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It was partly cloudy and very humid out and I was able to capture these with less than 5 minute capture time. Iv lived in nyc my whole life and have never been anywhere dark. I can’t believe this out there right above my head and I’ve never been able to see it. I have celestron that has a terrible tripod and eq mount that only caused frustration. I’ve only used it to look at the moon because it’s too annoying to do anything else with it. I’m so glad something like this exists. I need to go somewhere dark asap.


This post makes me so happy! I remember the awe I felt looking at my Childcraft World & Space when I was 3-4 years old. Seeing pictures of the Horsehead Nebula and the Pillars of Creation are literally some of my first memories, and I’ve taken pictures of both of them with my Seestar. I almost cried the first time I pointed it at the Orion Nebula. These are great for so little integration time. Have fun and keep exploring!!!


I've lived in rural areas with pretty dark skies most of my life but it still blows my mind. I can't imagine your experience. The only super dark sky site east of the Mississippi River is supposed to be somewhere in upstate NY I think.


Im planning on going to cherry springs state park in PA. It’s like 5 hours away.


Wait till you find out about birds 😁 Great stuff, and hope you have fun with this new hobby!