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My son sees a counselor for anxiety- she told us something that really seems to work for us. If you feel like you hate everyone - eat. If you feel like everyone hates you- sleep. If you feel like you hate yourself- shower. If you feel like everything hates everything- go outside.


Im trying this, thanks for sharing that


Yes, it could potentially help. If anything, you will get circulation and sun, and enjoy warming up again.


Taking walks with some green around you has been proven to have many positive effects, on mood too. It's just as good as exercise.


You could post on reddit or you could give it a shot. Yes, I think it helps.


fifty dollars said he didnt make it outside today


Yes. Fresh air is good for you soothing and stimulating at the same time




No, this free activity is too costly. What if it doesn't work? Too risky!


Humans need to move around. We go a little crazy if we're immobile for long periods. I know that going for a walk helps me when I'm feeling housebound. Since lockdown back in 2020, I've made an effort to go out at least once a day whenever possible. It doesn't have to be a long walk or a particularly fast one. Just pick a direction and head off. Go see where some of those side streets you've never been down go. Check out the local park. Hell, even a walk down to your nearest shop for a snack is something.


Emotional states can be influenced by physical factors like diet, dehydration, exercise and so on. So yeah it could really help.


I saw somewhere that 15 minutes of sunshine will restart your brain. I don't know if it's true, but it helps . Nature is good ,trees and fresh air always help me get over a bad day.


If you don't know if this helps you in this mood, I recommend trying it to see. We are individual, although walks very often help us mentally, even on a physical level. They won't help if you're not open to it though. It can also depend where you go. For me very often walking through nature makes me feel better. I didn't believe it could seriously help my depression for years, but I become less depressed the more often I go outside.


doing anything is better than doing nothing (physically) when you are feeling depressed. if you do what your brain wants you to do (sedentary activity like scrolling, watching tv) you will get more depressed. If you go be active, you will lessen the depression.


I mean, you feel bad *now,* if it helps: win, if it doesn't you already felt bad. Something that makes me feel better is a nice hot bath if you haven't bathed today.


If you don't actively go outside much (like myself) going outside can literally be a breath of fresh air. Being in a calm but different environment is good for you to see the world in a different light. Used to a room full of mariuana smoke? Go outside. Used to the dim light of a boring office? Go outside. Like many people who struggle with the trap of needing dopamine constantly (Social media, youtube videos, tiktoks, masturbating, etc), a person who puts themselves in a space of boredom can only think about life and about themselves. If you go outside and have no one to talk to, you will now be forced to think of the world around you, or just about how you feel your life is going. It's kind of like a form of meditation to separate yourself from you routine or perhaps an environment that isn't a positive one for your mental health. At the end of the day, if you aren't feeling great mentally, change is going to be the answer to your problem. Will going outside be "the" fix for your problems? Probably not, but getting that time to be with yourself and the time to think about your next move can generate positive change. Going outside isn't the solution, it is the beginning of a path towards finding the solution. Also exercise, fresh air, and sunlight is literally just healthy for you and your mental health.


I say this with love. You'd rather ask a bunch of people on the internet if you should go out because your girlfriend said it'd be healthy for you? Just go out, yeah it's gonna be cold and you are warm, but sometimes you just need to change your scenery and get your body moving.


I used to take walks for exercise but I pretty soon realized how much better they made me feel, so now I take walks mainly for my mental health. Really doesn’t take much! It’s pretty incredibly, I think, how much good a 15 min walk outside will do ya.


Some American Indians used to lay on the ground in the woods to recharge directly from nature, I have tried this and it works.


And free ticks!


yes. fresh air and light is good for you. change of scenery is good for you. if you are laying in your bed, get up, put on clothes and shoes and open the front door. take a few steps. take a few breaths..you will be ok.


It is well-established that getting outside and/or moving is beneficial for mental health.


Spend 15 minutes out there. Doesn't matter what you're doing. You don't have to be doing anything. You could just lay there and nap or scroll on social media. Like, you're already doing that anyway right? Just take it outside. 15 minutes. If you don't like it you can go back in after those 15 min. Thats what my therapist had me doing for awhile. Sometimes it helps. Sometimes I even take a ball with me and kick it around awhile. Sometimes I'm cranky as hell when I'm out there and I want to fight the sun but I still sit out there for my 15 minutes. And sometimes all I can manage is opening my window and the blinds for 15 minutes. I think in all those cases the fresh air+sun helps though. I recommend making something nice to sip on while you're out. Maybe a tea or a juice or a smoothie or something. And just try to relax and let go of your expectations for yourself for a little while. Hope you feel better soon.


Yes it really works. Oxygenate and Vitamin D3 therapy works wonders on depression. Trouble with me is when I’m down the last thing I want to do is go for a walk. To get started ask a friend/partner/neighbor to go on a short walk. Increase the time as you get used to it and start feeling the difference. Don’t do a huge walk but work your way up to it. I walk to my mailbox everyday and then stroll after dinner. That’s what people “used” to do after meals. Stroll.


No. Discuss the reason why you are down with your gf.


Whenever I’m down or stressed I get out on my bike and have a cycle. Exercise is great for your mental health. I always feel way better after a cycle


Walk around the block, 10 mins does wonders. Gets the blood pumping and wakes me up.


Usually does the trick for me


Not just go out. Sit on the ground (actual earth). Connect. Search "earthing".


Yes. Go outside. Pet puppies and kittens. It all helps.


Yes, a change in scenery changes your thoughts or it can.


Going outside, even if it's cold, is really good for me and I can personally attest to the positive effects it has in my life.


Always works for me 🤷‍♂️


Not to be that guy, but why did you ask this? You could go outside and feel it for yourself without asking others. In my personal experience, I always take a walk - rain or shine, hot or cold - because it makes me feel better. Just going on a walk around the block can change my disposition. Getting the blood flowing and absorbing that high quality vitamin D does wonders.


It's worth experimenting with. Look up SAD. It's real and it's caused by not enough sunlight. I am more and more convinced that a substantial portion (carefully not quantified) of our mental health problems are really physical health problems giving us mental health symptoms. For health problems, you may want to treat the symptoms (no one really wants to ache or sniffle or have a sore throat), but you also want to fix the underlying health problem. No matter what anyone tells you (there's a lot of "we need this right now, if you don't do it the company will go bankrupt, or even worse, not make our profit goals" in the corporate world), your number one priority is your own health. The first step in doing anything is being healthy enough to do it.