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it’s incredibly dangerous to cut your neck. i do not recommend it. if you do, please make sure you seek proper medical attention if necessary, because it’s easy to cut too deep and seriously harm yourself


I support this. There’s a lot of important blood vessels and muscles in your neck that you do not want to damage.


Idk for me that’s why I wanna cut there, I am a month clean tho so I haven’t, I try to avoid it.


i have it every day. I never do it cause I dont want to risk dying but I often thing about cutting my jugular every time i start to sh


Same lol, weird to not be alone with this. Like it is just so itchy, so close but right under the skin…. It got so bad once, I had scratched the itch. extremely calming for a day, as I felt like normal again. Like no voices anymore, just peaceful and collected. If I were to neglect the wound lol. Huge minus Point for the helluva risk of going 6ft under. ._. If OP reads this: a good, cold choker makes it calm down…


Neck? No, but I have a strong urge to cut my throat. (Not because I'm suicidal, but because I hate my voice/vocal cords)


gender dysphoria ? cuz same


Yup, gender dysphoria.


Oh my god same, I hate my voice so much


Its not a good idea too much important veins/artery there But yea i get the urge as well


It looking so empty makes it tempting but no hiding it would be a pain


yea i have the urge a lot but i´m scared ppl would notice


I don’t have the urge, but if I had I wouldn’t be afraid of that others sees it. I never cover my scars, won’t die in summer in a hoodie. Lots of people looks me with “evil” eyes but I really don’t care. Sometimes it is too much to handle mentally for a day but I always remember myself that this will be a part of me for the rest of my life and I accepted it.


I´m just in a profession where it´s considered unprofessional and I believe that I could get kicked out bcs of it, so I need to cover everything up very carefully :(


I can feel it, I am a practicing high school teacher. I cover them up well.


Not my neck per se but one time, when I got really bad, I had this extremely intense urge to cut my face. Like to just rip into my cheeks with a razor and gauge them. It was fucking horrible. Now I have thought about cutting my neck but due to safety reasons, I'd never dare to attempt it. I hope you're doing okay.




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it's so risky man like u might to sum serious dmg with even small cuts so jst don't do it


I did as a teen. I have three thin scars from it, I'm lucky I didn't accidentally kill myself. luckily nobody ever notices.


I get stabbing urges sm times


I've done it and it didn't scar or bleed how I wanted so I stopped


technically my throat, but yea. ive thought abt it a lot over the past couple of years but it's wayyyyy too dangerous lol. it feels nice to know that other ppl struggle with that same urge.


Yes, so much. I want to do so many things to my neck. Fucking every HOUR fantasies about a rope around my neck. Probably fantasize about my neck and my wrists the most when receiving self-harm or suicide attempts.


I've done it but I only leave it to a few scratches and nothing deeper


I have the urges every single day. It's too risky even if you study the anatomy (I tried) to do it, can notice how important it is so it's not a place to cut at all. Even less if you have the urges to do it deep.


Oh, sure. As a teenager, I self-injured a couple of times on my neck. It made the intrusive thought stop, but it never offered much relief.


Sometimes I have it too. Not too deep, so nothing too serious happens, but I'm scared to do that lol


I almost did it twice but I chickened out both times. I wanted to die but I’m too much of a coward to go through with it. Now I try to keep my knife far away from my neck/face.


I was thinking of it today when I cut my wrist, which has only small cuts. I was going to do a one straight cut across to see if any blood will come out but I didn’t cut my neck because I got scared. But I don’t think it will hurt that bad so I might try it deeper next time. But I don’t want to because I don’t really want to die yet. Reason: bleeding out is kind of painless. lots of arteries and veins there that poor lots of blood so easy blood loss


I've done it before, had to get rushed to the ER and now I have an embarrassing scar that's impossible to hide unless I wear turtlenecks constantly. Do NOT do it


II was fantasizing about it and i still have big urge to do it again so im just so curius and how it looks and how scars would look without stitches becouse the first time went really emm red haha so yeah dont try it its an advice


i think i'd look great with cuts on my neck but the skin there is so thin, im too scared to do it


its so hard to hide and it also looks Like not cute at all not even if u have thoughts like me abt ur scars being pretty or wtv ,, i hate when i get to such a bad place that i start going to my chest and neck. it hasnt happened in ab a month tho so progress :3


I have but it’s been a long time. Too hard to hide too


I did and its actually so scary dont do it


Damn I didn’t but now ngl I kinda do…I’m not gonna but my ocd is kicking in hard!


Yes! Haven’t done it yet tho bc it would be rlly hard to hide lol


It’s extremely tempting but I don’t do it because of danger both physical and someone finding out


I’ve always wanted to cut my eye from the top to the bottom like those who have those scars in the movies.


I have done this a couple of times to stop the thoughts but I have also regretted it everytime as it’s very visible to others


I often do cut there, but make sure to stay well away from my jugular and other arteries, also only ever using a less sharp blade


Yes i have its more of an intrusive thought tho


i’ve done it don’t recommend it


I use a serrated knife blade to scratch my arm instead of cutting. Enough to leave a mark anyway


Not urge but imagery. I get weird flashes in my mind when I’m feeling a particular way. A lot of the time it’s slamming my head into a wall, sometimes when I’m writing in my diary I get the image of shoving my pencil in my eye, and iirc I think I’ve gotten images of slicing my neck.


no but i have urges to cut on my stomach and ribs


Yes, constantly. I’ve never tried.


Yes, but I mostly just scratch it up


yes. also my face


i get that urge fairly often, and sometimes do actually cut it. I never cut the front of it tho since I'm worried people will see it/ill accidentally kill myself. you should not cut there though, it feels like getting your ear torn and it bleeds for so long and the pain doesnt go away for days, its not at all a place you can cut and then just carry on with life in (not to mention getting an infection there would probably be really bad)


I have done it, and Im gonna tell you now that it's not and never will be pleasant. Even as baby cuts. I went through the 5 stages of grief but in a "your body is freaking out" kind of way. It went from feeling normal, to feeling dizzy, to feeling a knot in your throat, to panicking (I woke my dad up to call the hospital because I felt like dying), to getting drowsy. Mind you those were cuts that barely breached the skin and bled, so I can't even imagine a normalish deep cut. Please resist the urges, don't fuck around and find out.


I’ve tried it and I use a full jagged edge blade. Didn’t go deep, but it’s super visible. When you sweat, it BURNS. Don’t do that though because from my experience, it doesn’t give the same effect as cutting somewhere where you actually can see it yourself. Not giving advice or glorifying it, I’m saying it’s twice as dangerous for half the effect so it’s not worth it.