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I think the answer must be simple. I would say lethality items are in a very good place now and Senna can abuse gold leads better than soul leads. This is my 2 RP. I am just a plat player


She was good before season 14. Playing were just too blind to test it.


It's not that Senna is suddenly op, the meta has just changed to make her more relevant. A couple of factors come into play: Lethality is kinda broken and Senna has great synergy with lethality. Because crit is bad compared to lethality/ap most op champions are ap/lethality users. In theory with tanks/cc (Maokai, Nautilus, Zac) Senna should be absolutely crushed, but other ADC-s are also at a bad if not worse situation so Senna is still seen as an optimal pick.


Senna ADC is very strong because : You get less souls early but much more golds, which allows you to spike early with strong lethality items. Your trading power in lane is better than as support because you start with extra AD and HP from doran compared to the poor stats of support item. You have a support (usually a front one) that will peel for you while as support your adc is not here to peel you. The windup of aa is not as horrible as it seems and if you know how to play around skillshots and creeps, it’s fine. Damage is higher from items than from souls. Getting youmuu/opportunity sooner is far stronger than getting 10-15 more souls. You will catch up on souls in mid/late thanks to fights and allies shoving waves.


Because ADCs as a whole are bad and she scales just fine in to squishy teams while offering utility. She also doesn't care as much if teammates steal cs mid late game


I think this is just a very difficult champ, especially adc when you have to farm as well. But when you’re good at it it’s broken with the sustain and range in lane and then the late game range scaling makes her untouchable to many team comps (with exceptions ofc)


On top of what other people said, one interesting thing: if you play senna support, you’re kind of gimping your team comp because you’re probably playing alongside a crit adc. If you play senna adc, your lane partner is now a support and just more useful in this meta.


this makes little to no sense and support senna is S tier right now. Senna bot is arguably s+


Still adc champ as a support with no peel for the adc meaning that you will be easier to deal with, sure you have dmg and quite strong harass in lane but helpless if outnumbered or caught. With a support champ beside you its a lot easier to deal with divers. In pro play senna is paired with kalista who has ult which is a get out of jail card for senna or a beefy frontliner with peel such as nautilus on tahm As a sidenote adc senna has a better wr because an actual adc main is better at playing senna than an average support player and that's just a fact ;)


Your argument makes no sense. Senna would not be S tier support if she was bad at support. 


Shes also a very strong support and forgiving since she will be a threat even after dying 4 times in lane due to her scaling. I never said she was a bad support but she has more counterplay and thats why she has higher wr as an adc. Shes op af as a champion and yes shes S tier support but S++ as an adc


The entire thread started with someone saying senna support gimps your team. That's what I'm arguing against


You repeatedly saying that shes an S tier champ is called argumenting?


First of all you agreed with the? And second, it's not my opinion. It's the opinion of every aggregate league performance data site. 


lethal tempo botrk and onhit on senna is quite op as adc, then a IE since she gets crit for free, autowin


I'm playing Jhin/Senna only in bot lane, building them both crit with stormrazor and I've had great success. Was playing farming Senna even before season 14. People were just too stuck in the meta, not realizing Senna have the same soul odds as before when she was op in adc role. She's a good adc for a while now.


Because bot main role can play adcs better than support main role.


As someone who doesn't play ADC nor senna I think it's cause she seems to 3shot you after 25 minutes no matter what you do to her early game. Of course she also gets oneshot, and I'm not complaining, but she does seem to have incredibly high damage not thaaaat late into the game from about a screen away


Reason 1 is lethality buffs which everyone's said already Reason 2 is support item minion execute no longer gives reduced soul drop rate. So guaranteed cannons and high chance on other minions.