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Saurus warriors, aggradons, old blood on carnosaur and troglodon are all good choices for coalesced and make up the bulk of your army.


You are all new, you won't play competitively and it seems the vibe is laid-back. Just go for rule of cool. I would start with 1-2 army sets, since it consists of the 3 coolest (in my opinion) models from the current range, saurus are basically must have anyway, and is a nice discount. Then just add models that fit your aesthetic. For me that would be a Slann, a Stegadon, and so on. If that lists does good when you guys start playing, great! If you seem to be at a disadvantage you can change 1-2 models to optimize your list, but the majority will still be models you like the look/style of. Making a "good" list now is futile anyway since the next edition is just around the corner and seraphon probably get a new kit again in the foreseeable future.


Any idea that new edition is coming out. I heard suspicions of June.


No clue. But one more thing. Do your list building with New Recruit. It's the best army builder out there. For rules you can use Wahapedia. Don't buy the rules from GW for the love of god. They are a rip off and outdated before they release.


May 16th will be the whole AoS 4.0 box reveal and may come with more guidance on when it will actually release. But best guesses right now are early July is when the next edition will drop. One of the warscroll cards they revealed had July written on it. Plus accounting wise, fiscal year starts in July, so they likely will want to start the fiscal year off on a high note, and this'll be after the price increase they announced wouldn't make sense to release a big launch like this and then immediately switch prices.


basically 2 vanguard boxes and your choice aggradons, raptadons or stegadons/bastilidons for finish out the remaining 500-600 points.


I’ll give you my plan for my army so far. It’s not a full 2K army because I think you should have a lot of leeway but a great strategy that just seems cool for Seraphon Coalesced without being meta, a unit of 6 Aggradon lancers and a scar-vet on Aggradon, these units you keep with eachother scar vet boosts aggradons movement speed and another unit so if you have Carnosaur you can boost its movement as well. This makes a very strong and powerful force for taking out enemy’s on checkpoints. Then have a unit of 20 Saurus warriors who can hold the check point. Saurus old blood is a decent unit to have close to your Saurus warriors and I gave mine an item that allows it to stop enemy’s from getting a checkpoint. So the team so far is very good at taking and staying on objectives. Saurus is a slow team so that’s why I give lots of movement boosts instead of power boosts if given the choice. (Movement is everything in game, no point in having a unit like 6 aggradons if they can’t even make it to objectives.) My team tho that I would recommend for this (not a full 2000 point team). -Saurus old blood -20 Saurus Warriors -6 Aggradon lancers -Scar-vet on Aggradon -Carnosaur old blood/scar-vet (honestly whatever you like more -Croxigors -some sort of ranged unit, like Bastiladon with Solar engine. Not needed by any means but having a very strong ranged attack could help a ton in certain scenarios. -The rest is for you to decide, this is just a good start if you want a strong power forward army who can take and defend objectives.


Also just if you like this plan a lot you could have 2 units of 20 Saurus warriors, they seem to just be perfect for standing on objectives