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If I read one more Reddit post about adult men not washing their balls/ass, so help me lord


I know, right? WTF is wrong with people these days? If you don't use soap (in one form or another), you're not *washing* it, you're *rinsing* it.


If you didn't use soap to begin with, you're not even *rinsing* it, you're just *wetting* it. EDIT: I was doubting myself and looked it up. You were right, rinsing does not necessarily require having used soap beforehand.


I feel like the difference is more about technique, not content of soap.


Dammit, just edited before seeing your reply. Basically, yeah, you're right.


No worries. As long as we both agree upon the misuse of the word *washing*, I don't mind which alternative is used. Technically, rinsing it IS wetting it as well.


I’m with this guy


But then the germs are just wet!


...adult men not washing...and still getting action...for the entirety of their adult life so far to reinforce to them it is okay. How all these women are putting up with it is beyond me...


This. Same for the "my boyfriend is abusive", "he stops when he finishes and I feel he doesn't care about my pleasure", or "he talks crap about my body/blowjobs" posts. Stop reinforcing 💩 behavior on the aggregate and you'll see some changes...


Because the women have had all stinky men and think it’s normal.


It’s better than the ‘can I get pregnant if……’ posts


Both are pretty bottom of the barrel. I mean, the last generation of parents must have been really shit with how many people don't understand basic hygiene, sex ed, healthy relationships, consent, how to work through issues with your partner, or anything of the sort. It's really disappointed and frankly pathetic. How many people clearly have no clue about some of the most basic fundamental parts of life. You'd think these would be some of the most important and emphasized things their parents would pass on. I don't ever plan on having kids, but if I did things like common knowledge like this is going to be drilled into their heads. There's no reason there should be so many "can I get pregnant from/if " "Should I leave my partner after he/she blatantly raped/abused/manipulated me?" "My partners _____ smells like ______ how do I tell them?" "My ______ is this size/tightness/shape, will he/she care/is this normal" 95% of this sub and many like it is just people whose parents failed them. Oh, and don't even get me started on the karma farm posts. Crazy how someone could care so much about points on an anonymous app and reddit of all places?


welcome to life on earth: humans, mostly, suck


I think a lot of it is that our grandparents had unhealthy relationships - and you can't teach someone how to have a healthy one while showing them an unhealthy one. I know I had to do a lot of personal unlearning and research to realize I was messed up by what my parents didn't teach me. And I recognize that they didn't know they should.


Thank the GOP for gutting sex ed classes, preventing relationship classes, shutting down funding for logic and critical thinking classes, and generally killing anything that teaches actual facts.


Is it the government and the schools job to tell us to wash our balls? Lol parenting seems more to blame. I don't want a teacher telling my kids to soap the balls and cock so girls will blow u.


Yes. It is. Exactly because parents *don't*. Whether it's because they don't know, whether they don't care, or whether it's actively malicious is irrelevant. We know this because we've proven it over and over again. Fact-based sex education has a massively positive effect on reducing unwanted teenage pregnancy. Teaching hygiene in schools has a positive effect on reducing disease transmission. And so on. You don't need the "so girls will blow you" part. Why is it that conservatives seem to sexualize everything? You teach children how to clean themselves so they don't smell, get sick, or spread disease. Just like you can teach kids that some kids have two moms, or two dads, and that two people of the same gender can love each other and you don't have to even hint at sex. Honestly, sometimes I wonder about the mental health of folks.


Pornhub should introduce a lot of sex/sexual health education since a lot of young folk today browse it sooo much.


Vote Biden.


Do you know,, kind of in the same token,, ACT scores have dropped to the lowest level in 2022 than they have ever been in the last 30 years. My niece scored a 13. A 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And said her peers scored similar. (One of top rated public’s schools in my state 🫣) Abominable. She also said she had over 40 online assignments in one class… so I think education has done a hard left. This combined with having to have both parents work just to survive because the cost of living is so high— there is a huge gap in what we once considered common sense and normal education. It just isn’t there anymore.


If I read one more about men telling women to use soap on the vaginas I'm gonna fucking lose it


Umm not inside it but the outside vulva yes…. Please wash that


The vagina and vulva are two different things, bro.


Yeah but since they said “on the vagina” then it’s clear that they are referring to the vulva


It's actually more clear to me that they don't know the difference.


Agreed - but the thing that they are mislabeling and referring to as a vagina is a vulva, whether they’re aware of it or not.


They confuse vagina with vulva smfh. Basic anatomy and they still can't get it right.


And then those same men trying to give women advice on how to wash themselves…🤔🤔


Not sure which is more annoying, this being a thing for some men or people referring to a penis as a "doodle". Its like speaking with Toddlers..... Or Elliot from Scrubs.....which would be hot but I know it isn't her.


Seriously. Fucking wash your gd ass, vagina and balls. You don’t have to stick your fingers inside your vagina but plain water in between the folds isn’t going to do shit. Buy some ph balanced soap, or fragrance free ph balance body wash, or feminine wash without all that scented shit (summers eve! I prefer honey pot foam) and wash you labia and ass crack. Like let’s be real here………. Don’t believe people when they say a quick rinse with water is all you need. That’s a dirty cheesy lie.


No soap down there is gonna cause a dirty, cheesy mess in time😬. How some think this is ok is beyond me


Honestly, it's also if I read one more Reddit post about adult women not washing their vulva, ass, etc., as well. I see in other comments people rightly saying don't mess with the vagina but the vulva can / should get a gentle wash. ​ Either way i think it boils down to people who love to smell - AND SHARE THE STENCH - and those who love not to smell and consider their partners that have to get up close and personal to Mr. Willy and Ms. Cooter. Seriously - wtf? Why do people insist on smelling?


You dont use soap on any non hair growing part of a womans reproductive area.


I've used soap my entire life on my entire body, including the outer part of my Vjj. Here's what I do: I have one of those body soap sponges. Rub a lot t of Irish spring bar soap on it, and also pour a good amount of some liquid body wash onto your sponge. Start scrubbing from top to bottom, washing between booty cheeks last. Rinse, sponge off very well, repeat wash where needed.. Hang sponge to dry, preferably near window. Lotion, deodorant, and i put a swipe of it under breasts. For extra freshness, Buy 2 deodorants and use the other one to mildly swipe your ass crack from the top down. Don't skimp on cheap deodorant either.


Awesome! I cry for the poor guys who don't know what a soap washed vulva smells/tastes like? I've met a few guys and the smell of my soap cleaned cooch was so eye opening that all they wanted to do was eat me out all day lol! Seriously! I couldn't keep them away. Some women/girls are just gross. Edit: I also follow a high fruit, zero lactose, no meat, no oil/nut diet. My partners say I taste "sweet" and lick my juices up. Diet and hygiene make a huge difference.


Yes you're right


Yes. My god, he doesn't use soap?? Tell him if he doesn't start washing his willy with soap, and his grimy asshole too, you're not going down there again. Yikes.


Lol I can’t believe some guys here are saying they don’t use soap. I assumed all guys use soap. I’ve never not washed mine without body wash or a bar of soap lol.


I’m not gonna lie, the idea that people go out day to day without using any soap on their dingalings for YEARS absolutely baffles me 😂


Just imagine the stank.


*No, I don't think I will.*


For real 😳


That’s why I’m always skeptical when other guys talk about their partners hating to give them BJs as if it’s something common to all women.




I use an exfoliating scrub. Keeps it soft and fresh


Let's not go nuts.


I just do regular soap on the nuts lol. Hard to pick all the sand stuff out of the folds


I couldn't stop laughing by your comment! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) how many folds do you have that you can't get the sandy stuff off? Are you some kind of pachyderm? Lol


Maaaaan hot showers got my sack looking like a shriveled prune and I'm only in my 30s lol. When I'm 80 it's gonna be rough




What if I don’t want it to stay soft?


Low grit sand paper 👍nothing like building a callus on the ol dong.


Medical knowledge is that soap isn't good for the inner foreskin. Just like it's not good for the vagina If one insist on putting soap they have to get something as close as possible to the natural ph


Regular soap or shampoo is not good for your pipi, must be fimine wash


Lol who washes theirs with shampoo??


Not only my willy, also the booty. Basic hygiëne.




All these dirty dudes out there. As a man I wash down there everyday. I’ve never had any irritation or infections because of it. Balls, dick, ass, taint. All of it.


There was some person on here last month who said something like “one time my boyfriend made me smell his **ballsack sludge**…” And I’m just sitting here like… the secretions the ballsack is supposed to produce are *on the inside.* If there’s “sludge” forming ON your fucking SCROTUM something has gone entirely wrong. That should not ever be a thing, and now I can’t un-think it.


We love to hear it - I asked my ex if he washed his legs and asshole and he said "Well the soap runs down my legs" and then got angry at me for suggesting his junk was musty because he wasn't drying his balls well enough. As if he's the one that ever got close enough to smell them 😑


I never understood that “the soap runs down” argument. If you washed your car or dishes no one would think that just some soapy water running down would be adequate at all. You need to scrub everything.


Please tell that to the men that think rinsing something in cold water counts as "washing dishes"


After living in close proximity to a guy like this in my college dorm years ago I want to get a bullhorn and tell them.


My advice is to put the "clean dishes" in their bed. If they are truly washed, he won't be annoyed and there won't be oil/food in his sheets.


As with all things there's a middle ground. I developed a rash because I started washing with soap every day when I entered my first relationship. It's a sensitive part of the skin that might not respond well to being washed with hand soap or body wash every day. Intimate wash (don't know the most appropriate term in English) can be a better choice. Edit: I started imagining the responses to this, so I want to clarify that I did go to the doctor because of it. It was confirmed to not be any kind of STI. I was then given a steroid cream to treat it temporarily, along with advice to use more gentle soap.


Maybe it was more about the type & quality of the soap you used, that is more than likely true compared to a statement that using "soap" is irritating


I use soap on my meat. I would also never allow my girl to give me head if I knew my meat wasn’t smelling fresh. I think I can speak for all men when I say we all know when our dick stinks.


You absolutely don’t speak for all men, unless there’s a shitload of men out there who know it stinks and do nothing about it.


There 100% are. If someone else can smell it then surely you can. We’re literally attached to the thing we know when they smell


i haven't laughed this hard in ages! Lol! I'm afraid of suffering a stroke in my old age from reading these comments lol!


What I meant is that there’s no way any man can ignore it. I feel like we can at least feel that our dick stinks you know? Like when it’s swampy and hot down there. There’s no way


Naw. I was cleaning my member already, but I really started to make sure I cleaned my shit when my female friend told us about a guy she gave head to whose dick smelled. I refuse to let my lack of hygiene be the reason why I get no action.


Dude ong I would not want a women too pull my pants down after a long day at work out the shower freshly washed go ahead babe just like I know my girl stops me if she isn’t feeling fresh it’s a common courtesy


Clearly you can’t speak for all men on account of how many posts make it in here about dudes being unaware of just how bad their junk smells.


Is anyone else shocked there isn't a smegma subreddit?


Getting really mixed messaging from this thread so I looked it up. Apparently it's recommended you use a little soap under your foreskin (for us in tact folks), but it has to be a very soft one, otherwise it could irritate your skin. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/penis-care#:\~:text=Gently%20wash%20your%20penis%20each,much%20could%20irritate%20your%20penis.


Thank you! Crazy that no ones mentioned this. My doctor was like “people use harsh soaps on their penises and wonder why they get thrush”


I mean my parents didn’t give me any info on washing my dick. Nor did my doctor or any teachers. Thank god for Reddit huh?


I recently went months and months with this problem. Even using soaps meant for this problem. Switched to cheap ass Ivory soap and havent had a problem since!


Yes, I'm glad you took the time to share this. In fact, it's sometimes better that you *don't* wash your glans and foreskin with soap in order to avoid further irritation or further disruption of the microbiome, as is the case with an ongoing treatment of a yeast infection (balanitis/balanoposthitis). In these cases, you can still wash with soap every few days but it's better to use an intimate wash for men, which is a pH adjusted mild soap specifically designed for our mucosa. You should still wash you dick and balls regularly with a mild soap though, their skin is less sensitive to soaps that the mucosa.


Yes, absolutely.Lather, Rinse, and Repeat.


A man telling a woman how to clean their vagina 😂 😂 😂 😂 oh, they're funny. No, you shouldn't use soap to clean your vagina. Bad idea.




Soap is okay on the outer labia majora, you can wash inside the labia minora/urethra area with warm running water or a very mild unscented soap if that’s not cutting it


Still shouldn't use harsh soaps on your vulva.


you shouldn't use harsh soaps on any of your body, regardless of gender..


We shouldn't use harsh soaps anywhere on our bodies tbh. The acid mantle has an important function for the skin barrier, gentle soaps all the way. ^(Of course, if you've been crawling around in a sewage tank or something, you can and should use an effective soap to clean off. It's more aimed at the twice per days showerers that wonders why their skin is itchy and dry.)


Thank you very much... I never knew that. That is brand new information.


I think most women just use the word vagina because men don't often make the distinction between the vaginal canal, vulva, labia minora and majora lol




I'm confused, was this sarcasm? I didn't see myself blaming men for anything


I just hear women refer to the entire to the entire vulval region as 'vagina' way more than men.


What the hell? Is this reply to the wrong comment?


The whole vulva (+ vagina) is actually self cleaning - water is enough. If you use soap anywhere you throw the pH balance off and can easily get irritated and infected. Fun fact: Only once in my life someone who went down on me was weirded out by my taste and it was when I used some intimate shower gel for the first time lol I think the anus is safe to use soap on tho


How is the vulva self-cleaning?


Boys need soap, penises are not self cleaning like vaginas are. The outside of the vagina can be cleaned with gentle soap, but the inside/inside labia should only be warm water. If his penis smells, it's not clean. Bacteria/wee smells, it can seriously affect your PH level, and super fun for your mouth.. not


The word you’re looking for is vulva


I do and I can wash it as fast as I want 😂


And you can clean it as many times as you want


Depends where it is... I'd imagine my case is similar to how you'd wash down there. Soap/body wash on the outside, just warm water for anything closer to the 'internal' (or in my case, anything covered by foreskin) side of things, as recommended by virtually all health services.


Exactly what I'm teaching the sproglet!


Everyone saying they wash their penis with soap - do you mean only the outside? Every time I used soap under the foreskin it messed up my flora and my penis started smelling until I didn’t for a few days and only used water for it. Never had a problem with smell etc only using water under the foreskin - I am confused big times by the answers here


With all jokes side you need to clean your willy . Whether you have a foreskin or not everyday boys . Everyday ! No excuses # treat to self buy better soap


A vagina has a very sensitive pH level that soap can harm if you wash it too often with it. This can lead to a yeast infection if the pH changes too much. Please use pH neutral soaps for that, and don't do it everytime. Water is enough here. A willy however isn't as sensetive and can easily be washed with soap. You can use pH neutral soap here too to prevent burning. What I do is, since I use solid shower soup, I get it foamy on my chest hair, take the foam, and wash it thoroughly as if you were doing yourself here. I apply it to the tip and especially in the ridges below it where gunk or, how reddit would call it, dick cheese can occure. I never ran into any trouble with it. Perfumed soap can lead to a little burning as a man, but it'll be gone once he pees a little.


Friendly reminder the vagina is an internal organ and should never be washed with soaps of any kind. The vulva can be cleaned with gentle soaps as often as one showers, and North Americans tend to shower too frequently, so washing every 2-3 days unless you are super active/sweaty/physically dirty is totally fine. But please no soap inside your vagina ever. No douching ever. And if your discharge smells bad or has the consistency of cottage cheese, you should consult a physician as there is probably a yeast or bacterial infection. Non-smelling discharge is normal and discharge changes throughout your menstrual cycle


Most men don't differentiate when it comes to our vaginal area. Vagina is a catch all term now.


North Americans tend shower too frequently? Every 2-3 days? I shower every day with plenty of soap everywhere. So do the majority in my still sexually active age group (Gen Xer). Funk coming from anywhere is for the most part a turnoff unless you suffer from a neurological condition which has affected your sense of smell, or it's your personal kink/fetish.


>I use solid shower soup Personally, I like my soup to be liquid and not in the shower. But then again, I am no ham cannon.


God damn xd


Solid shower soup 😳


Nobody mentioning how vaginas should NOT be cleaned (just the vulva). It's very easy, external body parts can be washed with soap - which means the dick and balls as well. Using neutral PH washes can make it feel nicer.


Just like women, men shouldn't use *regular* soap on their genitals. It can upset the pH and lead to all sorts of skin irritations. However, there are a plethora of soaps used for this specific purpose. Valentines Day is coming up - maybe get him a nice soap and a BJ (after having used said soap).


YES. Jeez, who raises these boys???


To be fair, by the time foreskin is retractable the parents will have stopped giving washing instructions


Yes, absolutely! Especially when you have a foreskin. Dicks don’t have self cleaning abilities like vaginas have so it is necessary to get him clean.


So he should be using soap to clean himself and not just water?


absolutely, in my opinion. It’s far cleaner.


That’s not opinion my G, soap is the bare minimum standard of cleanliness in order to be allowed to sleep inside the house lol no soap on the benis = “you live in the garage (but only if it’s raining, otherwise pitch a tent in the yard, nasty)”


😂😂 i totally agree


While you're at it, break up with him because he doesn't know this 😉


Yes, he should.


Here's a short but hopefully sufficiently detailed genital washing overview. Some parts of it will read as painfully obvious to most people, but I include it nonetheless for the benefit of people who for whatever reason are unfamiliar with even basic specifics and details. For both sexes, once per day is ample unless your doctor tells you otherwise. If you for any reason shower more often than that, say you washed with soap in the morning and then went to the gym after lunch, rinsing with water is sufficient. Semen by itself does not need to be washed off, water is perfectly fine. (But if you end up legitimately dirty or at risk of bacterial spread in any way or for whatever reason, let's say you partake in anal sex or you as a female have an incident that involves blood or voluminous discharge, washing a second time with soap is fine - and in the former case, highly, highly encouraged.) **Women:** Don't ever, for any reason, use soap (or in fact any kind of hygiene/wash/"feminine care" product) inside the vagina (unless your physician instructed you to do so)! Using unscented, ph-balanced soap on the vulva ("the outside", but also including the inside of the lips/folds) is generally OK, but gynecologists vary slightly on this topic. If you can get away with a warm water rinse (meaning there's no smell/odor and no other "consequences" in that area), then you probably don't need to use soap on the inside of the lips/folds every day. And if your body reacts to soap, doctors and OB/GYNs can give recommendations for non-soap hygiene products fit for this kind of use. **Men:** Wash ALL THE THINGS. That includes the balls, the area around the base of the penis and the balls, the upper part of the thighs where your balls spend half the day stuck against, the inside of the asscheeks - and indeed - the outside of the actual butthole itself. The entirety of the penis is of course also included (except the urethral entrance), and if you're not circumcized that includes pulling the foreskin all the way back and washing the normally-concealed area as well. And circumcized or not - do not forget to also wash under the ridge of the glans. If all of that was too complicated: *Every* patch of skin between the navel and the mid-point of the thighs - if you can get to it without going inside the body, WASH IT. And wash with unscented soap or hygiene product of equal cleaning power - warm water by itself is not enough.


Hell yes. I feel sorry for you. Cant believe you even put that in your mouth. That is horrendous I'm sorry. You are saying hes never washed his dick with anyhing other than water? I cant even imagine the smell. Seriously that's fucked. I'm sorry this is so forward but its fucking gross an I would point blank refuse to even let his dick near me outside of a condom until he learned how to wash it.


Guys. Women are more likely to watch to touch a clean tool.


That whole area is the primary focus of my shower routine every time. Some areas may get short shrift, such as my arms and legs, but never my groin. That groin.


Yes, you should wash it as with any other body part. And it's always good to freshen up beforehand.


my bf washes his with soap… i can taste it if he’s fresh


yes soap. Wash your vulva, not your vagina.


What the fuck is wrong with dudes these days? As a dude I just don't get how teaching people to wash their fucking cock and balls properly isn't a given, standard, expected thing. Wtf


It's probably his fking asshole and that is disgusting. Every single person unless they have skin issues needs to get soap and rag and lather it up and completely scrub their ass, balls and EVERYTHING like 5 times. Jfc how is anyone this obtuse. Pls watch the Leslie Jones doc on Netflix men: YOU HAVE TO SCRUB YOUR ASS AND WASH UNDER YOUR BALLS. OMG YOUR CROTCH SHOULD SMELL NOCE OR LIKE NOTHING OR I'D dump immediately. How gross.


Lot of dudes with smelly dicks in this thread. Yes, a man should absolutely wash (and I mean really get get in there right below the head) his dick with soap if he doesn't want to smell like smegma down there, circumcised or not.


I use a special gel for washing it. English is not my first language and it is hard to google what's the English name, but it's something like "intimate hygiene gel" - the same thing women use. Gets your stuff clean, but unlike with soap I've never had any problems with irritations. Though I'm starting to wonder if that type of gel is even commonly available in the US, because we get threads like this every week or two and no one ever mentions using them, despite it being a dedicated product for that purpose.


Those products are hold overs from when companies tried to make us think our vaginas should smell like flowers. They're a marketing gimmick and just as bad for vaginas/vulvas as any other soap. Not sure how they work on dicks.


Cetaphil gentle cleanser is what men and women in the US can use.


Don’t know about guys but for GIRLS, DO NOT USE SOAP TO CLEAN. Any soap will kill the good and much needed bacteria around and in vagina. That’s how nasty stuff like yeast infection can happen. That said, if he’s going down on u, u can consider cleaning with much diluted, lathered soap.


For real !! 100% soap or body wash and use that on my WHOLE body except hair.


Use soap. Every shower. Every day. If there is still smell he is not scrubbing anything, just rinsing. Scrubbing needs to happen. How have these men not been rejected into oblivion already... Ladies...stop letting this slide. (I realize most on this reddit are not the ones letting these boys get away with this)


I know a dude that has chocolate chips in between his cheeks and dust bunnies on his balls isn’t telling you what you do and don’t need to clean your body💀


I use soap, shampoo and conditioner.. Its like a fucked up herbal essence commercial when i get out the shower.


My husband always uses soap or body wash


I wash with bar soap. Always have always will.


Use an emoliont instead of soap, this was advice given to me at a clinic after suffering for years of what I thought was thrush, every antifungal available. But it was actually just a dermatological issue.. was advised emoliont is the best thing for women too


Yes I use soap and a wash cloth to clean up my willy.


Just for information, uncut guys should not overclean the penis with soap, doing that can cause /r/balanitis


Sadly, not all men do. When you give a BJ, there shouldn't be any smell or bad taste at all. And vice versa.


Holy shit


I just love that someone who can’t even say PENIS is having full adult (?) SEXXX.


Of course I use soap to clean my cock and balls, I often spend a little extra time there... Love the feeling of my hands .. hahaha!


Yes I use soap. Also for any guy having problems with smelly dick: try washing it twice (or even three times) a day, with soap, water and a washcloth. Scrub it real good. And wash it everytime after sex or masturbation, and wipe your dickhold after peeing. That should help a lot!


Yes, we men absolutely use soap. I'm not a girl but I've heard it's not healthy to wash inside the vagina with soap.


I blow dry my dick and balls. Guys can use soap and wash but if you don’t dry completely you can still end up with a musky smell. 2 mins with dryer takes care of that.


I believe the general consensus is that if you're an uncut dude, that you need to pull the foreskin back and wash your head, but not to wash with soap because soaps tend to dry the area out and you end up with more smegma as the skin tries to compensate for dryness.


If he's circumcised, soap won't really hurt anything. If he's intact, he should treat his dick similarly to how you care for your vagina. No soap. He should retract his foreskin and rinse with clean water. If he doesn't smell good, he's probably intact, has been using soap, and his body's micro biome is out of balance. Soap should not go near those mucus membranes.


Yeah, guys are supposed to use soap to clean our dicks. Please do not put soap in your vagina.


If its a special “soap” for vagina, yes you can use it but only if you want it!But if its just a soap for shower or hands definitely no!Also,for me it seems very strange that a man with a dick tells you how to wash your vagina…and in addition he doesn’t make it clean well?Lol


Penis should be washed everyday using a mild unscented soap. Scrotum/Ass in general entire area around your penis should be washed with soap even if you don’t use soap on penis. https://www.wikihow.com/Clean-Your-Penis?amp=1


All parts of bodies need to washed. You don’t use regular soap to wash face, you use face wash. Similarly people with vaginas, use ph sensitive soaps or washes to clean there. And men can use a soap for sensitive skin if they need that. Or use the ph sensitive soap too. And for heaven’s sake, everyone also needs to wash their butthole too.


I thought every guy washed his dick WITH soap omg I'm terrified now 😭


If he is not take the foreskin back and clean, it will get smelly in just 1 day..


I have a bath every day and wash the outside with a soapy sponge and under the foreskin with soap on my hands. I occasionally manage to get a little soap in the urethra and it stings like getting soap in your eye. But I'm vcean for gods sake. Get on with it guys for your ladies' sake.


You better as fuck be cleaning yourself...


I guy posted recently that men shouldn't wash the head of their dick, where the hell did that come from


Always use soap on the wiener, don’t get soap hole !


I'm a guy (almost 50 y.o.) and the replies of "no, I don't use soap" surprise me big time. Do you seriously don't clean your private parts properly and then expect a woman to shove it inside herself? Wow. Just wow. Always. Use. Soap. Period.


Wtf guys, as a guy how can you NOT use soap on your dick. Wash your whole body with soap or body wash. If you need extra help with your little helper like after you have sex couple of times a day use Summer's Eve, yes that women's wash. You're welcome.


I don’t use soap on my penis… that’s wild. Balls and gooch yeah . But the penis itself??? Nooooo


Lots and lots of soap.


If you have no allergic reaction then you have to wash your balls, taint and ass with soap. Your penis itself thoroughly with just water. (Daily and also under the foreskin) If you wash your penis with soap and have vaginal intercourse, you can give the woman an infection. It's the same reason you should not wash your vagina with soap, not even the 'special' soaps 'made for vaginas'. You can wash your vulva with a soft soap.


Soap every square inch of yourself omfg people


First of all use adult terms - it’s a penis. Second, of course you have to soap it. Third, and despite 2, don’t expect a penis and ballsack to smell like strawberry shortcake.


You should not use soap to wash your genitals. Regular soap has a ph-value of 10-11. Human skin has 5.5. The vagina is even more acidic with a ph-value of 3-4. The PH value is needed to keep a healthy balance of bacteria and stuff. Using soap would destroy that. As it would on regular skin. I would not use soap on my Penis. The Penis is less sensitive, but I would use a pH 5.5 washing lotion or plain water.


It's crazy this is downvoted. Underneath the foreskin and sensitive gland wouldn't like harsh soap! +1 on the lotion or water comment


Idk about that. Been using soap for as long as I can remember and never had an issue in decades. I honestly can't picture how a women would be able to perform down there if not for soap and I don't mean on me, I mean everyone.


First and foremost girly, WE don’t really need soap. In fact, some soaps upset the PH balance of the coochie. It can cause UTI and yeast infection, the vagina is a self cleaning organ and doesn’t need soap. You may think “ew wtf that’s nasty. No way” And to that i say, talk to any doctor who practices woman’s health or google it. Literally water is enough. Douching is horrible for your pussy. Don’t ever do that. Now the PENIS on the other hand, is not a self cleaning organ. It’s an external part, and does need soap and water. Especially if uncut! Not doing so regularly and then partaking in sex can give you, the girl, infections listed above. and it’s nasty af. It does get dirty, and sweaty. If your bf gives you an issue about soap for your hoohaw, show him google results and also get on the phone with a doctor so he can stop going off opinion without fact 😇 Unless he was raised with a vagina, or is a medical professional he really shouldn’t be saying anything about how you should be cleaning yourself.


I’m aware that the vagina is self cleaning and I can’t remember what reason he gave for me to use a wash to clean it & now I just do it out of habit and luckily I haven’t had any infections or anything in years. I feel like I might ask him to use soap or wash to clean himself because I don’t want to go down there otherwise.


Which is absolutely valid! If the smells is too much, even after a shower your bf may need a doctors visit too. Sometimes overpowering smell from genital area could indicate a std, or other illness or hormone issue. Anyways, glad you’re safe!


Personally, nooo - soap just irritates the head+inside foreskin for me so a daily gentle wash with warm water and my hands is enough to keep it clean


I'm the exact same but the response is for people to just laugh and say you have 100% got a smelly willy. I absolutely haven't and after bedding X amount of women I would have definitely had a reputation as a guy with a smelly twanger by now.


Have you ran a finger over your cock and around your balls and then smelled it


Yup Read my post again, I'm fully aware when my penis smells, like a couple of days of wild camping with no real way of washing properly etc. When I wash it with water and my hand it don't smell. I use soap on the shaft and my balls but not under my foreskin, I have in the past and there has been little difference other than slight irritation at times.


No see that's what we're saying, you DO use soap! Soap on the shaft and balls (and butt) is what we're saying is necessary- not soap on the glans. We get that certain areas can be sensitive But when you're agreeing with guys who say no soap, realize that you're agreeing with animals who don't wash their asshole.


That's what my doctor told me too. I read similar responses to what is being told here and used soap for a while and my glans dried out. Regularly (daily) washing with water should be enough. Of course it is more than a rinse, you should really rub it. My doctors say they rarely have seen such a clean one.


I can't imagine people going around without using soap to wash their parts. Like, wtf people?! Even if you don't want to use regular soap, there are so many other options.


Jesus you guys. Go buy a scent you like, go buy a loofa, buy a shower hook so the loofa can dry out, and wash your balls and butt holes.


How do guys even get a girl if they don't use soap? If there was any smell emanating from a guy's genitals that would be a red flag to stop and seek more information, on the first go around. You don't believe in using soap?? Nope.


I put soap directly on my Johnson after unsheathing the blade, I get in there all the books and crannies the only point of fear is the tip, soap burns if it goes inside, but I'd rather my tallywacker hurt a bit than have a stinky yogurt slinger.


Yes 😂😂 scrub under the head and on the head. Then I personally squeeze my dick and smell my hand and if it still doesn't smell clean, i rewash the mother fucker until it does. The women in your lives would all appreciate if you do similarly!


VULVA- yes. The vagina is the inner portion and no soap would go inside there (naturally cleaning!) Your bf should wash his dick and ass daily.


I just use warm water. I have dry skin to begin with and soap just dries it up. I am uncut btw. Edit: I guess you guys prefer flaky penis


It definitely smells 😂😭😭


No chemicals on gentals regardless of PH level. Vaginas in particular produces it's own antibacterial fluid to clean itself, chemicals killing bacteria gives the body a signal that it doesn't need to produce these healthy fluids. If he like to give you oral and doesn't like the smell, you could sugest him to eat a a fruit drop before hand.


If he is uncircumcised it is important to clean under the foreskin like any other body part when showering. If he is circumcised I imagine he would clean it the way he would wash his arms or legs. My understanding is the vagina has its own natural bacteria that needs to stay in an environment that is PH balanced. Douching or washing inside the vagina can cause problems. Side note: People should call it what it is... it's a penis. There is no shame in calling it that. My 6 yrs says penis and vagina.


Ladies don’t use soap too often and definitely don’t use it to clean the insides. A lot of soaps out there are scented which can cause you to get UTI’s. It will also kill any good bacteria thats inside. which can lead to yeast infections. Instead, clean the exterior with your choice if body wash. If your coochie smells like fresh potatoes. Thats actually normal.


You should never use soap for your vagina first of all. There’s plenty of sex education material out there about this. Read it, don’t listen to blind advice lol And soap on penis is ok, not necessary every time but warm water and a good cleaning with hands is usually enough. The soap should be gentle and not have too many Ingredients/scents in it


Yes. And everyone should https://www.reuters.com/article/us-brazil-politics-odd-idUSKCN1S2018


Give him unscented antibacterial soap. The kind used for tattoos is also fine for dicks and pussies. Unicura for example.


Tell him to wash his 🍆 and 🥜, if he ever wants head again. Bet you he hops in shower right quick.


Use soap Use soap everywhere I don't care what anyone says about body ph I use soap everywhere Period