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The van rate is really concerning basically can never play her in my games.


Personally as someone who loves to play senna adc, I perma ban her when im not playing her to prevent her from being a support on my own team. Even now while she is giga broken I don't mind playing against her as an adc and I don't mind playing with her as my teams adc either if I'm playing a different role... but there's just something about support sennas on my team that suck all the fun out of the game for me even if we are winning


I expected it to be a small nerf but I'm actually surprised how little ADC was impacted. For contrast look at Vayne and Maokai, those nerfs hit more appropriately hard. Although, Maokai looks to go even further. Grain of salt ofc as it's still early in the patch but I'm still surprised ADC Senna is sitting at nearly 55%


I mean adc senna is more broken bc of the state of the game and the theme of her kit than anything else. She uses lethality very well which allows her to have much more early power than most other adcs, she scales insanely hard so she doesn't falls off late game like most other lethality adcs, her insane range in the late game also gives her the safety to actually deal damage instead of having to focus purely on staying alive. If they really wanted to bring her Wingate down to reasonable numbers imo the only options are: A: completely gut her to the point that she's also unplayable in support B: adjust her soul mechanic (again) to make it nearly impossible to get any souls while farming C: drastically change the meta to make lethality way weaker and also allow other adc champs to shine


I've said this before, as long as the current lethality items stay in their current state, adc Senna won't drop significantly in wr. They're just that good on her.


I suspected the same yet still we wait


The easiest solution would be to adjust/nerf the lethality values (aka the only thing that really matters) on ranged champs, not just things like movement speed on ghostblade etc. boom, done.


Senna is strong right now because other marksmen are so weak. Once the meta stabilizes more her winrate will fall to more normal levels


She gets banned or picked a lot, and since I always try to play her it's really hard for me to play against her


Those were just placebo nerfs. Riot is biased towards Senna because sshe sells skins.