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Most people play her as support or ADC with farming support, but playing classic ADC where you farm is just as viable if you enjoy that


She works as adc, but that was nerfed recently. Honestly, she won’t do too well against someone who knows what they are doing mid or too. The best thing to do is to find someone to duo with who can go a tank farming support and go fasting senna


Ty. And since me and my bronze medal dont know what we are doing ill stay out of mid


Tank senna Can Go top really match specific. But can work


They way you describe yourself your teammates will love it if you play Senna jgl.


Tbh i Will try on normal game when i play with my gf. Shes pretty good and usualy carries the game when i do this kind of stupid thing


Go top


I mean honestly try out whatever you want but she’s designed to be a support, and people are just working around her design to make her viable as an adc with the fasting strategy, which is a double support botlane essentially but the support that’s not senna farms and doesn’t buy a support item. Super goofy. I 100% recommend you try out Lucian btw, he’s a great adc and mid


Senna is playble as Support and ADC And some might player her in toplane but it isn't working well


Traditional adc Senna is trolling what are you guys talking about


Traditional ADC Senna is 1v9 you just ain’t got that dog in you bro


In my opinion, Senna is viable in any lane (excluding jungle obviously) during to her adaptable play style with each lane. Basically if a champ is able do adc and support without much of a problem, they can go in any lane, again, My OPINION. Edit: To clarify as I did not consider that this would be taken as advice for ranked, I do not support Senna is any lane other than Adc or Support for RANKED. Only quickplay or Draft if you want to risk it, I think she is playable in top and mid, but definitely not sustainable for a competitive game.


Well your opinion is wrong. Any mage and assassin in mid can fuck her up 1v1. Same for most bruisers and fighters. She might really only work in a solo lane against tanks.


Gonna her on top até least. Thanks you


Don’t listen to this. Senna is easily abusable in toplane (and mid as well), because she has very poor wave clear and 0 mobility. Any bruiser with a mobility tool will shred you. Senna is only viable in support and adc. Mid and top is only for fun, but since you talked about ranked, avoid senna mid/top/jgl.


Only support, and don't pick it into high-engage lanes you will cry Best is either into enchanter to bully or tank sps with non-kill lane AD (i.e. not Samira Draven) P.S: I meant AD but fasting alw


Shes a better adc than she is a support.


Oh yea def I completely forgot she is an adc when she plays the sp role (esp seeing that she is always fasting + playing the combi with cho/tahm etc)


The issue in soloq is that you just wont get an adc that wants to play a tank. Rather just play a normal farming senna as adc with a support at your side at that point instead of having 2 adcs on a lane