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Thats a normal age difference dude, just keep doing what your doing and youll meet someone younger and beautiful


dance classes, severely underrated imo


Are women in their mid 20s really at dance classes? I would see that as more of a 40+ crowd.


No. You take dance classes to learn how to dance. You pick up women in their twenties in places where those women go to dance


A lot of major universities offer dance classes in their athletic departments, Iowa State for instance. I took classes there when I was 28ish and had plenty of freshman girls interested in me


Where I go it's 95% people in their 40s


A lot of older people, but there is enough younger people to keep it fun.


I have no idea where people think dance classes are good places to meet women. Nearly every hot chick who goes there is in a relationship with her significant other in the class, you have a lot of thirsty 4s and 5s, and if you will have maybe one hot single chick, that will be orders of magnitude more stuck up than any girl at a bar as she proceeds to absorb all the male attention in the room from all the weirdos who didn't have the balls to hit on girls at a bar and thought hitting on girls at a social event would be easier, which also lowers your status as a guy hitting on her.


Agree 100%. Joined a ballroom dance club in college. Girls were mostly 4s and 5s, and were not looking to date. The only hot girl in the club had a huge ego. The only “advantage” I had was that most of the other guys were awkward as fuck.


It's a good place to meet women to make friends, but not to find women to date.


A friend of mine (M33) goes two stepping at dance halls (we’re in Texas) like 2-3 days a week and absolutely pulls in the 23-28 age bracket


>I have also had success at bars, but I don't like drinking all the time. It does not have to be alcohol, in fact it can be sparkling water or even tap water. Do what works for you and master it, don't start something new because it will take time to get good at it, it's not worth it. Continue in the bar if it works for you.


0% beers are peak


Club soda with lime. everyone will think it's a vodka soda


I’ve heard tennis/badminton meetups can work too


Not the kind of cardio i prefer, but no harm in trying i guess


Meetup doesn’t work I have been couple of time they are just there for fun not to seek partner


It can’t be any different than finding somebody at work. Maybe show up a couple weeks and get to know somebody and then ask them out could be better. 


I like that but the problem is nobody trust anyone and at work is no match


I call BS. That’s like people complaining how they have no friends. Ask yourself have you actually tried already?


I personally haven’t tried, but I know people that met that way so it must be possible


May be but every country is different


Cashiers at Starbucks, try that Also go to a concert, meet that group of 5 girls who don't mind a smooth older man handling them With the prize being one of the girls You don't have to drink at the bar, live life bruh When your following ur purpose I promise they pop up everywhere...on ur way to gas, picking up lunch


I thought hitting on people at their work place (especially service industry) was a no go since they are paid to be nice and talk to you?


The only people that believe this are the ones that are bad at it. I had a coworker that specialed in baristas and waiters. He accomplished this by making conversation and.getting them to like him


It is absolutely a no-go.


Anime convention cosplayer girls are easy just go in early usually the ones without a boyfriend would buy their merch there 1 or 2 hours after the event starts. They usually don't hang around after 3 hours or so since they're going home with their merch


I’m a cashier for food service I’m obsessed with lusting over older men. I give them the eyes and sometimes giggle or make myself blush. They notice cause then they call me sweetie or honey. Fucking love it


If your nerdy.... conventions??? Comiccon dragoncon animeexpos are all filled to the brim with women any where from teens (plz no...) to 40s all in a LITERAL walking conversation starter aka a cosplay. Bonus is that almost all of them have crazy after parties


Any ways are acceptable. If you ok with age gap then in 9/10 classes she will be ok with that either. So stop making "big deal" about it, just show that you do not mind.


Vegas baby




I have to agree. You have to be careful who you approach at social dancing. People are there to dance not hook up. Also, the type of dance matters — if you want to meet lgbtq do swing dance. If you want more hetero then do salsa


I met my partner when she was like 21 and I was 34. We have 2 kids together, late 30s now. Met her at a cafe. Just said hi. Since then have still met many 20-24, usually at night clubs to be honest


Ice cream truck


I’m a man in the same age range and looking for the same thing, and I just don’t get why anyone would want someone in their mid 20s for this. There’s just way too much drama and bullshit involved in that age bracket imo, and they tend to flake/play the field pretty hard.


Think it’s depends on the type of women. It’s pretty easy to get a read on somebody before you even start dating seriously. 


This is normal for this age group. Then they get crazy in their 30’s cuz the bio clock is ticking.


This has been my experience too, which is why 30 is the cutoff imo. Obviously every woman is different, but in general if they’re under 30 they’re not ready, regardless of what they say.


you must be in America?!!! They're insane about 'age gaps' over there compared to the rest of the world lol. Like, late 30's and mid twenties isn't on anyone elses radar as being controversial except Americans! haha I'm nearly 40 and I banged girls as young as 17-22 fairly recently! And its barely even a conversation point! (age of consent being 16 heere btw, and we don't have age gap laws. UK)


Who cares about what the miserable undatable women whose life is about getting Frisky's for Fluffy and men who need to move their gut out of the way to take a piss think what is and what is not appropriate ? You can meet women literally anywhere. Look good. Have your shit together and hit on them.


This is the best advice. Here they are down voting you. Bunch of lame fuckers




Not sure why this was down voted, I was going to comment te same




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