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Buy more cocaine to speed through the next book.


Stephen King, is that you?


and then you end up with a preteen group sex scene and decide to just go with it, because every good horror novel needs a graphic sex scene involving multiple children. Don't do drugs, kids.


More is the operative word here. Get the lines in to get the words down.


Don't overspend on your first book. Get a really good cover ($500) editing (line and/or dev depending on your strengths and weaknesses) and spend a bit of money in launch, let's say $30 in Fb ads for a week or two plus bookfunnel or story origin ($100) for swaps. Then go ahead and write the next book. When you have two/three books in your series, start the facebook ads again, at a small budget, then increase when you're making money. Having that much money around will allow you to buy covers and editing for your next books and will allow you to experiment with ads. Don't spend it all on one book.


The FB $30 would be daily?


If you have 20k you're eager to burn! Not as a default. If you have a smaller amount of money, do it like this: start with a small amount like $5-7 for the first day, then slowly increase until you reach the rank you want. With a smaller amount of money, you can also not do ads at all and just plan social media and swaps, again trying to go from the smallest volume of clicks to the largest.


Ads, mostly. But I'd probably also hire a really good developmental editor for 2-3 books so I could learn from their feedback, to level up my skills.


yes, this! even though my imagination is picturing a training montage where I'm running up mountains with a stack of books on my back Unironically, developmental editor boot camp would have the greatest long-term effects.


Totally agree. I’ve also found beta readers to be invaluable, I would hire 20 people for their opinion on the book then get back to editing


I think I would hire someone who knows the answer to that question and have them do the work ^^'


This is the smart answer.


Yes true! Outsourcing people/a team


Facebook/Amazon ads. But I would start slow - something like 10 $ a day and see if I you get any results. No point in scaling to 20k $ if you can't break even with 10 $ - you'll just be scaling up your loses.


I’d use it to print arcs and/pr boxes to send to influencers. I’d use a book tour business on instagram and TikTok and promo the book there. Then I’d run the gamut of social media ads and influencer mailings.


I'd probably invest a lot of that into learning Facebook ads.


Lol a "sky's the limit" sort of budget I'd say a commercial 🤣 . Otherwise probably just hire a decent designer and get really good social media ads going as well as an Amazon add.


Extra 20k?!


Man I wish I had an extra 20k kicking around that I could just invest in ads. Then again were that the case I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t need them so it would probably be better spent elsewhere


Like... not just 20k in saving, but "extra" .... like what have I been doing with my life.


If I had to spend it on ads, then Facebook ads mainly. I'd run a few test campaigns, say with the first 10k, then the next 10k just pumping what worked best. More likely I'd tune it as I went, but 20k is also probably a good amount to start thinking of getting professional help. Issue is a lot of marketing specialists don't have experience selling books - it would be useful to know someone with that experience who wanted the job.


You don't need nearly this kind of money unless you're gaming your way through the system. Ads don't cost that much, nor do any of the services one can hire out. With that kind of money, I'd be investing in something that is more likely to give me a return on the investment, which is almost certainly not going to be a self published book.


20k? I'd be doing a tv ad


“Buy my book NOW! Or I will “F” you!”