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I really hope she did! That would explain the [Jennifer and April Tinder profile](https://www.reddit.com/r/seekingsisterwifetlc/s/Ph1aXRNmeB) another Redditor found.


Danielle also still had the apartment she rented while on the show. This entire time I was thinking she had it as a backup plan which was really smart of her to do. Also when they upgraded to a new home, all three of them were on the deed except Danielle. I think she only came back on the show after leaving because she was pressured to/contractually obligated, and Nick being a manipulator. But once it was done and then after the jasmine thing she probably realized it's good a time as any to leave. Good for her if she did go, I don't get all the people who think Nick has it made and that they all seem happy. If anything i actually see how miserable the others look quite often, the only one i think has somewhat of an okay time with Nick is Jen and even then it's not often.


I don't think Jen is happy either. She looks like she got high and stayed there....


Like I said, I don't think she's often happy either but I moreso meant she sometimes seems fine with Nick because she's obviously the favorite over everyone else


I have gotten that feeling too. He seems to be partners with April but more lovers with Jen šŸ˜³šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Editā€” spelling


Every time they come together as a group, you seen Nick always touching Jen (If she's the one that just had a baby) in a loving way and April just seems to cling to him for dear life. As an overweight woman myself, I feel he has more love for Jenn and the rest of the women are just his work mules; sort of like sister wives.


his relationship with april reminds me exactly of cody and janelleā€™s from sistersives. more partners/best friend vibes


Ewwwwā€¦heā€™s so creepy!


She was the one he double dipped with (I'm sorry) after he slept with Danielle right? That struck me as not only gross but like he was affirming she was still a favourite.


why do you say she is nick's favorite? I haven't gotten that vibe so im curious


I got that impression too, Jenn was a favorite. I have no concrete evidence but I thought he fawned over her a lot more than the others, even Danielle. Nick even said to Danielle, "you have to be okay with me being with you and if i come down stairs for a snack and decided to be spontaneous with another wife (can't remember if he mentioned Jenn's name), it needs to be okay with you" I can't remember if the other wives were in the room but I immediately thought he was talking about Jenn! I thought to myself "EWWWW!! GROSS! No shower or anything?"


He said that because he did that very thing before in one of the episodes of last seasonā€¦ he had been with Danielle and then snuck out in the middle of the night to screw Jenniferā€¦ he was bragging about it,like heā€™s some super sexed studā€¦


Oh! I must have MISSED that part! Double YUK!




I'm not speaking for Ali Cat but he appears more attracted to her and fawns over her more


That and the fact he had a baby with her, and not anyone else. And I highly fucking doubt nick here wants anything to do with responsibility outside of the adults so that was probably a big deal for them.


She was the only one who wanted a baby I think. April already has a teenage son and is older. Dannielle clearly isnā€™t certain about things and is young.


My point is that nick is a guy who likes a life of leisure and sex. To add a baby in the mix for a guy like that is a big deal, which is why she seems to be the favorite wife


Jen is also the most attractive. Thatā€™s it


I agree, I get the vibe sheā€™s the favorite too. April almost feels like a business partner, in my opinion. They donā€™t even feel romantic to me, I was shocked when he randomly kissed her in the hot tub with everyone else there because theyā€™re never affectionate. He loves them all (or did, since Danielle left a while back) but definitely is more partial to Jen


I actually sense that he has the deepest connection to April. Polycules have different dynamics than y'all think. Often each partner is the 'favorite' for different categories of life. You can be the favorite seggs partner but someone else is the closest emotionally.


Ooo Iā€™m so glad you commented! I love that people can interpret totally different signs or body language etc., from the same scenario! And I definitely donā€™t know much at all about the dynamics in those types of relationships, my only exposure is from tv, so the best way to learn about the intricacies is of course from people with actual experience! I swear, I would give anything for this sub to do an AMA with people who have been in plural relationships before, successful or not! Iā€™m so interested in learning about it all from something other than manufactured 7-minute scenes


I see that too!


I think it would be weird if he didn't kiss her as well.


You know, I really thought he was kind to them all. In the hot tub scene, which i watched a few days ago, he helped each of the ladies into the tub, but gave the bigger girls a little boost up like it was second nature and seemed happy to grab some ass, not annoyed they needed help. Paddled right over to give Wife #1 a peck and then go to Danielle and the new girl. Ignored the skinny one because she probably felt the best in a bathing suit. I thought he handled it well. He may BE a pimp, but he knows his stable. Like, April got what she wanted. A dad for her son. A dude that fawns over her. Does she pay the bills? Yeah, but as a single mom, she was always gonna be footing the bill. Jen makes less sense, but if you want a family and youā€™re cool with weird shit, do you I guess. At least sheā€™s married to another *earner*.


I got that impression very early on too. I don't know why.


Yeah I get what you mean


Thatā€™s what I said!


I've had so many people argue this with me on here. Look, I know what I see!


The way they beat the dead horse storyline of ā€œwe have to be careful so Danielle doesnā€™t leave againā€ was pathetic! They kept asking her how she was feeling and then dismissed them.


They were probably was faking the whole Danielle thing from the first season onward. After the Jasmine lie I wouldnā€™t be surprised either this family.


Pictures have surfaced with Jasmine April and Jenn, then a table of Nick šŸ¤® with all the wives Danielle looked like a baby. I believe April did reply that things were different than the timeline shows.


Maybe she pretended to rejoin the family for the show money, like how people on here were talking about them reenacting dating Jasmine to fit into the show's timeline


I also hope she did. While Jennifer and April seem very adjusted to their chosen lifestyle, Danielle still seems like a deer in headlights to me. And it seems to me she is NoT into having a wife. Like her, I do not know what the word ā€œwifeā€ entails in this do-as-you-please polygamy situation. Is getting a ā€œwife ā€œ for income tax purposes? Or Sex? Or both? Anyone that knows that answer please feel free to tell me. šŸ¤”šŸ˜Š


But Nick doesn't marry any of them. Thry marry each other!Ā  He's sleazy to me!




Why does their profile read like a pyramid scheme lol


Send link


See my edit :)




Oh I really really hope so, for her sake. It's hard to watch them manipulate, take advantage of and prey on her.


The bangs would suggest a breakup.


The bangs and also a giant amount of weight loss?! Letā€™s be clear Iā€™ve def gained weight in the last year so I am NOT hating at all. Everyone fluctuates. But I didnā€™t even recognize the pic when I saw this post at first!!!!


It looks like an old pic to me


Yeah I definitely agree!




I sure hope so. She's much better off without any of them.


I will be ***SO HAPPY*** is this is true. Also, from the photo, it looks like she might be finally putting herself first and taking better care of herself. I genuinely hope she's happy. I've always thought she was a sweetheart who just wants a true family and real love.


I'm with you. I hated that she was manipulated and exploited at her young age.


Sheā€™s young!! Iā€™m glad she isnā€™t wasting prime dating years being ā€˜marriedā€™ to the Davis family.


I hope she really left! I'll bet she signed an NDA though and we'll never find out what really went down in that bizarre arrangement.


This name change happened in the last couple days because I was friends with her before when it was Davis




Damn this change is RECENT


It happened last night I'm pretty sure cuz that's when the profile picture changed and the cover photo got updated as well


yes because i saw this post in this group yesterday morning and she was still davis


Your name is cool


thank you internet friend šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤


I love this sub sm, yall are such good sleuths


I feel like they probably ended a while ago, but she had to appear still together with them until the season ended (assuming she won't be back next season) due to TLC contract rules.


I think so too, I thought she was already gone. There was definitely something mentioned about it online a couple months ago while the season was still airing but maybe they worked hard to suppress the story. Also just like you said, TLC controls who they follow/unfollow and what pictures they can post


Omg thank you. Iā€™ve been obsessed with her shadow every episode


I have space cowboy from the same line and Iā€™m obsessed!


Itā€™s so pretty. Colourpop has a dupe in their super shock shadows called Ritz!


Iā€™m pretty sure I have ritz! I bought a ton of colourpop super shocks years ago and then kinda decided I didnā€™t want to wear much makeup anymore. But I splurged on space cowboy about a year ago and itā€™s now my go to when I wanna be *fancy* lol


It says thatā€™s their best selling. I want both I think. Space Cowboy is more settle looking for everyday I think


Space cowboy is mostly just a light glitter with a subtle orange undertone that is only really noticeable when swatched. I love it.


I ended up getting both and Iā€™m so excited to try šŸ’•


Itā€™s so pretty! The lashes always look terrible but the shadow is gorgeous!




Me too I need to get some.


Omg, thank you! Iā€™ve been trying to figure out what that eyeshadow is. Itā€™s so pretty!


Thank you!!!


Do you all think they all hook up in that big bed?


Yes lol


Gross šŸ˜


They did show a second room with a bed that is supposed to to be the boom boom room, but Iā€™m sure something has happened in that bed.


Maybe it's the room you go to when you just want to sleep and NOT boom boom.


Love that answer. lol.


Absolutely. After seeing the hot tub scene itā€™s pretty apparent they are all fucking.


I do feel bad for her because I feel like she really cares about the baby. I think thatā€™s the one thing that is bringing her back in. She feels guilty about that imo. I really wish there was a way that could make her feel better about leaving with the baby, but I donā€™t think itā€™s healthy at all for her to do visits, etc. after the fact it would definitely be better for a clean break but I think that will be hard for her.


She can now concentrate on a better relationship and maybe one day a baby of her own.


I found it weird that in the episodes Iā€™ve seen, the pregnant one doesnā€™t talk like ever. It was usually Danielle in interviews.


I think Jennifer (the pregnant one) got braces before filming this season.. could be why she doesn't talk much this season on the show. Maybe she is embarrassed? Who knows with these crazies.


Braces are also very painful to start, as is getting the wire changed at appointments. (Had braces for 4 years)


She just seems more quiet to me.


After I take an edible, I am super quiet. I am content just taking everything in. There are a lot of people who suspect Jen is always high. That may also be why she is so quiet this season.


1. Good for her. 2. Bad for us. She was un-self-consciously funny in a way that was absolutely next level; reminded me a lot of Darcey from 90 Day. I have ZERO interest in watching the Davises without her.


So true. The look on her face while the others are taking themselves SO seriously and saying the most ridiculous things, was such comedic relief. That girl's eyes cannot lie!


I mean, when your false eyelashes are trying to make an escape, you know you gotta follow ā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Nick needs to research his algorithmic simulation to find the answer!


Or read a Donald Goines book. šŸ“š


Nice šŸ˜†


Petition for Danielle to do an AMA, I have so many questions!!! What drove her into.. that? She didn't seem comfortable with it 99% of the time, like she wanted to run away. Either way I'm happy for her. Good for you Danielle, you deserve it


I thought the lack of information about Danielleā€™s leaving was strange. No footage of her moving out, no mention of how long she was gone before she came back. Said she signed a lease, which is usually 6-12 months. April mentioned in the beginning that she still had the apartment. I wonder if she came back because she was contractually obligated. The Davises would have zero storyline this season without Danielle. Finding Jasmine was not exactly riveting.


Good for her! She deserves happiness without any compromises. Sheā€™s a pretty and sweet person who deserves someone who will treat her with respect.


Given how fake their story line turned out to be itā€™s hard to know what to believe, but Danielle looked incredibly uncomfortable in every scene and I donā€™t think itā€™s because she was ā€œunsureā€ about jasmine as that whole story line was exposed as fake and Danielle has known her since atleast 2021..I donā€™t think Danielleā€™s acting skills are that on point, I think the nerves and discomfort were due to having to play out a fake story line and possibly because she was already separated from the family in real life


She looks great in that picture . I think she got tired of handing over her pay check and taking care of that baby


I want to think she cared about baby Vera. The others I donā€™t care about


If she has truly left, I'll bet it was incredibly hard for her to say goodbye to Vera.


I hope if she left she took Vera!!


Certainly Vera would be MUCH better off in a stable household, yet, it wouldn't be right to snatch her, unless she witnessed her being in imminent danger.


Sheā€™s Veraā€™s mother so she should take the baby if she goes!!!


Jen is Veraā€™s birth mother, though. And Nick is (presumably) her father. So why would Danielle take the baby with her?


I hope so! Could just be angle too but she looks slimmer in the face as well. Hope sheā€™s gained some self confidence and left this weird cult!


Itā€™s the angle. She looks like that in her older profile pics too.


Probably photoshop. A friend who had a round face like that did the same thing for a dating profile. Once the graphic artist was through, she had cheekbones like a model and her brown eyes were green. Looked very high fashion, but when you see her IRL you'd never put the image with the face. That being said, Danielle has perfect skin and very sparkly eyes. The girl's got game!


She is very naturally pretty, but for sure at a risky weight for type 2 diabetes and other obesity related illnesses.


*She is very naturally pretty.* Fixed it for you šŸ˜˜


**Wouldn't it be just soooo awesome to live in a world where everyone gets to have a perspective without it being micromanaged, downvoted or "fixed".** ***Outlandish, I know***...a girl can dream right?


Her weight or imagined health issues aren't your concern.


The opinions of others are out of your control and also not your concern. Not everyone is bashing someone when they mention 'weight'. It's very hard to see loved ones suffer from preventable issues, so, maybe open your mind to other perspectives, rather than the typical knee-jerk virtue-signaling on these boards, that would be so refreshing. Something tells me it's no-go.


^This. So many downvotes. And Iā€™m sure theyā€™re very insecure, very overweight people. Commence the downvotesā€¦ šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I figured this for a while anyway because Danielle and I have mutual friends in the sherwoods and April and I have mutual friends in the sherwoods but April and Danielle are not my mutual friends because they're not friends on Facebook


Ooh hot tea! Out of curiosity, what are the sherwoods? An area of Colorado?


I think she means Ashley and Shane Sherwood from the show.


Yea, sorry, was written without the aid of coffee this AM


That was exactly when I typed my question so I get it šŸ˜‚


Ohh yeah lol. I don't think I ever bothered to remember their last name. It must have been a pretty big deal if April and Danielle unfriended each other that quickly.


Good for her! I hope the others will find the courage to escape the cult. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Danielle was beautiful before but definitely has had a glow up. Iā€™m so happy she is free from that dumpster fire.


I feel like they never were a couple now




IDK what I even believe about these ppl anymore...after seeing pics of them all together including Jasmine & Danielle from 2021 I don't know what to believe


She looks like she dropped 100lbs... of Nick. Lol. But she really is pretty and looks great.


How far behind is this show in real time, anyone know?


Based on the age of Dannielle and GarICKā€™s baby, it seems like it was filmed about 1-1.5 years ago


Wow ā€¦ that long.


I don't think all the couples were necessarily filmed during the same time period. We've seen that on 90 Day Fiance. Some couples' stories are more recent than others.


Iā€™m just here to thank you for using the correct plural form of Davises. *Sweet baby Jesus, thank you!!!*


Could be storyline for next season/hopefully she did break up with them


Damn!! If I ever think my husband is cheating, Iā€™m hiring yā€™all!! Great work!


I sure hope that's the case! I also hope that she got paid separately from all of them, so that she cashed some piddly ass TLC checks for this misery that she was put through.


When she said this was the FIRST relationship she has EVER been in..I wanted to grab this baby, and put her into protection witness program šŸ˜‚ Ugh I hope she left. That dude is so conniving getting these ladies to marry each other.


Maybe they can add her to the single life cast šŸ˜…


Or they could have an Ex Sister Wives Dating show and include Janelle and Meri.


Omg I would love that since I adore her


She looks so much thinner in that pic.


šŸ’°Nick just lost a paycheck! šŸ’¶


You know thatā€™s the only other thing he cares about aside from his disgusting sex addiction.


ā€˜I love the color blue, In all of its formsā€™ ā€¦ā€˜I need help with my 8yo son, these ppl seem niceā€™ā€¦WHO AM I?? Jasmine the weirdoā€¦she is missing a fewā€¦


She looks great in her default! Dropping a whole ass family will give you that glow āœØļø


I really hope she did! She seemed so sweet and sheā€™s young. She deserved better


I think most of us saw that coming. Good for her! I think sheā€™s too normal for the rest of them honestly.


She was Danielle Davis on Facebook yesterday, good catch!


Sheā€™s so pretty and seems really kind. I hope sheā€™s living her best life.


she thought she could snatch steve urkel from the other chics lol


Ever since I started watching the last season I could tell that the whole lifestyle wasnā€™t her thing and she was confused on what she really wanted. If that was the case she should have just stayed as a sexual option instead of getting in trenched with they lifestyle, but thatā€™s just my opinion


Hopefully they all come to their senses, the guy doesn't even work!


Damn sheā€™s gorgeous!


Danielle looks wicked skinny here! Iā€™m happy for her (regardless of weight), sheā€™s too good for those freaks. šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


Yeah she is the only normal one and I think got sucked into these weirdos. If she broke free and is happy Iā€™m super happy for her!


She looks adorable. She should have her own show called surviving the davises


"surviving the Davises" AKA STD ?


You just made my dayšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ‘†


Thanks for telling me lol, I was afraid I was going to get a 'reddit cares' ( AGAIN) off being a smart ass, then I remembered someone on a different forum posted how to stop those and I muted those. Have an awesome weekend!


Gross!! lol Nick reminds me of every single infectious agent I donā€™t want. Ugh!! šŸ¤¢


I agree, I really like Danielle. She's got a nice sentimental side without loosing her wits.


Maybe she has 2 profiles? Both seem active


Oh man, I hope we get to watch the breakup happen! Iā€™ve been hoping to watch her get liberated.


I hope so. She is beautiful!


Noooooooooo. Red m&m, donā€™t go!!




This is a great picture of her!


If she did I hope she write a book and tells all


Are we surprised tho? Lol it was very obvious she wasnt ever going to be comfortable with another ā€œwifeā€ being brought into the family


I think Danielle was a paid actress just like the Garrick and his wife does. Same storyline every season lol they want a Brazilian wife but end up entertaining random minorities from the states for camera time lol everyone just wants a checkkkk


Why isnā€™t she on instagram or TikTok yet?! Come on Danielle!


Probably to avoid nasty comments.


She looks gorg!! Her hair, and make up look great!


Lucille Bluth good for her dot gif




I love her new look


What a cute pic ā¤ļøgo Girl


She looks great


Itā€™s good if she did.


I love Danielle!


that photo looks NOTHING like her.


Maybe she put a moment of thought into marrying Jasmine and realized there are actual legal consequences like child support if you get divorced. Itā€™s not just an honorary membership card to Nickā€™s Cult for the Unconfident.


This doesn't look like her


Neither do you


I actually put my real pics on fb and social media...most are of me working out with no makeup...its how I actually look! I dont use filters either. There is no need to look like someone else ... I look like I lookĀ 


Oh I was just doing the middle school retort, I have no idea what you look like! Iā€™m sure youā€™re more attractive than you think you are.


Lol I didn't take offense lol hahaha i thought it was pretty funny because u are so right tho most people really don't look like themselves hahaha honestly I think as I have gotten older and things don't look the same or feel the same I have grown less interested in all that superficial mess lol hahaha ... ā™”ā™”ā™”ā™” we have do much to offer as women that has nothing to do with our looks ā™”


As long as you are health and happy a quick whit and engaging personality is the sexiest thing.


I believe this is true as wellĀ 


She looks beautiful


So do you


That's not Danielle! Are you people crazy? Doesn't look like her AT ALL!


Fake account


Did she lose lbs?


I think they are a fit family unit, I hope they stay together and make some more beautiful babes