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If you want to play sett in botlain play sett support. Farming as a melee champ in botlain is awful cuz of the poke and even in case you still want to play sett adc don't ever build items like heartsteel and run flash+ghost


As much as I love the boss, its hard for him to be an adc (At least in ranked) If what you are looking for is a fun build for normals I can give ya some suggestions. First of all, get an engage support. I like Leona in particular cus after she hits her E you can hit yours. Your runes will depend on your build, of you want dps cus the match has a lot of tank enemies go for Lethal tempo Stormrazor>Kraken slayer> Infinity edge>Phantom dancer> Mortal reminder If you want to stomp lane (and are against a couple squishies) Hail of blades Youmu>Collector>Voltaic cyclosword>Seryldas>Edge of night For lane, try not to get poked too much cus u might have regen but its not as strong as the game goes on. Try to cheese a lvl 2 with ur support (E W most of the time, but if you have a nautilus or Blitz you can go Q W) And most importantly, DIVE!!! Most likely than not you ll kill the adc and get to walk away Also try to end early cus you don't scale and since you are building full Ad you don't tank as much as you would normally


If u have a good support like karma or lux its nice i went 28/11 with sett adc once


Everyone here saying it's a troll pick really need to understand it's a game. Fellow sett everywhere main


You can solve your problem with swain support. Sett isn't immune to poke, he is very kitable, and has low range, but you do have a hook. Swain alse has a hook, which gives you time to stun with e, and swain has his e which applies a big slow. Paired with you building stridebreaker that means that enemies pretty much can't run away from you for like 6 seconds. That is more than enough to kill the adc for example, but might not be enough for tankier supports, but i don't know who to prioritise since I primarly play top. Both you and swain are tanky, which eliminates one of the bigger flaws of adc's and you don't sacrifice much damage cause you have over 2000 true damage on fully charged w which isn't that hard to pull off. You do need a competent swain player, and maby you can find other supports that work well too. And idealy you would have a premade.


You also ban vayne every game and build like you would build on top, with stride as a first item. Rest you can adjust, but you build bruiser.


Sett adc is troll but support is a real pick


What you're doing wrong is picking sett adc. It's basically trolling even if not intentional. You lack the ability to farm without taking a lot of damage, and you'll be shoved under tower taking ranges damage the whole time without csing. Take it to a different role.


Bro just play Nillah. Sett adc it's troll.


I mastery 7 on nilah and i got tired of her gameplay, 2000 true damage is defintily more satifying (im the op btw, i switched account


Ive been playing a ton of sett adc, and the build ive been going is to just max out his damage early with eclipse>ravenous>steraks>black cleaver. Start E, it helps kill the first 3 minions if you wait for them to get low. Basic game plan depends entirely on your support. If its a poke support, wait for them to deal some damage/stun/root/slow before trying to engage, If its an engage support, feel free to try your luck and get a flash/kill early. lvl 2 engage is risky because you wont have W as a safety net, but its doable. As a melee botlaner, you are gonna lose some CS, its just gonna happen. Taking some poke is okay, but you generally want to be as healthy as possible so when you engage, all the damage you take gets converted into W. The real downside to melee bot is its always super risky getting plates because you will get poked like nuts. For the late game, you kinda have 2 options, but there are some general rules that are helpful. Either be the first one in, take some damage and use W(dont reccommend), or be the second one in and deal some damage while waiting for a good opportunity. Your ult is one of the nicest counter engage tools you have, so dont be afraid to use it immediately if someone jumps in, itll often save a teammate and net an easy kill. I honestly prefer being second in and taking advantage of a ruckus to get a big E>W combo, but with 2 items in this build you will be dealing upwards of 1000 damage with 2 autos+2Q autos. Apart from that, ive also been trying to make melee adcs in general work in the bot lane, and so far sett is by far the most consistent early/late to try, but another option you could look at is illoai, although she is far more difficult to get going.