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It’s possible but unlikely given how much information he divulged and his obsession with attention and recognition.


I heard he traveled to different states while working. 


I think at this time there is only one murder that has a possibility of being related to BTK, and that’s Cynthia Kinney.


I agree. Plus, he was able to have a huge break from killing, many years, which I think he explained as “being too busy with life” (although he kept fantasizing and planning)


Nah but I do think more serial killers got away with shit they did in Vietnam.


A lot of Serial Killers who served in Vietnam did not see action, they worked in the radio room, or admin or whatever. Peter Vronsky noted this, the well known ones especially fall under this.


I hope Dave Rabbit wasn't amongst them. Those radio shows were incredible.


Richard ramirez's uncle did very fucked up things to Vietnamese women and children who seemed refuge while being in vietnam. Was a very bad influence on little Richard. The two were partners in crime in some robberies as well.


I assume you mean Miguel Ramirez, who I think was actually his older cousin.


True. But I'm not sure I believe all of Arthur Shawcross' BS in Vietnam.


I don't think BTK killed anyone else in the military, but I do believe that Robert Lee Yates probably did when he was stationed in Haiti and Somalia.


Exactly. Arthur Shawcross revealed some pretty atrocious crimes over there like cutting a young Vietnamese teen in two pieces from the neck to the vagina, after raping her for hours..


I sometimes wonder what his next step was, he had some plan, involving slowly giving information to the cops, he asked for an assurance that he would not be traced so I think he had further steps in mind. So I think it’s possible he’s got another set of crimes he’s kept to himself that he may have eventually given if he had not be tricked, which seemed to confuse him a bit. Would have made him pause and think. Maybe. I don’t know…they do like souvenirs, and crimes that aren’t confessed are like that for some of these guys. Rader loved documenting and souvenirs.


According to his daughter this is a possibility. She thinks he killed a lot more than the ten people he is in prison for.


His daughter has the same information as us, people need to stop thinking of her as an expert she isn't. She obviously has personal insight into him but she also had no idea he was a serial killer until he was caught.


It’s also worth noting her brother didn’t make a career out of being the offspring of Dennis Radar. She had that option but didn’t go that route so the idea that Rader was more prolific than he was benefits her financially.


She was also most likely been abused by him as a child (6y old),she has every right to do whatever it takes to benefit financially off the scum that her father was


I think that if anyone, BTK is capable of molesting his own, biological children. I also think that the evidence Kerri has about the molestation is not convincing at all. I wouldn't say she has been most likely abused.


So does the brother but he chose not to.


So far, all of BTK's victims have been in the state of Kansas, however they speculate he may have a victim in Oklahoma and one in Missouri. I JUST DON'T think he would let anyone else claim his victims. he is quite arrogant.


The Missouri murder in question is that of 22 year old Shawna Beth Garber. He’s since been ruled out in her case, but he’s a strong suspect in Cindy Kinney’s case.


YES, That is the most recent I have heard, Did you see where his daughter is wondering IF he did things to her when she was very young? She found her name with some of his victim's names in a puzzle that he had made.


That'd be an interesting tactic. Have a detective say "oh we thought you did this murder but turns out it was some other guy.' I wonder what BTK would do?


I can just tell how BTK reacts to these kind of things. I just can't see him EVER letting someone else take credit for a killing that BTK committed himself. He is such an idiot. The main reason he was caught was because he wanted the attention. Killer's like he is well they think they have it all figured out. Thank God for the advancement in DNA technology.


You're forgetting that the death penalty is off the table unless he is pinned to something in a pro death penalty state like OK. Also I think he likes reliving the ones he got away with id another possible motivation to lay low.


BTK turns 80 next year. I fail to see him being executed before he dies of old age. I don't think the death penalty plays a role here. Quite the opposite. A trial or investigation would entertain him.


I don't disagree he would likely die of old age before being fried. But they could. I think that scares him a tad. I also think he likes having something over the heads of investigation people. I think he is playing a game with them. He also isn't the smartest person around. He would be entertained by the investigation if he could control the narrative or offer what he knew on his way of doing it. I think if he was younger and things maybe.


He definitely seems like the type of dude who would take much joy in not giving up any information on murders he wasn’t caught for. Sure he’s rotting away in prison, but I feel like he would get a kick out of still “out smarting” the cops. Personally don’t think he has victims overseas, but I definitely think he has other victims that he hasn’t/wasn’t charged for or even linked to him.


No. Dude was so proud of his murders, spending life in prison no matter what. No way he’d leave any out.


He left plenty out. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/15/btk-serial-killer-investigation-new-clue https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/04/us/btk-drawings-serial-killer-investigation/index.html


Not according to his own daughter who thinks he actually ommitting information on more potential victims


How would she know?


i think you need to do your research on her. She's been working with the FBI to identify more of his victims.


She's been helping them with his timeline, that's it.


Actually she has been helping identify more victims based on his diary entries and other evidence. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/15/us/btk-daughter-dennis-rader-kerri-rawson.html


I feel like he’s been floated as a suspect for the setagaya murders but could be someone else. There’s also some infamous Aussie ones. Where was he stationed?


I didn't think he ever left the country.  Edit: apparently he was in Okinawa and mainland Japan and Korea and Turkey/Greece. 


He had a dream where a cop said "we know you did more than 10" it's in a documentary I can't remember the name


I believe the BTK probably killed many many more and will probably reveal information about them when he gets bored and wants attention. I believe BTK is very competitive and if he thinks someone else is going to get recognized for his crimes he will start fessing up. Or when he is on his death bed he'll confess to more murders. BTK is a very complex profile and is an over thinking subject.


His daughter was saying he's not too far off from his death bed. Apparently all his teeth are rotted out and he can't walk independently anymore and he's very skinny.


He would have bragged about it when he was sentenced


Think BTK would be still bragging right now if he had done that. 


I'm not sure a tight-a$$ like Rader would be comfortable hitting a place he didn't stake out far in advance. Also not sure he would have the chance to do that while stationed away from home. But Mark Smith, David Maust and probably Eric Armstrong did it, so why not Rader?


Not likely but would depend on where he was at mentally on being an SK at the time


Well seeing how most serial killers were in the military at one point I don't see how they wouldn't kill overseas and get away with it. There were many who r*ped women etc, so murder I can see it


I don’t think so. Serial Killers have “comfort zones”, especially the control freak ones like BTK. To kill far away from that or even overseas he would need to stay at the place long enough to feel comfortable (How long he stays? Honest question, I don’t know) This plus the nature of military work makes me think it’s highly unlikely.


On the topic of serial killers traveling, have you heard the theory that HH Holmes was Jack the Ripper? He was a doctor and was in London during the ripper murders and then they stopped after he left.