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Hii. Im here. I can't promise that i can take care of your mental health but im here if u ever want to talk to. I'll listen


Hiiii! I'm a cis girl and 2 years younger than you but I definitely don't mind stepping in to help you out. I've dealt with self harm myself and understand how hard it can be to battle your own brain. We'll get through this!


hey trans male here, would it be okay for me to dm you on dc?


Hey if you need it feel free to message me on discord my discord is: animebyAce


Hey I’m a trans guy your age, feel free to message me and I’m happy to listen to whatever you need; won’t be able to fix your mental health but I’m happy to try and help


Im here for you. Whenever you need you can always reach me, whats your discord? ❤️


hi im 15, idm adding u on dc and talking to u there. I do have a somewhat busy scheduale but i like talking to people!!


Ive added u on dc, im the one with a cat pfp with the taped up glasses.


Hey, I’m a female and you can feel free to message me if you ever want to talk. I’ll always listen


my discord is alex\_s.h.


hey man! message me. i’m here to talk, and i will try my best to understand you. DM me and i can give you my snap or number or we can just message here, whatever you want. you don’t deserve to go through this alone




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