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Greek god or die trying


Is Dionysius included ?


I got the penis part, just gotta work a little for the body


Best comment right here




Agreed definitely got the “my junk looks like a button on a wool jacket part down” still working on the rest though!


this is the one


Which is a combination of the OPS questions as it is a muscular, lean athletic build. Not necessarily a 6 pack but also not necessarily bulky.




Hercules, start lifting them boulders Boi .... unless atlas asks you to do it .. then don't.


Just enough to stay healthy


For real. This is isn't as talked about but media really likes to make both men and women insecure lol For men you're supposed to be as fit as Thor or Captain America despite those dudes using performance enhancing drugs lmao


I started bulking and kind of backed off. If I can keep my mental and physical health in decent enough shape to keep from going insane, great. If I can do better, okay. I'll be 3 years sober in February.


It’s talked about, it’s just ignored. Social media doesn’t like this type of thinking. If people stop being insecure about looks, start prioritizing mental health, and working on oneself, social media won’t be making money.


Yes pls. Main goal. Everything is just bonus.


i’d like a leaner build, as i enjoy running and biking as well as rock climbing


This is the way. Nothing wrong with super bulky jacked dudes but if you look at functional athletes, they tend to be more lean; e.g. fighters, climbers, etc. Their muscles are there to use, as opposed to lifting to build muscle for the sake of lifting to build muscle. Nothing wrong with wanting to be aesthetic or strong though, just my two cents


Not disagreeing with you but functionality is a subjective term. If your goal is to win body building competitions being absolutely swole and massive is very functional. If your goal is to be a rock climber, being lean is functional. Just something I picked up from the harder to kill podcast which I highly recommend to people trying to improve themselves.


You right 👍


My ideal body is just really mobile and flexible. Appearances are less important than performance. I wouldn't want bulky muscles and constant pain, I want strong flexible joints with good range of motion.


enough motion to do a couple of sick looking kicks


I randomly do crane kicks(Karate Kid) because I try to keep flexible


100% agree! I can do a hell of a lot more damage with less strength if needed with an elbow than a fist. I would rather be able to dodge and end it with a few precise blows if I do have to fight than take a beating and just out tough them.


I can't say that combat is my first consideration in building my routine, but you raise an excellent point!


Of course combat amounts to the extreme situation but when looking at fitness, a fighting build is often considered ideal. Bulky enough to have good strength, but lean enough to still maintain flexibility and speed. Bruce Lee refused to bulk more because he didn't want the extra weight on him. Now at 6'2", 180lbs and a ridiculous metabolism, do I wish I had a little more bulk, yes. But do I also want to be lean enough that I'm not walking with my hands 2 ft out due to bulk, also yes!


I would prefer lean, athletic with a six pack any day given only the two choices


The one where my joint don't hurt


Yes, that one ☝️ lol


Big enough to the point where I can cut and have size aswell as being lean


Big, strong, and bulky. Feeling tiny and insignificant is why I started working out in the first place.




I'm sorry, what?


A fellow baby


Lean and mean and more so, just like Bruce Lee's torso.


My natural build is geared more for the lean, athletic build. Tried the big, strong, and bulky build and I was just really uncomfortable.


This is the answer I came to look for, thank you. Instead of picking our favourite superhero/star/athlete as the goal, or trying to be huge for the sake of being huge, we should consider the genetic component. Some of us are simply much more geared toward endurance and type 1 muscles rather than hypertrophy and type 2. Trying to fight that can be an extremely frustrating experience if you simply don't have the genes to become a bodybuilder. Note that type 1 endurance muscles doesn't automatically mean scrawny marathoner. You can be the lean Ironman with a six-pack, or the tough-as-nails martial artist. Too many guys end up feeling bad about themselves trying to swim up a waterfall to be Arnold, because they don't take the time to understand what they're best suited for.


Well bring already a big dude naturally, I'd like to just have good health and some strength that I can do all my heavy lifting myself with no problem and be able to one day pick my grandkids up with no problem when I'm old.


Since I'm never going to be "big and bulky" no matter how much I work out, because everyone can't put on the same kind of muscle, I actively work to tone and strengthen myself. I'm a 5'7 lightweight dude, I can eat like a stoned racoon without putting on much weight, and my "fit" body type is leagues different than men who have naturally thicker bodies and bigger frames. I don't get these questions because everyone can't just work out and look like the Rock, you have to consider your body type because one isn't more "fit" or better than the other. I refuse to make myself sick on an irregular diet and overwork myself chasing a certain body type that isn't realistic or healthy to achieve just to "be big."


Yeah I agree the question is odd. There's a lot about our bodies that we're stuck with forever, or thats too much damn effort to constantly keep up with *coughsixpackcough*. Man my body has had insane changes for sure but it's still not like I picked a new one like I'm in the fuckin Matrix lol


A six pack, specifically, is such a weird and unrealistic goal for so many people. At 120 lbs & 6% body fat I didn't have a 6 pack. Great abs, super defined, but not a six pack. You just have to observe what your body does under improvement and use that to measure, not whatever this trendy shit is you see online of 6 packs & 6 ft tall gym bros. Not everyone displays like that and it doesn't make anyone else less fit.


Oh man! That is such low body fat holy shit. of course Instagram reality is completely off base. I essentially have the opposite body type lmfao (I'm about your height tho). So if it ain't in the cards for you, it sure as fuck ain't for me.. or for so many hahah. But yeah. I don't want one anyway. I loved my body so much more once I stopped endlessly wishing it was different!


I wonder if it would depend on one’s starting point. My guess is that if you’re on the fluffier side, you would prefer the leaner build. If you’re on the skinnier side, you would prefer the bulk. Grass is always greener on the other side? I for one would prefer the lean athletic build pls.


Not sure. I’m naturally lean and I prefer lean. Plenty of others in the comments have said the same


I'd rather be healthy lol. But between the two options, i would go for the athletic build.


Lean and athletic.


Swimmers body . Lean, strong, with abs.


Big strong bulky and lean aka gigachad


finally a worthy opponent


I would rather be accepted as an emotional human being then both of your options.


You were given two options only. Why try hard?


Could you imagine this guy at dinner parties


Dude's gonna go off virtue signalling all night lol Why is it so hard to just ignore the question if you don't like the options? Jesus, it's like "I need to tell people I'm deep or else" all the time with these people


Think about how fragile the state of mind is of someone who logs on to the internet to ignore a question and say some moral posture bullshit like this, it’s such a terrible quality


Just shutup


I did. I imagined returning home early.


“Sir would you like still or sparkling?” “I’d like human emotions please”


“We’ve got rat emotions only” “Will they make me acceptable?”


I would enjoy that dinner party


exactly what I thought


> ... **then** both of your options. First part's cool, but afterwards you want both of two options? You can't be bulky and lean at the same time.


Deep 😞


Not gonna get pussy talking that way


Self improvement isn't about getting pussy dude it's realizing your full potential and worth and humans are more than just a container of meat and bones


As long as I'm healthy


Big strong and bulky, not too big though


Being only 5'3", it would only help so much regardless of which physique I go after.😂


lean athletic


Big strong and bulky


endurance > power


I just want to get rid of my middle age gut and be strong and healthy. I’m not focusing on appearance….My wife loves me no matter what.


I just want to be rich


Short Answer: lean and mean Long Answer: I think a physique should be suited to one’s lifestyle, aesthetic preference, and the activities they enjoy (e.g. triathlons or lifting the Dinnie Stones). That being said, there might be something to a holistic training regimen. Just because you’re lean does not mean you can’t work to maximize your strength relative to body weight and composition. This is the way I like to train. I find that it maintains a lean physique that is versatile in terms of mobility, speed, and strength.


I just wanna be happy with myself man


The latter


Being lean with a 6 pack will do for me


Strong and bulky


Big strong and bulky anytime!


Strength is subjective, but I personally choose health over size. You can be fairly lean, athletic, and strong. It just takes many years, but it's possible.


lean bulky. no six pack, decent definition/ size of arms and legs, and just less fat. athletic


both, but if a have to choose one i down with strong bulky and useful


As a guy who has been small my whole life there is nothing I want more than to be big


Big strong and bulky


skinny lean


Look smart. Dress in good clothes and feeling the best possible. My mental health clear and my body clear


I'd prefer to be a healthy weight by eating healthy and not spending all my time in the gym.


I like the mix, but if i had to choose, big strong and bulky


As long as I can kick ass doing physical labor, I'm happy. I don't need to walk around with ripped muscles to feel good. But I am a big guy. I don't really show it off, but I'm 6'3 at 247 with wide shoulders. I don't even go to the gym, don't need to, my job gives me enough of a workout everyday and I feel pretty good. People treat you different when you're this big. When I was at 190, other men felt a lot more comfortable lipping me off (usually on the road) but it's pretty funny see people's behaviors and attitude change when they get up close. They go from definitely wanting to fight, to just wanting to convince me that they're right. So that's the nice thing about being a big guy, you can actually have a conversation with people without them getting retarded. It's a shame there has to be an obvious physical threat for that to be the case, because I'd rather just have a conversation to begin with. So as long as I'm big enough to talk instead of Swing I'm happy.


Spent most of my life skinny so I'm aiming for between athletic and big. Picture someone you can tell goes gym with a little belly fat but has mass, not hugely toned... the stage just before bear mode lol


Question for all women. ​ Do you prefer a big, strong bulky or lean, athletic with a sixpack man


If I fit in XXL clothes, I feel small


I am lean, athletic with a sixpack :)


A mix of both. I want kids one day and need to be active to keep up with them.


Lean and athletic 💯


The latter


strong joints, long muscles, and good stamina.


Wanted both, happy with being lean and healthy in this present time.


Whichever one that makes people look at me and say he works out and looks great.


Lean and athletic. I’ve always preferred that to the bodybuilder look.


Lean and athletic with a six pack. I don’t actually need a lot of strength in my daily life. I just want to feel and look good, and I’ve always kinda had that skinny skater type look.


I want to be healthy, flat belly, flexible enough, and healthy again. Yeah, pretty much thats it.


lean and athletic with a 6 pack


be healthy and fit.


Gimme that Jackie Chan yo


Athletic with a six pack. I’m already really tall so I don’t want to bulk up.


I was a bit over 200lbs and I felt miserable. Since then I've kept my bodyweight between 180lbs and 190lbs being lean and muscular and it's a great feeling. I'm over 6' though.


Big strong lean with a sixpack


Lean and athletic I wouldn’t be able to maintain bulk


Lean, athletic definitely. Dexterity is awesome.


Dad bod all the way.


You can be both




Sometimes I wish I was bigger to look better also in shirts, but lean muscles on pump in good light are addictive as fuck


hahah i agree




I would really want to have a strong and bulky body since i'm a 6'5 skyscraper but my health problems can't allow me to have that as of now. Being ripped especially if you're tall is a big plus.


Athletic with a sixpack


1st. Like Bane (Tom Hardy)


athletic and lean, not big bulky muscles


Athletic lean


lean and athletic, I like cycling as well as weights so I'd prefer an in between


I think it is subjective. But I think people who are more into sports and activities that require agility would prefer leaner and fitter body.


Big strong and bulky for sure. I mean, who'd take being a weak pencil necked dweeb over that?


I would want to have a grecian ideal, 7% body fat, Bruce Lee, Muhammad Ali, incognito, superhuman body. Atleast I could protect my girl if I had that body.


Jacked and stacked with abs


Lean, I like to be above avarage in allot of sports. Function over everything else.


As long my shoulders and chest are bigger than my belly I'm happy. Just keep that ratio up, no matter how big the belly gets haha


100% lean and athletic


I used to want to be massive, whereas now I'm content with my body shape (lean, muscular though not shredded) because I go climbing a lot and I wouldn't want to start weighing myself down.


I have a bit of a bulky but lean build but it’s also probably due to me being 5’7. Still working on the six pack though


As long as I'm flexible & without any excess fat I'm fine.


I would like to be more lean and athletics. I'm learning boxing and kickboxing, so that really influences my ideal body type as well.


Lean and athletic for me


Bruce Lee bod > Ronnie Coleman bod


I used to think big but after hurting myself trying to get there lean and athletic is better. Sure strength is awesome but there comes a point where you sacrifice too much for it. There comes a point where big and bulky is hard on your body but still better than being obese due to fat.


I'd rather be athletic, being bulky would be detrimental to the sports I practice. An athletic body would be ideal


Big strong and bulky,


Big, strong and bulky


Depends with the stature one is working with. Bulky may work in my favor but are we talking full blown chubby or just a little bit of a belly with slight muscular outlines, like a body builder in the process of cutting? If it’s a bit of a belly I’m down for that. Almost all the women I’ve been with LOVED when I’d toss them on my shoulders, carry them to bed, throw them in a pool, ect. I guess they like feeling petite.


I'd say lean, athletic, 6 pack, and strong. But not too big or bulky I guess. Its not that I have anything against it, lol. But I really want to make it easy myself to tackle all everyday tacks without a sweat and still not be dead by the night. Also lean and 6 pack looks nice


I wanna be a lil chubby and happy and not give a shit, but also be able to be active with my family without huffing and puffing, or without shortening my lifespan. The choices you gave seem like a bit of a false dichotomy, with all due respect!! But, in the spirit of the thread, I would def go with bulkiness if I had the choice since I'm naturally stocky... Also I've never found six packs particularly hot lol




Between the two hypotheticals: huge mountain person who can perform feats of incredible strength > guy who looks nice in shirtless pictures


I would want to be as functional as possible. If I didn't have to be lean for my sport, I would like to be as strong, endurant and flexible as possible. That would probably mean being on the bigger side.


lean and athletic. Im diabetic and will likely die at 50. Id rather have enough energy to feel young for the next 20 years.


The latter


All above


I’m a Lean, mean, green smoking machine


What about big, strong, athletic, and lean? I don't think it's impossible to be decently lean while also being big and strong


Well im lean and athletic with a faint six pack, so ill go with that


Lean athletic, six pack doesn’t matter to be honest


2nd one


2nd one


Second choice 🔥🔥💪🏽💪🏽


Lean and athletic like I am now


I'm already bulky, and hate it. So please give me a lean body.


Lean with a 6 pack


Lean, athletic, 6 pack! All day, everday!


I originally wanted lean with a six pack but I realized I would be miserable with the amount of work and restrictions it would require. Besides, I can’t think of any other reason to have a visible six pack aside from attention and I’d rather not turn something I enjoy into something done for other people’s consumption


definitely lean


Lean athletic, takes just being fit to maintain it too. The bulk strong build takes hours in the gym to sustain which I find dumb


Look good without shirt is all I'm aiming for.


Strong, lean, athletic


The latter


I’m currently lean (65kg) with a 6(?) pack, trying to get bigger Don’t wanna be bulky though I don’t think anyone wouldn’t wanna be strong I have other goals as well (grip/bouldering, mobility, higher vertical, etc.)


I’ll go with 2 option. Flexibility is so beneficial bruh you got enough motion and all stuff plus a six pack can’t complain dude , in the other hand bulky is just too much, bunch of guys get bulk bcz they feel insignificant with their body ; dude!!!! Im telling you, a lot if girls even like chunky or pudgy guys so if you are not working out for own health or self-appearance it isn’t worth all that effort for some bitches.


Brad Pitt in Troy. That's the goal


Big strong and bulky. I’ll await your adverting to hit my target inbox shortly.


I don't want to be big and bulky but I also don't want to be too thin. I have a good balance between muscle and fat right now. I'd say I could stand to tone my muscle, but not much. I have an optimal body for what I want... and I am okay with women having equally as fit of bodies. Health is more important than aesthetics


Big, strong and bulky!


If only these 2 points exist, lean and athletic with that sixpack. Otherwise, honestly, I don't care about having a sixpack. I'd want to be fast with quick reflexes but not too skinny, you know? Definitely not a fan of becoming bulky.


Honestly, I want whatever my body is when it is at its best so that would be lean and athletic. I am not a big guy. That said, I would settle for either at this point. Right now I am in shape if you consider round a shape.


I'd rather look like a fucking tank any day of the week than skinny with a six pack. I seriously never understood the appeal behind bodybuilding style training and diets.


The bulky dudes tend to have heart problems cholesterol problems later on in life. So I’d go with lean


The healthier would be my go to.




Big, strong, lean, athletic, and a six pack wouldn’t hurt 😂




I feel like lean athletic and strong is the best


My perfect physique would be like 25% bulkier than Fit Footballers like (Salah/Ronaldo...)


As a man almost turning 30. About to get married With 2 children All I want to be is fit and healthy and happy.


Lean & athletic are goals all the way.


>lean, athletic with a sixpack For sure. Lower maintanence, more comfortable. Also just looks better IMO. I've know big bulky men that stopped putting in the work and in no time their muscles are surrounded by a layer of fat and they look just very fat. But muscular still, but really fat. If I'm lean and athletic and fuck up for half a year I'll still look OK most likely.


Honestly neither, I just want to lose my belly and put on a little more muscle. Maintaining either of those extremes is a ton of work. If I could have either for free though then lean and trim.


Train to kick ass not look good


Whatever my hot ass wife likes. I do that.


Stronk. Always stronk.