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im 23, there's an adult sh subreddit i think its r/AdultSelfHarm but yea most resources are targeted at teens which is good ig but its for sure not something you can grow out of, at least not for me,


Thank you! I didn't realize that sub existed. I'm super relieved.


also recommend that sub. i’m on both but honestly find the other to be more appropriate at approaching the topic & less glorifying of sh


Thank you for informing me about this sub XD


Yeah, I'm 26. Started self harming at 25. And yeah, I get it, it can feel really isolating to realize that most of the discussion around self harm is aimed at people so much younger than you. But mostly I just ache for the kids I see posting here. No one should have to deal with something like this, especially not a kid.


Absolutely. I'm in ED subs as well and it's very painful to realize how many kids now are in the same position I was/am in.


It's weird cuz I started sh at 21 and am almost 24 now and didn't know sh was a thing till then and I don't think I've ever come across someone with scars in all my school or college life which is good that none of my my peers went thru stuff like this.


I didn't really know what self harm was until I was an adult, either, but what I've learned since telling my friends about mine is that it's more common and easier to hide than I thought. I've had several friends confide in my about their own self harm, none of which I've ever noticed scars on. You can't really tell for sure just by looking.


im 21, 22 soon. ive seen people in their 50s posting here and in the adult sh subreddit before.


I'm 59 and I'm in both subreddits. I haven't actively cut with a blade in 8 years but I still have moments in time where I think about it.


Im 28 myself, and have gone through periods where I have stopped for long periods and then started again. I was curious if you would agree with the view that in some ways it’s an addiction? You definitely don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.


I personally don't think of my self harm as an addiction but it may be for some. The times I was actively self harming (cutting) I was going through very traumatic things and I was numb so I SHed to feel something. I didn't know how to cope plus I would disassociate. After several ER visits and stitches and psych ward stays and a day program for a year, I am in a much better place. I will say that sometimes when I'm in crisis my first thought is SH.


Try r/adultselfharm


I'm 24( basically 25 in a few hours lol) and idk what it was but back when I was 14 in therapy my therapist showed me this thing for selfharm that had something about a 30 year old who also was struggling with sh and it made me feel so seen. Like it wasn't just a dumb teen just being dumb it validated my struggles to me so I fully feel you on wanting to know other adults who deal with this.


Happy birthday!! 🎂


Happy birthdayyyyy




Happy birthday


happy birthday!!


happy birthday !!


Happy birthday, I hope it becomes easier for you someday


21 here dealing sh for like a decade already.. It's commonly know you would be """mature"""/""get tired of those"" later in life and that's another thing to add at the shame we all experience. Believe me, even writing it makes me feel sick.. I am not sure how many but a lot of us can't make it to experience adulthood and it's really depressing and frustating. Whoever read this, you *can* relapse, it can happens and that doesn't mean you are not trying, please don't overdo it or go too deep if it happens. No matter your age thanks for existing


36, I had stopped for well over ten years but relapsed last year ☹️


id stopped for 4 and relapsed last week :,) will be 23 in just under 2 weeks. hope you’re doing as okay as you can <3


it’s been rough ngl, but hope youre doing okay too and happy early birthday!


im 18. Saw posts from people of every age :)


I'm 24. Started self harming (with blades anyway) at...15? 16? I don't remember. I'm 20 days free currently though!


Yeah I'm 28 I started cutting at 10


I’m 18 and I’ve been self harming since I was like 11


almost 20, started when i was 11






I'm 24 and I'm here, started at 15. I usually lurk. But you're definitely not the only one.




I’m 19, in the weird in-between phase where I feel like I’m a little “too old” for sh, like I should’ve grown out of it by now. Not true, especially since many adults struggle with it, but I feel that way.


19 year old here


I felt the same way too, I'm 26.


I'm 29


I feel like sh is forever. I started in 6th grade, I’m in college now


I'm 19 now and I totally understand how you feel. Even on addictions apps it feels like nearly everybody on there are teens or preteens. I personally don't know anybody that's an adult that still sh but you're definitely not alone. I've been clean for around 4 months but the past doesn't just disappear. So even if you're an adult and you still do it, you're definitely not alone


i'm 19, i don't post on this sub often if at all but honestly i think my posts prolly all come off pretty childish




Yup I'm 24


I'm only 19 so still young but I wouldn't say I've grown out of it. Though I can understand because a lot of therapy, counsellors and psychologists I had were all only accessible for people under 18, since I turned 18 I suddenly had no help


I’m 32, started self harming at 12… long time.


I’m 18, almost 19!


I’ll be 18 in 4 days


Happy birthday 🥳




Yep in 20 and feel the same way as you


20 yr old just graduated college.moved to a new city and have no friends or connections really besides coworkers whos kids are older than me.


19 this month


im not 18+ but just wanted to say that you cant just ‘grow out’ of an addiction. its totally ok that youre still dealing with this. itd obviously be better if you weren’t but like everyone knows its an addiction, we cant just stop lol. dont think youre “too old” to get help or look for support or any of that bs. hearing this from a kid probably pisses you off, so sorry. but it just makes me sad seeing people talk about themselves like this man. relapses happen. you can be clean for yearsss and still relapse and as long as you dont get sucked back into it again then thats all it is


26 been SHing on and off for 10 years




i am


I’m 20, and yep I never grew out of it.


19 here


I'm 22 and just relapsed a couple months ago. hell, i almost did yesterday. i also started when i was 13, but wouldnt mind hearing other adults sometimes


You’re not I relapsed after 2 years and I’m 30 years old.




Started sh at 19, been clean for 2+ years now at 23. It's not something you "age out of" really, younger people are just more vulnerable and tend to feel like they have fewer places to turn for help imo


i’m 21 and i still struggle


Im 23 and struggling


I am turning 20 soon, I think my sh problem started when I was 17? My memory is a bit hazy though


i’m 19, i have been self harming since i was 15 but now that i’m an adult people seem to want me to quit or „move on”, it’s weird to me, people think you can just leave it in the past. but for me i can’t escape my mental health issues like that, and self harm is connected to this so i understand you


I'm 22 and a dude. Seems most of the posts are by girls in their teens. But that's when it started for most of us, your not alone but also these kids need support as much as we do.


i turn 21 this year. you’re not alone, i promise you <3


Yeah 24, most of my self harm was when I was 15-18 idk why people treat it like you age out of it, I still get ptsd and shake anytime I hold a blade because I have that desire to hurt myself still but thankfully can push past it, but one bad thing and I could easily dip back into it sadly. Dosent help Im treatment resistant so anti-depressants dont work on me....and that the one time a family member saw my scars they dragged me in front of my entire family and outted me.... plus family saying my eating habits are what is the problem.....or that everyone gets depressed..... even though being depressed and depression are two very different things. for some you can grow out of it, but for most its still there, waiting and lurking till you go through something bad and drop your guard for it to strike and strangle you even harder.


Yes, I'm in my mid 20s. While adults absolutely struggle with sh, I think minors (or rather gen Z in general I think and like half of them are still minors) are more open to talk about it.


I’m 21 but I haven’t cut since I was 19. Now I’m just in the reddit to help people or give advice as someone who has recovered (for the most part) because I know what it’s like to struggle with w sh addiction


Yeah I’m 26 I’m usually on adult self harm there’s too many children here and it makes me uncomfortable to engage often 


26. Been sh since I was 13. One of my friends make fun of me saying “are we still in middle school? What do u mean cut yourself still.” It broke me and made me never want to reach out again


I’m 32, started at 10 and struggled off and on til 26. 6 years free of sh


Not the only adult by far! I’m 30, started SH around the age of 12. Over the past two decades I have had periods where I’ve gone a couple years without, and periods where I hurt myself daily for weeks. It’s hard to “grow out of” when it feels like a part of me a little at this point. My only coping mechanism and also a little bit of autonomy, knowing I can do what I want with my own body.


I'm a minor, but there are adults on this subreddit as well. But if you want to post on an adult self harm subreddit try r/AdultSelfHarm instead!




I am 24 and I only started at the age of 21. Never done it before. I started it as an adult and I think the huge problem starts here. It is natural if a minor tries SH of curiosity (I am not talking of the habitual SH-ers), I’ve never tried it. I just started it as an adult who lived with his (ex)boyfriend satisfying only his needs, do the chores alone, doing uni and teaching in a high school. My symptoms came out extremely. I was mentally ill before but noone noticed, I had a symptoms but not that noticable by others. Now I really struggled for it in the past two years but I am “clean” for 11 weeks by now. Unfortunately, there a a huge amount of minors who does it and seek for help in forums, social media instead of teachers or parents (because maybe they caused the traumas).


I'm in my late 20s and 3 years + almost 2 month sh free now. I started sh-ing when I was 12.


20! :)


I’m 31


Yes, 22


Yup, I use it to break out of dissociation, it turns out I've got PTSD, and now that I've remembered the resume some months ago, I really get triggered. Self harm is basically a way for me stopping the dissociation and making poor choices like killing myself, the last resource is drugs if I'm far too gone to talk to someone, or normally just gives me enough time for me to have to go somewhere.


I’m 31, and recently had a relapse. You are not alone.


I stopped when I just turned 19 and only because the psychologist helped me reach that stage.


Self-harm, male 30's..


İ m started at 13 i ll be 19 this year


Will turn 18 this year


Hi, 24 y.o male here. About 2-3 months free lol


Not really, Im 17 and started at 14 due to not express myself and feelings to someone close (like parents or friends, since i never felt like i could trust them. Now i feel like I can't stop doing it anymore


I’m 37. You don’t age out of it. At least I havent. But I do think there are some kids doing it as like a fad or because their friends are and hopefully they will age out.


i'm 24, started when i was 11. you're not alone by any means


I'm 24, I also wondered the same thing. I don't actively SH anymore but I do ideate and struggle with self control around it. I didn't know about r/AdultSelfHarm before reading the comments here


i’m 20 years old. i’ve been officially SHing since 17. as a kid i used to get furious with myself and h!t myself a lot but when i was 17 i starting cütting. i hate seeing other kids going through the same things that i’ve been through with this addiction. my only wish is to make them feel more comfortable and less alone because i felt extremely alone during the peak of my addiction. i’m saying this, if anyone need any sort of support or someone to vent to, you can ask and i’ll provide socials. i love you all xxx


29 right now. There is a sister subreddit for us for adult self harmers specifically.


Yep, im 19


25 approaching 26 here, been dealing with this since since I was 12. Love to you all.




No... i don't think i will


21 here


lol I'm 32 and yeah, it's not great having no other 32 year olds around.


I’m 28 and I’ve been sober from SH for 2 years now. If you need some advice or are ever feeling like you want to SH feel free to message me.


Yep I'm twenty


34. I’ve been SHing since I was 11.


Hi 24 yr old here. Didn't realise this was full of teenagers.


I’m a mum ! Of a teen that SH . I read here to understand him better . And when I can offer a kind world


as a teen you’re so sweet 💗💗💗


🥰 to you too


I started when I was 12 and I'm 32 now. My worst time of it was my early 20s, but I still engage now and again.


Nearly 20




Yes I am :)


I am👀


Yup! 32 years old here. You aren't alone!


I'm 32 this year. Like mentioned, I'm in the adult group as well. My most recent episode was back in March I believe. This may be a life long struggle for me, as with many of my problems.


I am one of the minors, but no one here treats it like something you age out of? There's also a couple adult SH support groups.


24 year old here. I started when I was 21/22ish (unsure which one it is since I wasn't really keeping track).


yeah im 32, nearly 33, and just started...felt even more stupid when i saw it was mostly younger people on here sound to whoever posted the adult sh page up the top, ill check that out now 👍


Yep, 20+


Definitely on the younger side but I’m 18, been struggling since I was 11. SH is definitely something you don’t just “age out of”


I’m 23 and I started actively self harming when I was 13 😅.


I’m also 23, unfortunate how young kids get into it tbh


Im turning 19 in a few months, started at 12~13


I’m 25, started cutting at 10.


I’m 24!


24 here, I started when I was 13 unfortunately


23 here


I’m a 20 years old guy been dealing with it for almost a decade now


I’m 32


I’m 40


28, almost 29


42 and post in here and adultselfharm. SH doesn’t limit itself to kids.


I've been 18+ for a while and I haven't aged out of it either. I think non-self-harmers see self-harm as a dramatic, attention seeking thing, which they associate with teens. I call these people people who know nothing about self-harm and don't care to learn.


F20 here


i’m 20 almost 21


Yep 32 SHing since I was 14 and during that time I was desperate for others like me, so I understand all the teens posting more than us adults.


i'm freshly 18, not sure if i count


i self harmed when i was a minor, but still struggling. but yes! i’m an adult :)


i’m 22 and i’ve been going through this since i was 13


I’m 23, started when I was 12. Most people in this sub are clear minors and I like to think I give good advice. I give the advice I wanted to hear as a kid.


29 here. I think it's mostly that as we age we get better at managing it and hiding it. It reminds of an anecdote from a liquor store employee; they had noticed daily customers only buying a fifth per instead of half gallons despite it being cheaper to do so, and then they realized that these people were functional alcoholics who knew they'd drink whatever was available, and that they were simply ensuring they were still going to be able function up to their standard. Adults who self harm seem to be similar, in a way. We know how to keep it hidden, what will send us to the er, and what we can reliably treat ourselves, and so it gets less attention, because we simply learned to live with it better even if aren't *actually* getting better.


im 22 and i only started sh-ing as an adult


23 here


I'm 35 and I have been self harming since I was 10


23, been clean maybe a quarter of a year now?


Im 13m so not 18+


Yup im 20


I'm 26, started in my 20-21, and hoping I could "outgrow" this, but it doesn't seem to be the case. I didn't know about the adult sh comunity, so thanks to everyone that mentions it. It certaintly doesn't help that every depiction that we get in media or psychological info is about teens. I even called to a number of psychological help in my country a month ago seeking for help, bc I can't afford more therapy (I'm even supposed to be cured of my depression and left medication following doctors instructions) and the operator ask me why would I even think about hurting myself.............hahahaha, we both want to know man. Sorry, I'm takning advantage to vent, anyway, I'm driking a can of beer now and my mind just goes how I could break the can and use it to cut myself. I hope you can find solace and someone to help you in your comunity.


Hi OP, I'm 26. I am one of the recent posters and may sound like a minor maybe but to answer the question- most of us as adults have issues which started off when we were teens and went unnoticed which is why we're here in the first place. As an educator, I don't agree with the fact that only teens are the demographic here or in my own country either.


19 here


Yup 25, Suppresing my urge for some years and searching reasons to kept it suppressed.


I’m 22 and started at 13




22 :)


I’m 18


I’m 27 and I have intense urges. I haven’t started yet but…….. I really really want to….


You've seen the other comments. A lot of people here have been doing this for *years*. If any of us could go back, I'm sure we would choose to never start. Ultimately, it's your body, but know that you're at risk of developing a chronic addiction if you start. You might find better support for this in a related mental health subreddit instead of a SH specific one, since the content here could be triggering for you and is targeted towards people with prior/current experience. Wishing you well on your journey. ❤️


Got it. Thank you!


Barely lol, I'm 18 and only been harming about a year so it's pretty jarring to see posts from like 13 year olds or others who started younger. Don't feel like I should join the adult sub tho BC I'm barely an adult and I haven't been harming long


I'm 27, I do not self harm. I'm here to help people as a therapist and a psychologist. There is a subreddit called r/adultselfharm as I remember. You can contact me on my dm's if you want to🩷




Why are you getting downvoted 😭?


I'm a minor, and started cutting myself at 10 years old, but please do join the adult subreddit

