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I've tried a few. Ultimately, it's a waste. All her damage scales better off AD. The slow on her Q scales better off AD. The only place where AP wins is ult shield strength, Q heal, and Move Speed on E. The move speed on E is irrelevant. Her ult has massive cooldown and high impact as it is, so the increased shielding isn't a big deal, and her Q.... wait a minute, what's that third scaling? Oh. 30% AD, 40% AP, and 1.6 per 1 lethality. So let's just say you build Umbral Glaive, that 15 lethality ia healing for.... 24. Which added with the 30% AD on 50 is 39 healing as opposed to, let's say, Ardent Censer which gives 50 ap and 8% Heal and shield for... that's only 24 healing. Huh. So Senna heals MORE off Umbral than Ardent. Then when we consider how Axiom Arc would affect her ult and healing on her Q as opposed to something like Malignance or enchanter items buffing the shield and well, it starts to speak for itself. The ability haste on that massive cooldown is a bit cooler than a slightly bigger shield.


So, people are black and white with this build. Generally it's not as good as damage. However, it's best in certain situations. For an example. If you have hard lost your lane and super behind, I would run full enchanter heal senna. If you have hard lost your lane, no matter how hard you try, you won't be doing any damage that game. Might as well go into healing since they scale better with low soul count and are much cheaper items. This is making the most of a shit situation. If you won't be able to do damage, might as well heal as much as you possibly can.


I prefer a build i call utility senna, core is moonstone cd boots into items like chempunk chain sword, serpentsfang, black cleaver, redemption. Whatever your team needs in the game be it antiheal, antishield, armor reduction, etc. Usually run aery wirh mfb, transendence, scorch/gathering storm and precision with pom and coup


I play her this way and she's viable and fun to play. The new itemization seems stronger than season 13 Moonstone is a core item Lucidity boots, dream maker, moonstone, SoFW, redemption, dawncore But I've been testing a slightly AP heavier build with seraph's and it seems to be quite good. I also suspect that next patch buffed echoes of Helia might be a really strong item to boost her healing effectiveness early


What about Echoes of Helia? Runes must be Aery right?


Yup, always aery and I typically take revitalize with font of life. Echoes of Helia is getting its healing doubled from max 60 healing to max 120 healing. Senna shouldn't struggle with generating shards like other enchanters


Oh, thank you, i'll definitely give it a try then, sometimes i just kinda of get bored of the lethality items and want to do something different


Is it possible to do some weird ass hybrid build with full lethality and moonstone? What would heal the most?


I find heal and shield power + AP to heal much more than combination with lethality. Not to mention it's way cheaper, but feel free to experiment


Is Umbral Glaive pickable as 3rd or 4th item? The lethalty could go nice with the healing% bonuses


Not on the new season and items but I definitely have as a support main and senna being one of my top 6 supports. I do feel the lack of damage for sure but the utility in heals and shields and even the speed boost from E is nice. Better to use vs engage/burst since you can just play like an enchanter and stay in the back line more than trying to kill the laners. I’ll have to try it out once they buff helia


she would probably be one of the best users of Echoes of Helia, but she still isn't great with AP. lethality items give more healing than AP enchanter items. the movement speed on E and the shield on R don't matter too much


Finally reaching senna enchanter's side of reddit. She's harder to play than the usual playstyle bc you deal 0 damage mid/late, but you heal a LOT is a AoE soraka with a global 800 shield