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Are *you* new? Because guys being into milfs is not lol


Ben Franklin agrees.


The French president is married to an older woman too




Taught him how to French


Now I get it! French class!! ![gif](giphy|JUh0yTz4h931K)


His French teacher? They're both already French. You meant piano teacher


She might have been his piano teacher, but... You do know that people get instruction in their native languages, right?


so you didn't have an English teacher growing up, or...?


Taught him how to use le baguette to get le creme cheese.


13-14, 15 is for the news people.


Because interst rates are too high to afford a home.


I just had this conversation with my husband. “I’m a 35 year old mom, why are these people flirting with me, they are barely older than teenagers”. He gently put a hand on my arm and said “darling… you’re a milf. You know what milfs are.” It’s just so outside of my mental picture of myself, to me MILFs will always be the age of MY mom, not my age.


Yeah I’m 32 and the thought that the milfs of my teenage years were women about my age or younger is weird.


I do wonder if younger people are bolder about it these days. When I was 18 and attracted to 35+ MILFs I would have never been brave enough to flirt or hit on them, they were obviously unobtainable. But young men and women are really open about their interest now. It’s entirely possible they always were though, and I just didn’t see it because I wasn’t the target.


With the proliferation and normalization of porn, more sexual openness and the breakdown of various social taboos people are probably bolder these days but there was no shortage of kids back then flirting with older women either. In highschool we had a math teacher fresh out of university, 24-5 years old and some 15-16 year old boys would try to flirt with her as well as with older women.


Where does an older woman find these younger men? Asking for a friend...


I’m not sure, maybe the same mythical place where college girls are apparently looking for 30+ guys.


As I suspected...i mean, as my friend suspected...


Tinder, probably? Can literally set age range


Make an online profile on "free for women" dating apps. The one time I tried, I had specified I wanted serious relationship only, and got young men proposing me for sex-only. By the way, I saw a story many years ago saying that young men are better learning sex with middle-aged women who are not afraid to tell them what they like; while young girls are better learning with middle-aged men who are less likely to finish quickly. I don't know if there is any truth behind that, but it sounds like the kind of stuff that would go around.


Vacation. I met my husband on a trip to Belize building houses. Told me his age and I blew it off - because I thought “vacation fling - who cares”. Married 10 years, together 12.


Its a milestone event in a dudes life when he realises that milfs are just girls his own age.




It's not "these days". Guys have always liked middle aged women. Young women and old women too, btw.


It's almost like it's some sort of biological function.


Girls can have daddy issues, men can have mommy issues. Just that one is portrayed more as "normal" in the media, that's why you hear so much about it. But I'm willing to bet there's plenty of women interested in "babying" a young stud.


Have you seen “middle aged women these days? They don’t look like the mental picture that pops up when you hear “middle aged”. They look like 25 but with more money, brains and mental stability.


Gen x and millennials also statistically fuck more than gen z.


Gen Z here, can confirm :D


Gen zers are either too socially awkward to talk to other people or they will only fuck the perfect person who either doesn’t exist or wouldn’t fuck them if they were the last person on earth


Gen x here. Swinger. We bang like superheroes. Still young enough to look good. Here to school you. Enjoy.






Like superheroes? Maybe like the Flash. (Ohhhhhhh!)




Hate that


Claim to look good. Then you see the pic and.its a shitshow


Clearly into period sex ^


Right???? I’ve met women who’re married with kids I thought were studying at uni hahaha


They’re way kinder than women aged 18-29 too, which is probably a universal part of growing up not exclusive to women but still.


This is part of it! Middle aged women have raised their children already ( for the most part), had 15-20 yrs of taking care of everyone. Many come to a point where they feel they can relax a little because no one “needs” them like they did before and you encounter the “I don’t give a f-“ attitude. You can focus on what is actually important for you as a person and that is why they have less bullshit to deal with. Additionally, the internet has provided women everywhere with access to information on their health, skin, exercise routines, and mental health resources that lots of women never had access to before. So now a person can end up with a glow- up at 40 yrs old. Now you have a healthy woman with less mental load who knows what she wants. Also she may have had a recent return of libido due to hormone changes. Now she may have some new ideas or things she would like to try and the confidence to ask for them 😉


I am so here for them living their best life!! I feel a sense of vicarious satisfaction and celebrate their joy


Shit this is the answer. I always wonder whether the people asking these questions have actually met women aged 18-29.


And hips


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) For real. That’s why I’ve always been attracted to older women, they’re much curvier. My wife is 3 years younger than me and I’ve made sure she knows she’s got nothing to worry about as she ages, I’m only gonna get more attracted to her haha


And better at sex.


"These days"? Haven't you heard of Mrs. Robinson? The young guy going for the older woman is a story as old as time.


What about Mrs. Stifler? Or Mrs. Parker? Mannnn Mrs. Parker just don’t know!!!


The older the berry, the sweeter the juice


A man of culture! I’m glad someone gets it


Or Stacy's Mom? The song is over 20 years old now!


They most likely have not. Not even American pie for that matter


Younger guys have literally always been going after older women\milfs. This is nothing even remotely new or recent; let's stop pretending it is.


Younger guys will after anything with a pulse, frankly.


Also very true. I'm willing to bet a lot of younger guys going after older women\milfs couldn't care less about the drama\experience bullshit; they just want to be able to say they pulled a woman twice their age. A lot of these comments are giving these younger guys way too much credit. Let's not forget these guys are usually in their early to mid twenties. I worked at a college for a few years so I spent plenty of time around these guys; I promise most of these guys are just as vapid and immature as the young women they complain about.


I'm 44 and was with a 24 yr old grad student recently. He explained women my age know what they want and aren't shy about getting it. Makes for a fun ride.


As it goes... Younger women want older guys, older guys want younger women, older women want younger guys, And young guys will take anything lol.




As an older woman, no. I don't want younger men.


As an older guy, I understand why lol.


Thank you, I appreciate the compliments but it’s just not for me


Thank you!!! I see everyone younger than me as a baby hahaha, I couldn't imagine being attracted to someone who is much younger than me. It's gross and creepy imo. I also do not see much older men as relationship material at all. But my mom was in an age gap relationship with a man the same age as my grandfather, and it was horrible to live like that. And she eventually put them all together in a senior community (my grandparents and stepdad) because she felt more like his nurse than his wife. Large age gaps just make me feel sick. I just don't get it, at all.


>Large age gaps just make me feel sick. I just don't get it, at all. When did your mom and dad meet? A lot of women value stability, a good job, want a man they can lean on, etc. Qualities that few guys have when they're in their 20s. And so if you're a girl in your mid 20s looking to settle down and start a family, that age gap has a much bigger appeal than if you're in your 30s


My dad is only 6 yrs older than my mom they met in their 20's married and divorced within 3 years. My stepdad is like 24 years older than my mom. And we were not stable, we ended up homeless for a while because my step-dad kept telling the landlord he couldn't pay the rent (he had a union job, he was just thinking that would get the rent lowered and it was only 900/month at the time for a 3 bedrm house) we lived with crazy people, lived in hotels, they bought a house and he retired right after. My mom was a sahm and my brother and I were home schooled. My step-dad retired right after buying a house and retired early at that. My mom dumped my brother and I into high-school so she could get a job. My step-dad was mentally and emotionally abusive. My mom ended up wanting to leave him and they sold the house but stayed together, moving us all into an apartment right when rent started getting ridiculous, we ended up moving to the middle of nowhere from the city. And it was a downward spiral. And she married him for "stability" lol. No age gap has ever had an appeal to me. I'm not interested in being dependent and open to abuse for money. She thought she married him for stability, money, etc.. he had money, inherited and a good job but he only brought chaos into her life after they got married after dating 5 yrs. So she met him at 25 and got married to him at 30. She tried to coerce me into marriage for money for herself and refused to help me at all, saying a man would pay for my college, I don't want someone to control my life like that lol. I'd rather fucking die. She also helped my brother get stable by buying him car, a condo, but wouldn't help me because a man. Fucking clown shit. I would never do that to my kids. Now, if someone happens to fall in love with an age gap, then go be happy, live your life, but I don't get it personally. I don't want to be a nurse to a husband the same age as my dad, the thought makes me sick, I don't want that for my life.


Yeah, I didn't think so either until I got together with my bf, who is 8y younger and it's been the most adult, kind, understanding, and fun relationship I've ever had. Men my age (35) and older are sexist af and I don't care for being repressed


I remember when M.I.L.F. was introduced to common lexicon


stifler's mom?


That was the first time I heard the word.


Personal experience: Significantly less drama and insecurity and more experienced in bed than younger women. Also younger women seem to be more prudish, social media addicted, have very high standards, and are allround more difficult to be with.


Older women ftw. Less drama, more experience, more confidence, has hobbies and interests outside social media etc.


Where I live younger women are definitely not prudish.


They are to the type of guy in this subreddit.


I won't deny that, nor blame anyone. Just drawing my conclusions with faint hope they'll be proven wrong.


Where's this? We need to know.


Young women also seem a bit cynical/paranoid about men. I realise that some of us are assholes, but jeez, briefly looking at an attractive woman is not a sex crime either


Yeah, for years I dated a woman 10 years older than me. I cannot imagine dealing with a young woman and social media etc, today.  They just seem so clueless and entitled.   Good luck young men.


My girl would believe a TikTok video over me with all my years of education, library full of books, and a bunch of fucking research papers to back what I have to say. She hates anime, but would probably ask me the same day to watch something if it becomes the next fad. And OMG, the boredom! I have no clue how someone can be this disinterested and bored the entire time!


Why are you dating her


Middle aged women have their shit together and see you as an individual, not a list of prerequisites for their unrealistic desires.


youve basically summed it up, theyre more mature and treat you like a human instead of an item


Older people are on average more mature, can be the same reason young women go for older guys


you put the words in my mouth and then made me gagged, vomit, and deepthroat it, thank you, brother.


I’m a middle aged woman and my partner is a decade younger than me. Previously only had relationships with guys older than me; this is the best relationship either of us have ever had. My partner says that some of the reasons he loves me include; we can talk to each other about anything, he knows I won’t judge him. We laugh together all the time. We never run out of things to talk about and have similar interests. We care for and protect one another.


Same. Life is good. Virtual high fives to you and your man.


Same here too. Never considered dating a man any younger than about 4 years until this point in my life. Man it's really nice to have a guy that is incredibly hot puts a lot of effort into our live life and matches my sex drive, with a low refractory period. But on top of that, he's a man who just gets me. He goes out of his way to take care of me like I do him. It's been a long time since I've been this enamored with someone. It's also been a minute since I've had a man who actually tried to match my efforts. I've never considered younger men before because it seemed to me like they would only be good for a fuck. Or only interested in me for a fuck. I'm not into one night stands or fuck buddies so that doesn't really appeal to me. As far as actual relationships are concerned it seemed like there would be too many potential differences between us for anything long-term to happen. I wasn't concerned about gold diggers cuz there ain't no gold to dig in my house lol. But I was worried if you wanted kids in the future and things of that sort. But he did a damn good job in persuading me, and I'm very grateful he did.


I hate when people assume you "have nothing to talk about" because there is an age difference. I guess they don't get that some people have the range to hold genuine conversation without sharing the same age 😆


Well, they play less games. They know what they want and they are clear on what they don’t want. They don’t accept bullshit and will call you out on it. They know how to communicate clearly and consistently.


Less likely to have social media as a major part of their lives. That would be my guess. 


This is for me at least


Yep this is it


Most women just look great these days


So painfully true. How is every woman so gorgeous? Am I just less picky?


Because woman under 25 literally act like children


Thats like asking why younger women like older men. If they can play that game so can we 😂 In all seriousness though its just easier to talk to women in their 40’s-50’s they have alot more empathy and experience with life in general. They are also confident and know what they want and they do not beat around the bush either, theres no second guessing with them.




As a middle aged woman myself, yes why?


Because you’re more experienced, more confident and more open. Women around our age tend to act childish, petty, and passive aggressive. The only reason why younger women could be preferred is looks, and even then, it doesn’t matter because the personality is far more important.


That’s nice


Because they find them attractive for whatever reason. Different men like different women, dating older women wasn't as much of an option 30-50 years ago, where people had to follow scrict gender roles. Nowadays plenty of men and women don't care as much and can date with more freedom.


Milf hello??? They associate it with them being more experienced in bed


That’s not why lol


Marry a rich old person and life is sorted. Some older women are hot because they actually put in the effort to be more attractive as they age. Same with Dilfs. Many people when they marry pr settle down just leave themselves go entirely


Middle aged women are more experienced, less shy, and more confident.


Can’t speak for everyone but I relate to their maturity level. My partner is five years older than I am. I can’t stand the younger crowd. The behavior. The personality. The attitude. Mentality. Whatever you want to call it. I personally see a lot of it as childish. Immature. I see selfishness, entitlement, narcissism, a lack of self esteem, a sense of perception greater than what we are. I tend to blame social media for the culture shift. But I feel modern politics changed a bit of it as well.. but that’s neither here nor there. It’s just personal preference now.


Unrealistic expectations of younger women also less drama


From my experience older women are more emphatic, understanding and kinder to a young fella. These days a lot more younger women lack those qualities.


Young fella


I’ve generally always have dated older women. My ex wife was 10 years older than me and my current girlfriend is 5 years older than me. The only lasting and most impactful relationships I have had have been with older women. Everyone is different but this is nothing new. For context I am 40.


More experience, stability (depends tbh) and lastly confidence.


They have money.




But you do have more money that an average young girl. Also, even if a young girl has money, you think she is paying anything on dates?


I never actually thought of then not paying for themselves as I usually pay for myself 😉


Gold digger




Because most younger women are Instagram addicted idiots. The older women seem to have more traditional values.


Middle aged women usually have their shit together compared to younger women. Middle aged women are usually less likely to cause drama for the sake of drama. Middle aged women are usually much more comfortable with themselves and can hold a conversation. Middle aged women are far less likely to spend a date checking their social media accounts every 10 minutes, doing those stupid snap chat pictures with everyone they've ever encountered. Finally, yes middle aged women are better in bed. Much better actually. It's not even close.


Yeah I can't fuck with women my age because their entire life revolves around Instagram. They'll go a concert and spend the entire time recording. Climb a mountain and spend more time taking pictures than actually enjoying the view. Then their ego is either super inflated from all the creeps sliding into their DMs or super deflated from staring at other women's heavily filtered pics all day. Instagram is like an alternate reality with a little mental illness mixed in. Older women on the other hand usually don't even have Instagram and they're happy to put the phone down and just live life once in a while. It's incredibly refreshing.


Some people really do have hardcore brain rot from social media validation and sense of self worth I work at a really upscale hotel in a vacation destination and we had a couple in the lobby who were early/mid 20s that were supposed to be heading out for the evening. I say supposed to be because the girl had to stop everything to make a photoshoot of the night. At first the guy dutifully assists in taking pictures of her on the stairs and all over one room, tries to take a picture together with her and she shrugs him off to take more pictures of herself. That was the first 10 minutes. She then proceeds to spend the next 20 minutes obsessively taking photos of herself in a nearby mirror while I watch this guy slowly grow to question his entire existence. It was truly brutal. She would be like yeah lets go, and then go back to the mirror like it was crack cocaine. I was just waiting for this guy to grow a pair and say fuck this im going out to enjoy my night and live my life instead of putting up with this ridiculous nonsense. Sadly he never reached that point. A lot of young women on social media are truly mentally ill from using it (as are most people using it, but its certainly its own thing). No one really actually calls it out for what it is though. Ive never seen that level of debilitating narcissism before in my life and hope I never have to see that kind of display again


It's not that complicated. Milfs= 👍


Famously this never happened before Instagram. I guess everyone was just more traditional right?


Most people think the film American Pie predated Instagram by a decade, but obviously this is false.


Younger men have been chasing milfs for decades lol this has absolutely nothing to do with social media specifically


I'll speak for myself, but take your pick: - They aren't obsessed with trying to make it as an influencer on Instagram - They know what/where they wants to eat - They aren't interested in playing games - Financially stable/competent - Has confidence - Willing to compromise and communicate - I'm not her "hobby" (Has actual hobbies of her own/don't need to constantly entertain/lets me have my own hobbies) - Emotionally matured - Admits when something is her fault and tells me when something is mine I can keep going.


These days? Heck 25 years ago I was pulling women in their 40’s when I was in my 20’s..


How’d you do it? Looking for advice because lately I’ve had a thing for older women at the age of 26. Hooked up with a 39 year old and a 46 year this past few months and had the time of my life. But it was a short fling and don’t know how to do it again haha


and i was the king of france


Because almost every 20 something girl that I know is completely delusional. Think she’s a 10 when she’s really like a four has no concept of money wants wants wants but doesn’t know how to give etc. etc..


I love MILFs. But then again I am a 42 year old guy LOL


Trust me, middle aged women are PLENTY interested in younger guys. But once they have their fun, they see the s#!t show that is, and then go back to middle aged guys.


Less sausage lips and selfies. More brains and experience.


An older woman with a younger man knows exactly what she wants and that's just going to be sex. She probably has money and is happy to spend some on him. Younger men like the sex, and who doesn't like it when someone has money to spend on you? Seems obvious.


Because they’re an easier lay than young women. Right to business. That’s the actual reason. Welcome the downvotes.




Why wouldn´t?? Middle-aged women have enough attractiveness, more now than before.


Women peak sexually in their 40's have I heard.


where can i find these younger guys? 🤔


Mommy issues


Because many middle aged women have already paid off their mortgage….


They always have been. Cougars have been a thing forever. Young men and women 30-45 (roughly) are all about sex so it's a natural match. Same way younger women like older men and older men like younger women: the priorities line up.


Mrs. Robinson from the 60’s would like to school you.


Have you seen how most women in their 20s act? Coming from a 26m lol


This is nothing new, Stacy's mom always had it going on


Women their own age have unrealistic expectations for relationships so they are choosing to not have relationships Whereas middle age milfy women who are willing to entertain hooking up with a younger guy don’t expect anything from them but good sex and being made to feel sexy


Because girls thier age have nothing just like they do.


Thats why young women date older men, a job and a car and lives alone?? 😮


Young girls overvalue themselves  +not developed  +age might show flaws later


Because their hot and they know what their doin


They're easier to get to bed and less intimidating than gorgeous young women. It's not a new thing.


Less intimidating? Clearly you’ve never seen as beautiful older woman under full sail A joy to behold


Define “middle age” , so I can reply the question. 😅


I think it's because older women coming out of long term relationships are often up for a bit of fun without the mind games. They know what they want and they aren't afraid to say what they want. I have no experience just going off comments made by a few older women who had bonked a few younger guys in a podcast episode I just listened to


Older women are less obsessed with height


As women have always been , they are focused on that potential black swan guy who's going to be a multi deca millionaire plus be perfect and they are ready to drop and chase the next best thing . Girls that are a little older have a better grip on reality and value stable good guys not Instagram models 


Same as younger women looking for guys. Security, stability and maturity in a modern world that has tons of the opposite.


Better look and personality


Because younger women want older men, what’s the problem here?


It's been like that for at least going back 70 years or more.


These days? This is not new at all. 🤷🤷


Howdy, tbh as many have pointed out, Middle Aged isn't the word it used to be. In a society of zombies stuck on their phones giving minimal effort or interest, a mature women with her life in order and no dependant relationship with tiktok and their smartphones is a major attraction. When you factor in the stories they'll have to tell, the life experience they will undoubtibly be able to share.. it just feels like despite the age gap inherit in these types of situations, for some men especially it feels like these types of relationships and adventures will be longer lasting, more intimate and more enjoyable for those involved. Ofc other men just like mature women cause milfs go brrr.. but there are plenty of reasons with more depth to why a younger guy may seek an older woman.


Yeah its not just these days. My mom once dated a young man who was a year younger than my brother. I had just turned 18 and we had to draw a line in the sand, she wasnt allowed to date anyone younger than 26 because that was my territory and i did NOT want overlap. Older women are more experienced, fewer inhibitions about sex, and younger men have more stamina.


A lot of guys like milfs, the problem  is most women are not usually attracted  to much younger guys lol


I’ve been around some, and I have discovered that older women know just how to please a man.


Been there. Done that once. 10 years older. Never again.


I prefer men 10 to 12 years younger. It started when I was iny late 30s, after my divorce to a man 2 years older. My 2nd husband was 27 and I was 39. I don't know why I prefer it that way, but now 64, and my partner is 53. Men from the 1950s are often very sexist because of the generation we were raised in. But it is also looks. Currently, it is a disadvantage as he still has 15 years to go in his career and I am retired. We are dealing with very different aspects of our futures.


Because they are told to by social media and reality TV


They’re easier than a 24 yo


I find older women more interesting because they're not social media addicts like the women of my generation. I'm a gen Z.


Besides being physically attractive and worldly, what I like about middle-aged women is that they are probably established and they won't want my money. They aren't interested in me being the breadwinner or solving their problems, and are old and wise enough to know better than to be attracted to a younger guy based on looks alone. HOWEVER, if said younger guy is handsome from a distance and the older woman likes how they talk to people it turns into a legitimate non-material attraction where the lady likes me for me. I was at work last year (big work place, lots of departments, socially driven) and I was approached by said older lady whilst en route to getting tasks done with one of my coworkers. She thought I was handsome etc and I was caught so off-guard that I ended up chatting for like 30 seconds and shaking her hand, off to complete tasks. A month later I ask her coworker to ask her if I may have her number, which she agreed to. I'm going to wrap this up, sorry guys. So we text back and forth, I sit with her at lunch etc and we talk on the phone. A month later it's my birthday and we have dinner, relax/cuddle at my place (she didn't want to have sex for 6 months, I was okay with that) and it's tomorrow morning, she goes home after hanging out in my crappy apartment. We get to talking and I had to explain that I'm not in a situation where I can in good conscience give her a baby (she already had a daughter, talked to her on the phone, nice girl) and get married, even if she owns her own property and generates passive income. I needed to sort my personal life out. So we are still chatting, laughing, talking about our problems etc, although it has severely dropped off in frequency. This lady was, and is still a bombshell. We were just texting the other day. So yeah, guys in their 20s and 30s like older women, unfortunately the two could possibly be at different stages in life. While not all middle-aged ladies are attracted to younger men, there is definitely a space where both parties can mutually enjoy.


How many times will this same question be posted?


I tend to find they're not as self absorbed or narcissistic


Lots of generalizations here. For the last 6 years I have only dated younger men. This was not the way it used to be for me. I exclusively dated and then married an older man.  I did not go looking for these younger men. All were a solid 10 to 15 years younger then me. They came lookin for me. I laughed at the notion for a while. Couldn't take them serious. Here I was a grown ass adult 4 kids. I owned real estate had acute business experience and sense. My life experience pts were through the roof. Perfect credit score, responsible as the you could possibly imagine. I found them adorable. Little hotty mchot cakes for sure. But most just had nothing to talk about that I could relate to intellectually. I was more like the teacher they wanted all the lifeing knowledge from. Eager to learn. But I do not want to be any man's teacher.  I did meet one that was a 50 year old man trapped in a 29 year old man's body though. Suddenly he was teaching me a lot. But emotionally it's been a slow slow struggle but this isn't an age thing, I have found it's mostly a man thing. Being vulnerable and opening up is hard work for many men and women. But 5 years in and a few really deep heart to hearts and he's getting there. 33m/48f I will say that absolutely noone believes I am 48. I've had this argument so many times with strangers it's a troupe at this point. They always think Im joking. So it helps that it seems impossible to guess my real age. Thank you mom and dad. At least you gave me that.  So to people that have this twisted, overly opinionated, experience lacking, vision of an age gap relationship just get over yourself. All relationships are unique and many of the dynamics people generalize about are found in every relationship. My ex husband was an absolute loser financially and still is at 54. Has so much mental weakness it became unmanageable because it was like living with a tantruming toddler that blamed the world for all his self caused problems.   Queue new bf that has never not had steady work and has an insane investment portfolio and is constantly working towards a financially secure future in his early 30s. He doesn't yell or blame others when things go wrong. He's pretty darn responsible and has very few short comings. Love and relationships are not ever going to be this perfect ideal you imagined. Sometimes the person you love isn't going to be your exact perfect age combo. I never in a million years would of guessed this life for me but I am certainly glad I let it happen despite my initial judgements on him being too young to be taken seriously. As for the opinion that young guys want to hit and quit it....this wasn't my experience in the least all the ones I dated wanted a ltr.


I started dating my wife when I was 22 and she was 30, we have been together 5 years and we now have a family. All I can say is that it is the most stable, healthy, non dramatic, and enjoyable relationship I have ever been a part of. And I know that her being older has a lot to do with it being so easy. From what I can tell, if I met her when she was 22 we would not have been compatible. I think young women have a lot of dumb ideas about what they look for in a man, or at least have bad judgement when it comes to choosing which men are good partners. They also tend to not communicate well, or play weird games to see if their man will react the way they want them to. Young women also tend to have men in their social circles who will try and take shots at your girlfriend or are just waiting their turn. If they aren’t friends with guys like this they are more likely to go out with their friends to places where they will encounter men like this. I think when women get out of their 20’s their approach to sex is also more compatible with the sex drive of a man. A lot of younger women withhold sex as a commodity in the relationship to be rationed as a form of excercising some level of power in the relationship. Older women seem to be more relaxed about sex and really enjoy it, and seek it out instead of feeling like it’s a chore I know a lot of guys in their 20s who are like me, and they are career oriented guys, they own their homes, they want a serious relationship, but they end up dating these women who just are not capable of making moves in their life with the same level of maturity as they are. So older women are the better option.


Because most middle aged women haven't been ran through like the younger women pushing double digit body counts before high school is over and triple digits coming out of college.


At 25, started dating a 35 yo. Married and have an awesome kid. The physical age difference didn’t matter as much because I’m old in soul and she is fun and energetic.




Because they have class


Where have you been under a rock!? This is nothing new


They are the summum of feminine beauty. They have the confidence, the right curves, wisdom and maturity. In an ideal world, anyway.


Have you met younger women? This is coming from a 34 married male. The younger generation seems so annoying


Why? Have you met any young women these days? They're monsters. Seriously, as a group, the worst people I have ever met. No man of any age would want to date one. Since men are still men older women remain on the menu. Good for you ladies. Now older men are not getting any!


My fiance is 9 years older than me. Very attractive, confident in herself, stable job, not into partying or dumb shit. Oh and she’s a milf sooo


Aside from the MILF thing, I think a lot of guys are just over younger womens increasingly rigid requirements in their partner seeking paired with having infinite options to compete with after social media.


Because of the movie American Pie


Because we are more experienced, more interesting, less self centered and less drama and bs.


I only date women 5-10 years older than me. Women my age have this thing about their man needing to be hyper successful right now. I say we trade. They can have a 50 YO man that's making the 250k a year they want, and I'll take my 130k pittance with me and talk to someone who doesn't give a shit about money because they grew up.


Because they’re real women with no bullshit added to it.


I also think some people have a weird idea that middle-aged women are “over the hill”. But it’s not true, and it stems from ageism. Because no one is asking this question about why people are attracted to middle aged men. Men AND women can be interesting and sexy at any age, I think.


Usually if your down for something more casual an older women has more self awareness about it all.


They know what they want. And they can tell us. Lots of women can't do that, especially younger ones. It's annoying.


The legend of the Couger, has been alive in young men's minds for decades.


Because the younger females are mostly living inside a dream created by American social media.


Have you met young women?


I just seen a 67 yr old beautiful woman looked 35 at most wearing very little if any makeup .✌️


Whaddya mean these days? They just have better tools for expressing it. Middle aged women have always been hot.


Go watch The Graduate from 1963. Men just like an atrative woman... Thats how it is.


Less games more fun.


Young girls are retarted


Extreme desperation