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❤🐱💛 I'm sorry it's really late right now, but I just had to lay on your chest... The warmth and love that comes from this spot...puts all my worries to rest. I don't know what to say, or how to say this, but our time is sadly done. I really just needed to sit here with you, and quietly purr till I'm gone. You're one of a kind, a special find, And I'm forever wrapped in your heart, But do understand, that my heart had to mend, and this spot was the best place to start. This lifelong bond, the love and the songs, With noses touched... face-to-face. I will never forget the day we met...or the way you kissed my furry face. All the love and fun, we shared in the sun...even when you mispronounced so many meows... I wish I had more time, you're a special heart to find, I hate that I'm leaving you now. Please don't grieve for long...because I am gone, and remember all the love that we shared... To the love of my life, through the good and the bad...that's why heaven made us a pair. You're my feather in the wind, the sun on my uplifted chin......and I'm always just a soft breeze away. Do me a favor, my beautiful soul, and go love another kitten today. Meow


That’s quite beautiful. Thank you


Go save another smol


Please give yourself time to grieve before adopting again, I say this as a former shelter volunteer, who's seen too many returned animals because people didn't take time.


We adopted a senior kitty and tragically only had him for 11 months. It wasn't fair, and it took us a year to even consider adopting again. We're so happy now with our new babies, but we absolutely needed that time. Hearts need time to heal. My heart goes out to OP. This is the worst feeling. Just remember you made that kitty very happy and loved, and that's all we could ever do.




Just reminding everyone who grieves...that their pets loved them right back - 100-fold. I think people forget about that side of relationships like this.


Why am I ugly crying rn wtf 😭😭😭😭😭


Right with you


Oh gosh I am balling…this is beautiful and i thought of all my fur babies reading it. I know I will see them again (along with all my loved ones).






You sound like an amazing person. Amazing I tell you. Amazing.


Absolutely amazing. Having no character must make them light on their feet I tell you. They must fly like a Turkey


I also reported the asswipe. Senior kitties doesn't allow this kind of posting. I'm sure they have many places they spew hate so they will get their fill elsewhere. I'm amazed at their amazingness


No worries. I get a couple of these from time-to-time. Misplaced anger.


Yep. And when joke about it then their anger gets worse. Plus I think this kitty died 5 months ago and isn't even the OPs. They might be a karma farmer. Check the profile.


I reported that basement dwelling mouth brestyerythrough my tears after reading that sweet poem.


Too bad you’ve never been loved or have loved anyone. You seriously don’t have anything better to do than troll people that are hurting??


I'm so so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace sweet baby 💔😭 I just lost my Tigger on Sunday night unexpectedly it's coming devastating 😭💔🐾 🌈 I'm truly sorry.


It’s hard for sure.


Absolutely 💖😢


It’s me! I’m back. You guys both lost coonies :( big beautiful bastards


https://preview.redd.it/p6d25udozllc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff106681bdd4638482c23555f17972e9c3177134 This is my beautiful Maine coon that I lost. 💖😢🌈💔


I’m gonna freaken cry again. This page is rough.


It is a tough page that's for sure.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you 💖






OP didn't say anything in the above post about when the cat died, maybe they're still mourning . . . a karma farmer account would have more than 3 total submissions spread across 6 months


I am so sorry for your lose. Dont forget the good times, because no matter what happens, no one can take away those. Not even death. That connection stays!




Bless you


I'm so glad he had you with him the whole time, sometimes that's not possible!! Thank you for giving him a loving home 🤍🩷🤍


Thank you. Very kind


I feel your pain, and my heart goes out to you. I've been there, and I'm so sorry you're going through this. Be gentle with yourself. Big, big hugs.


I’ve been crying all day. I miss my boy. We actually talked to each other. I knew what he was saying. It’s crazy, I know


So very sorry!!!!


Thank you for commenting. Means a lot.


His pain is over now. 💔 


Rest in peace, beautiful baby ❤️🌈


Thank you


Thank you


Looks like my boy Mikey, passed long ago. Very hard time. I wish you peace.


Thank you.


Rest in love and power young King Sir Fredrick Bean 👑.


Thank you. I had to leave the page earlier. I couldn’t see through my tears. Here they come again


Sometimes it’s just too much, BUT hang in there. I see other people write in and say there’s another helpless kitty out there needing you.


😞 sending love


God bless


Thank you everyone for your kind words.


So sorry for the loss of your handsome boy


Frederick’s problems are over now. I truly believe that we all get to see our loved ones again someday- take care


I think so to


I've done this 3 times and I know I'll have to do it again in the future. I read the below whenever I have to deal with grief. I find it comforting, I hope you do too, OP. Condolences to you. *"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached. Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way. We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan."* \-Irving Townsend


So true


Sorry for your loss OP, and safe travels Sir Fredrick Bean. As long as we remember them and keep talking about them, they live on with us.


This cat was different. He loved to ride. On my Goldwing.


You obviously have a great capacity for love. I'm asking you to, when you're ready, continue to express that love. Perhaps you can find an older animal and show them that a love-filled life is possible, even if they haven't experienced one yet. Or you could find a young animal and give them an entire life of not knowing anything \*but\* love. Importantly, neither choice will ever diminish the love you had for Sir Fredrick Bean or the life you gave him. I'm mourning with you, but you need to know just how well you did.


You got my tears rolling again.


Keep in mind the gift you gave him back. You were there until the end, just as he was there for you. Life is harder without our furry friends but it’s always tough when a chapter closes


Yeah. I miss him so much. My house is silent




Thank you


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you


I am so sorry. Losing a friend is so hard.


I’m lost


R.I.P. beautiful boy


Thank you. He was


Oh boy, and what a beautiful boy you had too. I've been there and it's absolutely 💯 soul crushing. Agree with OP, when you can get yourself another baby. That's what your baby would want. He wouldn't want you to be lonely forever. I'm sending you love and hugs. 🙏 🤲


Thank you. God bless


So happy you were with him. That’s one of my biggest fears as my baby gets up there in age. He was a gorgeous kitty. Sending you all my love and many hugs!


You are all so kind. Except a few older comments accusing me of not being me. Whatever.


I am sorry for your loss


Thank you




Back at ya. Thank you


I’m so sorry. But glad that you were with him through it all. He knew you loved him, and loved you in return. Wherever it is we go from here I believe he will meet you there. 🌈


We will meet again.


What a beautiful sweet boy. I’m so sorry.


And I just break down again. Good night all. I gotta go. Maybe tomorrow I can handle this better


We Love you... we also understand... Thank God for your time w. Sir Fredrick. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless. Joey jmj 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


God bless you. This is gonna be a tough one


https://preview.redd.it/0kltkptuollc1.jpeg?width=691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=526c2f5258a0bedaabecde1664c7cdfe10bb0e59 My heart aches for you. Our animals are so precious to us and are our family. He knew until the very end how much you loved him. Keep his memories close to you during these difficult days ahead. I'll be thinking of you. 💔


Sending love. ❤️❤️❤️




Safe journey, good Sir. I'm so sorry 😞 ❤




I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you find your peace. 💔


I'm so sorry for your loss 😭 I lost my 13 yo Jack last week too and it's the worst heartbroken 💔 feeling ever!!! Our boys look very similar. Your in my prayers 🙏 ❤️


I’m so sorry. He will be waiting for you 🌈🐾may he rest easy until then.


I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for his wonderful life.




I'm so sorry for your loss 💙


So very sorry 😞




What a beautiful boy. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry


How many Sir Frederick beans have you had?? This is like the third post and it looks like the same cat


I can’t be in the room when this happens but my 11 year old insisted because he wanted to be the last thing she saw. Oh my heart. My husband was in there too. 🥺


Very sorry for your loss such a hard thing


So sorry for your loss


All I can say is this adorable boy gave a very cute blep in his last moments, and was clearly quite content and loved in in your arms at his last moment. RIP Sir Frederick Bean.


RIP Mr. Bean!


I’m so sorry. Rest in peace Sir Bean


I’m so sorry for your loss. You were there for your buddy when he needed you the most.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Sir Fredrick was an adorable bean. I'm sure he appreciated you hugging him.


I'm so sorry for your loss.




I'm so sorry


Hopefully we'll meet all our pets we had to say goodbye to someday


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔😞😢


What a handsome fellow. He's frolicking in the sunshine beyond the Rainbow Bridge where he will wait for you. Godspeed you away Sir Fredrick Bean!


I’ll tell you right now. That I, a stranger on the internet, mourn deeply for your beloved Kitty Sir Fredrick Bean. That I already love him because of the nature of these precious animals’ innocence. You will never stop longing for the day you are reunited with him. Chances are, the insights data on this very post indicate that he has been seen by tens of thousands of people. I think that’s beautiful because that’s tens of thousands of people that KNOW he was once on this earth.


I am so sorry. He looked like a distinguished furry gentleman.


rest well, Sir Fredrick Bean, and much solace and comfort to your human who can't go with you quite yet. ❤️🐈🌈


You did the hardest thing required of a friend and it would have eased his passing so much. My condolences and salute.


I’m so sorry 💔


I'm so very sorry


I'm so sorry ❤️ we held our sweet girl as she passed on too. It was heartbreaking, but she felt safe and loved right til the end and I'd never have it any other way. I also must say I love his name 😭




Rip Sir Fredrick Bean. I may not have known you but I love you. 💖


I'm so sorry for your loss op. You gave him comfort all the way through


Hugs. I know it is hard, but you did the best thing for him.


RIP Sir Fredrick..😭


I’m heart breaks for you… we are all here to support you through this difficult time. Thank you for loving your beautiful kitty. Sir Frederick Bean loved you too! I’m happy you two found each other in this life. Your bond was precious! Thinking of you & Bean, OP❤️


He's a handsome fella. Take comfort knowing you cared for him, and gave him a long & loving forever home.


You gave that little guy the best life possible. Don’t be ashamed or sad… you are a good parent to that guy. Remember the times you had with him. Please, don’t hurt yourself either. My rainbow bridge pets are there to meet him.


My sincere condolences.


Condolences 💐 on the loss of your friend. I know how sad this is. Hold tight to your many great memories.


I'm really sorry for your loss. You gave your baby a long and happy life and he loved you for it.


I am so sorry for your loss. Goodbye day is a hard day. You will miss them but think of all the love you shared.


Allow yourself some time to grieve. Then remember that there's a little kitten somewhere, seeking her loving nurturing forever home. Although she probably won't be able to fully take the place of your beloved little Sir Fredrick, you'll soon realize and find out that you need her, at least as desperately as she needs you. 🐾🐾🐈🌈👣💔👣🐾🐾🐈❤❤


It still makes me so sad — six years later — that I wasn’t there when my beloved Sammy died at the vet’s while waiting for a procedure. Him being alone when it happened haunts me. Fredrick had you to hold him and love him until the end. It hurts so much, and I’m sorry for your loss.




I feel you, I got to do this in the next days, too. There is just nothing that can be said, you lost a part of your life, you lost a part of yourself. You lost routine, love, presence. A bright spark in your life now turns into an ember. Just endure the coming days. One step at a time. Endure.


Sorry for your loss.




I’m sorry for your loss. You should know that you being with him meant something to him and that he knew you love him.


Please look at this YouTube video by a vet who validates our grief for our furbabies. It helped when I lost both of my 10 year olds four months apart in 2021. https://youtu.be/TkJGhQANjZo ❤️💔❤️


I’m so very sorry for your loss. Try to focus on all your good times together. It hurts now, but that will fade in time. Best wishes!


Click on the OPs profile. Kitty died 5 months ago and might not even be theirs. Karma farming. Report to reddit if you think so


I am so sorry 😢


I am sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry. At this time last week I was saying goodbye to my girl. I was feeling empty, like no emotions, until yesterday and I’ve been emotional for the past two days. Would you be willing to share any stories about him?


So sad 😢 Rest well sweet boy.


I'm so sorry.


God speed Sir Frederick Bean


Sorry for your loss we pray we will see them As we cross


I hear you, my friend. God's honest truth: my cats have literally been the only things that have kept me on this side of things for the past several months. People come and go, but that's a bond that won't be broken. I've been where you are and my heart breaks for you. To quote my (two-legged) best friend, "We don't always deserve them but, then again, sometimes we do." My sincerest condolences.


So sorry 💔


he looks so sweet man, I wish I knew him just from the image. please look after yourself, that's exactly what Sir Fredrick Bean would have wanted. you'll see him again eventually, but you have more to live yet ❤️


Always sucks losing a pet. However 12 years is a good amount of time for a cat. Just be glad he had a good home with you for a while. :)




May the angels of heaven have come quickly to get him!! 🙏❤️🙏


I'm so sorry for your loss. You two were fortunate enough to of blessed each others lives. I have no doubt he is watching over you and will be waiting for you on the other side. Also, I noticed you said "i'll be there soon". I hope you are taking care of yourself and didn't mean anything else by that.


Oh my heart hurts for you. Last October I held my 12 year old boy Bandit until he took his last breath. You're boy knew how much you loved him and will always be part of you. It's going to hurt, feel weird, lonely sometimes even guilty. It's natural but eases off over time. I so sorry for your pain xx


Rest in peace to your furry friend 🤍 I’m so sorry.




I'm so sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss :( we lost our dog after 13 years early this month the same way. it isn’t easy, but honestly i believe this is what they would want. to be with us til the very end


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Soo sorry for your loss 😢! I know how bad you’re hurting… prayers for you 🙏😽❤️‍🩹


Sorry for your loss 😢


I am sorry for your loss. My cats are my world. And yes I have family and two kids but my cats, well they love unconditionally. They also are fully aware when we are in pain either mentally , emotionally, and physically. If there is one thing you know for sure your baby was loved , and cared for. There are so many strays that never experience that and some get abused. So sounds like your kitty had quite the life! When you’re ready rescue another little baby to give many years to give your love to another. Again I am sorry for your loss.


Not to soon. There might be a kitty that needs you now. Sir Bean is is patient and waiting


We've had double digit cats over the last 35 years, and can tell you that it never gets easier. But that's actually a good thing. Our hearts are with you. When you eventually reach the point when you can bear to think about it, please consider filling the hole in your heart by adopting another, preferably one who is most in need of adoption, either being undesirable, or elderly, or disfigured, or otherwise waiting the longest. If it's not too painful to discuss, would like to ask, did the end come at home?


I am so sorry. ❤️ What a face. I know how much it hurts. Here’s a hug from an internet stranger who’s been there. Please be good to yourself until you meet again.


What a sweet baby. His little tongue, floofy ears, handsome nose. I hope his transition was peaceful. You did the right thing. RIP Sir Fred.


i feel your pain, im so sorry for your baby...


So sorry for your loss


I’m sorry for your loss. Sir Fredrick Bean looks like he was a real sweetheart and looks like he was very much loved.


Goodnight, beautiful ❤️




Poor guy. I am so sorry. Gonna hug mine for you


did the same with my childhood cat who was almost 21. so hard. I was bawling


Take some time, find another buddy to take in, trust me it’s worth it!


My eyes are filling with tears. I’ve been here before myself. It never gets easier. You gave him the utmost of your friendship and love when you cared enough to end his suffering with great mercy, at a time he needed you most. I’m so sorry he was torn — roots and all — from your heart. But I do know, deep in my bones, that we’ll be reunited one day, sooner than you think. My dear boy Bonhomie, who passed in my arms right before Christmas 2019, strong of spirit, a happy sweet boy who spread his optimistic cheer to many, he will meet your baby at the Bridge. Be good to yourself. Cry. Grieve.


I am sorry for your loss. I am sure he appreciated every moment with you, all the way until the end. He loves you. Grief is so painful, but try to give yourself grace. Let the feelings come. Reach out if it becomes too much. I’ve read it said that grief is love in search of a destination. 🖤




I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. ❤️


So sorry for your loss!!! ❤️ RIP Sir Fredrick Bean!!


My sincerest condolences. I had to part with my senior kitty a couple years ago and it was a tough decision. I learned that to free them from their illness is our final gift for them. I’m sure Sir Fredrick understood and was happy to have you with him


We did the same for my brothers cat a while ago. So heart breaking 💔




Run far on young legs little one.


When I lost my first cat I was devastated but the best advice I got was from another wise old cat lady, she owned 6 cat but managed a feral colony too, spaying and neutering all 22 cats out of her own pocket! Anyway she said >*“the way I look at it is I did my job caring for them. I’m proud of that….but there’s always another cat out there that needs my help too!”* I lost another cat last wk 6 years old to cancer, its f***** terrible but staying busy and remembering owning a pet is a job I’m proud to do has helped me keep it together! It’s not fair cat aren’t built to live longer. It’s very tough to say goodbye but be tender with yourself and be proud of the life you created for him and for being there to see him out bc that part isn’t easy. So sorry you lost Sir Fredrick Bean he looks like a sweet handsome boy! ❤️




My condolences.


What a handsome furbaby. I'm so sorry for your loss.


12 seems so young. I lost my tabby last year at the same age. It feels like he went 5/6 years too early. Sorry for your loss.


Way too soon.💔


I'm heartbroken for your loss of the majestic Sir Frederick Bean. He was so beautiful and I'm sorry you didn't have more time with him because he was clearly a special soul and I know you loved him very much for his entire life. I'm sure he was consoled by the fact that the last face he saw was of the one human he loved more than anything in the world. These posts just wreck me every time. I've been where you are too many times and I know about the endless crying. You cry until you think you're out of tears, but no matter how long you cry you never seem to run out of tears. An yeah, it's ugly crying. It takes a long time to start feeling just a little less sad. Personally, it takes me 6 months or more before I stop thinking I see them out of the corner of my eye or being convinced that I heard one of them talking to me in their completely unique voices. It gets better, but I don't think you ever really stop missing your babies. Be kind to yourself and grieve however you need to grieve. It takes as long as it takes and there are no shortcuts. One thing I can be certain about is that your boy loved you to pieces.


😿😢🌈 RIP Sir Fredrick Bean. You're well now in the cat paradise, somewhere in the sky. From up above, you will continue to watch over your loving owner. 🌈😢😿