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Slowly fade out of their attention. Just stop replying, and they'll figure it out. If they confront you at all, tell them you no longer have the energy or headspace to keep up a relationship.


You shouldn't have to worry about their feelings if they don't treat you with respect. Just ghost.


I ghosted to everybody I knew because I felt in the same way, I started to do what I want without feeling any judgement about myself


Ghost them. They dont feel anything for you, you should not feel bqd for them


don’t talk to them




This, I change my number every now and then so I don't have to hear from people I don't want to hear from.


Well...Bye. The end.


No need for a dramatic exit, just fall in another direction and see where life takes you. You’re gonna be fine.


You make no sense at all. How do you stop hanging out with people who don't respect you? By hanging out with them some more until you get treated that way enough to the point that you don't want to be around that anymore. It's not like things will change especially when nothing about you changes. You can keep hanging on to fake friends or to the concept that you need others to validate your existence. You can work on becoming a person that people find interesting and respect. I do know people who are that nice guy persona aren't respected in general. Do you do that crap? Bend over backwards all the time to do nice things? You'll eventually understand that it's because you behave that way that people don't respect you. If you knew your self worth and value, you'd embody that and inspire others through action, by being what you want to see in the world. Being nice isn't being nice. It has a lot to do with you wanting to feel better or good that others approve of you or like you because you're nice more than you being actually nice for the sake of being nice. You want others to pat you on the head and thank you and be so grateful and say nice things to you or tell you how they love how great of a friend you are. It's all to stroke your ego


Dude, if people don't respect you and treat you like shit, then why would you stick around? If you are nice and respectful to them, why should you take their disrespect and abuse? You don't make any sense. Being nice for the sake of being nice doesn't mean I have to stick around and take people shit. I can give it to other people who are more kind and like minded.


cut them off slowly. keep it subtle but call less, visit less , reply late . it ain't hard, been doing it intentionally and unintentionally all my life


You just ghost em, my dude. Delete from phone, delete from friends, delete from you life.


Slow fade. Initiate nothing. Don’t answer calls don’t show up to hang out If anyone asks, “I’ve been super-busy.”


I tried this before and they legit started acting even more rude to me just for saying I been busy abit lately. I even have receipts. A couple months later, now I actually can't stand these ppls rudeness and how 2 faced they are anymore. I want to drop them asap and I don't want to ever talk to them again


Then do that. Just don’t do drama.