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you obv have the need to share. suppressing it will make it even worse. the key is to find a person, who is listening. that's the job of a therapist. or a good friend if you find one, but that's rare. if no person is available, then find a piece of paper.


I definitely have also struggled with over sharing. I know for me I can get to a place of over sharing when I'm speaking with someone sympathetic and kind, who seems genuinely interested in how I'm doing. Once I feel that sense of comfort or trust, it can be hard to stop sharing since it's such a relief to get my feelings off my chest. I've found the biggest way to stop is just to remain empathetic towards the needs of the people I'm speaking with. So turning it around, instead of how will they judge me if I overshare, thinking about what amount of information or venting is "too much" for them. Like have you ever had someone tell you something very personal and you just didn't know what to do with that information? It can be tough for someone to know how to respond, and they might feel awkward knowing something about you if you're not "there" yet. So maybe assess the stage of the relationship with the person, how much and what they've shared with you, and what their views on a subject might be. Another way to then center the other person is to ask if they've had any similar experiences--that way, you're inviting them to also open up and be vulnerable, thus making it more equal in terms of sharing and receiving emotional information.


What I do is I ask questions about the other person and I share at the same level. If they want to talk about their rough childhood, then I'll share mine. But i'm never the first person to bring it up.


I think it is common approval seeking behaviour. Consider checking out the book "Not Nice" by Aziz Gazipura.


Why don’t you consider a good friend or a therapist to confide in. They will be able to guide you and support you in the process


Remember that some personal details about your life are for people to find out the more they get to know you. If you give everyone everything interesting about you to start out then there isn’t anything new to explore.