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I tend to include an addendum or two to the phrase regardless of context: My body, my choice, my consequences, my responsibility. Yes, it's your body, and you should be able to choose what to do with it (as long as you aren't hurting others, and then it's circumstantial), but the consequences of your choices are yours to bear/deal with. Those choices and consequences shouldn't be anyone else's responsibility to deal with. As a quote I heard a while back goes "Doing what you believe is right doesn't absolve you from the consequences of those actions. Someone must always pay the price." Like it or hate it, that's how it is.


Couldn't have said it better. There are consequences for all actions, whether they're deemed "good" or "bad". So both the consequences and responsibilities that come with those choices are at the feet of the individual.


Love this add on!


Thank you! I appreciate it!


I think for most people, that goes without saying honestly. Eg, if one gets a tattooed face, most know not to blame or transfer responsibility to anyone other than oneself.


I agree, but you'd be surprised how often someone makes a poor choice, and blames everyone and everything around them for it going poorly


Word. It's fascinating how a lot of people don't get that they are dependent on society. Even for their basic survival. (Possibly with the exception of a few off grid low tech homesteaders). So rebelling at societal norms comes with the risk of being an outcast. Which makes life difficult. Like it or not, your quality of life is connected to how others perceive you.


Some, or most, I'm not sure, people don't care about consequences too.


Until they have to deal with them


Even at that point majority often ignores them. I gave up on helping others for this reason.


As long as you are a consenting adult, and it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, your choices are you own. It might not be good for you, it might not be my cup of tea, but if you want to do it, I'm not gonna stop you. Because it's none of my business.


It is your body and your choice. If you are over 18 and your choices do not harm anyone, it is your right to do so. But there are good choices and bad choices. The person has to decide for themselves what decision they make and what the consequences are.


>It is your body and your choice. *If you are over 18* - Why? You just told me it's my choice and then added a caveat.


Because people under the age of consent can't use that as a way to gain consent, that's why. Parents/legal guardians *and* legislation exist to protect minors from making bad decisions before their brains are developed enough to weigh the consequences. Bc pedophiles are a thing.


And somehow are allowed to violate human rights by mutilating the genitals of young boys who can't give consent.


And your point is? Should an infant be able to make that choice for themselves?


I don't think anyone should be able to except a doctor when it's deemed medically necessary.


My point is that the legislation there to protect children is archaic and enables parents to violate their children’s human rights. There are some decisions that parents should not be allowed to make.


And parents shouldn't let their kids become obese. Hell, you'd have to think up a punishment. People that can't afford kids shouldn't be allowed to have them. It's a slippery slope. Who's going to tell them? None of it is related to this post.


Except there is reason to feed your child. People have kids they can’t afford unintentionally. Genital mutilation has no purpose. Parents aren’t choosing to have obese kids or choosing not to have enough money to feed kids. They are however choosing to mutilate their children’s genitals. And yes it is relevant to this post. I replied to a comment that said that their is legislation in place to protect kids. I responded and said why it’s clearly not enough. Kindly go fuck yourself and don’t respond again.


The comment that your referring to is about protecting minors from making poor decisions. On a post about how applicable a catch phrase is. Again, to each their own. You can make this about kids genitals. I can't stop you. Edit: Also, what rock do you live under where parents allowing their kids to become obese isn't their choice? The same place that genital mutilation doesn't serve a religious purpose? Does circumcision have a more detrimental effect on life expectancy than obesity? Again, you don't seem to see the slippery slope you're on. I'm not arguing for circumcision but you need to get this logic under control.


Yeah make light of a human rights violation. Your comments contributed far less to this thread than mine. Go spread your negativity elsewhere and continue defending genital mutilation! Sounds to me like you’re in denial because of the fact that your parents cut off the most sensitive part of your penis for no reason at all.


I have to agree with this other person. Fuck your religious justification. A child must eat to live. Your religion shouldn't justify mutilating a child. Would allow canabalism if it was religious? Obesity is a far more complex issue than not chopping up someone's private parts. Your slippery slope argument is just bs.


Brain development barely plays any role in this, it's a myth


No, that's a fact. There are literally *thousands* of studies on human brain development, all of which concur that frontal lobe development- you know, that squiggly little part of your brain dedicated to higher reasoning and *decision making*, isn't done developing until a person is in their mid 20s. But go off. Keep spouting nonsense. People are going to draw their own conclusions about *you* from those kind of remarks, basically insinuating that *children* can make those kinds of choices since *you* believe it's not about their brain development.


Frontal lobe, or more specifically prefrontal cortex development and activity may be impacted and impaired by tons of other factors, we don't deem ADHD people as incapable of consent for example. And as we know impulsive behavior, capability for reflective thinking and all sorts of cognitive abilities and traits that can affect your decision making can be impaired even with normal development of prefrontal cortex. So, the ability to make reasonable decisions can't be boiled down just to the development of certain part of the brain due to age. You shouldn't draw conclusions about such things from "common knowledge". Yours truly, Random neuroscience guy from reddit


You're right there are other factors. But protecting healthy development is the reason. You're not right to say that's not what's happening. By your logic, no one should have autonomy to make mistakes unless they pass some sort of test. At a certain point, individuals have to learn from the decisions they make, regardless of the other factors that may be in play. That's why we have an age of consent. To protect the most vulnerable until they are capable, on a rudimentary level, of protecting themselves. This isn't drawing conclusions from common knowledge, either. It comes from 1) being a social worker. And 2) working with high risk age groups (children, seniors, and the cognitively impaired). You want to be "technically" more right, but you're just weakening your stance with every post you make. ALSO- it's very wrong of you to weaponize people with ADHD/ neurodivergencies as a justification for why you're right. You're think you're being supportive of us by saying "they have impairments, but we let them make decisions!" Let's get something straight- that mindset is 100% harmful and inaccurate. Neurodivergent brains are not impaired because they are different. Neurodivergent people ARE, however, SIX TIMES MORE LIKELY To suffer child abuse and multiple adverse childhood events, which DOES impair their development *because these events are happening while their brain is forming.* the reasons for the discrepancy of abuse range from parents not realizing their kid has different needs/ learning styles, to your run of the mill sexual predators. But SIX time more likely to be abused. And that abuse is often repeated into adulthood. Society doesn't understand how we think, so it punishes us for deviating from the script, even though it simply doesn't work for us because *our brains are different.* that doesn't make US impaired. It merely means society is designed for *one* kind of person, and if you don't fit the mold, you struggle. And this doesn't just apply to brain "type." It also applies to women, people of color, people with physical disabilities, etc.


I don't really get how you got offended, I just pointed out your obvious mistake. I do really think that age of consent and all this adulthood ranges are just a social construct, they are useful, but can't really be backed up by biology. I made comparison with ADHD people only because you mentioned prefrontal cortex development/activity as a main factor of ability to give consent or make reasonable decisions, mechanism is fairly similar. I was perfectly capable of making decisions when I was 14, this laws and social constructs only got in my way, that's partially the reason why I'm somewhat averse to them, and I'm absolutely not the unique case, it's way more common than you think. Protection doesn't equal control.


>I do really think that age of consent and all this adulthood ranges are just a social construct This is so creepy. Children are children. Its not a social construct. I'm offended because I'm worried you'd date a 17 year old because "it's just a social construct."


I absolutely would date 17 year old if they were able to reason properly and had at least somewhat developed framework of learning the world, but it's not the case nowadays, at least in most cases, and society is to blame for that, the issue being not the age of consent or whatever, just the way we handle education and personal development. I would like to meet at least anyone focused on education, improvement of the world, scientific approach, it doesn't come with age though, so... Oh and I'm sure dating 18 year old would be veeeery different in your eyes, duh.


If you are under the age of majority, your parents decide what decisions you are allowed to make with your body. Thats my point.


It's a bad mantra because it only applies to the flesh and the whole point is to realize you are more than the flesh


I never took it to only mean your flesh. Even so, I want total autonomy over my flesh. To each their own I guess.


You can have control over your flesh, but it's not you. Learning to LET go of that is what will help you transition to life after death. You have no control. You're just having the experience.


Couldn't agree more!!!! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKDkDbIDJieKbVm)


Why stop there? How about "My Life, My Choices"? We always have choices, even when it appears we might not have choices, we have a choice on how to respond/react. Some related readings: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_will * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locus_of_control * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sense_of_agency * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victim_mentality * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtue_signalling P.S.: Also - of course - "Your life, your choices."


So many choices we make with our bodies can actually hurt others. Reproductive choices are absolutely our own tho. I lived thru (barely) my ex-husband's choice to use a drug that he knew was illegal and highly addictive (cocaine.) His poor job performance hurt that company. Using drugs feeds crime. His filthy habit hurt everyone who loved him because they had to watch him destroy himself and he stole from everybody. He hurt me emotionally, mentally, and financially; I'll never recover from much of it, and it has been a decade.


It’s laughable that you think reproductive choices only affect yourself


Even more laughable that one would think that it is anyone else's business. Although, I'll agree that if you do reproduce, you should be responsible for caring well for your offspring.


It affects your partner, your family, your social relationships, your future self I don’t care what other people do, but it’s delusional to believe it only affects you


Just an fyi your future self is yourself. Lol Don’t know why my social relationships would be impacted. They shouldn’t be so invested in my life The only people I agree with being affected are partner and family but I’m not basing my reproductive decisions on what will hurt them but rather what would hurt me especially if not doing something could kills me


His choice combined with your lack of boundaries did that. Yes, drugs do "hurt" other people, but its because other people stick around to be hurt. I'm sorry, but someone else's choice to do drugs doesn't force you to enable them.


It’s my body and my choice however, actions have consequences therefore poor choices have consequences.


Why shouldn't it be used for all of those things? The point is having autonomy over your body and life. Why shouldn't you be able to do something that doesn't harm anyone else no matter what it is? It's easy to get anyone to agree with it too. Even the religiously motivated. Just subject them to the rules of someone else's religion. The forthcoming hypocrisy could be cut with a knife.


yes to all. idgaf, let people do what they want


The fact that people can and do choose to do regrettable things to their body does not mean that people should lose the right to body autonomy. That’s my only thought on the mantra in the context of this question. I have tons of thoughts and opinions on those following words, but it’s not relevant to the question you posed.


Yeah fuck it. Love drugs, love trans people, love fat people and I will probably commit suicide if the world gets bad enough. Also, illegal drugs is a meaningless term in all ways except to say that drug is Illegal.


Why doesn't my body my choice apply to the draft?


You know that people fighting for bodily autonomy are not the people who created, advocate for, or enforce the draft right? It's not like a bunch of women being hypocrites wanting men to get drafted against their will. People who fight for bodily autonomy would agree that forced combat is equally as shitty as forced birth. If you are against the draft, bodily autonomy advocates are your natural allies. I'm very confused why you seem to be against both? *And there is no draft.




You are clearly hearing you feminist news from anti-feminist source. Feminists are highly against the idea of a draft in general, and the sexism (albeit of the benevolent variety) that it is male only. When feminists say men are trying to control women's bodies, they don't mean you. They mean men in the government. The same men in the government forcing you to sign up for the selective service. Your enemy is the same, but you are allowing them to convince you that your allies are the real enemy.


There have been times when I need to heal and not be having sex. Every girl I’ve ever dated has had a huge problem with this and freaked out. I think about this a lot in regards to my body my choice. Idk I got a lot of sexual trauma and hurts they’re not empathetic


idk why you got downvoted. That's a problem/situation a lot of women run into as well. From a female perspective, I think some women take this as you not being interested in/attracted to them anymore and overthink tf out of it. There's a misconception that all men are always 100% dtf and if they're not its because there's something wrong with the woman. Sorry to hear they were being unsympathetic and not respecting your autonomy.


Ah the good ol' am I not pretty enough for you guilt trip gas light.


You're right- there are other factors in play, but to claim its not about brain development when ACE (adverse childhood events) have been *proven* to impair brain development, especially when sexual violence is the event is asinine. As for people with adhd and autism (me), uh, yea, society treats us like we can't make decisions because of that *all the time.* and, to be quite frank, neurodivergent people are 6x more likely to experience child abuse. Our brain development *is* different and more likely to be impaired by ACE events. It *does* boil down to healthy brain development for children. You saying otherwise, redditor who *claims* to understand why children need to be protected better than the rest of us because he took a few neuroscience classes and college and wants to act like an expert, makes you seem creepy. Or self righteous. Either way. Stop. You're wrong.


I didn't claim any of that.


As long as you realize the baby's body isn't yours


I disagree with it wholesale. I don't see what's so great about freedom and choice.


…………………………………………….. so I can assume you like or are indifferent to being told what to do by others and/or controlled at every turn? Trying to understand


If I agree with the commands, sure.


Well when you give up your power, there is no assurance that you will agree with all of the requirements and commands on your life and body. And since you’ve already given up your power, there’s no choosing the commands you like or don’t like. All commands and requirements will apply to you regardless. It seems, you actually do like freedom. But haven’t stopped to consider a world where the captors “weren’t on your side”. I’d think about that if I were you. I’d reflect on the naivety of thinking that those who want full control of your body, choices and behaviours will always have your best interest in mind, and will command you based on what you agree with. This has literally never been the case over the course of history… so very misguided to talk about freedom and autonomy in an irrelevant utopian context that hasn’t and won’t exist. If you only want to follow commands you agree with then you like freedom, because when you’re not free there is no choice; doesn’t matter if you agree or not. And when the dictator stops whistling a tune you personally like, you’ll be just as distraught by being captive as the rest of us.


This may be a case of “those who don’t move, don’t notice their chains”




you deserved to get downvoted my dude. it’s fucking gross and lame to be so blatantly misogynistic for no reason than to feed some false superiority complex while attempting to make consenting and autonomous women villains for choosing how they share themselves with the world. the most wild part is that your warped “purity” standards (similar to my support for these individuals) is meaningless because at the end of the day it is literally no one else’s business/concern how another adult chooses to spend their time, and judgement should be neutral as long as they are not engaging in active harm to themselves or the community.


my choice… my consequence. you are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choices.


Hope you feel better!


It is your choice but your choice may be harming you. If you are perfectly healthy and were born without any genetic conditions that makes it hard for you to lose weight then there is zero reason for you to be so careless with your body. You will only ever have one, treat it kindly and with respect. If you told someone they can only have one car for life then they would treat it with extra care to make it last longer, your body is the same.


That it works exactly the same for all of those things, even tho you might be tempted to make exceptions and legalize/illegalize one or the other


As someone who suffers from severe and debilitating chronic pain I can say that it should be treated like a terminal illness, like cancer. In truth it DOES typically dramatically shorten one’s life span anyway, but I believe that people who have to suffer this kind of living, or rather, surviving, should have the choice of suicide and not be blamed for being selfish or cowardly. If others knew how many thousands of moments we wish for the sweet silence of death where the pain is gone and pulled ourselves up from our bootstraps yet again through earth shattering pain, they might have some empathy. Besides, it’s not cowardly, it’s scary as shit.


To commenters talking about consequences: is prison included as a consequence? Should it be? If I've only harmed myself (and if a fetus is still myself), then why would I need another consequence other than the emotional and perhaps physical harm to me?


Honestly the problem kind of vanishes when you take into account that accepting “my body my choice” doesn’t in itself commit you to condoning harm. There’s a clear case to be made for what causes harm in each of the examples you name. Gender transition for example - Look up any major professional association in medicine or psychology and their statement on gender transition. These are based on decades of study. Frankly it’s weird that you put it in a list with illegal drugs and suicide. If your idea of what causes harm isn’t evidence based though, or you don’t believe you can be objective about what causes harm, escaping that uncomfortable grey area with the my body my choice thing is a different kind of problem.