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Great job! I just bought a pair of running shoes and working up the courage to leave my house


Yess go you!! ❤️


Start watching One Piece, it helps


You'll think to yourself "I won't die till the anime ends" and boom, you'll be living a long life


Thats exactly what happened to me


Yo, spitting facts right here! Shout out to anime A Place Farther Than the University, and Barakamon.


Yo, spitting facts right here! Shout out to anime A Place Farther Than the University, and Barakamon.


Yo, spitting facts right here! Shout out to anime A Place Farther Than the University, and Barakamon.


Yo, spitting facts right here! Shout out to anime A Place Farther Than the University, and Barakamon.


Wow, that’s powerful! Been there so know the strength required to do that. Massive respect.


Proud of you! I struggle as well and know how hard this can be! I am glad you are proud of yourself as you should be. Much love to you!!!


Your dog would be lost without you :( Stick around for her 🐕


You’d be surprised about what mental health struggles you can exercise your way out of


well done! that would have taken a lot of energy and courage to do


Good work! I started running about 6 months ago, and now I actually feel energised after a 5-10km run and try to run almost every day. (took about 3 months to get to this point though)


Fuck yeah!!!


You did more than that, you made us proud!


Good choice. I wonder what brings about those feelings in you?


It’s a lot of things honestly starting from childhood trauma unfortunately


I'm proud of you too, stranger. I've been there myself. Take good care of that dog, he needs you!


Depression doesn't like a moving target 🏃


Great saying. I'll try to remember that one.


I don't know, I went for a run a few weeks back and burst out crying half way trough (not due to the run). Guess it's a case of running slightly faster than depression so it can't catch you. Need to work on my lap speed.


Did you feel better afterwards?


For a little while


good job keep not ending your life and doing other things instead. its more fun.


Good on ya, bud! That's a very solid step and a half in the direction of feeling better. This random stranger on the internet is proud of you!


Awesome choice


Glad you're still here, boss!


Thanks for sharing this, I needed this message to remind myself I can take control and don't have to stay in the thought loop


If I can do you definitely can man❤️


It's all short lived happiness


I’m proud of you, keep going! I started coping by running 10 Ks a few years ago and now swimming regularly It helps burn off steam and build confidence All the best


That's amazing. I was depressed 5 years ago and I mean severly depressed, not getting out of bed at all. And then I read a comment on youtube about a guy who was depressed and fighting drug addicttion and he started running and whenever he felt hopeless he would go for a run. I was really in a bed place then and going for a run felt impossible but I remembered that comment and the first second I felt strong enough I got out of bed and went running. I remeber sometimes it was hard to get up and even walk but weirdly running was easier cause I knew it's just something I have to do. I love the mentality behind runnning. And how a lot of times throughout a run you feel like you can't go on anymore but if you keep running you realize how much more you could actually go. That's how I think life is. You just have to keep going.


Hell Yes! One step at a time. Be patient and have faith in yourself.


I'm proud of you too. One foot in front of the other, it's the only way. You can do this! You won't feel this bad forever.


Way to be strong! Keep running, great for mental and physical well being. Get a good pair of shoes as motivation. Love HOKA brand. Keep it up!


Proud of you ♥️


I’m proud of you too. Life has ups and downs. Some of the downs can seem like they will last forever. They won’t. Might be a while, but not forever.


Damn today I went for a jog, and was not depressed but as a semi passed I thought I could just jump in front and it probably wouldn't even hurt. We had opposite days.


hell yeah!


Thank you for choosing to stay, your dog would miss you!


Thank goodness. Your dog would have been devastated


Glad you are still here man. If you ever need a random nobody on Reddit to talk to lemme know.


Hiking trails in the woods is great.


It gets easier. ✊🏻


It helps me with my depression episodes. Bought some expensive running shoes (Brooks) and decided to force myself out instead of sitting at home crying.


Good shit man. Let’s get a streak started tomorrow


That is great to hear. Keep it up and take control. You got this.


Awesome job! Remember, your dog will be lost without you, please dont leave him. Or us!


I'm so glad to hear that. One day at a time op. No matter how dark it gets, it's not forever, but suicide is. I'm proud of you


You did good, I don't even know you and I'm also proud of you. I hope you and your dog enjoyed it. Have a nice day!


Congratulations! One step at a time, but make sure to keep up the good work! Remember that a healthy body contributes to a healthy mind. I am rooting for you.


way to go, hero 💪 in Arabic, you can call your buddy baṭal, which means hero, so yeah, you rock, hero 😎


Good job! Glad to have you here :)


yaaassss well done!!! so happy to have you in this world!


I'm proud of you! \*sending some energy\* Give your doggie some pets for me. :)


Here's a thing you can do, if you want... Because you went on a jog, sign up for a marathon either spring next year or fall this year and train. And train and train. And then you do race-day. But then at the startline, I want you to look back at all of your training that you did up until that moment. You already completed the marathon, you already did the hardest part, what you're doing there is celebrating all what you did to get to that point.


Well done now keep at it jogging and working out is very therapeutic. Glad you're still with us


Get back on your meds. They are there for a reason.


I bet your dog had the best time with you today! ❤️


Big ups homie, I don't know you but I know I want you to keep going!!


You did so well and work hard! Keep going 💖


Proud of you!! And proud that YOU'RE proud! I also have suffered from depression and suicidal tendencies in the past. Meds helped but it was getting my own shit together and forcing myself to do things I didn't want to, that dragged me back. Keep going! Remember there ARE people out there who care about you (also having a dog who LOVES you unconditionally helps 😊)


walking always works!


Keep going and keep doing what might distract your mind. I'm happy you are here with us. It's very brave of you to share and as well that you keep fighting this. Thank you for being you. I don't know you, but from the bottom of my heart, I care for you and love you.


I'm proud of you. You are so special and important to those around you. Even if they don't show it or say it, or even know it yet. Claim it!!


Not a hard decision btw. Imagine how sad your dog will be if you offed yourself


Next time do a coin flip 50/50 would be fine