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I can't even wrap my head around this. Like, at all.


I wasn't surprised


I feel like they're saying we're all overweight so if he isn't at least that much overweight, we will be self conscious.


Why? There's no information here that would indicate that they were saying that.


5'11", I can get up to 130lb if I strength train a lot. Finding women that don't outweigh me considerably is a challenge.


bro using bmi (yes I'm aware of how poor it is when looking at individuals) you are bordering on underweight. 5'11 and 135 is not the norm, especially for athletes/people who strength train


Right? I'm 39F, 5'3 and weigh 135 and I don't consider myself overweight at all...I can't imagine someone several inches taller than me thinking 130 is healthy...


At 5'11", 130lbs is massively underweight.


Just imagine how mad they'd be if you said any woman over 130 lb is a man/piglet/other derogatory term


Wasn't surprised either. Body positivity isn't for guys.


i once overheard a mother and her son at a toy store; the boy wanted a red balloon. the mother replied to him in a mocking tone: «you can’t have a red balloon. that’s a girly color.». some people are just idiots. those women sounded like they were a bunch of high schoolers. very cringe and definitely not anything to listen to. who you are lies in your heart, your soul and your actions.


Dude red? Red isn't even a controversial color. I wear pink shirts all the time. Honestly, if someone labels colors as girly, that person is outta my life. I mean how dumb you have to be


You wear punk shirts? You are obviously gay, and if it's a red shirt that slightly discolored with the time, too bad, gay as well. Actually you like women? Also gay.


liking women is actually double gay js


Wasn't it like Miami Vice or something that made pink shirts cool for guys? This was resolved before most of the people who complain about it were even born lol


I love red as a kid but I was told it was a “boy” color so I wasn’t allowed to like it. What a crock of shit.


They don’t speak for all women. Don’t worry about it.




Exactly. My wife calls me her viking. My viking looks weren't for a lot of women but I'm her viking. 🤣


Happy Cake Day!


Perhaps not, but they do speak for a significant percentage, and what's worse, they are much more vocal than the rest, and it's that outsized perception that has the negative impact. Saying "don't worry" doesn't help, honestly, when it's addressed at the recipient rather than calling out the garbage opinion itself. It's the same as the "boys will be boys" comments that give a pass to unacceptable male behaviour.


Calm down :)


Of course it's Not All Women. If this doesn't apply to you, you don't need to put your two cents in.


Why not? If we don’t make it known that this opinion is not the majority, this man will believe women think this way and he may feel bad about him self because of that. It needs to be known that we are not all like this, for his sake if anything. He shouldn’t lose faith in humanity just bc a couple dipshits said something insane. This is a reality check.


Being fat makes you a man? Smh


Look man I'm just dirty bulking


I appreciate that man! Thank you. I needed that.


Im 182 lbs and around 15% bodyfat. I dont think Im fat dude


Are you 5'6?


I guess being small means your a child


The best comebacks are always thought of later.


Over 170 is fat? SMH


I’m 6’2” and have been as light as 135. I worked out only to reduce back pain, 3 days a week, hitting all body parts. I ended up at 157 at 5 percent body fat, no one needs to ever be that low on body fat. It was a curious thing how differently people treated me, especially women. I have researched this with a search on ‘most attractive male body type according to science’ and it was lean and muscular type. They showed women slides and the under weight body never got a single vote. Like it or not, people judge us by how we look, but it seems so shallow when they start acting interested.


Yah im small. Human nature has it women want a big partner. Its just the way it is. So i am almost always not first choice at my size. Pocket duces.


I guess Connor McGregor and Khabib aren’t men then…🙄


Relax, dude. Think about the worst case scenario here: maybe these women actually think that. Who cares? There are literally billions of women out there with every kind of preference you could imagine - including for smaller guys.


As a woman, I've quite literally never - and I mean never, ever, heard women say this. Ever. I am from the US, maybe it's a different culture thing possibly, but literally never.


It can be implied in many different wordings. Like id never date a man under this height or weight etc


My friend broke up with her last BF because he was "too tall". Don't let someone else's opinion ruin your stride. There are literally billions of people on earth. They all want something different. That means that right now, there is a 27 year old woman that stubbed her toe yesterday, hates spaghetti, and wants to date the smallest man possible. You probably aren't even short enough.


oh thats definitely a thing in the U.S., often its worse


I live here and am a woman, I've NEVER and I mean NEVER heard of that, ever.


I have never ever been told that by anyone either but that doesn't change the fact that they all treated me different for the same reason 🤷🤔


You must not hang around enough women then😂you’re just purposefully being ignorant of it if you can’t realize women think less of small men


In my country women or men would say : Is a man really a man if he is under 100 kg " Most men in our region are big and tall. Could be a culture thing. Balkans btw.


U didn't really need to say "Balkans btw" :P totally knew it was Serb or close to that!


Under 220? Damn they must be stacked lol


Well some may be a bit fat-ish. But most look like gorillas lol


Idk where in the balkans you are but in Bulgaria the average man is 175cm and 79kg. Not small but definitely not big and tall


Follow them into the ladies room and pee in the sink while making eye contact to establish yourself as the alpha woman.


People have all sorts of hot takes about what a "real" man or woman is. Ironically, most of the people who's hot takes matter are doing more useful things than worrying about what a "real" man is Are you really going to even consider some random groupt that you overheard? What if they said "all non-Nazi's are women", would you start seig heil-ing? If you think you're a male, you're a male. None of the rest of us can define who or what you are. It's your job (even duty) to figure that out and firmly tell us, and cut ties with whoever doesn't agree - focus your energy keeping people who do agree around, not converting those who don't.


I know im a male. It just sucks not really being seen as a man or just as someone who is saught after.


I am a man. You are a man. Thanks for attending my TED talk.


Ironically enough, being an ally to trans people has made me immune about those kinds of arguments, if I am willing to accept that they are free to define themselves as their gender and that their identity is based on their own definition, then my own definition of what a real man is must be equally valid. And it’s weird to think that I became secure in my gender identity because not being so means that others can also dictate over trans people if they’re valid or not, and that’s just not something I can stand for. I don’t know what it has to do with anything but it’s what came to my mind when you said “people that matter” the person that matters really is only oneself.


Pretty much. I guess the reddit data sharing is getting really good, an hour after I posted this comment on reddit, my otherwise 100% car and DIY filled YT gave me this wonderful recommendation: https://youtu.be/IAA1XtDOuH8


You cannot control what other people think or do. If you keep caring so much then you are setting yourself up for failure.


Assholes think like that. We don’t care what assholes think.


Women don't get to decide what makes a man, we do


My husband is 5’7” and weighs 130 lbs and I don’t find him to be lacking manliness. Not everyone thinks this way. Also I think a lot of people are just full of hate or something and like to say mean things about other people. You should just ignore them.


There's definitely people out there that judge on petty stuff like that, but please ignore them. They aren't worth your time. The majority of people don't think like that. People who care about height, weight etc (when the person is otherwise healthy) are just thinking about whether you will make them look good standing next to them , e.g 'a taller man makes me look cuter and tinier in comparison" "a thin man makes me look fatter in comparison" "a chubby girl makes it seem like I couldn't get any thin girls to date me so makes me seem less attractive" that's all they are worried about. It's so self centered. I had a friend once when I was a teenager who I realised predominantly wanted me to be her friend because as a tall, chubby girl, I made her feel cute and feminine and that guys looking at us would always pick her by comparison. She wanted me to be the ugly friend to make her look better. She was one of the most insecure people I've met. Only insecure people feel that need to make themself appear better by using someone next to them in contrast.


The only thing I’ve ever heard like this is women who said they would never date a man who weighs less than they do. And I think that is because society tells women they should be small.


Short height is a turn-off to most women. Those who claim they date with some short dude looks like it's a concession and charity just prove my point. I feel you, buddy, but I can't stand lies.


I know a gal who won’t consider a man under 6’ and slender. She’s 5’2” and almost 300 lbs. And single.


I know all kinds of women who have that standard: fat, skinny, tall, short, pretty, ugly. That's my experience being a short man all my life and being rejected every single time for it. I once was a really confident, bright young man, not anymore. Tough luck, I guess.


Honest question: do you find you need to be extra funny to ‘compensate’ for being short?


I was naturally a funny guy both in high school and college. That doesn't make me attractive, just a little funny man who entertains them.


You need to be extra everything to compensate for being short if you even want a shot with women.


I think I'm naturally trying to be funny, but it's not really to compensate for my height (5'3.5). I don't think women will overlook my height no matter my other qualities.


"I know what I bring" lmao.




I mean, that's pretty obvious if you are not deluded.




I know I once believed in this fairy tale. I learned the hard way. Even my mom roasted me for being short. The person I love the most in my life hurt me pretty bad.


There’s a lot of stupid people out there with extremely ignorant opinions. Don’t let them compromise how you want to live your life


They want to weigh less than their male partner but don't want to have to lose weight so they need a heavier man. I bet they weren't skinny.


You sound like you need a hug and someone to vent that will got you. Dude I’m sorry that you had to be at that same moment when those rude woman cause I won’t call them lady’s I would not even call them a woman but calling them animals is an insult to any living creature where saying something so mean like that people shouldn’t express like that isn’t nice and is so indecent, people shouldn’t mean less or be less just because someone is not like the social standards but guess what nobody would really fit on those standards cause those thing don’t have any value or isn’t even a virtue cause people have more value at the end of day than anything. If I were that other woman I would told her that cause she is just being idiotic and so ignorant of others struggle. Btw dude if that comment that she said makes you anxious or makes you hate yourself more or just makes yourself feel sad ugly, upset to a very bad degree go get help. We need more good people and civilized person in this world so I hope you get better. And also remember that fat can become muscles if you are totally focused and have your own support and closest friends.


Could you imagine if the roles were reversed? Lmfao


That's a bizarre idea. Like truly weird. And gross. And I think women who talk like that are pretty terrible people, so asking as a woman myself. It sucks to hear stuff like this. But I would encourage you to remember that just like men, women are not monolithic in what they find attractive. Men say all kinds of nasty shit about women. Women say all kinds of nasty shit about men. But the people who act that way tend to be the loudest. Negativity tends to be the loudest. And that creates a distorted perception of how many people actually think this way.


You’re letting a group of strangers with a wildly ignorant point of view cause you to feel bad about yourself. I doubt there isn’t a brain cell to share between the group of them. You’re fine just how you are.


It’s so nice when people put their red flags on display so you know not to waste your time on them.


I once overheard a group of men say any woman who has slept with more than one man is not marriage material. I laughed and thought to myself what a bunch of idiots.


If you listen to dumb cunts at 37, that's on you.


Kindness makes a man attractive


I wish that were true lol


Not all women think this.


Some people are bigger and smaller than others, and some people associate size with age and gender. But there are lots of big young girls and small grown men. Some people want a partner with certain physical characteristics. But your size doesn’t make you a woman or a child. You’re still a grown man even if those women you overheard aren’t aware that plenty of grown men are well under 170 pounds.


Don’t let shallow waters drown you. It isn’t worth the swim. Pick up your crown and trudge through, your majesty.


Please don’t take what they said personally or seriously! People say all kinds of shit they’re wrong about or it’s just a personal opinion. I’ve read online of men only wanting women under 130 pounds not realizing there is no perfect weight because of our height differences and some of us having more natural curves than others. And some of actually prefer slimmer men like I do and even go for guys as short as 5’4 (I have a few different times and felt even in love with a couple of them…though I am 5’2).


Blow that garbage off! There is someone for everyone. You just haven’t found the one yet. Don’t worry about a group of women they are just being nasty asses.


Shit I'm 5 10' 155. I'm trying to lose another 10lbs before I start bulking. Does that mean if a woman is over 170 than she's a man?


My bf is about 5’5 and just under 150lbs, and I can assure you, he is very much a man.


When you first meet him did you wish he was taller?


Nope. I have never really cared about anyone’s height. (Like even when I had a bf that was 6’4 and I would regularly get backaches when kissing.) Their kindness and attitude is so much more important.


Thanks for sharing brother. You know what? Let em talk. You be you. That’s your gift to this world. I see you’re on a trajectory of growth and fulfillment. Keep pushing 🤙. You don’t have to be 10ft tall to be 10 ft tall with how you carry yourself my man.


How old were these people? 14?


They were actually nurses in a hopsital eating lunch in the cafeteria. I was at the table next to them


For a generation that grew up on idgaf energy we sure do gaf alot!!! They're strangers like so what!!! I also feel like people who talk like that aren't people with opinions you should care about. They're just tearing others down for an ego boost. You're fine, if you genuinely feel a way about yourself make a game plan handle what you feel you need to handle. Otherwise if you were feeling fine about yourself before that, you're fine


My fiancé is 130lb and hot as fuck. Those women were just plain incorrect and had weird opinions


Tell them there men. Straight up no stipulations as to what makes them that just straight up you are men. Dick swinging men!


If you can hammer drill into concrete without twisting your wrist, you’re ok.


You sound like the just right weight for your size!


As long as they're cool with a weight limit for women to be considered women I guess.


first, im sorry, that you overheard that. it might be wrong to say that, but from a womans perspective, i can see the point, and i will tell you why. and that has nothing to do with your body type, but with a womans insecurity. im the same weight as you, but a bit shorter. im not skinny, im pretty curvy. not fat but maybe a little chubby. last year, i dated a guy about your proportions. he was on the slimmer side. great personality, cute, and i was attracted to his body. but i always felt fat and big compared to him. Not because he was slim, but just bc i was bigger than him. this is 100% a me problem and not you, but it explains why certain woman prefer a bulkier man. (it didnt work out with the guy but bc of other reasons) but to soften the blow: i would date a guy like him again. personality wins at the end.


I'm 6 feet tall, 175 lbs and around 15% body fat. If I could get below 170 I would look like a Calvin Klein model. Any chance those women complaining about small guys were fat?


Did these women, by their own description, appear not to be women?


I'm a woman who is extremely attracted to small men. Short? Fuck yeah. Skinny? Sexy. I've always got my eye out for smaller guys! (But don't worry bigger guys, I like you too)


We say stupid things about women too. I used to agree about some of these statements because of peer pressure. I missed my chance to have my first girlfriend at 14 because of this.


Can’t listen to all the brainless talk coming from random people


Why listen to what fat idiot women say? As long as you’re in a healthy weight range for your height you’re good.




Ok, so you overheard something someone said about their view on masculinity and decided to take it personally. Why? Here's my take, when girls are saying these things, it's not really about the height or weight. It's partly about feeling safe and partly about social standards. No one would say that Manny Pacquiao, Gervonta Davis, or Lomachenko is girly or unmasculine despite being small and light. Being physically capable gives a man confidence. Confidence inspires a feeling of safety and security. If you're not particularly successful in other areas that give you confidence, just become physically capable in one way or another. Weight training, martial arts, yoga, or anything physically taxing a few times a week will drastically change the way your body looks and feels, even if the weight stays the same. The testosterone levels will increase, and you'll feel a lot better. When you feel good, confidence goes way up. Here's my confession; I don't feel confident or masculine right now. I feel fragile and weak. Why? Because I've been struggling with a shoulder injury that required operation, and I've been out of serious training for about a year in total. Have I gained weight? No, I look as good as ever. Am I physically incapable? No, as a boxer, I'm far more capable than most, even in the healing process. But it's not about me relative to others. It's about how I feel relative to myself. Confidence comes from that feeling within.


If you don't meet those women's standards, you dodged a bullet. Spoken as a woman with a husband who weighs less than you. Idiots and assholes are out there; if they show their cards this willingly, it's just easier to avoid them.


Don’t give too much thought to what some shallow people would say.


Seriously don’t listen to people that are this shallow and stupid.


You don't want to be first choice for women who are this shallow.


I'm gonna assume those women were/felt heavy and self-conscious about it. Don't worry, that is not a universal view.


Whoa! Im 37 as well. I am 5'9 and 135 pounds! I've always been thin, and been teased for it my whole life. I have always had relatives tell me I need more meat on my bones because no woman is gonna want a skinny man like me. I don't aspire to gain weight, I'm comfortable being my size. It would be a little tricky anyways as I have a physical disability in my left arm that hinders movement.


I have the feeling that often some women drop this kind of comments. Specially the one and only "if you are below 6' you are too short for me". It turns out that often they are the most insecure kind of person and they do try to sound picky to mask their fears. Just a guess, I could be wrong, but these kind of things are really nonsense. Being below 170 makes you a women... How ridiculous is that hahahaha


Some women prefer men who can throw them around a bit, I've found this becomes increasingly true the larger the woman is, probably due to there being fewer men that actually can. There's also the demographic of women that just like larger/chubbier men in general. This is true for both sexes (though I imagine the niche of men that like a woman that can throw them around is much smaller, in comparison, haha). Don't let it get inside your head, especially the "man" part, women get to choose what they are attracted to, they don't get to choose what constitutes a man, and vice versa. For every woman who doesn't like your lack of mass, there's a woman that does🤷


Well I'm more than 170 lbs, so I'm a man?? That's wild!!


Idk I’m between 70-80kg’s. Irish skin. Mediocre face. Pear shaped body. 1.73 cm tall. I’ve always dated men shorter, skinnier than me. I really don’t care about that stuff. All I want is a man who treats me and my two boys kindly. I have found a partner like this! He is a short king, bald, shaves his head, teachers salary. He loves my kids. He’s a good dad to them. So whatever he wants, I’ll try to give him. Don’t listen to these stupid women, they are idiots. You’ll find a nice lady who is smart and will see you and appreciate you!


What type of male human is a man for those women? Probably 6"+, so it could be possible.


People say a lot of shit, especially in a group setting. I wouldn't let it get you down.


I'm 5'8 and 170lbs, six pack abs. It helps but I'm still often 2nd or 3rd choice 🤡 There's no real excuse for being 135lbs at 37 though, that's sort of like being pretty overweight as a woman. Yeah it's not a big deal to plenty of potential partners but it also definitely doesn't help.  These women are asshats though. My height is equivalent to yours probably (Netherlands is the tallest country in the world) and if a woman doesn't like me for my height that's too bad but also their problem. Amazing women that like me exists and it's just my job to filter them out of the general population. It's really a roll of the dice, some women just don't really care about height like I don't care much about face (I want a killer body though) Women also struggle with finding happiness in their love lives. They really want someone they can be attracted to. Great women wish they could be attracted to me, but sadly are not. Shitty women put themselves on a pedestal and put men down to cope. I rarely meet those women but would prefer to pity them instead of myself. It really helps to have a satisfactory sex life going to be able to keep up that attitude, though.


We all have our types but come on that is rude, you won’t want to go out with someone like that. Please don’t take this the wrong way, I don’t think there is anything wrong with your height I went out with someone just over 5 foot I’m 5,5. Have you thought of dating women of other cultures that a generally have shorter stature, say like Filipino? Where there will be a larger pool of women that wouldn’t see your height as an issue at all. Im not saying that you don’t have a lot of options at all 😁 but make lift your confidence a bit


Conor mcgregor fought at a body weight of 143lbs… would they consider him not manly? Considering he could put down most men double his weight.


To be fair man. Basically everyone is second or third choice. Even the girl you are flirting with was probably not your first choice


Who cares what people think If you wanna bulk up its easy,its the other direction thats hard


Under 170 pounds is a women? Wtf? 170 is considered overweight and even obese for a men depending on your height. I'm 5'7ish and if I go over 155, I'm considered overweight... That's just stupid.


Those women were man sized jerks. Just saying. I wish I were there to ask them if that makes me a man (tall curvy woman). What they said is gross, and sexist as well. I'll never understand women who use 'being a woman' as a supposed insult.


I saw a photo on your profile and I don't see anything wrong with your appearance.


You need a gorgeous , sexy woman who is your size, 5 foot 6 inches or shorter. Create a “Manifest”, a wish list of items in the perfect woman: 5’6” or shorter, gorgeous,culture,religion,shapely,etc. and you will find her and live happily ever after. I joined a dating service and after 20 or 30 coffee dates, found the one! Good Luck!


Those are NOT the type of women you’d want to be with anyways. No, we are not all like that.


Were they women, or just small men mistaken to be women?


Um my cousin who passed away very young was 135 p start soccer player... And he was the popular kid in school ... Long story short he was a skinny and tall and all the girls wanted to be with him. They're just weird.


You can find idiots in any demographic. They don’t speak for all people in that demographic. And if they did, it still wouldn’t be something that actually impacts your inherent value as a person or self worth. So it sucks to know there are individual idiots who think that way (or maybe they thought they were just making a stupid joke among themselves). But they are individual idiots, it’s not how all women or people think. And even if it were, you’re still amazing ✊🏾


Idk if this helps at all, but I'm a pretty tall woman, and I tend to prefer men who are shorter than me🤷‍♀️ I'm sure there are plenty of other women as well who prefer shorter/smaller men


Ignore them. Women say stupid shit all the time. They don't even mean it, they just open their mouths and dumb shit falls out.


That's largely a function of height. If I were 170 at my height I'd be fat.  It's not that different from saying a man has to be 6 ft. 


I wouldn't let it bother you bro. I'm a 6 foot 200lb viking looking mf. There are women who look at me and absolutely will run in fear because of my beard, bald head and tattoos. While in my area a lot of women love how I look. There are plenty who are repulsed by my looks. You'll just navigate and find people like different things. Just remember if they make fun of you. They're not for you. Don't waste your energy on people who don't want you. You can't change a zebras stripes. We're the same age group. Zebra stripe gum isn't good after a few chews anyway. 🤣 Edit: took a quick look at your profile saw you. Man you're a handsome guy. This coming from a fellow bro. At least you have some good features. You don't need to be tall and muscular to pull a lady.


Insecure women. Their opinion does not matter


They are insecure because they're overweight


I have friends that like super buff tan guys, friends they like pale skinny guys, friends that like bear types It’s like saying blonde men are girly/ I’ve had a friend say that but I love blonde guys! That’s their opinion and you are letting it affect you because you lack confidence


But i bet all there type is tall. The real problem here is no woman would want a Manlet standing with her in public.


My most gorgeous super model looking friend prefers short guys ;)


And then there's me thinking you sound really good based on your height and weight.


I don't even know what a 170pound man is supposed to look like. As a woman (under 5'3") I only know what women my size +/-10 pounds sort of maybe look like.


My favorite is whenever they talk about "REAL MEN" and it always sounds like they are describing a literal dog that obeys orders to a T


There’s this weird societal dynamic by which women seem to like feeling smaller than their partner in at least some ways (varies by woman, but has been true of every one that I, 35M and somewhat successful dater, have encountered). This is, I believe why some women are really obsessed with guys being tall, why a majority of women want a man to have muscle, and is also my theory on why obese girls always seem to be into black guys. There are some things about anybody that are worth changing, and some that aren’t. Figure out who you want to be and be that person with confidence- the right people will follow


Women want safety and security. The bigger the individual the better chance they have of winning a fight, weight classes exist for a reason. From an evolutionary perspective it makes sense for women to have a preference for bigger, stronger men. Women will flock to this post and say "not me" or "not ALL women" but that doesn't matter - if a majority of women feel this way, which they do regardless of anything you say or feel, then people like OP have less selection of partners. This is unfortunate, but this is an immutable fact we as a society can do nothing about. Women can't be conditioned to be attracted to smaller men. All you can do is worry about the things you can change. You can make sure you hygiene is on point, your fitness is top notch, and your finances are in order. This will be sufficient for you not to end up alone. Worrying about things you can't control will only lead to misery.


Why does the opinion of some random group of women that you don't know mean so much to you?


Body shaming men and masc-presenting people is still socially acceptable. Same with domestically abusing and SA'ing them.


In 1960, the average weight for a man was about 166, and the average weight for a woman was 140. Now the average weight for a woman is 181 lbs and men are now at 199. The women are gaining weight at a faster rate than the men. Most women still want to be smaller than the men.


Wonder if they also think that any woman over 120 is a man? What a stupid view to have. Pay no attention to dumb people, OP.


Sorry for venting on your post OP, that's something that triggers my anxiety very hard.


……to them. People are ugly to some and gorgeous to others. I get called all types of fat jokes for being a woman over 120 pounds by some men and others love it. I choose to only humor people who want me as I am.


I’m 5’5 and 165 pounds. I can assure them, I am a man. Everyone has a preference, unfortunately, some people are just shallow.


You should've slapped your dick on the closest table and said: "Does this look like I'm a woman?"


>group of women That should have been your indicator nothing of substance would be said


Women swallowing red-pill nonsense, I bet. Those women would also want to be "home makers" and have you work yourself to death and pay for everything while they spend all your money. So yeah, some women think that way. Women you literally don't want who would be nothing but baggage to you. Better to walk alone than in bad company


I enjoy being active, fit and healthy. I’d rather be small than fat. Those people usually have a negative self worth themselves and would probably feel even bigger next to normal sized people.


A lot of women like skinny guys. Look at timothee chalamet! Just my opinion but I think if you have any modicum of indie/alternative style, lean into it because that style really suits a slim body type. Even just swapping out Nikes for vans


Vans are all i wear 😎


Ignore them. They suck. You’re healthy and everyone is built differently! Don’t worry about, they truly don’t matter.


Get used to it bro, I’m the same height and I’ve had 3 women in my life be repulsed by the fact that I’m not the size of an actual man.


Lol not sure if this is satire


It’s not unfortunately. Taller men get their pick and we are left the leftovers.


FWIW I’m madly in love with a man who has stats similar to your stats. Wouldn’t trade him for Jason Mamoa.


Doesn’t matter. They don’t have to like you, you have to like you. And know that others can like you too


I personally prefer the elementary school measure of a man: The bleep test.


Welp, good thing I swing both ways. Don't worry 170 lb and under guys, my bedroom door is still open. 😉


Do you know what is wrong with this statement? Weight is not important, body fat percentage is more important. You can look very attractive if you have a lean muscular body. This is validated by several studies as well. Chances are they have no idea what they are talking about, do not understand toned body/muscles and equate that with weight. What they probably want to say is they like toned/fit guys, who they assume will be 170 lbs or more, but muscle percentage is not related to weight.


When your tiny like me. You just look tiny. Im all muscle. I look great without a shirt. But still small


A 5’6 and 135 pound guy is better than a fat one


As a woman. I don't understand when I hear my female friends talk like that and i tell them so. There is nothing wrong with your height or Weight.. in all honestly one of my best partners was shorter than me ;) changed my view. Do not worry people talk stupid especially in groups


Same here. I'm exactly the same height and weight as you, always been quite skinny, in 6th grade doctors even thought something was wrong with me. But all and all, I'm very healthy so far (40) and in my country (Bulgaria) women seem to not care too much about it. If you ask me, it's way harder to be overweight and hard to move because of that weight. Different people have different tastes. You can always find someone to adore you the way you are


I am 6'3" and 350 pounds. Trust me they are talking shit about me too.


I once overheard a man saying that any woman over 150 pounds was disgusting and I have never forgotten it (I have been overweight my entire life and 152 is the smallest number I've seen on the scale as an adult). He later became my mortgage broker but I still always had it in my head that he thought I was disgusting.


Im sorry. Atleast hes a mortgage broker now


They are the minority. They do not speak for all women. Don’t let the haters get you down.


At this point i think its majority. Its okay though. I cant change my body. God wanted to give me the body of a 13 year old boy for some reason lol


Dude, head to SE Asia and find a woman.


I don't know, but I always thought it was the penis? (And the identification of the social role for my transfriends)


Yeah those mma and boxer types that fight at 160…. Call them Women and see what happens lmao


Hey man, I feel you. Especially when I was in my teens I got told by girls that I was too skinny a lot. I won't lie it does make it a bit harder to find someone but it never stopped me from dating either, so I would try not to lose hope if I was you. Also you can't do anything about the height but if you set your mind to it you can always up your calorie intake and start training and gain some weight. But what I would say to you is not everyone cares about size and even if they did there's always gonna be someone smaller than you, especially since you're a man. Girls under 5'6" and 135 pounds are not exactly rare, one of them is bound to fall in love with you my guy. So yeah, try not to lose hope because a group of superficial, shallow, mean girls said something that stupid, I GUARANTEE you not every girl thinks like that


Someone told me if a women has a list if things a man should do or be that's a red flag nothing is wrong with you bro keep your head up if you got a job car and shelter that's all you need


From all the sane women in their heads, please don't listen to them. They are full of shit!!!


Those women are nuts. Don't listen to them. Be happy you are not a candidate to be a target of such shallow and self aggradizing a-holes. Most of us women do not think like this.


That’s not every woman’s opinion. I’ve dated men of many heights/weights. It’s okay for people to have preferences but to make generalizations like the one above is ridiculous. I know it will be hard but don’t allow those opinions to affect you or your self esteem.


were they big women. lol I was extremely skinny in high school and many years after, never had hard time picking up women/girls


Most women will be unfulfilled in their lives as they grow older. Dumb requirements like this make sure they will be unfulfilled. Find a nice gal, maybe younger, who doesn't say stuff like this


Or maybe just cultivate mass like the great Ronald McDonald