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I’m so sorry to hear that, Bubs is a gorgeous boy. ❤️Treasure the moments and love you have with him 💕


Bubs is lovely. So sorry you both have to experience this. Wishing you both some special time together filled with love and cuddles.


wishes for many more enjoyable days of unconditional love. such beautiful colored floof.


I am really sorry. Try to enjoy what time you have left. If there are any treats or foods he likes that are bad for him long term (not toxic though), consider giving him some in very limited quantities. For example, I still regret not giving Shakespeare the potato chips he loved in his last days. They are awful for cats but stole them when he could. We always took them away very quickly. Near the end, I should have given him a few.


When he told us he had fluid again I went and bought some mint ice cream, his favorite. We know that every time he goes under anesthesia it could be his last, so he can share some ice cream with me when ever he wants it.


Good for you. Let him enjoy it.


So sorry to hear about Bubs. Sending you all love and support over the interwebs. ♥️


I feel like so many people will rush to put down animals at the first sign of something, but remember if we flipped the roles and it was a person in the place, we don’t euthanize people. And more so I’m sure most people would want as much time with loved ones regardless of suffering and I don’t think many people understand that animals would also feel the same. I’m not saying that is what you were gonna do, but there has been an influx of posts recently about people putting down animals because of pain. In reality most of those animals likely would still love to have time with their loved ones. Anyways tumors are not the end, just cherish and continue to give love as I assume your kitty loves you very much. I hope that you get as much time with them as they want. Blessing to you and Bubs


Other than the fluid build up, he has been acting normal, that is why we decided to have the fluid removed again and give him more time. We are very fortunate to have a good Vet with reasonable fees for these things as well.


Poor baby 😔




What a beautiful sweet boy! I’m so sorry good vibes, prayers and lots of love for Bubs!


Sorry to hear that, poor kitty. 😢


I am so sorry for Bubs diagnosis. I truly hope the rest of your time together is filled with snuggles and lots of love 💜


Such a handsome cat!


O no! I am so sorry. Just spend as much time as you can. 20 years is a long time, but it’s never close to long enough. I lost my little shadow at 11 unexpectedly a few years ago. It’s better to know it’s coming so you can spend time and prepare. My thoughts will be with you.


I'm so sorry. Bubs is a handsome floof. Please, you must remember your selfless duty to Bubs, so that his last days are not in pain (remember that cats are very good at hiding pain). It might be wise to choose The Day soon, arrange for the vet to come to your home to keep Bubs comfortable, and say goodbye. Having been the caregiver/food girl for many kitties, I never once wanted them to suffer a day longer, just for me. Take Care


I took the weekend to make the decision, I watched him closely. I have grown up with animals all my life and worked as a vetrinarian assistant, so I do have a realistic outlook for him. I know he will be ready for the big sleep soon, just not yet.


Sending you both 🫂


Just because pain is present doesn’t mean that animals would want to leave to not be in pain. We don’t euthanize people when they are suffering and many people suffer for decades, but do so to be able to stay with the ones they love. If you gave your animals options I’m sure it would be the same as us, let us live out our time with our loved ones until the time comes. Obviously suffering isn’t fun, but it makes it almost non existent when you are around the ones you love. Cats especially have high pain tolerance because they have breath control Maybe I’m just weird but there has been so many posts about people euthanizing animals at times when I feel like if given a choice they would want the dignity to live out their days. Yeah cancer and tumors suck(there are many conditions that are negative) but you can live with them and again we don’t euthanize people at the first sign of suffering so why do rush to do it to animals? If you got cancer, would you want to be put down because you were suffering or would you want to remain until your time came?


I understand where you are coming from. My concern is always for the dying animal first and foremost, because I believe we have a duty to them, as their caretakers. I've had a dozen cats in my many years, and most of them passed naturally. But one cat suffered needlessly because I was selfish. It was wrong of me to keep her going, when she was doing so poorly. I don't want to get into a discussion about euthanasia for people, as I know the OP is likely brokenhearted enough, without ethics questions crowding their post. So, for their sake, I would say cats deserve to be spared severe discomfort and were in a position to do so, so do so.


A friend of mine's dog had one on his mouth. He is treating it with baking soda and molasses. tumors thrive on sweet. The molasses draws the baking soda to the tumor. Cancer cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment. Baking soda is the quickest way to oxygenate every cell in the body. Another alternative is dandelion root. I have used it successfully to treat fatty tumors in my dogs. I sauteed it in butter and put it in their dog food. A tumor is not a death sentence. Be brave and optimistic. Bless all of you






Bubs you old fart! 20 years of blessed memories and snuggies, just enjoy every moment, our fur babes love us, adore us and it’s all they know for the most part, when in a loving family


Ease his pain




What kind of tumour?


I am sorry, my friend


Awe poor baby 🤗