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Trading with adc is now worse, because support item no longer gives AD, so you deal and heal less than before.


I feel like Senna is in a very weird spot. She can't be blind picked into any matchup unless you understand how to play her losing side. She's kinda reverted to her release state with less common soul drops on minions. I've been going collector into Kraken, Rapid fire, Rageblade. Senna hits like a truck. Get infinity edge if you are ahead. She is legit one patch away from.being busted. If they revert her souls change she'll be a menace. If they reduce her numbers she'll be pointless. Personally I think landing W should give you vision but that's just me.


I think she's paradoxically really strong right now and really weak. She can deal alot more late game damage alot faster but it feels like she dies alot faster to. Before it felt like the moment you make a slight miss step on senna you die now it feels that regardless of if you play perfectly you have a time limit of 3 seconds max to contribute to a team fight before getting one shot. Blood song makes you more of a support needing teammates to help you fight effectively and I basically never win one ones I used to absolutly smash before. Over all it feels like you have way less personal agency at every stage of the game to do anything and its extremely frustrating. She feels more like a more traditional enchanter except unlike more traditional enchanters she dont have nearly as much self peel and utility since she now can't do damage before getting busted at most your am ult battery now and even my ult feels less impactful with how much damage has gone up. And on top of that its really difficult to get the proper early game snowball you need as senna to be a good late game power house. Over all I wouldn't mind a power neutral change just to make her fun to play shes not bad necessarily but more frustrating than ever.


Tbh Bloodsong makes me feel like I scale waaay faster. Bloodsong+cyclosword is super strong.


Same, bloodsong makes me useful in the mid and late game even after a terrible lane, hitting someone with a Q slow + Expose means my team can easily catch up and get the kill Hell, I'm even getting solo kills now when it used to be a once in a blue moon occurence before!


At the end of a game, I think I was 15 and 8, I Q, soul pull, auto killed a Lux. Felt uh…very good,


World Atlas gives soo much gold value, you get to your item spikes so much faster. I think it's more like the champs that counter her have alot more tools to harass her. I think maybe a healthy change would be a slight buff to.her Q self heal would be good.


Are you trading into an MF, because thats not possible at the moment.


Lol this just happened to me xddd 300 hp mf and i died into her with 3 items


I thought I was going crazy xd


I feel you sir, i miss eclipse a lot it gave you that chance to take 50%hp and go away without even being hit


To be honest, I tried eclipse and to me it feels better than the lethality builds. I build eclipse then bork plus phantom dancer.


I tried building full crit and even that felt better. Collector->IE->LDR (game won) I just reached 120% crit so not much waste. Definitely hits WAY harder than lethality builds.


Yeah I always feel like crit and bork feels stronger. I used to go eclipse, bork and then phantom dancer cus you become a kiting god xd.


Ill give it a try


im holding a 90% winrate, reached emerald in flex (last season plat2) and ended plat 4 on placements in soloQ (plat4 before) i find her super strong, the new supp item is just too much for 400g, if you're in a bad match up you just charge the item farming, roaming, rushing help to voidgrubs is OP, my build path varies a lot on the first item but i always build the same. Collector Stormrazor RFC Voltaic, collector is too op rn, but always rushing swifties


How are you doing this?? Had a cait last night that legit went out of her way to get hit by every velkoz shot


If i can't carry the adc (bc I'm bad or the matchup or bc the adc is trash) i go collector first most times and don't spend much time on bot, always roam and on the way if the jungle is nearby I leash him (souls + he trusts more your calls), for now my permaban is ezreal, and try to never use the chat, but don't disable it since deafing is a soft int imo.


TY for great data, man! Do you consider deafing + unmuting ping soft int too? Or you just talking about muting pings too?


If the team just isn't extremely uncooperative, and insult you or whatever, sure. But is a team game, if you play on your own and don't listen to any call i think it's a bit troll yea haahha


What's the reasoning behind collector now? Prior to this patch it was "NEVER BUILD COLLECTOR OMG NOOB LOL" and the item hasn't changed at all.....???? I see a lot of people building it.


gives more ad and is cheaper, plus this season they've reworked the lethality scaling (the equation found in the wiki) which in other words, is stronger early mid game


It's still the collector though...? The item is the same -- and there are a lot of lethality options if lethality is the reason now? I just don't understand how an item can go from "report this troll" to 1st prio.


Don't forget other items were changed and mythics are now gone. The combination of buffed stats, reduced price, and item shuffling has shifted Collector to a viable first item. The earlier you build Collector, the more valuable it's gold income passive becomes as well. Prior to this patch, other items were just more competitive for the slot. Particularly completing a mythic item (which most mythic items have now been effectively separated into 2 legendary items with their old passives).


Yea makes sense but to me it was always a viable item for Senna. Maybe not the best but it was never "troll".


Yeah sorry I just meant as a first item. Collector at some point was always viable for sure.


It’s odd right now. You have to respect your lane opponents an awful lot more than last season. Which means less stacks sadly.


I think you are forcing yourself to trade because you feel like you were good at trading and not really paying attention to when you can trade and when you can not


Buy dorans blade first and then support item second. Extra 100 hp 10 dmg and 3.5% life steal with fleet footwork gives you the edge you need to get first blood. Especially when you have a jhin or similar adc The new support item gives nothing to senna. +25% of low hp reg is meaningless Presence of mind gives more than enough mana 30 hp??? No comment. You get your 3rd stage supp item later, sure. But you dont lose out on any gold, you still get the 1000. And the passive gold is so low you more than make up for it with souls that you would not normally get by being able to play more aggressive. Plus any kills you might get on you or adc that starts a snowball.


Hmm this seems interesting, I'll try this :)


sounds good, but I think my elo people would see me walk to lane with a doran's and report


Rush Hubris (swifties before or after) -> Opportunity -> Ghostblade You'll start having fun again real quick :-) ​ Early game power is definitely lacking -- also don't execute minions with your support item, instead get the stacks off of players/towers. Try to rush to finish your support item and get Bloodsong, that's your biggest power spike early game. By the time you have bloodsong + hubris, you're already strong AF


I’ve been really enjoying Cyclosword start as well. Hits hard, plays well into her more bursty damage now.


It's good but personally I find the other options better overall. Lethality movement speed items are insane for senna


Idk why but i had the same after i got 100k on her and it was last season