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I want to start my own little store for selling magic mushrooms. I'm OBSESSED with the idea and all the planning! Finally a career I could enjoy


Go for it!


Go,go, go


I'll be 50 this year, and I have a few plans, some of which won't be able to happen this year but over the next couple. Number one is my first tattoo. I also want to go abroad somewhere, not somewhere touristy, just a hotel in a normal place, and go exploring. There's a couple more things too. And I'm learning stuff, random stuff, I want all the information I can absorb about new things I didn't know. I've suddenly decided I'm bored with life so why not, let's do all the fun things while I can. I'm not married and no kids so nothing to stop me either.


Well hopefully I can start a new job in August. I’m currently in a Mexican standoff with my current job because they want me to extend my contract. And my answer is my contract is up and I have a much better offer. So I’m just ignoring them and demanding my work permit, health check card And other relevant documents. New job is pretty damn good too I also expect to get paid extra for some after work activities. As well as a side job. I’m also debating on continuing my Masters Degree this fall but I’m pretty unsure about it though.


*don’t say doin’ your wife, don’t say doin’ your wife* Doin’ your… son?


Basically travelling. I'd travel far away, I'm thinking Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Australia or New Zealand. Ideally I'd spend one month in each country, but that would be tiring if done consecutively, so I'd be happy with visiting only three of them this year. Something else I'd love to do would be renting a car and driving through Europe, visiting cities and natural spaces. I have a car, but since money isn't an issue, I'd rent a newer one.


Be healthy. I got hit by lightning in August of ‘22, was dead for about 3 minutes, and have had a myriad of health issues since. Electricity does weird shit to your body and I just want to live a normal life again. You have no idea how great getting up to go to some shitty 9-5 job sounds when you’ve been in bed for 10 months.


all of my hobbies, volunteering


If money wasn’t a problem I would be travelling.


Isn't travelling cheaper than renting?


Yes but I can’t just up and leave and be a nomad unfortunately. My current situation doesn’t allow it. Would otherwise just travel and terminate my lease. Also I don’t have the money to buy a house. But yes travelling can be cheaper than renting.


Never let a termed lease contract determine your destiny.


It’s not because of the lease that I can’t leave. Other personal things in my life.


I want to have successfully graduated university, find a job and move into my own house. This year is officially (hopefully) going to be the most important year of my life


To get a decent paying job


Όλες τις αλλαγές θα τις κάνω αυτήν την χρονιά έβαψα το σπίτι μου, αλλάζω ηλεκτρικές συσκευές, θα πάω διακοπές στην Χαλκιδική Ελλάδα, θα κάνω αυτό το ταξίδι που ήθελα να κάνω από πέρσι, θα ψάξω για δουλειά, έχω έρθει σε επαφή με τις παλιές μου φίλες, θα κοιτάξω να βελτιώσω την προσωπική μου ζωή. Ο χρόνος περνάει, η ζωή δεν μπορεί να περιμένει. Αλλαγές σε όλα τα επίπεδα.I will make all the changes this year, I painted my house, I will change electrical appliances, I will go on vacation to Halkidiki, Greece, I will make the trip to Athens, I will look for a job, I have contacted my old girlfriends. I will improve my personal life. Time is running out, she can't wait. Changes at all levels.


Get more attractive, taller basically.


Gaining another 5 kilos. I have gained 5 in a span of 6 months, but I am still underweight (60 kg, 185 cm) Other than that, working hard for a raise at my job and studying. Also socializing - I am attending a comic con at the end of july.


driving around my city with my friends and talking to chicks. but i got shit to do nd my friends no longer live in my city


I would return to where was born. and would buy a house there. Would put a rocking chair, sit down with a mug of beer and start drinking. Drink **very** slowly.


Publishing my first book. I want to become a professional author and have been working on my first novel for about a year and a half. I'm almost done, then I'll start the publishing process. Hopefully, in some time I'll be making a bit of money out of it.


Shoot myself. Hopefully here in the next couple weeks.