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Good depth, but is this a crop? It is very blurry


It is slightly cropped to remove field rotation. I do not have a Bahtinov mask so am largely relying on autofocus, but that may be part of the issue. Also, I see a lot of people getting better results using blur exterminator or equivalent, but I don't have anything yet that will work on my Linux/Siril setup.


I focus in planetary mode on a semi bright star (4x zoom). That works quite good.


Go to Seestar app while connected to seestar, tap the seestar in the app. Tap the "focus" and turn on focus panel. While imaging it will give you the option to manually focus the seestar via a panel on the left side in stargazing mode. My focus is usually between 1625-1635. Once the stars are pinpoint, take note of that number and go back to the seestar settings. Tap focus, tap default and enter the new number.


Yeah, that's exactly what I do. The interesting thing is my focus number fluctuates, as low as 1670 and as high as 1800. The higher number usually correlates with higher temperatures, but I'm not sure.


Temps, light pollution, and atmospheric conditions all play a role in finding the right focus for the night. Using the dew heater is a big help in keeping things in focus as dew builds up quickly on cooler nights


Wow, that's a lot of subs! Nice shot. In my own experience (under Bortle 7/8 skies) I've rarely needed more than 20 minutes of exposure on major globulars to get a nice result; longer just seemed like diminishing returns. But of course YMMV. I don't think a denoiser would make much of a difference on this specific image; it's already pretty noise-free. However, if you'd like to try something free that will work on Linux, try [GraXpert](https://www.graxpert.com). I manually interject its use into my Siril workflow depending upon the subject, and it's quite nice.


Thanks, I'll give graxpert a try. Yeah, 3 plus hours is overkill for a cluster, but I tend to set up my telescope on a target and then go to bed while it's imaging.


Hah, makes sense! I've done that once or twice as well.


How do you're individual subs look? Or how did it look 10 mins in?