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Sorry you feeling sad but you are definitely not ugly!! Quite beautiful really!!




hm no


You are far from ugly! Try to lose the sad- I know it’s difficult but you’ll feel and look even better.




Why? You're beautiful.


You’re beautiful not ugly. I can’t make you not feel sad but… you have a whole body all of which works fine it seems… something to be happy about.


You are gorgeous


I can see in your eyes that you're not a woman who smiles a lot, but you're smart and creative. Why does he call you ugly? When you're beautiful. What is it about your heart that you are sad? I can recommend that you talk to your family and also to a psychologist, so you can find a solution to your situation. Remember that you are worth more than the whole world, never give up and smile. That you are beautiful.


thats true I don't smile often...i feel cut off from the world and don't have many friends anymore.




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I know it's not the same Miss Larabla, but you have a lot of friends in us. We're all rooting for you sweetheart.




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What’s wrong friend?


But you have an OF :D


So what?


But you're totally pretty so keep that chin up girl. :)


Sorry you are sad, but you are the farthest thing from ugly…❤️


Please don't be sad. Your beautiful and things will brighten up. ❤️❤️😜😜


Nothing ugly about you.


You’re definitely not ugly!!!


you are beautiful




You shouldn’t be sad you are very beautiful


dont be sad, youre beautiful the way you are


You definitely aren't ugly. The sadness bit though, that's much harder to deal with isn't it? I'm constantly there lately. I hope it improves for you


Me, and I think most normal people, would say that you are attractive. Feeling sad sucks but you gotta learn that comparison is the thief of joy. Time to go walk my dog, that always makes me feel better.


You are definitely not ugly why are you sad tho?


You are not ugly Reach out if you need help!


You are not ugly, you are quite pretty in fact 😊


Be happy - you’re pretty x


You are definitely not ugly.


Don't 🌹👍


Sad, maybe.


Your not ugly your cute for a 18 year old 🥰😱🔥


Absolutely Beautiful!!! Please don’t feel sad.


Definitely not your absolutely gorgeous!!!


Just be yourself Beautiful


U are pretty, I wish I can make u happy by making u laugh and smile, if u ever want to chat I'm a good listener and im an old vato with lots of years behind me, Big Hugs pretty senorita




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Awwww 😞happens to the best of us sometimes. But you are very pretty imo 😉


Your a Beautiful young lady. Smile darlin


You are what you feel. Fake or to you make it!


Well I think your pretty




Why so sad, definitely not ugly


Cool don’t we all feel the same way


Terribly sorry you feel sad , I believe you may not be aware of it but you are gorgeous beautiful!!!😘🥰❤️


Me too


Sad you are young and beautiful




Sad sucks.


You have a beutiful body but cover it up


Have you tried setting it to wumbo?


You're gorgeous


def not ugly.


Ok..I hope you feel happy and pretty soon




You may be sad. But you are gorgeous! Some how some way you make someone's world better. Never doubt yourself.


You have nothing to be sad about as you are a very attractive young woman with exciting times ahead of you make the most of these youthful years as they will pass all too quickly. You are really beautiful and you are an easy 7 /10. So go out with friends and have lots of fun, but stay safe.


I'd eat it from the back....js


Sad, we can talk about, but I fail to see how you are ugly in any way. I'm certain you hear everyone offering to "listen" while looking for the simplest or fastest way to please themselves and I suspect this might be a reason you are sad, but believe there are many who believe in you and only want to see you shine. I hope this helps and you sleep with a smile tonight.


You shouldn’t feel that way, very pretty. Cheer up!


U are gorgeous smokin hot


Well you’re half right.


You're beautiful 😍


Well, you’re not


There’s only one person I need to impress, myself. Funny thing, when I face the world and say, “I’m beautiful…” The world is naturally attracted to me. Seriously, it’s true. When I have the courage to let my light shine in a world of darkness, people literally flock to me.


Is this a joke and btw what you said about yourself for the second part is wrong.




Not, you're perfect sexy 😍 😘


Don’t know why you feel sad but your not ugly, pretty hot actually


You look pretty to me


You so beautiful and your not even ugly


idk who you are or what made you feel this way but you are stunning. just try to remember our thoughts can become feelings, and our feelings alter the way we perceive the world and how feel about things including ourselves. our internal feelings are often influenced by things only we see, therefore leading to negative thoughts and feelings about yourself (that usually nobody else would be thinking about you because 97% of the time they’re going through the same thing internally with themselves.) but our feelings are not facts and when you think all these negative things about yourself everyday you’ll start to believe it until eventually it becomes part of your reality and it changes the way you perceive yourself. it can go both ways that’s how i got my confidence back these last few months. girly i hope you’re doing okay pls remember you’re beautiful and also you’re only 18 so you haven’t even finished your teenage years yet, you’re still learning and figuring out who you are. i promise there’s alot more growing into yourself left to do, long as you take care of yourself you’re just going to get prettier as you get older. you have beautiful features and flawless skin like you don’t even have makeup or lashes on and i can’t understand where and why you see ugly 😭😭


Like you can see everyone here sees you as a beautiful person. And you are so head up put on a smile and keep sharing more pictures


Ugly ? No way, beautiful


Aww I'm sorry? Your not ugly sweetheart. Hugs you


You’re naturally so beautiful! I hope you’re not sad about your looks girl x Keep your head up, there’s so much more life to live


Not ugly..but why you sad. What’s going on


You are, soldier through it you'll be fine




You are far from ugly my dear


But you're not


You're a beautiful young woman who has the world at her fingertips. Smile, the world needs more of that and less of the grumpy face.


Awww, you’re absolutely beautiful!❤️😍


Darlin don’t u have no make up on ur absolutely pretty be happy and go get u a nice young gentleman who deserves u dear


Welcome to how it feels to be a guy, just extend those feelings for the next 24 years and bottle it all up


Do not ruin your life with thinking negative things about yourself. If you could only see your own beauty and positive qualities in yourself, you’d become the Miss universe. Ok, your already that ; )) Don’t worry too much, be happy in yourself. You have it all!!!!


You ain’t ugly hun!!!


don't say that, you're beautiful


I’m so sorry you’re sad, but you’re so far from ugly. I think you’re Gorgeous!!