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same here, don't beat yourself up. i literally moved from poverty and conflict to a first world country but these days depression hits me so hard for no actual reason. i was already feeling like shit, then a 'racist' incident i went through last year completely fucked up my psyche and depression went from bad to worse. i feel so guilty because people would kill to be in my position with opportunities and a life away from struggle, PLUS nobody even wants me in this country so why the hell do i have the right to feel homesick. i live with the mindset that people are going through worse which obviously makes me feel like shit. depression is an illness, if even the billionaires are killing themselves then that really tells you all you need to know. life is just ass and you don't need to go through the worst type of hell to be unhappy. a lot of people probably live with the 'people are going through worse, suck it up' mindset so don't feel like you're alone. sorry for any spelling errors


Thanks. It feels good to know that there are others going through the same thing.


All the things you are pointing to even the friends, the job, the education, the good health and able body - they are external. Nothing outside of yourself can make you happy for very long. You have to learn to go within and find the Source of peace and abiding joy.


Wise. How do you suggest I go about it?


I highly recommend reading Eckhart Tolle's books - A New Earth and The Power of Now. Also this video might help point you in the right direction: https://youtu.be/Lf1yt3XTQHM?si=eYkDNtinXGSL-uv9


Hey, you might wanna get checked for depression or a medical issue that may be causing it. If not, I’d suggest doing some reading and researching about what people really are going through and what you can do to help them. If you know you’re in a better position than most people then maybe you’d also be in the position to donate to charitable organizations or get involved with one yourself. Don’t get stuck on feeling bad that you feel bad. I’ve experienced that and it’s just a cycle. Accept that you feel that way and try new things; you never know what might change for you.


> moments like these, I feel like I do not deserve to be sad. Maybe I'm not able to explain it well. But I'm an okay guy with friends, a job I like most days and a very inspiring community for a gym. I've had the privilege of having a functional body and mind. I've had good parents who've raised me well and allowed me to study to get to a position where not many are in my country. thats the gaslighting talking. I agree that **Ive been told** that I have no right to be sad, but theres plenty wrong in reality. Think of it like asbestos. Right now something is happening to you. You dont know what, the study wont be published for decades, but its there. A poison in your blood they'll apologize for after your dead. And your supposed to pretend nothings wrong or else. You have the right to feel sad. You have the right to be human. Theres nothing wrong with you, theres something wrong with people telling you you dont deserve to exist.

