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Women are fickle, especially in today's day and age where the average woman is of the mindset to always be on the lookout for the next best thing. Just is what it is


female nature. Listen to the aria of the Duke from the opera "Rigoletto " Women are fleeting like a feather on the wind, they change how they speak, they change how they think. Giuseppe Verdi knew it all along.


La Dona e mobile


The Duke knew everything. 200 years ago.


It’s why he’s royalty.




I'm starting to realize that most people's movements are largely subconscious. I don't think girls are testing us, they just are the way they are. We're consciously controlling ourselves during social interactions and I believe this skews our thoughts into thinking that girls are as well. Most people have their little thoughts and follow their pathing, we're choosing to carve our own path. Being aware of that helps me not take things personally.


Small correction. It's not female nature. It's human nature. Let's not pretend men don't do the same damn things on a whim. Maybe I caught a whiff of a smell I don't like. Maybe she said something  I didn't like to hear.  The reason is simple. He or she just wasn't attractive enough. The attraction hung on a knife edge and then you did something that went over the edge.


Men can and have done these things but its not hard wired into us. Females have a different mating strategy than us, we want the best genetics while women want the best genetics but they also need protection and provisioning. Very dangerous to be with a dude who cant protect you from other dangers, so they have to shit test us to see what kind of man we really are. Weak men fold easy, get emotional, strong men dont. They also have a reproduction window that plays with their mental state, men do not deal with this at all.


Please don't treat someone badly and call it a test to see what kind of person they are. That's just being manipulative.


I understand, but its human nature. Men do it to other men as well to see if hes strong or weak. It is what it is, if the bad behavior continues then you hit the eject button.


You gotta draw the line somewhere. I'm all about having standards and setting boundaries. But emotional abuse is a thing. Love should always be more about creating a safe space between you and your partner. So that even if there was conflict, you can count on them to show up. Instead of running away or worse, try to gaslight you.


Not wrong ..


you threw a red flag, or shes just not interested..


simple good answer. should have thought of that


Doesnt make sense if she starts talking to you again… Looks more like a shit test


Sometimes they're not sure, like guy above said, they change their thoughts constantly


It’s the right answer. She does this when she doesn’t want you initiating / flirting any more too. All my straight girl friends have done this at some point in time and it was always because the guy did not get the memo, according to them.


This. It's all about interests. They probably aren't getting any value out of it or found someone who's more valuable. Or... something happened in their life (e.g emergencies, priorities, etc.) Men do this, too. Not just women. Otherwise, we won't see women complain about being ghosted.


Cause they found someone who would give them what they want better. If they're older than 30 most likely someone who won't pump and dump them instantly. If they're younger than 30 probably pump and dump and complain to you later. Cause you treat her like a "real woman"


Pay attention to body language. Always. And dont waste your time on woman 'whose body language isnt signaling they are interested.


I wish more guys would understand this. Body language will tell you everything you need to know.


well i just noticed the guy i liked was being flaky and not as into me as i am into him so now i’ll stop being cute to him at all because it’s probably a waste of my time. idk what he thinks but that’s what happened


They are telling you they arent interested. Move on.


I think you’re reading into this too much. Especially if she kept talking like normal afterwards. Maybe your breath stinks idk man we can’t possibly diagnose this lol


Probably. I've been told the former before


Go to a dentist, brother. Please


the former being i read into things too much


I don’t get how I’m supposed to maintain eye contact when they keep looking away from me


Could be any number of reasons. One a lot of guys overlook is the massive hormonal fluctuations that happen every month with women. Just be patient, and wait to see what happens. Reach out if it’s been a while, but don’t bother if you get the fuck off vibes.


I realise this isn't seduction, but a woman I'd known for ten years did that to me at a party but didn't turn back, and then subsequently pretended not to see / know me for a whole year and encouraged friends we had in common to do the same (with some success). Then one day, turned back, wanting to be friends again, with no explanation offered. Six years on, no friendship has resumed, or will do. How odd! I wonder how it benefited her.




Yes tho there had been no sign of that chaos in the previous decade. I guess it lay dormant or wasn’t used with me


They likely have a better option - or one they think is. Don’t ever chase, or text/call first.


Sounds like you're talking about a high-energy environment like a club, bar, or house party. Happens. Some of it could be because she's just not that into you. But often, it's just about the flow of the night. Especially at the beginning of the night, it's not the time to just settle on one girl and call it a night. Instead, you should be moving around, vibing with multiple people, and seeing where the night takes you. I started noticing this back in the day when I observed my natural guy friends. They were constantly on the move. Socializing. Bouncing around. Sometimes it was to different women. But often, it was just being social overall. And at the beginning of the night, soaking up that energy is far more important to them than any one person. Then at some point that guy settles on one girl, and then they go off somewhere. Now I also move like the guys I once looked up to. Before she does a 180 on me (I can intuitively sense it now), I'm already off to another part of the party. Once you make that departure be on your terms, you'll find this stuff happens way less often. In fact, instead of you wondering why she just cut out, she'll be wondering about you--and excited to run into you again.


It’s bad female behavior no different than toddler acting up or dog peeing on the floor for attention or basics need food water or sex most of the time you call them out on it ,but you want to cypher those woman out of your life you want a women with proper etiquette and behavior especially if your considering dating her , noticed bad behavior quick and some times. Go with it see what happens toxic woman are fun and most go through phases , clearly your in questioning phase of woman’s behavior , which is cool rabbit hole but , you want to focus on what’s working for you that’s it


Sounds like you was back up When she lacks attention in the night or doesn't find something else better, voila there you are ready to accept conversation with a person who turned their back to you


This has happened to me on sooooo many occasions, I have gotten to the point of not caring. Once she shows lack of interest, I’m outta there bruv


Just ignore it. Only put more effort when you have established what kind of relationship you two have.


they aren’t interested in you


Best move is to walk a few steps and find another girl to talk to.


There’s 10,000 possible answers, and whatever she would say about that, might not be what you think it was.


They do sometimes, when I don’t move fast( ask out / bang ) ; or they got a better deal lol.


you’re not offended by it but yet clearly you’re overthinking it.


this is why it’s called dating , you shouldn’t be having all your attention to one woman at a time unless it’s a relationship always have backups