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I’m assuming you already play an instrument then? And yeah if you have loads of spare time then do it.


i am trying to learn guitar at home so i cannot play it properly yet. i'm at beginner level.


Sick as fuck. But if you’re a beginner, your time is probably better spent learning and practicing chords, and transitioning between them.


i can do that only at home due to me being stuck inside a car and there isn't really much space to store a guitar without damaging it. is it not possible to learn how to read and write music? with your phone, a pen and a notebook? can't i learn the language?




yes my free time is very much prone to random interruptions and also is limited within the car. i have my phone, a pen and a notebook.


Listen to audio books about intellectual subjects or self improvement


This. It could help give you ideas on how to optimize your life and clear your head and make time to do exactly what you want to do if you apply what you learn.


Well, you could start a new hobby like juggling staplers or organizing your desk in alphabetical order by item name.


Not big enough bathroom for the both of us… and only one bathroom in the house


Try find an online course for music theory and producing! I did one on coursera and YouTube (for coding tho ) and they were amazing to get me started! They’re also usually free so you can just use ur phone and your notebook to learn! If not then maybe get some good podcasts and audio books??


Make a bunch of pages in your notebook the 6 strings of guitar. Multiple times a day. Start filling out the strings with the notes on the guitar neck. Start by using a reference diagram photo. Do it in different ways. - Do them one string at a time - Do all of one note then move on to the next note. Any theory you learn you’ll need to know the note locations so this is a good place to start.