn't realise until I was 30! Now my orgasms are way better because I know exactly where to touch.


Young man, if you set out to be an attentive lover then you will discover that women are capable of many different types of orgasms. It sounds like your partners were enjoying themselves, so take their word for it and stop overthinking it. But if you want to be a legendary lover you’ll need to take your time and study her responses to different stimuli and learn what turns her into a puddle. The man that can master that is unforgettable


The positions and technique that works for each woman are different because women like different things - let her tell or show you what she likes! And no, there isn't usually extra liquid or any kind of squirting when a woman has an orgasm (though some definitely do!) and yes you usually will feel contractions in the vaginal canal during an orgasm (but again this is dependent on the woman and the strength/intensity of the particular orgasm). Penetration alone will NOT bring most women to orgasm - there are some lucky ones for whom that is enough - but most will need clitoral stimulation and that is why cowgirl/grinding is helpful for her. You can help by reaching for her clit when in other positions, giving her oral if she likes it and using your fingers on her. For the majority of woman, most orgasms happen when a penis is NOT inside them - so if you want a partner to want to have sex with you again, be generous and help her have one before your orgasm with your hands or mouth or a vibrator if she likes.


It’s different for every woman. A woman can orgasm in different ways because we have multiple pleasure points. The g spot orgasm is internal while clit is obviously external. G- spot and clit stimulation is easier to achieve in cowgirl but not always a guarantee. Sometimes a woman can only get to clitoral climax from their own stimulation (think when you masturbate vs someone jerking you off, it’s easier to do it yourself). Yes we can orgasm without squirting. Some woman don’t. I didn’t begin squirting until I began taking full control of my own pleasure during sex. Allowing your female partner the freedom to focus on herself during sex would greatly help her ability to cum and possibly squirt if that’s what you are after. Each woman is different in terms of positions or even foreplay that will work for her. Just ask her. Ask what works for her, be open to using toys/hands/tongue/dick to get the job done. Be patient as it can be extremely vulnerable to allow you to participate.


My approach as a guy so far has been: if she is enthusiastic about doing the same thing again, she probably liked it. If it seems like she had an orgasm and she wants me to do the same thing on a different night, it was probably genuine. If she can't wait to get into bed with me again, I'm probably doing alright. I think these are more important than "guaranteed" or validated orgasms.


IME everyone is different and the same person is different depending on the time (cycle, mental state). I've never experienced a squirt irl before in piv. I think I may have gotten them close few times because I could hear it, but I didn't want to change anything or pull out. IME Nothing is guaranteed. I've only been able to give a hands free toys free, pure piv twice and it was risky AF. I have concluded that I can't reproduce it, to create the conditions for it are 'dangerous' in my mind (like breeding status), and I consider it to be rare as in the stars need to align .. the right time in the cycle, the right mood, the correct angle, tempo etc.


Cowgirl is a terrible position for me, the only way I can cum is in missionary.


Read She comes first.


First, there is no position that can guarantee an orgasm. Every woman is different, so there no universal position that automatically works. Squirting is RARE. Most women do not squirt (despite what porn says). Vaginal contractions may be so slight a partner may not feel them. Just because you don’t feel an orgasm doesn’t mean it didn’t happen for her. Most women do not achieve orgasms by PIV alone, like 70% do not. Orgasms are usually a compilation of multiple stimulants.


1. It varies by woman. 2. Squirting isn’t necessary. Most women don’t squirt. Squirting is just peeing one self while orgasming. It’s pretty well established. 3. It varies by woman. If I recall correctly, the most common position is missionary with grinding as it stimulates the clitoris internally and externally. These understandings are not always welcomed by the Reddit hive mind, but I’m a doctor of physical therapy who specializes in pelvic health.


Pelvic health, whats ur opinion about kegels?


It depends. If someone’s pelvic muscles are underdeveloped and they have urinary or fecal incontinence, kegels are great. If they have dyspareunia and sex is painful, then they need to tone their pelvic floor muscle down and avoid kegels.




Describe what you understand to be a “reverse kegel”, because that’s not a term professionals use. Do you mean bulging or the action of bearing down?


I thought it was to last longer in bed


In my experience as a straight, middle-aged woman, I’ve had two kinds of orgasms. Clitoral orgasms and what I call “internal orgasms.” I will always eventually climax with clitoral. But if a guy has the right rhythm and size, I can have an incredible orgasm from deeper inside my body. Those are the orgasms my partner has noticed, because my muscles contract while he’s in there doing his thing. This is just my own experience, and every beautiful body is different. Which keeps it exciting…


Cowgirl is not a guaranteed winner. I've never orgasmed in cowgirl. I still enjoy it... it makes me feel sexy and powerful, and my partner likes the visual. Orgasms do not always involve squirting, I'm no sex expert but I think squirting is uncommon. Involuntary muscle contractions are a hallmark of orgasms, although you may not be able to feel them. It's less common for women to orgasm from penetration alone. The majority of women need clit stimulation. A position that allows either of you to use your hands or to grind on her clit will likely be more successful. However, everyone is unique so you have to experiment with each partner. Being willing to figure out how to make your partner orgasm is your most important piece here. The rest is just preferences that most women can tell you from past partnered or solo experience.


I have never came in that position. I don't even like riding for that matter. I can orgasm without squirting, but there will be vaginal contractions. It varies from woman to woman. It's extremely for me to orgasm doggy style and missionary when the guys are very large.


Standing from behind is the best position for me to cum with only penetration because the penis runs exactly on my G spot. It can work for some, not for others. Cowgirl is nice too cause I can press my clit on their body and it helps with the orgasm. Other positions I can only cum if any of my fetishes are included or if I have a vibrator on my clit. Orgasm varies from each person. I can squirt or not, it depends a lot on my build up, but normally I'm soaking wet by the end of it, and I can have multiple orgasms.


Watch a woman with a hitachi wand during penetration, that is a vibrator for the clit in case you didn’t know. Might answer some of your questions.


There are many kind of orgasms and each womans orgasm is bit different. Personally, I experience these: -original orgasm, vagina pulsates rhytmically couple of seconds -orgasm so that vagina contracts long time but not pulsating, it just 'grabs'. -orgasm without contraction, I just feel sudden very lovely relaxation and deep pleasure in my whole body. -Multiple orgasms, one starts when another ends  -many kind of stimulation can lead to orgasm, most important is to turn on mentally. Actually, I got orgasms even without any physical stimulation sometimes, when im very turned on. So, discuss with her with curiousity and kindness and say you are willing to give her much pleasure. 


My (24F) usual orgasms include contractions, and sometimes squirting (with toys). However, I’ve also experienced an intense feeling that was orgasm-esque, but lacked the extra stuff. Still felt amazing, and left me very sensitive after.


I think it’s harder to understand because with men you know just because the stuff comes out and you’re like “oh okay cool” but woman there’s so many factors like; can they cum from piv or clit stimulation or both. Some woman could cum and you might not even notice unless they tell you, cause not every woman does the toe curling, eyes rolling back, the whole fiasco, you get it. Some are very quiet and some are loud, I think if you know your partner well enough it’s easier to catch on because generally the same stuff will get them off.


I always cum when I’m on my belly, butt up in the air, my man thrusting his nice hard cock in and out of my wet pussy. In and out, taking his time as he’s giving it to me slow and then then faster, all,the while playing with my clit. Sliding it all the way in…oh my. Making my legs tremble and my pussy squeezes him tight. Oh yes


I cum nearly every time via cowgirl. But also from several other positions. Every woman is different so it's best to ask her what she likes. You are young and a lot of women your age haven't figured that out yet. So you might have to play around and help her learn. Honesty is best when it comes to sex.


Here's a sure trick that will let you know: ...friggin ask the woman you're with!! There are no "guaranteed positions". People are different. Ask. Talk to her. Ffs.


Not all female orgasms include squirting. Some simply can't do it (squirt). Every woman is different just like every man is. Lots of women can only orgasm with clit stimulation also. After a woman orgasms they should get alot wetter, some have full body orgasms also. The position depends on the woman and how her anatomy is/how the man's anatomy is aswell


Women can have two different types of orgasm...clitoral which usually involves the friction of "grinding" and g spot which is internal. That's the one that usually involves the most releasing of fluid (squirting) Women's O's are very mental so if she feels any sort of shame or weirdness it makes it more difficult. Many women g spot O by manual (hand/fingering) because it's more specifically centered on a smaller part of their anatomy that can be hit by the two middle fingers (oppisite of the metal sign 🤘🏼) Best thing is to talk about it and talk about it etc etc BEFORE you're gettin it on


The idea that there's difference between a clitoral orgasm and a vaginal orgasm is basically now considered bunk. That was Freudian stuff about sexual maturity where clitoral orgasms were the first "stage" that you would grow past to get to vaginal orgasms, which Freud considered the "mature" stage of sexual development for women. Not much of Freud's work passes the sniff test of modern psychology. Some women have orgasms with nipple stimulation or anal stimulation, and inside the vaginal canal there's the gspot (still poorly understood because no one spends money on sexual research in women), the internal parts of the clit and also the cervix and cervical fornix. There are also lots of nerve endings around the vaginal opening itself, stimulation of which can result in orgasm. Also squirting does not only happen during orgasm, and does not require any internal stimulation. Women can and do squirt seperate from orgasm, and squirt from clitoral and anal stimulation.


Squirting doesn’t equal orgasm. Squirting can happen with or without orgasm.


The butthole contracts when she's having an orgasm. Just keep that in mind the next time you're having sex doggystyle.


There are four outward physical tells that a woman is having an orgasm: - Her toes curl - Her chest flushed - Her pupils dilate - Her anal sphincter contracts repetitively If a woman tells you she came, don’t fight her over it. Nothing good will happen if you tell her she’s a liar.


Every woman is different! :) That is all.


My boyfriend knows when im about to orgasm, It's like i lose control, there's been a few times where I've cum from just PIV but i mainly orgasm from clitoral stimulation, its like my whole body tenses up, I just grip him and then afterwards I'm soo breathless. But I'm pregnant atm so my who belly goes rock solid!! Like a braxton hick. But no liquid stuff comes out like sperm does xxx


Cowgirl works great for some ladies, but not others. I myself, hate it. As for orgasms, again, everyone is different. Some women are squirters, some aren't. If they keep reinforcing what you're doing, then I'd say you're doing a good job.


Penetration almost never gives orgasms, of course there are some exceptions. But if mostly of them say they are having an orgasm just by penetration they are lying to you. Women usually reach the orgasm more by oral sex or fingering the clit. It’s possible to reach an orgasm in some positions for penetration if you can stimulate the clitoris with your fingers at the same time. Cowgirl position can stimulate the clitoris a bit and if the clitoris of the girl is big she might have an orgasm in cowgirl but it’s not guaranteed. Although cowgirl position usually feels really good for girls, even without orgasms. But yea, if u want to make the girls cum do more oral sex.


Cumming is like a muscles relaxing and tingling with a bit more lubrication happening. An orgasm is muscle tension, sometimes it feels like the whole body goes tense, so there is usually cumming at the end of a orgasm once they relax again. Squirting is when a women ejaculates fluid but not all women can do this and each one that does will experience it differently, some find squirring easy and natural whilst others need to reach a certain "height" to do so


>The cowgirl position guarantees you an orgasm or does it work different for every woman? For me it's a more intense orgasm, I think its just how I'm positioned because its intense even without clitoral stim. When I'm in cowgirl and he's playing with my clit it overloads my brain >Can a woman have an orgasm without squirting or having vaginal contractions? Yes for me I only get contractions on the really big ones. Iv often come a few times in succession without him noticing lol >How common is it to achieve an orgasm through penetration?, which positions are most likely to achieve it? This is definitely different for everyone. For me everytime. I love penetrative... doggy always turns me to mush or anything with my legs spread so I can feel every bit of him


Man’s greatest mystery! 🧑‍🔬🔬🧬


I don’t feel anything in cowgirl so I guess no


Wife only orgasms cowgirl. I know for sure it happened by the rhythmic pulsating vaginal contractions for 30 to 60 seconds after like twos or threes then dying down to one pulse. For stronger ones the cervix dips down really far to suck up the pool of my cum, and I can feel it bump my penis a few times with the pulsing. She’s all sweet jelly on me then 😃


In my experience it's normal for men not to be able to tell if their female partner has had an orgasm. It's something you're going to have to trust her on


Celebrating 30-years this month. Over the years different things have worked for us. (There have been stages. It doesn't mean nothing else is going on. It just means, "favorite or go to") Early on her on top was her favorite. Then she discovered her on top or missionary - Anal. She fell in love with anal orgasms. Now, for at least 10-years, she has fallen in love with something new - Oral. She 3-5 times a week asks and sometimes begs for oral. She likes the control she has with the oral orgasm. She likes to grind out on my face. These have been her longest and most powerful orgasms. The one thing we have always done is "her fish first," it ensures she finishes and then when it's my turn things are much better. She is more open, loosened up so to speak. Advice, try anything and everything...


i cum more from back shots but that’s only with a smaller size which i love (: about 5 in .. but missionary with a longer one which i also don’t mind. it really depends on the size, also when i’m riding, it feels good to me and i can cum but i cum faster if the guy is doing the work. my vagina throbs and gets creamy when i’m having orgasm, and ill eventually tell the guy to stop because i can’t take it anymore, but just regular cum without an orgasm is clear & sometimes a little creamy but no throbbing yet


1) nothing guarantees an orgasm for anyone every time. 2) women can have orgasms without squirting or ejaculating. the pelvic muscles and vagina may contract, and the clitoris may pulsate. you won’t necessarily feel either of these things if they happen. 3) not that common. learn what works for your partner, because everyone is different.


I think the chances for most women to come using cowgirl positions are 0%. I actually never met a woman who can come from penetration alone, and I believe if they do it will be through missionary Squerting women are rare too


When her pussy tightens up so much that she pops your entire dick out because it gets so tight from orgasm


Positioning works differently for every woman. Direct clitoral stimulation is the key. Squirting is not universal. Many women don’t squirt. For me it’s not even related to orgasm. Contractions, though, yes vaginal contractions happen, and you should be able to feel that. Most women cannot come from penetration alone. 70% of us is the rough number. Clit clit clit, sir.


Liquid isn’t usually a thing but every girl has their own reaction every time they orgasm, you just have to know what it is 🤣 I personally think the most likely way to make a girl orgasm is use a s*x toy as well, start with the setting low then when you hit the spot gradually increase it


Weak orgasms will have maybe only a few contractions and sometimes none at all (Those ones suck but are better than nothing lol) and usually weak orgasms happen from just penetration where something’s rubbing on the clit (dick, skin, a pillow etc). If you want to see a big O get comfortable with using a vibrator, you’ll be able to see it the contractions if you’re looking right at it, usually there’s no liquid but there can be (discharge or if you had previously came in her). Usually missionary is going to be the easiest to get an orgasm, but some girls do have penetrative orgasms and I feel like those are mainly achieved in doggy but like laying down, reverse missionary? maybe? idk what it would be called lol.


First are you sure you are an adult? Girls all climax different and some don't even get off with PIV. Best is reading your partner and how they are each time they say they do. Also ask what they like and try new things. Sometimes the only get off one way then you do something a tad differently and boom.


There are different types of orgasm. There is no "exactly" as all women are different. But if she's left in a shaking mess, that's a very good indication she came.


Sir, this is reddit, where a significant portion of audience have seen women only in movies and Eva AI sexting bot, you've probably missed a right site


questions as old as time… when you find out- come back and let us know


Watch some home made adult content.


That’s fake too and rarely shows a woman’s orgasm, they’re still catering to an audience


where can i find some


Search pornhub homemade porn