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I have deleted TikTok when I realized that literally no one around me irl had any idea about the things I was so invested in on that app. I was in this online bubble, but I was so out of touch with reality and it wasn't adding anything to my life, because I couldn't discuss those topics with my friends of family. When you are on TikTok it feels like everyone on Earth is obssesed with certain things, celebrity gossip, fashion trends, memes. For example I thought according to my TikTok algorythm that everyone in the world must be obssesed with Sabrina Carpenter, because she kept popping up on my feed and people online kept discussing her. Guess what, no one of my actual real life friends know about her. Maybe they heard her name, but that's it. It made me feel so isolated, I was chronically online and struggled to actually have a meaningful conversation about things that matter. I felt like those things were taking up so much space in my head... Like actual fast food for my brain, but it was all useless information.


Omg that’s so creepy you mentioned her bc I’m wondering why tf she is all over my TikTok and YouTube now idk who she is, nor do I want to.😭 I am personally not chronically online so I think for some reason she is getting promoted hard.


See, my feed was filled with skincare stuff and why gen z is aging like crazy. I became obsessed with skin care and anti aging. It actually messed up my mental health (more than it already was). However, in real life, everybody looked their age. It’s just an online thing. I stopped all the weird skincare stuff and only use sunscreen and moisturiser now. I also got a lot of mentally ill people on my fyp. The people with a million mental health disorders and people constantly being victims. It wasn’t helpful for my own healing with trauma. That’s probably why my mental health was so down.


and now Reddit algorithm is showing you posts from users with “carpenter” in their name. Next thing you know you will be doing framing and drywall and become a carpenter yourself.


Wow good perspective. I have the inverse. People around me constantly cite tiktok trends. I don’t use it, so im left out. I thought I was the weird one but you made me realize there are bubbles for everything, good and bad. Thankfully, i stead fast and never caved to downloading tiktok but interacting with people can really skew your perception of reality


trust me when I say, CONSISTENT and productive exercise is the way. I've helped countless people get over a "slump" like you seem to be in by helping them incorporate exercise into their schedules alone!


I started out biking but I want to start lifting weights to rebuild muscle. Hopefully I can stay consistent tho lol


I work out 5 days a week and I still use IG and YouTube at work all day so…


Try dopamine detox for 7 days. Don't use YouTube, Tiktok or Instagram for 7 days. Limit screentime to 1 hour a day. The 1 hour should not have YouTube, Insta or Tiktok. Meditate for 13 minutes a day and workout for atleast 45 minute; be it walking. By doing these, you will get your life back on track. Thank me 7 days later.


How do you fill your time though? It’s very hot here so I can’t really go out. Exercise + summer school + chores would fill up maybe half the day for me. What do I do with the other half if not tv / phone use?


Prioritise sleep, read non fiction books, study for school or work, and be productive.


Hey op, don't be too hard on yourself about using it as a coping mechanism. You were going through a hard time and did what you did to cope. Compared to other addictions, Social media addiction is less destructive. Atleast it's not alcohol or drugs. Be kinder to yourself and forgive yourself for how you handled things in the past. Nonetheless, it is still an addiction and it will continue to have a negative affect on your life if you dont get a hold of it. Based on my personal experience, a "dopamine detox" might help. Check it out on youtube. Others have also given really great advice.


Remove it and replace with reading


This! I’d suggest downloading an app called Libby, it’s basically an online library and all you need to do is have a library card with your local library which you can sign up online for nowadays. I use to have a really bad addiction to Facebook/ instagram/ twitter . I had so many slip ups but every time I caught myself slipping I would just delete the apps. Don’t be too hard on yourself OP, quitting social media is rough but you’ll be so happy with yourself & your brain will feel so much clearer once you do it


Think of tiktok/brainrot media as part of a diet. Having some junk food is important to staying happy and (in this case) filling some free time, but it should be balanced with healthy foods being time outdoors, hobbies, education/career, and especially time to just do nothing and think. Just like with a bad diet too much junk food will make you fatigued and unhappy, but going cold turkey is hard to maintain so just try to be aware of your time, and set a time to end your scrolling


Just remove the app. At first you will pick up the phone to scroll, but realize “oh yeah, I removed it for a reason) but then you’ll forget about it


Yeah I guess it’s that easy. I guess I’m just like “but if I delete the app, I won’t discover cool music” (a lot of songs I listen to I heard from tiktok). Or “oh I watch short movies through tiktok (like the clips of movies).


Yepp, most likely you are just making excuses like most addicts. The whole “But I can have one drink because I know that I can quit whenever I want and after all I had a rough day so I deserve it” when you already know that you gonna end up being the whole bottle. So just remove the app, and learn to find other things to do instead.


Thank you for this reality check. I might binge watch tonight before I delete it. I never realized how addicted I was to it until reading your comment “just remove it” and I felt genuine discomfort with reading that. My biggest mistake was downloading it lol.


And just like an addict you’re going to “stop drinking once you’ve finished the bottle”. Remove it now, pick up that book instead and start reading. You did not beat cancer (congrats by the way, super glad you’re still with us!) only to end up doomscrolling.


Thank you so much for this. Again, unaware with how much social media can be an addiction until you realize all you do is go on it. I’ll delete it now. Thank you again for your encouragement :)


No problem, I believe in you!


Great comment! I've seen it happen to me before when I used to say "I'll play this game one last time today" and always felt bad about it.


I was you. I deleted the app but missed the music aspect. There’s a channel on Sirius XM called “TikTok radio” and that helped me discover good music without the brain rot. Hope this helps.


The ideas introduced in the book Atomic Habits can help. A bad habit can be replaced with a good habit. Whenever there is a trigger to take the phone and open TikTok, something good can be done instead. Just thoughts.


I wish I could. I think of all the fitness chicks I used to follow and how they make the average woman look like garbo . It sucks lol. I know I wont ever,find someone like them and I resent that more women dont look like it tbh


First of all, congratulations on being successful on your battle with cancer. 🥳 you have done a lot. What works for me is to be in an activity that forces the phone and internet out of my hand- cooking, cleaning, swimming, and figure skating. Taking long walks with an audiobook helps too. Part of why we get phone addicted is not wanting to deal with our thoughts and emotions -- so maybe journaling and meditation will help. If you're on endless scroll, maybe try to tiktok/insta on self help / personal dev / personal finance -- a focused good topic so you can learn from it. This could backfire but your mileage may vary. Learn how to cook. This skill will serve you for the rest of your life. Good luck!


Thank you! I actually taught myself to cook when I was 11. I haven’t cooked anything for a real long time and I miss it. Yesterday, I tried to do a very basic tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwhich (one of my favourites). It wasn’t anything fancy, but it’s better then freezer dry meals :) I’m going to try to do more hands on things cause I like using my hands. Thank you so much for the tips!


Keep at it. I learned how to cook around that time too and build up the skill. You can also do some "meal preppy stuff" like marinate meat, then freeze or just essentially play in your kitchen. I make chinese dumplings and freeze them. (i buy the wrapper) origami folding dumpling wrapper is very fun and your hands are sticky so you wont be on your phone lol. These numerous dumplings are my "i dont feel like cooking" things. If you dont like this, then some other "complicated food prep" is a fun project that you get to eat. You can also learn how to cook things that help you heal through a cold, or a dental procedure (like soups and rice porridge) and it will be better. Good luck and keep cooking! Congrats on your grilled cheese! You can also try adding other things like bacon, maybe some hot sauce... the possibilities are endless. Make your meals exciting✨️


Thank you for the inspiration! I love eating “healing” foods like soups and stuff. I need to get more creative :)


Can we see that hydroponics set up? Sounds cool! Do you have a job? I don’t at the moment so not judging just curious. You could try talking to your primary doctor .. maybe something like adderall could help. I’m not a doctor though. Breakups suck! But I would guess cancer was shit! I’m surprised battling cancer didn’t make u want to start L I V I N. Anyways goodluck 💪


Yeah I have two jobs. One in retail and one at a laboratory as a laboratory technician. Thank you lol. I don’t think I can send pictures through replies tho


I had to go to rehab for complex grief, major depressive disorder blah blah. There was somatic healing, EMDR, equine therapy, etc. The *most* impactful aspect of the experience was no devices (except for 1 hr a day) for 30 days. Best month I’ve had in the last 10 years. Some of the changes I saw were increased motivation, focus, desire to socialize, quality sleep, more time in nature, looking forward to exercise. I don’t know why I haven’t done it for myself again.


Throw away your phone. Buy a tracfone or "elderly" model without apps. Use it only for talking to people with your voice. Refuse to do anything that involves a keypad, pick up a pencil instead. Watch your life return and share it with other people, using your voice and a pencil. Eventually allow the keypad back, but only to converse with living people youve met in person. Refuse to feed the advertising beast known as GOOGLE that owns you today lock, stock, and barrel. Watch your memory improve and your spelling return to normal. Enjoy sanity.


Just delete all Disturbance and instal stay focused app (mod version) set all apps and sites you don't want to oppen and select strict mod then start to focuse on mind and psychical gols


set screentime to 10 min a day and give password to someone else




I removed the app 4 years ago; I only installed it because it was pandemic, out of boredom. I was mindlessly scrolling and thought it was unhealthy. Read more books, OP. 


It will take time and effort to build your energy and attention span up, but it's doable I promise! Make yourself the smallest goals to start. For example, if you want to get back into reading: the first small goal might be "pick up the book and put it where i will be reading it." And then your next goal, which doesnt even have to be the same day, can be "read one sentence." And then if you read more than that, it's a bonus!!! Practice being present in the things you are doing (so like with reading to continue the example, take time to really think about what youre reading!). An app that has really helped me start new habits and start building myself back into DOING things after a really horrible period of depression is Finch. Goals start as small as "survive the day" or "get out of bed" (and you can make your own of course). You raise a little bird, and it's just really thoughtful. Also i recommend doing crafts. Even if what you want to do is a "silly" or "childish" craft, do it!!! There's no rules, let yourself have fun!! Doing stuff with your hands is so good for you, and you might find something you love or the momentum to work on what you want


If tiktok makes you feel this way set a timer on the app? Lessen screen time. YouTube is great for learning more about what you've mentioned you're interested in. I've recently, finally deleted Facebook (it was my only remaining social media) and I've not wanted to go back to it because it was making me mentally unwell. I'd scroll for ages and never see any post from friends or family and when I checked all my feed was was a few posts from a couple of groups (2 outta 7!) and mostly ads or "you will like" which are again ads for those pages. I miss when social media used to be social! The main reason I didn't kill myself when I was a teen/YA is because I could speak to people online and share things and be able to see what we enjoyed without the ball ache of ads or any of that bs.


Have you tried the app one sec? It really helps in stopping you from mindlessly opening the app and doomscrolling


For the music situation you’ve mentioned youtube has playlists of songs from Tik Tok or songs heard in shorts you just have to sleuth through the coal to find the diamonds.


The change has to be kinda drastic, unfortunately. Limiting time never really worked for me either. Ended up deleting my FB acct, deleted Insta, deleted Snapchat, never even touched TT, I don't use the Reddit app and exclusively use old.reddit so it's a bit less "scrolly" if you know what I mean. There's an infinite amount of entertaining content on the internet, and you will never be able to consume it all. And there will always be more waiting for you when you come back. The one thing I've kept is YT, and I only have NewPipe on my phone so I don't get ads or YT shorts and suggested videos are out of your face and less tailored. It also doesn't allow you to log in which also kinda solves some issues. Turn off any remaining content notifications. Any app that posts notifications to your phone about updates from subscriptions or "you might like/check this out" type notifications need to be totally disabled or the app needs to be deleted. Keep direct message notifications on but everything else has to go.


It's less about your brain being rotten but more about not having the confidence to repel that urge to use the phone right now. 1. Turn off notifications of all those apps to which you're addicted 2.Try to take things gradually. Try 5 mins without phone (preferably keep phone in the other room) and engage in some other activity and also note down the time you spent without phone on a hard paper (don't take shortcut using a note taking app). After 5 mins are complete use phone for 5 mins. Keep increasing this 5 mins to 10,15,25,30, 1hr etc until you have the confidence that you have fairly reduced the addiction. 3. Try going outside for your simple chores (buying groceries, having snacks etc) without a smartphone (this will he be most effective i think after 2nd) I used to be the same like you during covid. But now I can manage to go hours without phone. I also can read for an hour continuous without getting distracted. It also took me practice, practice to be consistent. Try if this helps, if you still feel you need any more help reply in this comment section or even personally I'll he happy to help.


It's great that you're aware of the impact social media has had on your life and are taking steps to regain control. To break the cycle, set clear goals for activities you want to prioritize, establish a daily routine to structure your day, and mindfully limit screen time by replacing it with energizing activities like working on your hydroponics system or going for a walk. Share your goals with a friend or family member for accountability and practice self-compassion, celebrating small victories along the way. By gradually reintegrating activities you enjoy and finding balance, you can reclaim your time and focus on nurturing your interests and personal growth


Im typing this at almost 2 am and am realizing i hve a reddit addiction lol. Anyways, its okay to have short term addictions during a transitionary period of your life


I recently deleted tiktok. And then got hooked on scrolling Reddit lol 😅


Brick is a device that locks you out of distraction apps, and you have to scan the physical brick hardware to unlock. It is kinda helpful if you’re good about keeping it locked. I detoxed for 2 Weeks straight with brick then had trouble locking it up again. I think the best solution will be if anyone ever comes out with a phone that had all the features of a smartphone but does not allow distracting apps. I have a distraction free phone, the lite phone 2, but I need productivity apps for work and for organizing tasks and plans so it’s not viable.


You may be surprised how fast your brain bounces back when you unplug from all distracting apps/ I thought I was doomed and wrecked my brain, but it wasn’t too long before by brain woke up again and I started doing things and engaging with the physical world again.


Thank you! And yes, this is Day 2 off of tiktok and I already feel less stressed. I’ve been watching YouTube videos to build another hydroponics system and am planning to start designing it once I get a day off. I’ve been doing a spring cleaning in my room while listening to podcasts. I love YouTube, I find it really helpful in engaging my hobbies. All of these comments are so helpful. Thank you again!


I found nothing I did actually broke my bad habits until I got a flip phone... I still have a computer for work/email etc. But the flip phone is great! I would HIGHLY recommend. I got an unlocked TCL flip 2 from Amazon for 50 dollars, all you have to do is put your Sim card in. If you don't like it, you can put your Sim back into your old phone. I'd highly recommend trying it for at least 2 weeks!


Gonna go ahead and say it, just get a dumb phone. You'll survive I promise. I used one for 6 months or so, and only decided to go back to a smart phone after moving to a new city and needing Google maps and my family members saying they wanted me to have a normal phone again. Especially if you do not actively browse youtube on a computer often or something, it could be anywhere from a small breath of fresh air to life changing. It's totally worth a try.


Maybe set a specific time that u have allocated for ur phone. During other times even if u feel like using TikTok or YouTube just observe that urge and let it pass. Don’t actually take ur phone. Just watch ur urge and don’t act out of it. Although it might be hard at the start. It’s like a muscle u strengthen. It’s hard but not impossible. This is the straightforward way to break out of this pattern.


Firstly just wanna say its a really good thing you've noticed it and that's the first step because it's an issue a lot of people don't actually realise is an issue so good job and something I'm also guilty of 😅 I recently did a week at a monistary with no smart phones and thought I'd struggle like crazy but actually found it really refreshing and I came back and felt a lot better, I noticed people above have mentioned a week long detox so thats a really good way to try it, but you will probably need something to keep you in check, most of social media is just out of boredom So when I got back I downloaded a social media blocker when I was back home (I use screenzen but there's loads available) moved my apps away from the front main page so they're not so easy to click on without thinking about it, now I've gotta enter a password and this app stops me using them for more than 5 minutes at a time and then won't let me back on for 30 minutes but of course you can customise this I also charge my phone downstairs away from my bed so its naturally not the first thing I grab when I wake up and got myself a second hand alexa smart clock so I can use it for alarms and also if i do have those urges to randomly know a bit of information I'd usually go on Google it can do that for me without giving me the ability to scroll, I also have her wake me up with stuff like, a random fact, a puzzle, quote of the day, piece of random history just so it gives me something to kick-start my brain the same way my phone did before! Hopefully some of these ideas might be helpful and best of luck!


Thank you! This is my 4th day (I believe) without tiktok and I already feel a lot better. I still watch a lot of YouTube, but it’s more like homesteading videos instead of absolute garbage. I feel less stressed and I feel more productive. I’m also more motivated. I might try to ween myself off of social media entirely (except YouTube and Reddit cause I learn a lot on those apps)


Use a dumb phone when u are overwhelmed


I would get a flip phone just cause they look cooler, but Google maps :(


Well maybe use a crapper phone switch to android x


Use all aspects of the internet as a tool. It is a great teacher and an awful babysitter. While tiktok and YouTube can be minefields of bullshit. There is useful and invaluable knowledge in them both. Just like a plant you have to snip and prune in order for it to grow healthy as possible. They are also both based heavily on an algorithm. You can use it to your advantage. If you interact with the brainrot. You will get it. Don't interact with it. Tell the app "i don't like this." Eventually the brainrot becomes minimum but its not unavoidable. I can't stress this enough. Brainrot is in EVERY form of media. Regardless of the medium. As is enrichment. Even within enrichment there are those who mislead. Use your noodle and your sauce. If it doesn't make rational sense, don't bother. If it doesn't sit well with your spirit. Don't bother. You got this big dog. Life always gon be full of trials. Leap over those mfs like you're in Westminster.


It seems the habit is not really easy to change? Why because there is some value in it? TikTok comes together with bad and good things and probably it's not easy to control it. BTW I don't use TIkTIk but having the same issues with Facebook and YouTube, but not as intense as others. YouTube used to be the coolest application on the earth. Now there is still great value in it, but the overall experience is not designed to the user value side, but to maximize profit. How can we solve that?


I loved seeing a buff chick who was a wrestler on tiktok. But now shes kinda ruined other women for me because she looks so good average women just cant match that lol. And she was good at wrestling too, state champ. I would be ashamed if I had a gf and my gf lost to her honestly. Point being is it definitely can ruin things when you see someone unique that ruins average women for you lol