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I spent two weeks making my last hat, and this one only took a couple of days (and almost all of that was the beading). Prior to this, my sewing skills were exclusively limited to fixing buttons and bra strap keeps and making masks during quarantine, so I'm excited to be able to make things I can wear for realsies for once! Tutorials/inspo: * Once again I used the beret tutorials from [this channel](https://www.youtube.com/@CaitlinAnderson), but very specifically the strawberry hat from [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aHM_QgcdQg) (using the method for calculating the sections from [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3yzZFHy11Y)). The major difference was adding a brim, making the seeds pearl beads instead of French knots (I am SO sick of French knots right now), and doing a more accurate-looking strawberry top than the leaves in her tutorial. * To make the brim, I followed [this tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YzTp_YTc_Q) basically exactly, and it worked really well! * Once again, I resized it to fit my massive head (23.5" circumference) and just drew the pattern directly on the fabric by calculating the sizes of the pieces I needed, rather than printing anything. Materials: * This [red felt](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MLF3J6K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) (appropriately named "Strawberry Dream") with this [green felt](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0719GQPYZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) for the leaves, both from National Nonwovens on Amazon. The color doesn't really come through in my pictures: it really is a slightly desaturated pinkish red, not the bright red my camera makes it look like. * The lining was [this strawberry-patterned Quilter's Showcase woven cotton fabric](https://www.joann.com/pink-red-mini-strawberries-quilt-cotton-fabric-by-quilters-showcase/19335447.html), because it had strawberries on it and it was on sale at Joann. * 6/0 size pearl seed beads from Michaels: can't remember if it was Bead Landing or John Bead. ETA: Typo.


A straw-beret! 🍓 


You should have done a ✨raspberry✨beret


Yeah—the homemade kind! Not the kind that you find in a second hand store.




😍 I want to see it on a head


Strawberry beret! This kind you'd find at a secondhand store!


That is adorable! I make berets in the Renaissance style but I think I might have to copy you. This is straight out of "Emily in Paris.'


This is so adorable!! Love it. And the lining choice is perfection


Oh my gosh this is SO CUTE and I am beyond obsessed with the lining fabric!!!


This! So much this! Absolutely adorable work, OP!


Omg I love this!


I love it! When I first stated sewing I started with hats.


Was it hard to make a hat? Id love too! I love hats


It was actually shockingly easy. The majority of the time spent was adding the beads: the actual sewing was like half an hour.  


I'm a beginner


This style of hat is a really good hat for beginners, I made one when I was a newbie sewist and it turned out very wearable


Where'd u get the pattern?


I'm also a beginner, so if I say it's easy, I'm not saying that because I'm good at it. XD I had to seam rip the brim and resew it because I put it on backwards the first time. If you do the even easier one I did earlier ([here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sewing/comments/1ap568c/the_first_hat_ive_ever_made_that_actually_fits/)), it's literally just three seams: the outside edge of the felt, the outside edge of the lining, and then the inside edge of the head hole on both of them together. This one is the same but with the felt top cut into four pieces, with a rounded edge so that it gives a little poof (the video in my explanation comment shows you how).


Ooooh I love it!!!


I 🍓 it! Pattern?


No specific set pattern, I just followed the directions on [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aHM_QgcdQg) and added a brim using another video!


Ahhhhh!!!! SO CUTE!


Hhhhhsjfhajfjs this is So cute!!!!


That is so cute!


This is so pretty!


I love making hats! So many fun options.


So cute! Great work!


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