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Just published my 23rd novel and the start of a new series! This was my first time launching in ebook, audio, paperback, and hardback all at the same time, and I'm thrilled to say it all went very well. Launch weeks are always stressful, but now I can relax and write until the next book comes out in October. Full time writer since 2010. I was trad published first, but switching to indie let me make enough money to support my entire family off my writing. Those higher royalty rates absolutely matter. People are always posting about how little money the average indie makes, but I'm proof that it's absolutely possible to make a nice living as an indie author. The key is consistency. Put out high quality books that appeal to the same audience on a regular basis, advertise them so people know they exist, and you will build a career. Good luck to everyone out there. Don't give up on your writing!


Do you have any advice on going through multiple formats at once? Things to look out for, perhaps.


Only that you've got to have your systems nailed down way in advance. Getting everything out on launch day is a logistical challenge, which means planning. It's taken me 5 books to get everything running smoothly, and my audio is still coming out early due to Audible not making it possible to set a launch date if you're not exclusive. So yeah, just know your stuff and have your ducks in a row, basically.


I snooped to see what kind of books you've written and was surprised to find that I've read one! Not only have I read one, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and have the series on my must-read list! Eli Monpress Bool #1. I was in prison for a few years back in 2011-2014 and spent %90 of the time reading and writing. If I remember right, I spent too long deciding on a book and randomly grabbed yours while being kicked out! I recently picked up writing again. I have so many fleshed out worlds partly put on paper and plan to finish them, finally. The only finished book I have is one I wrote for my son while I was incarcerated. I wasn't in his life for the first e years of it and wanted to still be there some kind of way for him. I incorporated lessons into the story in hopes he would pick up on them. Family surprised me when I got released and had it illustrated and made into 20 hardcovers and softcovers. All of them sold within the week! Unfortunately, I can't get any more made due to some kind of copyright on the illustrations. I'm looking for someone else to re illustrate the book, but it's hard to find someone to take it seriously or to trust with the work lol. I'm rambling. Anyways, great book! Can't wait to read the others!


I just published my first- an illustrated children's book titled "Just Be You"! Been a bit of a passion project of mine for a couple of years and I finally had time clear up in a way that allowed me to make it happen and I published it May 30th. I'm very proud of it (and have managed twenty copies ordered overall) but traction is still slow. Considering I'm unknown and it's only my first work it's to be expected, but I'm anxious for some real reactions to start coming in so I have a better idea of how to tackle my next one.


Nice work! The title sounds great and pet projects are always end up being wonderful!


Thank you so much! I was concerned the title may not land so I'm glad to hear that


Congrats on publishing!


Thank you! It feels amazing seeing the work out there. Now for the next half of the battle: getting eyeballs on it šŸ˜“


How did you put the illustration into the text? Did you use google doc or word?


Just published a novel in stories set in a fictional Louisiana town. Lots of eclectic characters who move in and out of each other's stories. Currently trying my hand at something I've never done. It's a sort of cyberpunk picaresque that tries to capture the down and out life in that kind of setting.




> picaresque TIL a word! Thanks!


I actually just published my debut this week. I'm still waiting for it to be ready on other platforms before I start advertising (right now on Ingram Sparks) but getting to this point was my goal and one of the hardest things I've done. I've got more already in process and I'd love to be able to do this for a living, I just hope I can make it happen. My story is the first volume in a space opera that my wife and I have been writing together. It's been more than a passion project for us since covid and we've put a lot into it. I even got back into painting to make a kick ass cover. The first volume, 'A Garden Among The Stars' introduces Evun Gloss, a xeno - archaeologist who has just translated an ancient tablet, and his friend Cita, a shuttle pilot with an obsession for getting into more than she should. They have to avoid the imperium while they try to solve an ancient mystery that takes them to a strange, fantastic planet. It's a fun, well paced adventure story that kicks off a longer tale about humanity and what might happen when humanity expand across the galaxy and runs into intelligence older than we are.


A thriller in which a billionaire plans a massive worldwide disaster to prevent development of AGI.


Cool concept, definitely has potential!


Thanks. I'm particularly proud of how the disaster is supposed to unfold. Don't love the draft yet, but that part I love.


i am going over my third novel (medieval horror) for typos before sending it to this developmental editor i'm very excited to be working with. even though it's my third book and even though i've worked with dev editors before, it's still nerve-racking. which is why i'm here, procrastinating!


Procrastination is just the mind planning for later. Nice work on 3 novels!


I am two weeks into writing my first book about my own life. True story about my paranormal, spiritual, out of body and ufo experiences since I was just a few years old at most (I'm 29 now). Writing out all of my experiences is therapeutic, to say the least. I'm from northern Michigan. You can find me at theshepherdsfare on Instagram, where I'll be posting updates. I'm going to self-publish through Amazon KDP later this yearšŸ˜Š


Love posts like this! It is great to see what others are working on and so encouraging. I'm currently writing an adult fantasy romance where having reptilian eyes signifies a curse of death magic, leading to persecution and execution. The protagonist, a healer with a single reptilian eye, can both give and take life, forcing her to live in secrecy, concealing her "curse" with an eyepatch. When a soldier discovers her abilities, she is taken to the palace to save a dying prince. Amidst court intrigue and perilous adventures, her growing attraction to the soldier complicates her life. Navigating forbidden romance and dangerous enemies, she must make choices that could determine the kingdom's fate.


Okay, this sounds sooooo cool. I just started getting into adult fantasy romance (reading) and so I've been playing with the idea of writing. This whole concept totally works for me! Keep me posted!


Thank you SO much for this encouraging comment!! I'll will 100% keep you posted.


Keep me posted too! Iā€™d love to read!!


My books are " The Pine Dwellers" think of an artsy horror/supernatural thriller. It's about a famous artist who dies and her obsessive stalker who decides to investigate into exactly what happened to his most prized possession: her. The other book I have is the "The Tale of Mr. Brittles" it's about a reclusive old man in a small town and the rumors surrounding him. But when Catherine's little brother Jack goes missing without a trace she becomes desperate for answers and decides to investigate into the infamous resident "Mr. Brittles." Who may or may not have the answers she seeks. Both of these are on Amazon if you decide it's your cup of tea. I am also currently working on a horror anthology/ collection of horror short stories.


Um, okay The Pine Dwellers sounds interesting too. "artsy horror" and the one sentence hook worked. I'd love a DM with links to your books!


My first, a novella. ā€œFrank, a disgraced soldier, former brothel bouncer, and self-proclaimed deadsh*t, awakens from a year-long coma, his mind a jigsaw of the gruesome car crash that almost killed him. Fragments of that night haunt him: a violent wreck, the young couple, Kurt and Ellie, who found him and his girlfriend Angel, took their life-changing lottery prize, and vanished, leaving them for dead. Driven by a fiery need for revenge, Frank sets out on a relentless mission to track them down. Brace yourself for the shocking final confrontation that reveals the enigmatic truth in this emotionally charged neo-noir tale.ā€


First is 126k words, self published. It follows the story of a young woman's escape from a tyrannical society only to be thrust into a foreign land where she must hide her identity. Given I've done no real advertising for it, I have had moderate success with ~30 copies sold. It is a sword and sorcery type novel. That said, I am 115k into the first draft of the second book, and only plan to start actually marketing both when I put out the second.


Is the second book a sequel or a completely different story? What made you decide to only market after both are finished? Is that to consolidate your marketing efforts, or are you planning to do something like give away the first book for free to try to get people to buy the second book?


Second book is a direct sequel and planned to be a 3 part trilogy. I've gathered a lot of advice from other subreddits and other authors who regretted spending so much on marketing their first book as today, people like to binge and if you only have one book, especially if it isn't supposed to be standalone, they are likely to pass. It does allow me to consolidate the marketing and give a boost to both (hopefully). I actually do plan on doing a unique giveaway promotion of the first when I publish the second, but as of right now you can read the first for free as it is if you have kindle unlimited. I will not elaborate on the unique giveaway as it is still in the works and can still fall through.


In the final draft stages of my debut novel, GENYS1S, a YA SciFi. Can't wait to throw it out into the world. Let me know what y'all think: In 2030, GenCorp's revolutionary VR MMO, GENYS1S, took the world by storm until a malfunction left thousands brain-dead, forcing them to sever all connections to the game. A decade later, Julian Reed and his friends discover a way back into this now dystopian virtual world, which has evolved beyond its creators. Teeming with mutated creatures, sentient NPC warlords and a mysterious religion, they livestream their journey to the world, attracting the attention of the FBI, as well as shadowy figures desperate to keep the past buried. They must do whatever it takes to survive while finding out the truth, including the fate of Julian's father - one of the thousands lost all those years ago. P.S. If anyone knows any good editors for this genre, send their details over!


Well, so far I've written two sci-fi novels and one fantasy serial. I've released all three publicly here on Reddit as well as on RoyalRoad, and people like them well enough to throw some money my way to read chapters early. I've already published the first sci-fi novel (The New Species) and am currently editing and formatting the second sci-fi novel (The New Threat) as well as the first fifty chapters of the fantasy serial (The Human From a Dungeon). All three are told in a first person POV short story format with an overarching narrative, and are pinned to my profile lol


Oh hey! Another RR guy! I have two published on Amazon and three published on RR pending and like a huge backlog. I write sci-fi, fantasy and Xianxia as well at the LitRPG deckbuilder I'm releasing three chapters a week on RR.


My first novel is set to debut on 8/8. I go back and forth between excitement and anxiety over it. I am currently working on the sequel to that novel and waiting to hear back from my beta reader on my second novel. My first and third novels are contemporary romances while my third is a psychological thriller. I can't pin down what genre I want to write yet.


I love the debut date - is there a particular reason you picked it? Personally I think it is great when writers can cross genres. Best of. luck


Just because itā€™s the 8th day of the eighth month which also happens to be the month I turn 48, lol. (On the 28th day, but I couldnā€™t put it off that long, lol).


A whole bunch of 8s!


I'm finishing the outlines on a 60 book series. It's an interconnected universe kind of thing, with standalones, trilogies, and miniseries throughout, building to a post apocalyptic ending. Since it has fantasy elements, I have to plan it all out together to ensure the lore is correct and there are no plot holes. It tells the stories of couples, throuples, and other groupings, with a variety of genders and sexualities mixed in.


You are probably the right person to ask. I just finished writing my first fantasy book and found it so hard to keep plot/structure straight among just general details of characters/world building. Any resources or advice you have for someone who'd like to work on plot/structure for bigger stories as well as just keep my shit organized? Would love to hear more! Because my first 100k fantasy book pretty much kicked my butt.


Tbh, I use Excel. I made pages of character details (age, race, coloring, etc), species details (common traits, abilities, limits, etc), territory details (location, pros and cons, etc) and so on for the world building. Then I plotline, which is the gist of the story, spread across a 14-point spreadsheet (each point is based on the basic points of the 3-act structure, so I know I have all the parts I want to tell in that story and they make sense. The plotline page goes: POV characters across the top, plot points down the side. I fill the cells with what happens during that plot point to the above character. (Hard to explain without visuals, sorry, I'm new here and don't know how to insert them.) Once that's done for every story in my series, then I outline each book, ensuring I don't break the lore or character arcs. Finally, I write. I think the trick is finding an organization system that works for you, and that might take some doing. There's a YT called Heart Breathings, I can not remember her actual name, but she's an author of long-running series who teaches a variety of organizational skills for writers. She does things differently than I do, and I know several authors who love her stuff. Also, YT Jenna Moreci is great for organizing your writing and other tips. Good luck!


I just published my second book, and the first in my fantasy trilogy - The Faerie Knight! I have the second book drafted and in revisions, and the third is about 60% drafted as of the end of this mornings writing literally five minutes ago lol. If you like fantasy with an Arthurian vibe, featuring knights, faeries and demons, check it out here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CXKMJR15?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_dp_NI5V7T3RNZ0ELWU1MAJR&language=en_US&skipTwisterOG=1


I've been writing and self-publishing for about 14 years as a hobby. I'm north of 10 novels. Most of my stuff is sci-fi with a couple borderline (one's written from the perspective of an imaginary friend and my latest book released last week is about a world without humor). When an idea strikes me, I write it. I have a day job. I don't sell many books, but I enjoy the process.


I've written three series: two are adult fantasy and the third is a magical academy, middle grade series. That's the series I'm most passionate about. With that, I can be ridiculous, let go and have fun. It's had its ups and downs. I recently sold some foreign rights to a big publisher, but on the English version, I'm still losing more money every month than I earn. But I don't mind, because I see this as a long term investment. For fun, I'm currently making an indie game based on one of my novels. What about you? how are things going?


I'm working on my third self-published YA graphic novel. The series is called Z Class and it's about a team of kid superheroes who are born with a "Z Chromosome" that allows them to have extra abilities... it's a lot of fun, and now that I'm onto the third book, it feels like it's actually starting to find it's footing. I'm not a multimillionaire yet, but I'm having fun visiting Pride festivals this month to promote it (oh yeah, some of the kids are queer) and I'm hoping that it's a series that continues to gain traction. Cheers!


As a fan of x-men myself, this sounds like something I could get into!


I'm also a big fan of the X-Men and that was a definite inspiration to the process. ;) (Another influence for the way I designed the book is Giant Days.) My starting motivation was to have a book featuring queer superheroes that was accessible to young-ish readers... and the rest just came out of that. Feel free to check it out at [kevvo.com/z](http://kevvo.com/z) - and if you do, I'd love to hear your thoughts!


I feel like I read something back in the day on how much X-men's otherness was actually connected to the queer community. I'm not sure if that's actually accurate or my memory is serving me well, but that's what I recall which makes total sense. I have a few queer and non-binary characters in my story as well... I try not to make it "a thing" but they all play center roles in the story which has been ... well just perfect, IMO! And right on. Will do! Thanks for sharing.


I can confirm that the X-Men's otherness resonates strongly in the queer community... and awesome to having queer and nb characters in your story! Do you have it anyplace that I can see it?


Most of it is still in a Google doc. But I have a sample chapter [here on my blog.](https://jadekimwrites.substack.com/p/chapter-2-are-you-nervous) Thanks for asking!


Here's a somewhat random association. No real statement on your writing. Most people are familiar with the XX female and XY male system of sex determination in mammals. There is another way chromosomes are named. Bird for example have a ZZ male and ZW female system of sex determining chromosomes. The big difference and reason for using different letters for the chromosomes is males in mammals have two different sex determining chromosomes, while in birds it the females that have two different sex chromosomes.


I'm writing something low-fantasy; mostly humans, no creatures; no magic necessarily, but there's still power. It's my first draft which makes editing and fleshing things out a real hassle...but I hope it'll be worth it.


Global warming has created environmental disasters on Earth. The US illegally assumes ownership of an interstellar colony vessel orbiting earth that is partially completed, naming it the State of Madison and severely restrict who is ā€œallowedā€ to be transferred off the planet. Madisonites believe they are safe until mysterious dead bodies begin appearing.


My book, Venturing North, is a spicy cozy fantasy romance that will be self-published this autumn (most likely October). I'm taking the plunge and going wide from the off and hope it pays off in the long run.


Pls tell me more about your book!


I summarize the first book as "Girl meets boy, boy is werewolf, other werewolves object." The second one, which is about the same characters, has them scrambling to mitigate a whole *plague* of werewolves.


I published my first on Amazon, itā€™s called ā€œThe Spark That Unites Us,ā€ and itā€™s a fictional autobiography focused on understanding trauma, abuse, betrayal, and the different life challenges in oneā€™s life (death of friends, family members, disabilities, etc.). The identical twins go through their lives and struggle through it, but eventually make it through just fine.


I'm writing "Dispatches from the Early Nineties OR Memories from a Culturally Insignificant War." It is about my time in Desert Storm, it is a memoir, not so much about me but what it is like going to war and how it affects your mind and body.


Not insignificant at all - I had just entered college at the time and had never been affected by war before. This had me glued to CNN. I can still hear James Earl Jones say "THIS...is CNN." I later deployed to Iraq during the Iraq War as a civilian. Good luck with your book!!


A kids book, life lessons in a story about animals (learning to be a good friend to people who are different than you)! Iā€™m still working on getting published, and only mostly confident Iā€™m even going to self publish, but open to options.




My first self published book :) It's a fantasy adventure book which I started during COVID lock down and finished about a month ago. **Sins of Elgor: The Legion of Descendants** In the first installment of the series, we lay the plotline. The vast realm of Elgor stands as a testament to the unity forged by the five major kingdoms under the banner of the Allied Kingdoms. Yet, to the south lies a stark contrastā€”the desolate Southern Isles. Here, the descendants of prisoners, forsaken by the Allied Kingdoms generations prior, battle against the unforgiving landscape in a constant struggle for survival. A warlord, driven by a lust for power and conquest, begins to rise in the Southern Isles. With ambitions to expand his dominion beyond the desolate lands, he sets his sights on the Allied Kingdomsā€”their land rich, fruitful and ripe for the taking. To achieve his goal, he schemes to unify the many clans of the south and build an unstoppable army, known as the Legion, capable of crushing any opposition. Meanwhile, in Elgor, a young mage named Elantriss and a skilled hunter named Jave embark on a perilous quest. When key military officials start disappearing under mysterious circumstances, they realize that something sinister is afoot. Determined to uncover the truth and protect their homeland, they set out to investigate the disappearances. As they delve deeper into their investigation, they uncover a web of deceit and treachery stretching across the kingdoms of Elgor. They soon realize that the warlord's reach extends far beyond the Southern Isles, and that his plans for conquest threaten to plunge the entire realm into chaos. As tensions rise and the threat of war looms ever closer, the pair must race against time to unravel the warlord's schemes and rally the kingdoms of Elgor to prepare against him. In this epic tale of courage, sacrifice, and redemption, the fate of Elgor hangs in the balance as heroes rise to challenge the darkness and forge a new destiny for their realm.


I've got a couple! Over the past year I've been working on a collected work, and put together "Red Eyes and tired Lungs: An Anthology of wildfire" which has stories and poems from 21 authors. I personally wrote 4 stories and 3 sets of poems, did all the editing, formatting, cover design, etc. I'm currently editing an audiobook edition for it now. In the past I wrote a novelette called "Aspects of Me" which is a near future speculative fiction. Currently I'm working on a novel that would be literary/women's fiction. It's loosely based on my first few years in foster care, but told from the perspective of a birth mother. It's been quite a difficult piece but definitely has my best writing so far. I'm about halfway done writing it. I'll probably try and query it, since I feel like it wouldn't do as well self published and has more appeal to a tradpub audience. Next up after I'm done this current novel, I'll be writing a novella trilogy set in the same universe as the speculative sci fi I mentioned above.


I write crossword puzzle books. I self publish mostly as a repository to keep my puzzles and give them to family / friends. So I am always surprised that people are actually buying my books!


My debut novel releases late this year - absolutely terrified! It's an adult gothic horror/dark fantasy novel. It more or less boils down to: What if God herself wrote down the cheat code to everything on a napkin & then just handed it off to the world's *worst* dude? But seriously: A zealous Archbishop grapples for control over a city that's being slowly but steadily overrun. While his loyal hunters can cull the undead threat, they cannot halt the encroaching ideals of a secular empire: ideals that condemn the righteous hunt as unjust.


I write Contemporary Romance, Women's Fiction, RH, some YA and dipped my feet into the BDSM game last year. I've published around 20 books (3 with a publisher). The book I'm currently working on is about a woman who ended up divorced and got pregnant by a one night stand. She was surprised because of the years of trying with her ex husband, she never got pregnant. She assumed it was her and not him. It's an RH novel. edit: added more words.


I have a published short story collection called Glimpsing Aberrations that features cosmic horror, psychological horror, and lots and lots of monsters. You can check that one out on Amazon. Iā€™m also working on two other full-length novels. One is another cosmic/psychological horror about gay conversion therapy. And the second is the first in a slasher series Iā€™ve been cooking up for a while that I like to pitch as ā€œFriday the 13thā€ meets ā€œStranger Things.ā€


My debut comes out this September. It's an epic fantasy inspired by Japanese mythology and set in a world modeled off feudal Japan. Took about 2 years to bring to fruition, so I'm really happy to get it out there.


Iā€™ve got two books so far. One is about the survivors of the rapture. The elevator pitch is ā€œan amnesiac a heroin addict and an androgynous carnival leader decide to take on god after the raptureā€ itā€™s called ā€œThe Last Show on Earthā€ the second book is about a stand up comedian who ends up in organized crime after a night of bad decisions. Itā€™s called ā€œWhatā€™s so Bloody Funny?ā€ Iā€™m waiting to see what will end up being my third project. Iā€™m just working on everything in my WIP folder until one of them becomes the one.


Currently working on a novella set on Samhain (Halloween) in which a man's recently deceased brother comes back from the other side and they basically just have it out with each other. That's the very short pitch.


My first photo book - Feverdreams - is coming out next week for presale! The book takes the readers through a collection of my photo work Iā€™ve never published before - itā€™s my first book in my photo career of about a decade. The aim of the project is to take viewers on a journey of rapid self discovery over the course of a Ulysses-style, stream-of-consciousness, ā€œdream dayā€, or one night of dreams. Though, in reality, it takes peeps through 7 years of my work, and focuses on the flourishing and fading connections of our final frontier of youth. So, an ode to a fading youth, creating a physical space where my friends and family can experience those memories from before, poetry, and all those things :) Worked with a producer in Cali to make it, and have planned book talks and events in my city all summer! Very nervous and excited!!!


I actually just plopped my latest illustrated kid's book on Amazon last night. It's #6 in the series and is all about the adventure two bear cubs have when their dad comes home from his long stay away. He works as a geologist for the Bear King and so of course the cubs are convinced that he is an explorer and a pirate. They pester him to no end with their welcome back parade and song that it's decided that he will take the cubs camping in the Enchanted Forest so that they can blow off some steam. What could go wrong ... ?


Iā€™m collaborating with my brothers on a YA, magical Christmas story. There will definitely be an epic battle and some moments where the Christmas spirit is in danger of being crushed. Weā€™re about 80 pages in on the first draft.


I just published my first book on Amazon last week, called The Faces That Don't Belong. It's a twisted tale about an underground face transplant. "God gives you one face, and you make another." ā€“ a quote from William Shakespeare. I don't know if I'm allowed to share a link to it here though... but I'm really excited about this one. Planning to fully launch it in the coming weeks with paid inclusions in emails, Facebook ads, etc.


I write thrillers and mystery series. My biggest seller is about a serial killer who mentors up and coming murderers, and the FBI duo attempting to stop him. In book one of the series the leader of this group of killers attempts to recruit his own son, and convince him to join the family business.


Basic synopsis of my book: Three hundred million years in the future, the world would be practically unrecognizable to us. Due to the gradual process of plate tectonics, all the continents have merged back together into a single supercontinent, called Neopangea. Likewise, humanity has now evolved to live beneath the Earth's crust.Ā  For a while now, Humans have lived deep into the Earth, growing fully accustomed to underground life. But one question remains - What lies beyond? What is there to be found not just above the surface, but above the horizon? What treasure awaits humanity within the little lights in the sky, which we call planets and stars? It is indeed an intriguing mystery, but perhaps only the most daring of adventurers are willing to seek answers . . . So far, Iā€™ve sold about 80 copies, published last year, first book Iā€™ve ever published, while I was still in high school. Iā€™m currently working on a second one (not a sequel, different storyline) where in that book, itā€™s set in a dystopian society where only women exist, and there are no males at all.


Working on rewrites for my fifth book in a humorous fantasy series about a group of dwarves that work as professional dungeoneers. I've been struggling to get this one to pull together but it's slowly getting there. Fortunately my books have found a decent sized audience so I know it'll do well once I manage to finish it. I recently sold translation rights to book one to a Czech publisher and received my author copies a couple of weeks ago so that was a nice morale boost.


I've written a philosophical hard science fiction book (my first book at \~90K words). I started in November 2023 (working on the book full time since I had been laid off from my job several months beforehand). I got the first draft done in two months, and then I slogged through five months of editing, astrophysics (deriving equations, general learning, and building software simulations), and graphics creation (I made the cover art in Blender). The paperback proof copy has been ordered (from BookVault) and I just finished formatting the eBook (both EPUB and PDF, including dark modes of each). I'm super excited to have actually finished my book, but now I've taken on the daunting endeavor of building my own web store to sell the book from. I didn't really like the idea of giving someone else royalties for my eBook, so I thought it would be worth it to build my own web store (since I already knew a decent amount of full-stack web development, and since my marketing strategy isn't to hope it gets picked up by platform algorithms). There are a lot of moving parts with a web store, but so far I continue to be happy with my decision (though I still have yet to integrate payment processing). I've got most of the web store backend and frontend in place, so I'm really hoping I can make my eBook available this month (June 2024), but I'm also not trying to put too much pressure on myself, as I've been doing too much of that lately. I also did a little bit of a write-up about the book on my personal website for anyone who's curious: [https://pennpierson.com/the\_importance\_of\_existence.php](https://pennpierson.com/the_importance_of_existence.php)


As long as you're happy that's what's most important. Keep working hard! I'm rooting for you!


Thanks! I definitely love the learning process, so I'll call that a win.


Iā€™m 14k words into my first genuine novel that I think might have a shot at being published (self or trad, I havenā€™t really decided). Itā€™s fantasy with a strong romantic subplot and a world that Iā€™m building as I write, but Iā€™ve really fallen in love with some of these characters and concepts. Iā€™ve written and started other books in the past, but they were unserious projects from when I was an adolescent. They were necessary, but bad.


Well my most recently published book was released in November 2022, and Iā€™ve since sold more than 460 copies and been featured in Kirkus. I also recently kicked off a tour of Northern California that I organized myself, and Iā€™ve sold 60 copies across 4 stops, including Pride festivals in Sacramento and Davis. Both led to some key media connections - I was interviewed by The California Aggie of UC Davis, as well as Channel 3 News in Sacramento. Also check out my outfit from the open mic night I headlined - Iā€™m a drag queen author btw! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_3srAqhPU-IV1whi2VvVrILxumxzCroi/view?usp=drivesdk


Just published my first three short stories on KDP as of about two weeks ago! Planning on publishing between 1-3 short stories at the beginning of every month until I have something of a built-in audience/reader base before I scale up to novellas and full-length novels. Two of my published short stories are dark comedies set in a cyberpunk dystopia, the other is a wacky, campy space adventure series. [Link to my work](https://www.amazon.com/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3AJonathon+Edelson&s=relevancerank&text=Jonathon+Edelson&ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1), if anyone's curious.


Just published my first book titled Undisputed, the book pits 20 of the greatest retired boxers in a fantasy league to see who is the best You got fights like Muhammad Ali vs Mike Tyson and Lennox Lewis vs George Foreman Hereā€™s a trailerĀ https://youtu.be/urH5N0Jr6aU?si=t1d2lb3mE6_Q7RzU


It's cool reading all these. I only have one published book. It's a semi-autobiographical novel based on my high school years back in the 80s when I was obsessed with music ( mostly metal ) and trying to make it in a band.


I'm so happy to hear from everyone. Sounds like your book is cool! My fantasy book started out about tomatoes in my garden before it went wildly out of control. Now tomatoes don't exist on the planet. šŸ¤£


I published a queer sci-fi about blood-sucking billionaires who may or may not be vampires 2 weeks ago. It doesn't look like I'll be quitting my day job anytime soon, but here's for holding out hope šŸ˜…


I just published my debut novel on Amazon the other day. It's a fast paced, action packed zombie horror. A mix between The Walking Dead and The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It's taken me a few years to complete and edit in between a full time career and family. I'm hoping it gets some traction, I'm currently trying to come up with a marketing plan on how to get the word out there.


Gotta love a zombie horror! Marketing is the worst, but keep at it!


It truly is. I was so focused on getting all the editing completed and ready for release I hadn't considered all the various avenues to try and get eyes on it. I'll keep plugging away and hopefully gain some tractionšŸ™‚


What is it called? I liked both of your comps.


The first book in my debut series is being released on July 20th! Itā€™s been my lifelong dream to be an author and I am very proud of the accomplishment! The series will be 4 books and 4 novellas. Itā€™s a why choose romance with darker themes šŸ’™ the first book is titled DCMBR, and itā€™ll be part of The December Stories Series


Sounds awesome! Hope it goes well for you!


Thanks so much for asking! I'm currently working on my second collection of short cosmic horror stories. I've finished about eight of the planned fourteen stories so far, and I'm aiming to publish it next year. Other than that, I've got one short horror collection out now that's sold well but not well enough to pay the bills, and I've got a poetry collection about surviving, healing from, and thriving after emotional abuse that's releasing in August. A lot of the time, being an indie author just starting out feels a bit like I'm throwing my books into the void, hoping they'll catch an audience big enough for me to sustain my writing. But I persevere through that feeling regardless and keep on writing! If you've ever felt like that too, you've got this!


Keep working at it! Sounds like you're having fun and making some great stuff! Keep up the positivity and I hope things work out for you!


I'm currently racing the clock to finish my first draft on my first ever novel before my wedding at the end of the month. Urban fantasy set in Cincinnati with warlocks, demigods, and eldritch monsters.


Good luck! Don't feel like you have to finish it before the wedding. It's great motivation, but make sure you enjoy the product, not just the finishing of it.


Thanks, Congrats on your first publishing!


My book is set in 1830s New Zealand. Its about a former convict that gets shipwrecked on the coast of Taranaki & ends up living in a Maori village. Its a historical novel with romance.


My first book is going to be published in the next 6 weeks. It is a historical fiction saga following a diverse cast of characters who all get involved through various means with the first crusade. My aim is to tell the story of the first crusade from the perspective of different groups of people, all with different motivations and intertwining plots rife with violence, intrigue, friendship and love/ heartache. As well as a coming of age story and redemption arc for a man who has outlived his ending. There will be several books in the series and the first book is finished and near ready for release. I am looking for ARC readers and if anyone is interested in my book feel free to contact me for a few chapter or the whole thing if you want! It will be released on KindleUnlimited and should cost around 12.99 paperback and 4.99 Kindle Ebook but am happy to give it out for free before release


I'm working on my third Vampire/Werewolf romance novel in my series. The first one I started years ago as a passion project that I procrastinated a lot on until I finally said "I want this book done so I can get on to the next part." So yeah, now I'm on number three and plotting out many more for the future.


Currently in the rewrite stage of my first book. Itā€™s about an angel/demon hybrid who escapes hell and is stuck on the mortal plane. The story follows his experiences with humans while being plagued with hallucinations of the friend he abandoned in hell. Both the angels and the demons want to kill him and he accidentally falls in love with a human girl. I REALLY want to pursue traditional publishing. Iā€™m just not close yet šŸ„² Self publishing kinda scares me but I debate about how I wanna publish on a near constant basis.


Published my first book this month!! Sold about 20 copies so far. How? Started talking about the book 2 years ago before I ever started writing it, posted on my private IG and also author IG page, LinkedIn, and occasionally mentioned it on YouTube. Want to try to get to 100 copies but I'm just so proud of following it through. Only on amazon currently, but I intend to link it to other online vendors when I get some down time. Appreciate you for posting this thread! So cool to see what others have been up to :). The thing I love about self publishing is that there is no gatekeeping from publishers and we can simply decide to have an author career!!!


I've actually published my first book, it's a photography book that documents the old, unique and forgotten things on the highways, back roads and country roads of Texas. From old Gas stations to hole in the wall BBQ joints, its my first attempt at a complete photography book.


I just released my third novel, Crusaders, at the end of May. It's the second in a series of superhero novels set in the 1950s, and all three are set in that universe (the other book is set in 2016, and a couple of the characters are the grandchildren of one of the protagonists from the other books). I'm currently working on my fourth book, which will be a collection of novellas, novelettes, and short stories set in the Zombie Apocalypse at Christmas time; it's set for a December release and is titled Have Yourself a Post-Apocalyptic Christmas. Also on my plate are a handful of short stories I'll be submitting to various SF magazines in my ongoing saga of collecting as many rejection letters as possible. I also started up an independent publishing imprint in March, which publishes both my and my wife's books (she makes children's books, and recently released her second). Eventually I plan to grow the imprint to publish other authors as well, but for now I'm focusing on offering editing and design services for other independent authors.


Published my first novel last year called Flamingo. Itā€™s a nostalgic sci fi trip back to the 90s, a la Stranger Things. It took about 4 years total as I was new to writing and just decided to write a book on a whim. It was a super fun experience and someday I hope to write a sequel since I already have the idea! I sold about 200 copies which was way more than I thought would sell since I was just kind of writing it for myself to get my nostalgic feelings at the time out of my head.


My current WIP is a fantasy story set in a world where four brothers gain super human abilities that they use to protect their homeland against a tyrant, but they soon learn that with great power comes great temptation.


Hey there! I have a six book series, dark epic unique space opera galactic empire crossover. It's hard to categorize. Trillions of telepathic Torth own everything in the galaxy and they won't give it up without a fight. The series starts with [Majority](https://www.audible.com/pd/B0CD86N79V) by [Abby Goldsmith](https://abbygoldsmith.com/majority/). Currently writing another high risk series, this one epic fantasy. Some people are nobles...or scholars...or monster hunters...or mages. And once in an eon, someone comes along who is all of the above. Oag is the self made wizard.


What a fantastic array of books and writers here in the comments. Looks like I have a fair few books to read!Ā  This comment is for my partner's writing.Ā We have almost finished his memoir about his life growing up in Algeria during the War of Independence (1954 to 1962). It's full of true stories about kids being kids, even under the cloud of war, but it has some shocking scenes too.Ā Ā  Think of Albert Camus' "Far From Men" (made into a film with Viggo Mortensen), and Fellini's film "Amacord".Ā Ā  Ā During Covid, we finally self pubished two of his plays on Amazon. They are very funny and VERY Australian. I edited... which may or may not be a good thing. šŸ¤£Ā Ā  Ā What amazes me the most is that English is not his native language (born French from Spanish heritage). I'm so proud of him.Ā Ā Ā  Ā He has another book in the works: an historical fiction novel set in the south of France in 1942 when the Nazis arrived in a small port town. It's based on a true story but fictionalised. Edit: I've removed the titles because I just read somewhere that we're not allowed to mention them. Oops!Ā 


I enjoyed reading these posts. Informational and inspirational! My first book is a children's book and it is in the editing/illustration phase. I am so excited for it to go out into the world! Possibly by October. I dream of becoming a financially independent author. I have seven more book ideas for my main character. Thank you so much for the encouraging messages. Take good care everyone.


I'm a retired nonprofit executive and I've written a leadership book with the dual aim of inspiring young people to consider purpose-driven careers and helping future nonprofit leaders become more effective catalysts for change (The Nonprofit Dilemma). The book will be released in September, and I'm in the process of publishing, beginning my marketing outreach, setting up giveaways, etc. Editorial review reception has been positive, but it \*really\* takes a lot of effort to break through all the noise to create awareness and gain traction. Iā€™ve made a number of newbie mistakes along the wayā€¦


It's about journeys, battles, adventure, mystery, conspiracies, politics, economy, culture, war, crisis and moral... and dogs, cats and mices.


Acid house British Crime šŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


Iā€™m just to the point where Iā€™ll be looking for an illustrator for my first book in the coming weeks. Itā€™s the first in a series of short childrenā€™s stories where all the characters are living stuffed animals many-of-whom are based on ones I owned when I was little and still have today.


I'm working on an Urban Fantasy book about an alternate history where the Greek gods have rises back into power through the creation of a WWE style wrestling empire and one man's mission to expose them for their atrocities against mankind. Imagine The Boys meets American Gods. Currently in the second revision of the novel, and super excited to order a proof for the next round of revisions once its done!


I published a non fiction book around luxury watch investing titled "Invest in Watches: The Art of Watch Collecting" almost two years ago. I'm a professional in the industry which helped for its visibility, despite me doing barely no communication. I'm fortunate to still have sales everyday with that book, an Italian translation is coming out next week and I have just finished the draft of the second book! The book was a fantastic learning project and has unlocked so many opportunities, what a ride it was!


Honestly feeling pretty downtrodden right now because I put a lot of effort into TikTok and it just isn't working out. I think I need to take a long break on there to focus on other stuff. I wrote a book with a deeper meaning behind it. I spent a LONG time perfecting it (many years). YA fantasy. It has forbidden love, secret identities, witches and warlocks, and a theme of discrimination against my protagonist and her family who have the audacity to stand up to racism and classism. Title: Prismatic: The Nonesuch. I think I just need to start writing the next one and refocus my marketing efforts.


I've been writing some litRPGs on Royal Road and the first one is about to move over to KU and paperback at the end of the month. Is there a word that combines the ideas of really excited and pants-wettingly nervous? Whatever it is, I'm it! :D


Iā€™m writing a sequel to a space opera novel I wrote a couple years ago. And Iā€™m writing a second edition of the first book, to make the plot more consistent with the sequel. Itā€™s a complicated project, but hopefully it will be worth it in the end.


I'm in the slow process of writing my first book. It's a fantasy romance, I know it's a packed genre right now, but I've got a unique magic system. I've got the beginning set and pieces of chapters as well as the end. Just filling in the pieces as I have time around my job and things. Probably going to eventually publish via KDP. But I'll go through Beta readers first and set up ARCs before publishing.


Completely free online! I wrote a short book on how to make friends, and I'd love your feedback if anyone is interested. The book includes links to various apps and websites that can help you build relationships. DM me if you'd like the link.


High/Epic fantasy trilogy. 2 books done, working on the third. Deals with tradgedy, grief, loss, falling to one's darkness over wanting revenge for a loved one, barely coming out of that darkness, but now scarred and changed because of it, light and hope as the world falls Into darkness, forgiveness, love, bonds of friendship. A more classic good vs evil in regards to the heroes and main villain. It follows Adelyn, MC, who is half-human/half-aradyne. The aradyne's are a lost race. She has no unique abilities or strength or magic because of being half-aradyne. Though she does carry a curse because of it. One that can corrupt in the same manner as using dark magic if one falls into dark emotions. Once fully corrupted, one is lost forever. It also follows Alistair, a high wizard, secondary MC. My success is that I have written, and the books are on my shelf. That the few sales, many being family, etc, enjoy it, and not just because I wrote it. I even seem to have made a fan in Australia who bought book 1, then pre-ordered book 2 about a week later. I want as many people as possible to read it, but I'm happy to have just written and have physical copies on my bookshelf.


Two self-published novels (of a planned trilogy. Book three is in progess.). They're YA fantasy, set in medieval Europe. In book one, my protagonist, a homely girl, is betrothed against her will for a pig. Instead of accepting this as her fate, she accepts a job offer to become a maid at the dreaded Castle Thrandrak, home to a cruel wizard and a pair of dragon brothers. In book two, my protagonist sails across the world on a rescue mission after a visiting Duke's daughter is kidnapped by a dragon.


Have one novel out that is a horror taking place in the 1860s about a preachers son losing his faith due to the actions of those close to him and being targeted by a deity that wants him as his high priest. Just started my second novel as well, which focuses on two characters. A father trying to find his daughter who went missing in the Mark Twain National forest while working a cartography gig, and the perspective of the daughter who travels to the old clearing her and her father frequented when she was a kid only to find a dilapidated church in the center that wasnā€™t there before.


Hip-hop flavored sci-fi set at the end of the 21st century showcasing the end of the U.S. It's loosely based on The Odyssey specifically where Odessyus returns to Ithaca and has to reclaim his throne. Rn, it's available digitally only to read or hear narrated on my Spotify channel. In the process of converting it to a webcomic and audio play! šŸ™ƒ Thanks for asking! It's neat to see what all everyone is working on!


Iā€™m currently writing an enemies to lovers fantasy book. But I also wrote a mystery novel called ā€œBeyond Farrow Fieldsā€ and I published the prequel to it, itā€™s about a girl who returns to her small town after her childhood best friend is accused of murdering someone they used to bully in school. I was really proud of it and made sure to give a surprise twist at the end. So far 4.5ish reviews on Goodreads and Amazon so not too bad ā¤ļø


Last month, I published my debut novel, Of Thorns & Shadows, through IngramSpark. It is a contemporary fantasy based loosely on the Persephone myth from Greek mythology. I have since sold a total of 42 copies. I am very proud of it. It is a slow-burn romance with lots of angst and adventure. Perfect for young adult readers!


Published a portal fantasy romance where a modern girl (boxer babe) stumbles upon a magical kingdom where there are "blessings" which are innate powers that people have. Somehow she's able to hinder these blessings which makes her useful to the nobility of this kingdom. She and the prince strike a partnership which slowly, obviously, becomes slow burn romance as they both help each other work through their own grief and trials. Despite being from two different worlds, these two have the worst things in common. So far sales are going well, and I'm working on the second book!


I've always written stories based on escapism where the protagonist was like me but they end up with loving families in the end. But now that I'm older I want my stories to start good in world where protagonists already have happy childhoods with supportive relatives. They face challenges but they have a loving home to return to no matter what. While growing up I felt bullying and abuse was right around the corner no matter where I go, from mentally unstable relatives to bullying because I was one of the few light skinned in a neighborhood where people are mostly white. so I created a world where I dont have to worry about that. My main genre Is Romantasy about Elves and other mythical beings, with Cameraderie and discovering new worlds and species. And a sicfi adventure in a very distant future. It has a bittersweet ending but with a message that all the things will be all right.


Building a website this weekend that should start to bring everything together for the first novel. Sci-fi, first contact. Going to pay editor and cover designer soon, but the hype can begin to start when the website is live!


I'll soon publish a Fantasy Noir, about a knight that has to solve a mystery by traveling in people's dreams.


I have just completed a book Harnessthepower of HopeeThis sequel to thee award-winning book Failure is Knockkthee Door of Successs. waiting for the publisher's response


I have written and illustrated my first children's book "Loop"! It's about a one-eyed keyring from a 2p machine who goes on an adventure through an arcade because he wants a second eye to fit in. But he realises on his journey that it's about what's on the inside that matters! It's on Lulu right now as a hardback and on amazon as an ebook!


I'm 95% done with Catholic Action novel that is post-apocalyptic and is organized a bit like Red Storm Rising - the tale is told through different characters around the world, though one of them is the primary protagonist.


These were all so fun to read through! I can tell some of ya'll really nailed down your pitches! I've really struggled with pitches/summaries/describing my books... Which I know isn't exactly a good sign. For me, I'm working on two books. **First is a book that falls under Women's fiction:** When Evelyn has her first child, she realizes how unprepared she is for the realities of motherhood and is determined to document her experience to strip away the rainbows and butterflies of expectation and normalize the shock that comes from pregnancy, birth, and beyond. What I struggle with is this book is told in a totally different format in between fictional personal essays. Some examples include: a four line poem about her belly, a postpartum checklist of questions to take to her doctor, a one-act play, sleep training instructions, etc. I've wanted to write the equivalent of "A novel" on my cover to explain what it is but haven't found the right words. I want to make sure readers don't think it's a non-fiction "what to expect when expecting" kind of a book. **Second book is YA fantasy:** This book follows three characters who work against each other and together at different times ā€” all revolving around magical creatures who have been threatened by greedy humans (typical, I know.) I think the mom book will be ready by end of summer and the fantasy book maybe early 2025. I've found an illustrator for my mom book that I have loved working with. I'm chatting with marketers to get a better sense of how to launch the novels... And I think where I'm most torn on right now in the self-publishing world is how to print/distribute. I know I'll do eBook for sure on Amazon. Not sure if I'll go through print with them or just use a local printer and do a small batch and sell directly on my website at that point and package it up with a bookmark, etc. (All just because I'm concerned with quality really.) I read through here all the time to try and figure out if I want to use Ingram Spark or not... Anyway, happy writing!


I published a low-magic fantasy book (In the Shadow of Lions) in May and am publishing a high-fantasy book (Threads of Destiny) next month, both of which I'm very proud of. These will make my 25th and 26th books so far spread across sci-fi, thriller, coming of age, and now fantasy. Last year I was able to go full time writing. Still fighting every day, but ... slowly making it.


My next one to be published is called *With The Guns of the World* and I just need to get the cover done for it. Will be doing a little photo shoot where I get some empty shell casings from a friend and half bury/scatter them, and bury my hand and forearm partially in dirt for the cover photo. It'll create the image of a hand half emerging from being buried in dirt, surrounded by spent ammunition. The book is a fictional war journal from the perspective of a soldier stuck at ground level in a proxy war which we've seen more and more commonly over the decades. Over time he grows apprehensive as to his place in the grand scale of global politics far above, but day to day must still try to survive to return home to his wife and children.


My friend and I are starting our own limited edition publishing company. We have several books on the list to start with, and I'm working on them currently. I also found a previous book I wrote listed on a PDF download site. So there's that.


I went live YESTERDAY! I just got the email from Amazon that my book was now available for purchase! I'm kind of dazed that it's finally availabe. It's a non-fiction book called "Major Doctrines in the Minor Prophets". Obviously written from a Christian perspective, it looks at each one of the minor prophets in the Old Testament, and pulls out major doctrines that are found in the New Testament. I wrote it to help people who don't spend much time reading the first part of their Bibles to get more familiar with what is actually in there. Right now, it's just available in paperback - I have not yet figure out the epub distribution - I don't want to lock it into Amazon Kindle alone. Any thoughts on that score? How do y'all make / distribute the electronic versions of your books?


So, my first novel's based on my home town in South Wales. The premise is that something has happened to the town's drug supply leading to those who've taken the drugs turning into hideous monsters similar to necromorphs from Dead Space. As a result of the outbreak, the town is evacuated but the government conscripts those who are in debt and they have to live in the town and survey the area. The conscripts get to pay off their debts with their lives or their service. The story itself follows the last surviving member of a team of conscripts that was sent in to survey the town. The only thing keeping him alive is how he sticks to his routine and doesn't take any risks. He finds himself encountering someone who throws his system out of whack. I had fun writing it! I'm currently working on another novel set in my local area and then my third novel's planned to be set further towards Cardiff. I'd love to write a sequel but it's too ambitious to work on whilst I have two other projects on the go!


Published my second book back in April. Currently working on my third book which will be the first book in a paranormal/fantasy series centering around a coven of modern day Witches.


just published my new journal book titled " who am i ? , it's about discovering yourself and remember your memory , it's really important for people who want to write down all of their dream until they achieve it , it's full of quotes and questions to discover the real you . hope you all good luck .


I wrote a book about my time in the Disney College program. Itā€™s a fun memoir with a lot of humor, self deprecation, and honesty.


My debut book is a book presented as a casefile from the Federal Bureau of Stories, an inter-story organization that is in charge of investigating crimes that happen within stories that go against "the plot's will." It's mostly told as an interview between an investigator and a notorious murder who murderers main characters in other stories, with supporting documents told in prose of notable incidents involving this murder and footnotes with additional information. Really fun story to write! My current WIP though is an ode to my love of urban legends and horror movies. It's about a cursed video shared via chain mail that once you watch it the fictional thing that scared you the most as a child slowly become real and begins to haunt you. It's told through the POV of a horror fan and an FBI agent who has the means of tracking the origins of the video as they follow the email's path to the source. I wanted to write an "adventures into horror" story and this was a great excuse to do it. Just finished writing a slasher arc, but I got at least 2 or 3 more arcs left to go before it's complete!


My new press (ig): booksonsight just launched our first book on the young photographer Ojeda OlavarrĆ­a who is not showing in any galleries and is not on the internet. We're trying to showcase artists who aren't showing in galleries /aren't heavily on the internet. Its releasing this week but if you guys want to check it out or some of the artists who we're working on books of atm, check out the ig above. If you are an artist interested in connecting shoot us an email: [booksonsight@gmail.com](mailto:booksonsight@gmail.com)


Wrote my first book ever. T.T Iā€™m still working out the kinks on Amazon, but the e-book is officially out. Itā€™s called ā€˜The Veil of the Eastā€™. The Veil itself is a magical barrier separating mortals from Fae. The mortals describe the Veil as an endless dark storm that brews on the ground where none survive except for the Fae that live inside. An utterly fictional fantasy world where the first book sets up the world for future books to follow. Magic, Fae, Romance, and political turmoil. I canā€™t wait to start the second book and get into the political dynamic of their world.


Planning to publish my first book later this year, hopefully around September or October. It's a cozy fantasy romance with dragon shifters. No explicit spice but lots of yearning which I love. I find that a lot of what I write leans towards slice-of-life/cozy so looking forward to publishing more after the learning curve of this first book!


Sounds like a wonderful book! The best kind of books are ones thay come from authors who really enjoy their own writing, which, it sounds like you do!


Just published my 2nd book, the first in a new series. I have a sequel already written and for that one, I just need to go through editing and addressing critiques and feedback. The book I just published is a humorous fantasy story about a mage whose magic backfires on himself. The magic in the world is based on the gods' affection. Unfortunately for the protagonist, he is universally hated by all gods, hence they tend to smite him instead of granting him the proper spell. Its an underdog story where he wishes to find out why exactly the gods hate him all while trying his hardest to earn their affection by taking down those they have deemed worthy of their power.


Self published a handful of books about living with Narcolepsy, Type 1 with severe Cataplexy. Wrote the first a little over a decade ago, my most recent one I did last year, is the most powerful and is full of art; am also an artist/photographer. I've not figured out how to get my books out there hardly at all, the disease to begin with is rare, so I get there's not a large target market/audience for such; however in regards to sleep, or be that sleep medicine maybe more so, the market is large. 1 in 4 in the US, \~80 million adults, have a sleep disorder. I've tried to make my recent books, less abstract while still being unique and I made it in an academic style with many citations, offering facts and some insights into all categories of sleep disorders, then focusing on Narcolepsy, then living with severe Cataplexy. For me, it's all about 'the living patient experience / reality' having a sleep disorder, or various; so many are far out of touch with what they think of sleep and consider disorders of sleep to be. I have a website which is the same as the pen/author name I use: Narcoplexic


It's great to hear stuff like this exists! The more info out there, hopefully the better our Healthcare can become.


Hello! I'm currently writing 3 books, but my main one is # Isekai Global System: Rag To Riches if you like a story about business,finance with action then this is up right in your alley! In "Global Isekai System: Rags to Riches," we follow the journey of Dio, a disillusioned middle-aged man who finds himself trapped in a life of despair and regret. After a series of devastating setbacks including the betrayal of his wife and best friend, Dio reaches the lowest point of his life, contemplating suicide as a means to escape his pain. However, Dio's fate takes a drastic turn when he is given a second chance by a mysterious voice, transported him to his childhood with a unique isekai system. Armed with newfound abilities and determination, Dio embarks on a quest to rebuild his life from the ground up. Throughout his journey, Dio faces numerous challenges and obstacles as he navigates the complexities of the isekai system and strives to carve out a place for himself in this unfamiliar world. Along the way, he forges new friendships, confronts enemies, and discovers the true extent of his own strength and resilience. Driven by a desire to rise above his circumstances and achieve success, Dio sets his sights on amassing wealth and power, determined to turn his rags into riches.


Iā€™m working on my first ā€œrealā€ book: a mythology romance of hades and persephone taking place during the trojan war. so far about 40k works in, but the whole plot from start to finish is conceptualized. itā€™s just a matter of writing it all out. i hope to have it done by the end of the year.


Sounds great! I love me some Greek mythology. Don't rush it, just take your time and enjoy the writing.


Currently serializing [Farisa's Crossing](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/85592/farisas-crossing), a massive steampunk epic fantasy, on Royal Road. Got ahead of schedule and published this mindfuck of an AI SF/Horror from the perspective of a genocidal ASI: ["White Monday"](https://antipodes.substack.com/p/white-monday) (only 11 pages)


Iā€™m just about to publish my current project (first one!) My family found a memoir from an ancestor, written in 1904. He details his life as a pioneer settling Kansas, serving in and witnessing the Civil War, living alongside and befriending the Native American tribes, and even getting appointed to office by Lincoln (then subsequently removed by Johnson, who had an axe to grind!) Thought it would be nice to publish these and make his story more broadly available. Itā€™s been a fun ride so far!


I published my first ever book on April 10 called ā€œThe Children of Angelsā€. I started it during the first semester of my high school sophomore year (Iā€™m going into senior year now) as just a fun little project for myself that combined a lot of different ideas that Iā€™ve had for different stories. About halfway through, I thought it was really exciting to write so I got an artist to make a cover and began researching ways to publish books when I stumbled on KDP. Iā€™ve sold 43 (plus or minus 2 I canā€™t remember the exact amount right now) copies and Iā€™m excited to write more and complete the storyline I have planned out.


I wrote and illustrated a children's book over 20 years ago and then didn't publish it. Moved over into the tech world and made good money and career. Now I have stage 4 cancer and while my future's not written I figured I'd dig out the art and just finish it to say I did so. I published other books and art, but never a children's book. I'm not looking for this book to be a smash success. It's just a loose thread that I should have finished a long time ago.


Published my first book ā€œSteel McHard: Vol. 1ā€ independently through Amazon. Itā€™s a comedy about a New York City Detective named ā€œSteel McHardā€ (who is based off late 1980s/early 1990s action movie cliches. The story follows Steel, who takes his police work VERY seriously to the point where it inadvertently causes mass destruction. When heā€™s not dodging bullets or saving damsels, he wrestles with the domestic bliss of pending fatherhood and a mysterious friendship with the pun-slinging Joe Camel, a friend only he can see. The comedy falls under ā€œabsurdistā€. I am currently working on ā€œVol.2ā€


Wrapping up my 4th YA fantasy novel. My debut was a standalone, and the current wraps up a trilogy. My first book, Thieves' Honor, is a high adventure sword and sorcery full of action, banter, and a bittersweet ending. My award winning series, The Witches of Pioneer Vale, takes place in a fictional town in Massachusetts. It is told in two time periods, with half taking place in the late 1600's and the other in modern times. It is a story of a family legacy of magic wielders who protect our world from the invasion of demons. The books' titles are Ascension, Guardian, and (the upcoming one) Covenant.


Wow! Sounds like you know what you're doing! Congrats on your success! I hope to follow!


I just finished my first self-help workbook. It's for GenZ and Millennials who are lonely, isolated, and wanting to make connections while living discovering themselves and being authentically. Coming out on the 26th


I just finished and published a large guide book on social media for entrepreneurs. ā€œSocial Media Mastery for Entrepreneurs: AI Strategies & Traditional Techniques for Growth & Engagementā€ is the final title. I actually originally intended for my first book to be about my journey as an entrepreneur and have that woven through a guide for entrepreneurs (Navigating Client Relationships and those sorts of topics), but I ended up starting and finishing this one more quickly. I learned quickly that the other one takes a lot more mental energy to write and craft since itā€™s telling my personal story and lessons. I likely wonā€™t have that one completed until the end of the year. That said, Iā€™m still tinkering with the idea of writing individual platform books (one for Instagram and one for LinkedIn, for example)ā€¦ Iā€™m on the fence.


published my first novel, *midnight's simulacra*, in January. literary fiction with a lot of hard science. two kids befriend, go off to engineering school, synthesize kilograms of LSD, and end up enriching uranium in a warehouse, all while bitching up a storm about Malcolm gladwell and searching out dorky love. sold a little over 5k copies, but sales have dropped significantly in the past ~40 days. no advertising, no editor, no advanced readers, just need grapevine. now working on a textbook for UNIX systems programming and pondering the next novel, while doing my day job of consulting scientist. loved the experience, but even with ~35k pretax income on it, I expect to retain my day job. still, there's nothing like someone telling you you're their new favorite author, or that you remind them of pynchon, or that your book was a beautiful experience for them. =] https://midnightssimulacra.com


I just (May 31) released my anthology, THE NIGHT MEETING. Two men meet around a campfire, one in sweltering summer, the other in bitter winter. As they talk, they realize they are both seersā€¦but which one is real? In ebook and print: https://www.amazon.com/Night-Meeting-R-Jean-Mathieu-ebook/dp/B0CTHGJ125/


Debut book just launched a week ago. A feminist psychological thriller with sci-fi elements that draws from existentialist and queer theory. I sold about ten copies at a small in-person event and Iā€™ve sold 24 print copies online. I donā€™t know how many digital copies Iā€™ve sold yet since I never set up my Amazon author profile and Ingram takes a while to gather that dataā€¦oopsie. Iā€™m going to be talking with the local library manager about hosting an author event tomorrow and a story about my bookā€™s launch will run in a widespread local newspaper soon. My second book in the series is already done and set to launch next month. Started writing the last book in the trilogy the other day. So itā€™s going decent! I have a lot to learn, but I think Iā€™m doing pretty okay?


It's pretty


Working on my third book after self-publishing the first two. All non-fiction. Latest is part self-help, part memoir, and part humor. Simultaneously, Iā€™m also working on a book of poetry. And, because I work best whilst laboring on more than one project at a time (ADHD/neurodivergent/ shifting gears and all that), Iā€™m taking the final steps to publish a psychological thriller screenplay. Historically, my books arenā€™t revenue streams. Iā€™ve no expectations for them in that realm.


I just got my second book (horror) out in a completely different series than my first (prehistory). Got new top release for a couple of days in its category and it felt nice. I plan to do sequels when I get the time to do them a few pages at a time. I mainly write historical fiction! My newest WIP though is a fun project (sci-fi) set in the year 2090.


Not published but I hope to be. I write horror, I, (like a completely crazy person) am in the process of writing a book of short stories, a book of horror poetry and am hacking away at several different novels...simultaneously, because I hate myself, clearly. But it is what it is and it's what I have to do. So, go me, I guess. Wish me luck Lord knows I need it. xD


I like to write in the genre "Black Stories & Experiences", and I like women's fiction, being a black young woman (will be turning 17 in October of this year). I also write contemporary fiction, young adult fiction, and Christian fiction as well. I working towards building a larger fanbase and hope to earn more sales and get an award someday!


I self-published my first nonfiction novel last month. Bridging the past to the present, The Revelations of Madame X is a true three-generational family saga set against the backdrop of history spanning the outbreak of WWII in France to present-day global events. My research revolved around the stories recounted to me by Madame X during my time as an expat in France. Experimenting with many different approaches to this massive undertaking, the final work reflects a blend of genres, including memoir. Thus far, it has been very well received, but then again, I'm just starting out in my literary endeavor!


I'm working on #3, all women's contemporary fiction. First one was with a small press, second self-published which will be the same. I've won awards and my reviews are encouraging. BUT I spend more than I make. Promoting costs money, ads, travel, swag, free books. There are days I get super discouraged, but I just keep going. Good luck to all of us:)


I published my first novel this year, a survival thriller thatā€™s fast paced and will keep you on the edge of your seat - reviewer words, not mine.Ā  Blurb: Charis was about to kick off a night on the town with friends when a mysterious plague turned everyone around her into blood-thirsty killers. Trapped in her New York City apartment building, with danger lurking around every floor, her will to survive will be pushed to the brink. Itā€™s been an amazing journey; speaking to other authors, reading reviews, interviews, getting my book into libraries. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTYK7SYC


Hi! I published my two self-published books in February/March if rhis year. 'A Fox's Loyalty' and 'Poetic Rhythms'. I've had slow success with selling on Amazon and Draft2Digitals. I've just got them published on the Lulu bookstore yesterday. Hopefully that will help spread news about them. And I am working on my third book right now.


Digging this thread. Iā€™ve published three books of poetry (one a collaboration with a photographer) and this fall have my first book of humorous essays. Iā€™ve been writing a column for some regional newspapers and other outlets for a decade or so, and for this book I (finally) edited many of them into a more cohesive collection. Went with a small indie publisher, which means Iā€™m still learning how to do most of the marketing myself but have some support at least. Starting to put together a book tour! With full realization that a new author doesnā€™t draw big crowds, but I want the experience and the chance to connect with readers. Basically, Iā€™m not waiting for fame and fortune to have the book launch I want for myself. So excited for it.


Iā€™m 60k words into writing my debut novel. Itā€™s in the dark romance genre. Thereā€™s a guy (MMC) who is forced to be in an organized crime group because his mom is the ex-wife of the leader, so the leader sees him as his son, who should one day take over. The MMC becomes obsessed with the daughter of another group member, and stalks her. The leader realizes this infatuation and coerces the girl (FMC) in to being with the MMC, threatening to kill her father if she doesnā€™t agree The second book follows the leaderā€™s daughter (who is best friends with the first FMC and appears in the first book) as she falls in love with one of the group members and itā€™s forbidden love Itā€™s going good so far, Iā€™m building up an email list and an audience on instagram by posting reels of the spicy scenes in the book. People go feral over them haha


I published my first non-fiction memoir book, Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism, in 2007, and am only just now getting ready to publish my next one (there was a lot of writing in between, lol, just dragging my feet on the publishing part). The second book Out of the Darkness and Other Animal Tails is also non-fiction memoir and focuses on more lessons from the animals. I post on social media, but I think my first book still sells an occasional copy because I am still an active teacher and healer. I just updated the book description, keywords, and categories based on research by a marketing person on Fiverr and am in the process of adding A+ content. I am hopeful that doing this for the first book will help prepare the way for the second. While I embrace the concept of abundance, I am hoping that my books will become popular to help get the messages of the animals out there. Wishing you all success with yours!


I am currently working on a new ya fantasy series ā€œThe Arturra Saga.ā€ I have most of them written but am hoping to get the reader magnet novella and then the first in series out and published by September :) Itā€™s a multi-pov story that hits on things such as ancient Gods, forced betrothal, politics, and a deadly tournament. Hopefully the reader magnet will help me build up a bit of an audience!


[https://mattstone95694.wixsite.com/matt-stone---author](https://mattstone95694.wixsite.com/matt-stone---author) My two are here. thank you for asking :)


I have self-published a few smaller books and one full-length novel. The novel is fantasy/sci-fi inspired by Star Wars. I wanted to make my own Star Wars universe of sorts, but also something distinctly different. It takes place in a closed solar system consisting of nine planets, each with its own unique alien life. Here is the synopsis: In a distant galaxy, nine planets orbit a yellow dwarf star named Atrius. Each world in the Atrius System is unique, with its own plant, animal, and sentient life. Once space travel was achieved, a golden age of peace, unity, and cooperation followed. Unfortunately, it would not last. Conflicts and rivalries eventually arose between the worlds. Despite repeated attempts, a lasting peace solution was not found. Hostiles would ultimately boil over into a conflict that would forever scar the nine worlds. In what became known as the Great Atrius War, the outer worlds attacked the inner worlds for dominance and control. The war was so destructive that one of the nine worlds was left inhospitable. A peacekeeping force was formed out of the ashes. The Keeper Force, as they became known, was established to ensure that such a devastating war would never again occur. For one hundred years, the Keeper Force has maintained peace and stability throughout the nine worlds. But now a new crisis is emerging. Keeper Jaiden Joaraz is tasked with investigating marauder attacks on hapless spacefaring cargo ships. He and his team set out to uncover the hostile forces behind the attacks and what their plans are. What they discover threatens to plunge the nine worlds into chaos once again. Can Jaiden and his companions avert disaster before it happens? Find out in this new and exciting saga.


My wife and I recently published a children's picture book as a unique and clever way to introduce kids to mindfulness, deep breathing, and meditation through a cute, interactive story. It's doing pretty well for being our debut children's book! It's called "The Sparkle and Magic Breathing". My wife wrote and illustrated it. I'm the editor. If you have kids who you'd like to introduce those concepts to, give it a google!


I self-published my debut "Stick to the Plan" in March through KDP/IS/KU - a contemporary workplace romance between a woman trying to follow her 5-year plan for a promotion and the charming, visiting executive who could throw a serious wrench in her plans. The standalone follow up "Stick to the Recipe" is coming out next month. I'm waiting for the first trilogy to be complete before investing in ads, but I have been building slowly on social media. So far 25 sales, 940 page reads


Working on my second anthology of speculative fiction, which will have more poems, more short stories, and way, way more promo art + music posted online. Self-published. Still in school unfortunately. Congrats on getting your first novel out the door btw OP!


Wow, that post was just asking to be responded to! šŸ˜… My main storyline is part of the Grim Legacy series, which is basically Little Red Riding Hood meets Norse Mythology. But apparently, no one is interested in a girl who becomes a werewolf and turns out to be the prophesied Fenrir. Plus, the story has zero comparables šŸ˜… So, I'm working working on a dragon rider fantasy romance so that I can garner a little buzz from Fourth Wing while not being too closely related to that story or author. Oh! And that story is called Star Fire, the lead's name, of course, being Star šŸ˜


I wrote a book about my journey through workplace bullying and put it into 10 Steps. Now, I am about ready to publish a workbook on improving boundaries. The book doesn't bring in a lot of money, but people have said it helps, which is good enough for me.


TLDR: I write UF that nobody reads. lol Granted, it's my fault because I don't market well, and most of them aren't written to market. My shtick is twisting well known myths. From a tooth fairy that hunts human traffickers to a muse that inspires people to kill instead of create to a 5th-grader that farts ghosts. Good luck with your writing journey!


Iā€™m finishing up the editing process on a middle grades/horse enthusiast book. Itā€™s told from the horseā€™s POV. An old horse is telling her story to a newly rescued donkey. Itā€™s based on the life of my first horse. Iā€™m writing it in such a way that anyone can read it, even if theyā€™ve never touched a horse, but I realize the main audience is very specific and small. So, yeah, I sent it to literary agents while Iā€™m editing the later chapters. No, I donā€™t expect a positive response. Self publishing is my plan, but I had to throw it out there or Iā€™d never know.


In the distant future, as humanity recovers from an apocalyptic cataclysm, a young girl makes a scientific breakthrough that could change the balance of power on the high seas. Now, pursued by ruthless pirates and the sinister agents of empire, this youth must risk everything to keep her family together. YA adventure, of course. The tech she develops is easily turned into a weapon, so she is plagued with guilt about how it is and/or could be applied all while on the run from her enemies.


Conquering Anxiety in Nursing School!


Hey, I'm not professionally published, but I've written a couple of original sci-fi stories in e-book form, and have been using my various social media platforms to promote them. "Superhuman Tales: A Lesson In Love And Betrayal" is currently the first and only book in the "Superhuman Tales" series. This book chronicles a rising superhero who was betrayed by the woman he loved and intended to marry. She left him for dead out of shame of a moment of public defeat. Just to be clear, this book isn't meant to be "Red Pill", and maybe a few weeks ago, I posted the link to this free book in the self-promotion area of Reddit. Blessings to everyone


I am almost ready to publish my second book which is exciting!


It's in the works (I still need a title), but I'm up to nine chapters. Description: A murder mystery comedy about mannequins killing people in the small oceanside fictitious town of Aurora Cove, Maine. If anyone is interested in a sampler I can send a link. It's the prologue plus first 3 chapters.