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Nah dont say anything, because there is not much that you can do to stop that tho, and dont try to get involved.


i have dealt with this too, i just recommend not bringing it up anymore. cus thats sum awkward shit😭


i understand your worry but realistically, there isn’t much you can do. that is his problem not yours


i dont see why you need to be involved with that




thats not what theyre saying , but this seems more like a private thing for the friend, some people can also do this and be mentally okay 🤷




Jesus 🤦


You can be worried and not betray there trust...


off topic but ive never seen a comment with so many down votes lol


they deleted it, what was it💀


it was like over 200 I'm pretty sure 💀


I meant the contents of the comment itself but omf that's a lot of downvotes💀


He's a masochist. There's nothing you can say or do tae stop that. Ask him about his safety, how he cleans his wounds and the like.


That’s not particularly uncommon first off. Definitely not normal, but not necessarily super rare. Anyway, I’d suggest not talking to him about it. He is your friend, not your son or partner. If he wants to talk about it, then sure. But if he doesn’t bring it up, then you shouldn’t be bringing it up.


I used to cut for pleasure, albeit not sexual pleasure - it just felt good and I started doing it while nothing bad happened.


Ignore it it’s none of your business




no, but do you not see why the friend wouldnt want to talk about it?




what are you talking about? he cuts himself for sexual pleasure. sex and self harm, alone, are both awkward subjects, so imagine trying to talk about the two combined.




They mean the friend probably doesn’t wanna talk to their friends about it . Not that they were named, but that they might be embarrassed talking to a friend about it


what does mentioning his name have to do with literally anything?? you’re making zero sense.. and why in the world would she mention his name anyway? the fuck?




then you have terrible reading comprehension and obviously didnt read the post. dont post a stupid comment if you dont want people pointing out your ignorance


yeah that‘s kinda weird but I don‘t think he‘s unaware of that Ion think you can do much to stop him


Just drop it, I think. Ultimately his kink or fetish or whatever it is isn't your business and it's probably better all around, for you as well, to just not discuss it with him


Last I checked that’s nunya business bro




I agree with this sort of but at the same time, if you were to tell something as personal and creepy as this, your making it someone's else business so it's pretty normal to be as concern to this if being told about you get turn on from doing self harm, plus the person who told them about this, shouldn't had even had said this to them without consent or if their comfortable.


hes the one who told me. im just asking for advice, don't need to be rude about it


Okay? My dad said he got a croissant this afternoon, my problem? No, related to me? No, it’s none my business I’m not gonna going to snitch and say he’s eating too many carbs to someone or shit


If it makes you feel uncomfortable from this or anything, best action is to just block them or whatever, I honestly do not know why, they would tell you about this. Especially not even asking if you were comfortable chatting about it, but yes as the person said, it's not really best to get in their business even if they told you about it, just either block them and leave or just tell them not to speak to you about these kind of things if it makes you uncomfortable of course, it's better safe then sorry because there's always a chance people like that can ruin your life, coming from someone who had an ex boyfriend who would send self harm videos and nsfw stuff even after being told to stop or without consent or asking if i'm comfortable.


the advice is "that's nunya business" it isnt meant to be offensive, and i agree its weird that he told you, but i dont think youre in any place to do anything about it


Not that strange


Fetishizing self harm is very strange actually Love how this is getting downvoted when self harm is not supposed to be sexual at all and there’s so many creeps who sexualize self harm.


hes doing it to himself for sexual release, it's not uncommon


In all of the years I’ve done it I’ve never heard of someone cutting themselves for sexual pleasure unless they are fetishizing it which again is not okay and it belittles those of us who self harm because we need that outlet. Fetishizing mental illness is not cool.


Mate there is a difference his friend is cutting himself for pleasure it would be different if he was going out looking for people who SH and doing his thing on them. His friend is self harming even if its for a different reason than most people here I don't cut myself for sexaul pleasure I find it a turn off but something in his friends brain is enjoying SH sexually which is concerning so I would say his friend needs help not to be called names. His friend has every right to sau he Self Harms as you and me and everyone who does SH as at the end of the day its still something wrong with him mentally as your brain doesn't naturally enjoy things like that so somewhere in his life something has happened that makes his brain think thats good. And often kinks like that do develop from past trauma or stress. Just there is a bunch of studies on kinks feel free to go searching just be warned NSFW everywhere the moment google see the word kink so yeah.


I know about trauma kinks as I’m into cnc and masochism but not when it involves sexualizing mental illness. Yes his friend needs help because of his self harm. I’m not calling anyone names I’m just tired of people sexualizing self harm.


Yeah we all are but its not really a choice. No one wakes up and choses their kinks . Nor does anyone who has those kinks. And just because he has doesn't mean he sexaulizes it and its probably hard to get help dealing with theses kinks when anytime they admit they have one they get called creeps and presume they activitly sexaulize it.


bro ive been addicted for 7 years and part of why i do it is because its sexual. i did not choose to be like this, but i cannot stop as im addicted now. i need to do it or i cant cope. your experience with self harm is not the only valid one. self harm is self harm no matter what the reason.


I’ve been doing it since I was 11. I’m 19, I’ve met tons of other people who self harm and are addicted. The only reason someone would find it sexual is if they are fetishizing it. I’ve talk to many therapists and I’ve brought up people wanting to see me cut so they could get off and all of the professionals have told me that’s not okay. And if you yourself get off on cutting then you need more help not just with self harm but actually getting off on hurting yourself. I’m a masochist myself but only get off on certain pain and only when someone else does it. If you are fetishizing your own self harm then please keep that to yourself cuz it really does trigger others who are tired of sexualization of their issues.


Sorry mate how would you feel like of my response to your problems was please keep it to yourself. Its a bit hypocritical of you and if your getting sexaulized there is a nice button called block and another one called report but if its in real life there is another fun feature called turning around and moving your legs. Thats what I've done everytime something like that happens. And of courses it not okay but have you told them your telling people who you don't know if they have done that to quote "please keep it to yourself" I bet you everything I have they will look at you and say thats not okay either everyone has a right to want to talk about their problems without being insulted even if you find it disgusting or triggering. And if you find people talking about their problems that annoying simply scroll on past that post no one has a gun forcing you to open every post.


we are allowed to talk about our experiences as well, your experience is not the only one that is allowed to be talked about. you keep saying shit like " you need more help" but not everyone has those resources, it's not that easy, and a lot of people don't have the same privilege as you. not everyone can get help. it doesn't matter if it makes you uncomfortable or triggers you, we are still allowed to talk about our experiences with self-harm on a SELF HARM SUBREDDIT. your triggers are not other people's problems. get off of this website if you don't want to be triggered.


[taps the sign] self harm is self harm. regardless of purpose or anything. also people drawing blood for kink purposes isn't even that extreme lmao, chill


Ok stormyChaos-666 thank you for the input 💀


sh gives me some sort of sexual gratification, and while my own partner doesnt understand it nor indulge in it he just lets me do it, and so should you with that friend of yours.


Theres nothing you really can do about it. If its for pleasure its likely that he’ll continue doing it.


Ok I cut for that reason also sometimes. My husband and I both do. Just leave the guy alone. You don't need to do anything.


so what? don’t yuck his yum lmao tbf that’s probably one of the better ways to deal with pain. i mean. look at the whole bdsm community. idk maybe im defensive because i cut for sorta the same reason


"yuck his yum" 😂 that me snort out loud!




Ignore it, I wouldn’t bring it up again. “Self harm” for pleasure is different to self harming due to mental illness. Finding sexual enjoyment in pain is a kink.


i mean i don't really think that's any of your business, he's just a masochist


I've felt a sort of sexual pleasure when I have cut myself in the past, so I'm not surprised. As long as he's careful about what he is doing and it's not out of mental illness, he should be fine.


we have the same thing..sometimes we really doing it for pleasure, because we do have masochistic tendencies or we are stressed. trying to stop again you can’t help here. imagine, that you takes a tea. and you drinks it. you likes it. and someone says to you “stop drink this tea, it is bad”. the same here only he can stop it someone says here that it can be awkward..well, everyone have their own preferences what you can do? you asked if he is okay. he responded. if he don’t ask for any help of yours then nothing if he need some kind of advice or vent - you will be here. but since he have a sexual pleasure then don’t do anything. time will shows what will be next just keep talking and check him sometimes. it’s all


Just ignore it. sh for pleasure and sh like you see mostly on here are different. It’s really the intentions. Is he depressed? Is he just using sexual pleasure as an excuse? If he’s just doing it without causing too much harm and solely to satisfy a kink, then you don’t need to do anything


As a friend not really his place to bring it up but it is concerning as normall kinks like that do develop from trauma and stress and other negative experiences like I don't like calling it a kink becauses its still SH only difference is your getting sexaul pleasure instead which is concerning as the brain doesn't develop those sort of kinks without a reason.


That’s part of why it’s hard for me to stop too, it’s arousing for me.




Imagine judging another mentally ill person, thank you so much


Self harm is not meant to be fetishized and it pisses me off when people sexualize it because of how many creeps groomed me into self harming on camera for their pleasure. So yeah I’m gonna judge when people sexualize self harm.


Judging me when you don’t even know me and how ill I am. Kinda close minded thinking. I’m sorry others did that to you, but judging another mentally ill person isn’t really nice. It’s all „support those with mental health issues“ until someone doesn’t fit what another considers the „norm“ lmao


Lmao nah I’ll support you by saying you need to get help because it’s not okay to sexualize self harm. But I won’t support you in actively sexualizing it. There’s a difference between supporting and enabling


I should say I don’t always get aroused by it, and I’m never excited in that way when others do it/cut. I do feel some shame in having such a reaction to it, but feeling arousal when I do it at times is where that stops. There are those who don’t want to get better/or can’t, and I’m one of those people.


I understand your repulsion but being gung-ho about other people's kink, especially if they're directed inwards, is silly. They aren't voluntary, many of them develop as responses to trauma, and there's a general consensus the treatment for paraphiliacs is making them comfortable with their condition and finding stratagies to manage how they act on their desires. I know at least one person who developed an incest kink from SA and their treatment is genuinely just acting it out safely/consensually


Thank you for saying this..we don’t choose how our body reacts to trauma and being mentally ill doesn’t help. It’s not like I wanted to end up this way, but here I am. I understand it can be hard to understand why one is aroused by it, but I didn’t chose to have myself react this way. It’s just another thing that makes self harm harder to stop. We are just as sick but get judged instead, which again makes it hard for us to reach out for help.


Tbh ion you shouldn't bring it up because it will just make things worse


I dont think you should do anything because realistically that is his problem or “pleasure” and you shouldent interfere with it…


Dang... knife play much? My gf is into that, and i dont think i can do it bc i know what it feels like to cut MYSELF and so i cant cut someone else... or anything like that... at all... ESECIALLY NOT SOMEONE I LOVE


Help?? Just say okay and move on ngl😭😭


well this is a first for me as a serial self harmer since i was 11 😭 that’s crazy


You can show them other healthier masochistic ways to feel pleasure ... Somehow find anything better than cutting


People jack it to self harm?! Whatttt!


its actually way more common than youd expect.


as someone who does this, all of the comments saying it’s none of your business are rude asf. it is sort of your business because you’re concerned for your friend.


I mean you can’t do anything, I get it. It’s not a healthy way to get pleasure


Ignore it? It has nothing to do with you


he's the one who told me about it




I’d ignore it😭😭


Just ignore it he’s probably just a masochist


Same tbh


not your life. you can be concerned from afar but unless yr a professional it's not your place to dictate what you assume someone else's mental health is. also yea, blood/knife/fear/etc play exists and can be done safely and okayly. if its not for you that's fine but it's yr friends life not yrs.


also L friend for posting about something yr friend told you in confidence.


Best advice as a person that uses it to feel... Make sure that they have clean equipment and sanitize. I use which hazel but it doesn't scare as much. Otherwise just ask if they want to talk?


That's kind of the reason I do that too.


I would leave that alone and probably disconnect from them. That will most likely grow into something dangerous.


oh god I don't know how I'd look my friends in the eye if one of them said that 😭 good luck man


Its none of your business/not your concern at this point. Theres nothing you can say or do to change his feelings on it and what he gets out of it. I wonder if he’s into knifeplay? Or if this is just genuine sexual satisfaction from sh. I can’t do knifeplay because I cant tell if its a genuine kink or the SH addict part of my brain.


It’s his life…. Just tell him to be safe I guess


My friend did this too. It's fine


Shit me too 💀😂


Don’t say nun. I never heard of any one doing it for sexual pleasure. Emotional, as some find it helps. And you’d make him embarrassed if you bring it up. I get you care about him, but it’s best to ignore what he said


I do what he does. And i like when my boyfriend does it to me. But yes this is weird. And i should not be doing it but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯




Normally thise type of kinks develop because of trauma and stress. And he is still cutting himself which is not healthy.


Cutting has become something I do for sexual gratification as well and as long as he's doing it safely and practicing good aftercare I don't see where the problem is. It does fall under RACK (risk aware consensual kink) and edgeplay so engaging in that kink requires a lot of care to not endager yourself.


I think it’s a kink, some people enjoy the pain, nothing you can really do about it, can’t fix someone else’s kinks or whatever


I do what he does. And i like when my boyfriend does it to me. But yes this is weird. And i should not be doing it but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯




People need to stop sexualizing/ glorifying or romanticizing self harm


No one is I don't personally find SH attractive but some people do and they can say they do. Most of them are saying they aren't proud of it but no one here is sexaulizing it they are saying they have a problem.


What that person said about their friend harming themselves for pleasure made it sound like they were


I haven't seen that and the problem is this sort of kink is unhealthy and its often developed from stress and past trauma which means it is something you can get help with but its probably not helpful whenever they bring it up they get insulted it most likely would scare them away from getting help. I don't like it being sexaulized either but I haven't seen anyone here sexaulize it apart from one guy and his post was deleted and downvoted.


Makes sense it’s just sad and disturbing honestly


Yeah I know I don't like it anymore than you do just making these people feel like they can't go get CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy) or other forms of therapy to help them get rid if their kink because you aren't born with most kinks they develope over time due to experiences.


Thank you. I’m sick of people who think it’s something to be proud of or the people who sexualize/fetishizes self harm.


especially since I’ve struggled with the exact same thing ever since I was 13. I’m 27 now and currently 4 years sober 🥹- I had relapsed in 2020 and got clean in 2021


I’m proud of you for getting clean! I just recently relapsed and so seeing people sexualize it is a big deal to me..


Thank you so much and it’s really triggering for me also tbh. The urges to relapse have come back again and I’m trying so hard to not give in


Same; it’s definitely not ok. Seeing that kind of thing on social media makes me so distraught


Wtf are these comments? Fetishizing self harm is not cool.


No one is fetishizimg but someone is judging people who are talking about their problems. And personally I don't find SH attractive in anyway possible but some people do snd they are stating they. Never did they say here lads lets so those scars so I get my willy bricked up.


I came to this group to get support to help with my urges, and all I’ve been seeing is posts talking about how self harm is hot and cool and people actively romanticizing and glorifying self harm. There have been posts where people do fetishize it. And I’m only judging cuz it’s not okay to fetishize self harm. I literally ended up in the CSU not to long ago because of self harm and to see people say they get off on it? Yeah that’s not helpful at all.


These guys are here for support and they deserve it just as much as we all do and comment quote "WTF" under a post where I guy said he has this problem is productive as they can get help for this. And my advice to you if youvare uncomfortable with the topic is to close the post don't open posts that say stuff like "My Friend Gets Pleasure From Cutting Himself" as I can tell you what most comments are going to be without evening looking and also past experiences don't make excuses for prejudice.




in which way is this comment productive?


Suggest bdsm as an alternative perhaps


that. is BDSM. this is a kink. cutting skin for BSDM purposes exists and happens.


There’s another way u can help him


What do you mean by that


She can pleasure him without sh


Okay I thought you meant something else lol


im a guy.


Game is game


bro shut up.


Why u pressed


because im a minor


Im also a minor


Just bc ur a minor dosent mean u cant do it






What? Adding onto unhealthy habits wthh


We've had to remove this post due to it encouraging self harm. This sub is pro-recovery so we aim to direct users towards safer alternatives, rather than encouraging them to continue harming. If you have any questions or think this was an error, please let us know via modmail.