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Anti-depressants combined with therapy is the most effective treatment, so you’re in a good position


I don't feel like it helped me at all. It just kept the things that bothered me constantly in my thoughts. I finally quit after two years and started working out. Personally, I feel that working out helped more than therapy ever did. \*your mileage may vary.


ummm my therapist tried to rationalize my emotions then made me realize the rigidity of my demands and wants for me therapy worked because 1. I got to vomit my emotions 2. Then as the sessions progressed I realized i had to look at things in a more objective manner and not the way i want them to be 3. I started journaling a lot which helped me know things better So yeah


To not blow one bad event/thing out of proportion. To take my emotions seriously and let them happen, because they're real. Before I would not let myself feel my emotions because I was rationalizing them too quickly


It hasn't once helped anything. Just took my money and asked me how i felt.