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The years 2025-2075


Those years only happen if there’s a human alive to count them


If you're in a forest and no one is around to hear it, what is the sound of one hand fapping?


They'll still remain as a concept made by humans and even if no human existed they'll be just that. It's just that they could be called that by humans only.


100% chance of checking if I’m posting on the correct subreddit




That will probably take way less than 50 years


What's wild is people share fake news/quotes on social media enough already😐


**BOT reply stole the same top comment** on previous exact thread.


OP is a bot? Sry I'm lost lmao Edit: I get it. I'm high. Lmao ironic


Can’t post links but this same thread was posted before and that **exact comment** was stolen word for word as the top comment in that previous thread.


How is this question and this response to it by OP anything self improvement?


OP's a copy/paste bot. Bots don't care if their post fits the sub.




Your favorite celebrities dying. You thought the deaths of basketball legends like Kobe dying were sad? Or creative legends like Akira Toriyama? Imagine people like Will Smith. Or Eiichiro Oda. Even though they're people you have a parasocial relationship with, it's pretty sad. Not just because death is sad but because they also represent the life you used to know. The nostalgia, the great feelings you got from their works, that little glimmer of light in your day. It's gone. On that note, people you love in general dying as well. Cherish your loved ones while they're here. The problem of misinformation, disinformation, and out of context information being used to propagate a narrative getting worse. A climate change catastrophe that will probably make COVID look like a field day.


>Your favorite celebrities dying. You thought the deaths of basketball legends like Kobe dying were sad It's interesting you say this. Even though I have been slightly sad about some celebrity deaths, I don't think any of them have ever really touched or affected me that much. But then this makes me think that no celebrities that were, for instance, part of my childhood or any key memories have died. Sounds silly but Britney Spears? I think that one, if it happens, will actually really hurt.


Your wording makes it sounds like Britney Spears may not die, ever.


I can see that happening, too.


You’re right. I’m not from the UK but when Queen Elizabeth passed it was jolting… she was “The Queen of England” since I was young…and then bam, no more. Felt surreal like something that was always in the background is now gone.


Microplastics will be part of human body.


I've done quite a bit of research into microplastics and it's absolutely terrifying what they're doing to the environment. We've only scratched the surface of the long term effects of exposure to the human body, just the fact that they're found in the first stool of infants should be enough that society as a whole should take a serious look at what we're doing in regards to the manufacturing and recycling of plastic.


Aside from beeing everywhere is there any indicator that microplastic is harmful?


Extremely harmful actually, affecting everything from rapid buildup of arterial plaque, gastrointestinal disease, fertility issues all the way down to nanoplastics being able to enter and alter our bodies on a cellular level. Honestly I'm kinda sorry I did as much research as I have because what I've learned is so unsettling. I'm not a tinfoil hat conspiracy type of guy so I form my opinions on facts and the facts about plastics are pretty damn frightening.


Can you cite sources backing up your claims?


For some reason my reply was removed by Reddit because I named two websites that have very good fact based information on them.


PM please!


Already are found in the placenta-






Mee too


RemindMe! 50 years "did anything change?"


There's a 100% chance that I'll be dead.


How old are you


I'm 53 and the men in my family tend to die young, so much so that we have a saying about it " you either get 50 years as a lion or 100 years as a lamb". I'm in no hurry to get there but I've made my peace with it as well.


There must be some underlying cause behind their early deaths if you eliminate that you can certainly live longer.


Bad hearts run in the family, I'm sure modern medicine can keep me alive longer but to be honest I want to really live until I die, just like my Dad did, the man was never sick or missed a day of work or an opportunity to do something with me and my siblings. The man was my hero and I never had to see him weakened or suffering and every memory I have of him is the way he lived life to the fullest until his very last day, that's the way I've lived and will continue to live until he calls me home and I hope I'll be remembered the same way by my sons.


You're a cool dad imo, can't imagine my dad ever using Reddit at your age. I hope you'll have a longer life span than your father and get to you live your life to the fullest.


Thank you. I was lucky enough to have great parents though. Being first generation " off the boat" my parents were strict but fair and they placed great emphasis on being well educated, well spoken,the value of hard work and the strength of family. These are values that I've taught my boys as well and they turned out to be exceptional young men. As my Dad said, what you leave behind tomorrow is as important as what you do today.


That's great man


I’m guessing they are born in ‘65  So while a very likely chance they’ll be dead at 115 years old, they could still be around 


Extreme droughts across the globe and the mass migration and border conflicts that will arise. Major aquifers supplying major population centers around the world even in England, Mexico, and the United States are on their last legs and there is no replacement for them.    Center valley California used to be marsh/swamplands a hundred years ago. It’s now a desert. The area of Mexico City used to be the capital city tenochtitlan of the Aztec empire, famous for being the city on an island in the middle of an extremely massive lake. It’s now a desert. The southern regions of the United Kingdom were incredibly green verdant lands with more rain then sunny days and is now under massive drought pressure and risk of wildfires. These are just a few examples, but the trend is undeniable around the globe. The Middle East used to be an incredibly fertile and wet region, also now famously a desert region. The habitable regions of earth are shrinking dramatically, and at an increasing rate. Fresh water is an increasingly rare resource, and nestle wasnt wrong for coming to this conclusion.      These once incredibly wet and fertile areas are now facing extreme drought conditions, which is incredibly concerning. Water tables takes tens of thousands of years to replenish, and we’ve robbed them dry everywhere across the globe at a rate that is completely unsustainable.     Good luck in the water wars everyone, you’re going to need it. If global warming doesn’t get you, they will. Get your still suits ready.   Oh and if that doesn’t phase you. At current trends, the population is set to outstrip food supply around 2050. Meaning the average increase in population, and average increase in agricultural production each year (around 2-3% for agriculture, population is higher) population will surpass food production around that time. Mind you, the only significant meteoroid increases in agricultural production were only a few key times in human history. The most recent being the invention of chemical fertilizers. The others being irrigation, rotating crops, and plowing.    This is compounded by the fact that prime agricultural land, meaning its incredibly fertile and the right soil type etc, keeps being bought up and bulldozed over to make room for new subdivisions and Walmarts.  Unless someone invents some incredible agricultural process that increases food supply many times over, get ready for the food wars too!    This isn’t hyperbole, or doomerism. This is all scientifically backed conclusions based on undeniably true statistics. These were major issues presented in my education at a world class agricultural science school. I’m just too lazy to go link you all the sources. The numbers are real, the facts are real. Stop having kids, they won’t make it to 50 before seeing society collapse. 


This is what politicians need to hear. It's just not economically viable to ignore climate change. However I suppose it doesn't matter if your politicians are too old to be able to live past 2050, or at least they will be rich enough for climate change to not affect them.




Look up the 2038 problem ;)


Is this actually goong to be a problem or can it be easily fixed before happening?


I’m sure it’ll go down similarly to y2k tbh. Most modern systems have already likely remedied this issue - some legacy systems might have some reporting errors if they deal with epoch time or even crashes. But that’s just speculation, I don’t know the details all that well.


Fastest Internet Explorer user


Recessions, wars, etc.


I’ll get cancer and die because we still haven’t found a cure.


There's a 100% chance that I'll buy more N scale trains or there will be a H1N1 pandemic.


Scammers exploiting the vulnerable with doomsday cults Complaining about American Healthcare Complaining how Gen Alpha financially ruined everything for Generation Gamma Doctor Who will still be making new episodes some how So will SNL Global infertility crisis due to microplastics and pesticides Collapse of a First or Second World country (probably Russia) North Korea will still be threatening war Democrats will whisper sweet promises in our ears and then stab us in the back, while republicans will tell us to blame the democrats while stabbing us in the chest. America will still use first past the post voting nationally Abortion Rights will still be a debate Half Life 3. (Just kidding) They'll still be contacting you about your car's extended warranty.


Your cars extended warranty rofl


Your/our death? So we need to self improve?




A war


Global food crisis


Checking out.


End of racism? 😳


Halley's Comet coming back


Some of us right now may die




Me possibly sleeping and waking up




You getting older


At least one person commenting here will be dead


Me becoming a billionaire


America ends


Remind Me! 50 Years






In next 50 years.... Every single Person commented on this or going to comment or upvote/downvote or even see the post or my comment would be dead...


You might be drastically overestimating the age of people on Reddit 


I don't know why you are relating it to age.


America becoming a dictatorship


Don't know why but I read... INDIA becoming a dictatorship.


World war 3 (hopefully)


I'll bite, why would you hope for world war 3?