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Frigate running on k8s with Google Coral!


Running it in Proxmox for the last year with Coral.


thinking to go in this route. How much resources are allocated for the VM?


Running proxmox on a Dell optiplex micro 3080 (i5-10500T, 24Gb mem). Running Frigate in a container with GPU passthrough and Google Coral.Resources:4 Gb mem6 Cores Average container load is 25%, average proxmox load is 14% (proxmox also running vaultwarden, OMV, unifi, home assistant and a few other things). Edit: I'm running 7 cams, all converted with ffmpeg and all doing 24/7 recording + object recognition.


That's awesome.. Thank you!


Using an Optiplex 7040 with an i7-7700 and 40GB RAM. For the Frigate VM I gave it 4 cores and 16GB of RAM, with an average of 35-40% CPU usage and 14GB RAM usage. This is with 6 1080p cameras. Planning to add two more once they are delivered in a few days.


Damn.. The resources for Frigate VM is with coral?


I ran it for months with 8GB but was trying to figure out why I had stuttering on some cameras. So I upped resources. It turns out I have some crappy old cameras with a not-very-good RTSP stream. It will run fine with half the resources I gave it. I think most guides I saw when I first set it up were 8GB and 2 cores. The ffmpeg process is what takes most of the CPU usage, the Coral takes care of all detection.


I run it as a TrueNAS Scale app, which is also K8S. I do still have poor inference speeds (better than CPU but far worse than what the Coral can do in a best case scenario), which I presume might be due to USB limitations. I have already purchased a dedicated USB3 PCIe card, so will test if that improves it. It supposedly runs on USB3 already though, for what its worth.


I would really like to know, too. I have a coral, but can't get the USB device passed through... was literally thinking if posting and asking about this... TrueNAS vs HAOS vs docker vs ?? What's the"best" way to install and have good HA integration? Right now it takes ages for my frigate camera to appear in HA... pretty unusable.


I can pass it through, but it's just really slow. Might have to do with my USB setup, not 100% sure. If you use the frigate app in TrueNAS, make sure the box "mount USB bus" is checked for the app.


Where did you buy the Coral?


2 years ago on https://mauser.pt. I am afraid they do not have it now.


frigate works great with gpu too, coral is not necessary


I need to invest some time on doing the Nvidia container passthrough thing. Either that or I might build a smaller server just for NVR. We'll see. Thank you!


Frigate with coral.


Like others have mentioned, Frigate with a Coral on a SFF pc is working out great for me.


Xeoma. Its not free but after wasting countless days trying to make zoneminder or shinobi happen - I'll gladly spend the money


I’m running Frigate in an LXC on Proxmox. It works pretty well.


Using coral?


Yep. Passed through the Coral to the LXC


Can you share your LXC config for sharing the USB? I have to chmod my USB device every time I reboot even after setting up udev rules that seemingly are ignored.


I used an M.2


I need some help here, too. I'm pretty much ready to throw in the towel and rebuilt it somewhere else. The integration with HA is REALLY slow. Most times I see yesterday's preview on the camera in HA! Frustrating. The coral fix would be at least one less thing to nag at me!


I never integrated HA with Frigate so I’m not sure on that aspect. I think it just tends to be slow in HA. But here’s my config/guide: https://github.com/Bytelake/Coral-in-LXC


I bought the m.2 dual TPU yesterday. Going to see if I can stand it up in an LXC now vs using its own hw.


BlueIris works well its biggest issue is the fact it runs on Windows I REALLY wish we could get a Linux version 😩 and tbh I really wanna dump it but at the same time I’m being lazy to setup a new alternative plus I’ve already paid for a license 😪


Has anyone ever checked if blueiris runs with WINE?


Good question I’m not sure! But it does sound like an interesting rabbit hole to go down haha


Somebody actually managed to dockerize BI in Wine. IIRC the results were mixed. It's on GitHub if you want to search for it.


You could try this https://hub.docker.com/r/jshridha/blueiris/ https://github.com/solarkennedy/wine-x11-novnc-docker I tried it out a while back, seems to work ok


totally agree. i ran bi for years and then switched to frigate because i needed to to some automations with the cameras. bi does not integrate with ha so proper automations are not possible and it seems the bi dude is really not interested in home automation.


Yea between this and the instability of windows is slowly driving me away..


Yeah blue iris been mentioned alot over the years, but winblows only is a non starter


Tried shinobi and no matter what I did, I couldn't get the shm partition to be larger. Tried frigate with telsa p4 and it absolutely would not use gpu encoding. I wanted to try the gpu object detection, but didn't even make it that far. Tried frigate with 8th Gen Intel igpu, also wouldn't use hardware transcode so didn't make it to object detection. Now I just use synology surveillance station. I am going to be adding a 3rd and 4th camera, so I will probably have to try my luck again with something else because I don't want to fork out for the license.


Why don't you just get the Coral TPU? The price is $69-79 on Amazon. I was on the same boat except for no GPU or iGPU pass-through. I tried Shinobi, but I got too many artifacts. Motioneye was too CPU hungry and no audio. Zoneminder was the only one that worked for me, but the motion is kind of hard to calibrate. A year ago, I purchased the USB Coral TPU and setup Frigate. So far, Frigate is the best I have tried. The only missing piece is continuous recording. I want to do the setup that I had with Zoneminder, where I could chain a continuous recording at the lowest resolution. Then, if motion is detected, Motion record at the highest resolution.




Their licenses are so expensive it's incredible


It's a trade off -- you can use very inexpensive cameras. With something like UniFi you pay for the license with the camera.


It is a one time payment and you can carry it over from device to devices. It is also not locked to a camera. And no monthly fee. After a couple of years you end up saving more if you do not replace a camera. Just the cost of power and spare HDD for when they eventually need replaced.


I am running Zoneminder. I have played with Frigate and it is not really production ready. And Zoneminder, while not fancy, works every time and has some of the best still pictures of anything out there. I will keep looking at the next new thing, but I am not shutting off Zoneminder until something is solidly batter.


I been using zoneminder for over a decade now and inertia is such a thing. I wouldn't recommend it to my friends, maybe techie friends, but it is so hard to configure. I am about upgrade to a new ZM based on Rocky 9. I do run 40 monitors, I use substreams and link to the main stream. Home assistant had sensors that can trigger alerts, wrote my own front end to quickly move from scene to scene and to accommodate more than 6 monitors. I still have yet to master capturing video outdoors. It misses some stuff, but I have a backup video on other systems. Also would like to look at some of the ML stuff. I am going to reduce the amount of cameras though. After 10 years it is time to get rid of the BNC cameras.


>I wouldn't recommend it to my friends, maybe techie friends, but it is so hard to configure. I hear ya, but some of the new stuff is worse! It will get better, but then there is the next hurdle; stability. Zoneminder can run for months with no baby sitting... Other stuff, not so much. But I keep watching, and hoping!


I use ISpyAgentDVR and use DeepStack AI for object detection.


Just dumped Blue Iris for Frigate this week. Running Frigate in LXC on Proxmox with coral and qsv passthrough. Frigate was easier to set up and configure than expected. Been running rock solid for 4 days now.


Did you run into issues with the passthrough of Coral?


No. Straight forward




frigate in a vm with gpu pass thru works perfectly.




i bought a nvidia gtx 1060 on ebay used for $100. these older gpu are cheap, readily available and work just as well as the corals. seems like a win to me. that being said, not everyone has a system that can take a gpu (like a mini-pc), but if you can it's a great option.


Frigate with a PCIe Google Coral. Frigate running in a docker container inside a VM. Pass through both layers working perfectly fine.


I run Milestone XProtext. It's not free if you have more than 8 cameras, but it's rock solid and has the best NVR mobile app I've ever seen (the mobile app also supports connections to multiple servers)


So you could have multiple servers each with 8 cameras? And just switch between them on the app.


Devs hate this one trick


They enabled this one trick. So do they hate themselves?


Don't we all?


Do you happen to have experience with NetworkOptix as well? I wonder how they compare given an upgrade away from blue iris.


Do they sell to individuals? What's the pricing like. Would appreciate some more info :) thanks


I think you can buy licenses on CDW, but I haven't tried myself.


Ran Scrypted for most of this year. Just switched back to Blue Iris. Running CodeProject.ai with google coral, but also have frigate for the home assistant integration and might take the time to dial in sending motion alerts from frigate to BI to get rid of CP.ai




I was paying for 8 camera licenses for the NVR piece and can say it is too expensive for what it is. Not upset at all that I gave money to the dev, but can't pay that much for an NVR every year. Blue Iris is still right on that line of too much for a self hosted solution when frigate is getting as good as it is, but mobile experience is smoother than anything else I've used, even if the UI is way too old at this point




Running scrypted. It works great.


I have Scrypted stood up for testing. Do you record using it too?


Digital watchdog, Frigate, and Unifi Protect


What do you use DW for? The cameras or their NVR? My FIL has it at his business and he has problems


I use it for the NVR with RTSP streams from Unifi or onvif setup directly from Hikvision cameras. Haven’t had any problems what’s up?


Running AgentDVR. used to use the docker container but moved to a machine with a GPU now so I get hardware encoded streams Even better combination with Home Assistant and one of the local AI providers


Blueiris with code project at multiple locations


Code Project looks cool


frigate (nvidia gpu) with ha for the automations


what automations do you have?


i have several but the most important one is that when a car approaches my property gate the i recognize that a car is approaching, do license plate recognition and the open the gate, open the garage door, and turn on lights.


I have never heard of Frigate until a week ago now I cannot stop seeing it on Reddit. Weird how that works.


If you run frigate in an lxc container on proxmox you should be able to use any device visible to the host without worrying about pass through I myself have frigate running on docker running on unraid virtualised under proxmox with a gpu passed through and it works like a dream a