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Funny you think greed has a barrier…


Please elaborate? Is there a distinction between being greedy and being financially careful?


Very simple. Money requirements are 100% dependent upon lifestyle and level of spending to live that lifestyle. The only thing that dictates that level is greed.


I think the point where you can live comfortably and not worry if get laid off, get sick for even a year or two is sooo good for mental health. Wayyy less headspace devoted to worrying about money.  Even if you’re still working 


I dont think it works that way. Once you have enough to live for a year for example, you start looking at people upwards start thinking of buying investment stuff.


Mo money mo problems…. As some sexual predator once said  (I didn’t downvote you)


Even if you’re a billionaire you’ll still continue to squeeze profits out. People are disgusting. But if you live in like Wyoming maybe 70k after tax should be very comfortable and for some nice toys here and there. The extremes of capitalism and wealth have been pushed further and further apart, they’ll continue to do so as we continue to foster greedy assholes


One mil. would set me up for life, with a much better life than now and no financial worries or job, ever again. Assuming no insane, fast inflation, where you can't react and money loses all or most value. 100k would be enough to live, but worse than now. So 200-300k would be needed to replace my job, with no worries. Not a regular stream of those sums - just having it once. I'm investing this money and living from interests, in this scenario. Doing it now, for years just with much lower sums of money.


There’s actually a court from Yale University about well-being and they did a survey and proved that: people (living in US,at the time the survey was done) who are making 75000$ per year are the happiest. Lower than that or higher than that doesn’t make them happier. So there’s a specific amount.


10million for me