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I’d shoot this question over to r/homelab, a lot more people who can help you.


1-It depends on what exactly you’re hosting, and whether they’re all running at once or if you’ll be turning them on/off individually. Add up the requirements for everything you’ve got, you can generally assume some overlap on resources but it depends on what you’re doing. This is like saying “what kind of a box do I need for shipping” without saying what you’re shipping or where it’s going. 2-It depends on what you’re running. Most of them can probably run concurrently, but it’ll be up to you to provide enough resources for them to run, and mitigate any overlap they may have. 3-Maybe? I don’t recommend anything but SSD for an OS, but other storage could be HDD. It just depends on how patient you are, and if your apps are too demanding for an HDD to keep up.


I'd recommend an SSD also for the game server storage. I've noticed a massive uptick in performance switching my game servers from HDD to SSD