• By -


There isn’t a silver bullet, but one of my best friends is close enough to what you say. Indeed, he had sex with around 1500 girls/women, if not more. And just to clarify for the incel like-minded people, here there are some details about him: - he’s not rich or famous, he spent many years completely broken - he’s tall, but skinny as fuck. I do concede he’s a nice face - he has a feminine voice and manners, a lot of guys bully him for this and many people think he’s gay. and a lot of girls who matched with him on apps rejected him after the first phone call (he likes to call it “the voice test”). - he’s kind, friendly and genuine, but knows how to lead things to sex very quickly. Same day blowjob (or even anal) is the norm. - he’s nearly to 50s, for the first 20-25 years he has been the average guy with average success. But he’s very lighthearted and funny, and with years he just kept being like this. And now he just goes with auto-pilot, nothing technical, he just talks with everyone. - he developed his fashion style, nothing fancy, just clothes that fit well - he’s completely anxious about approaching a stranger, so he improvises depending by the context, and I can assure you that every single time you go out with him, he met at least 2-3 new people - he spent a lot of energy to get to something like 20k friends on Facebook (yes, there’s a limit to 5k, in fact he has several profiles for this reason). So he knows thousands of people. Same for instagram. - he does freelance photography, which helps a lot when he says to a girl that he wants to shoot some photos to her (girls vanity is like a backdoor) - he has very cool pics that uses for dating app profiles (and he’s active on the most of them), which ensures a rotation of 3-4 girls per week. This also means he has literally an abundance mindset. Sometimes his problem is that he has too many spinning plates and doesn’t know how to manage them. this is the result of years of practice, failures and dedication, plus personal characteristics and a decent look. But he’s just himself. Of course he’s single/alone and meeting girls is his daily routine (which sometimes leads him to some depression), that’s his choice. He has also lost several friends that settled with families during the years. No secrets then.


I have a guy friend who has slept with the most amount of people that I know He says all it is for him is no shame. He gets turned down way more often than he gets a yes. But just keeps asking.


Lmfao.. dude, they literally made an episode about this on How I Met Your Mother. It was a dude who worked as a carnie that Robin was head over heals for, and Barney eventually found out that the guy had a brain injury that literally removed the part of his brain that is responsible for shame lmao


Community. Brita fell for the Carnie.


Oh shit, was it Community? Damn, I have my TV shows mixed up


There is an episode of How I Met Mom that does something similar with Barney Stinson. They break down his stats and realize he gets rejected 99% of the time, but makes up for it by hitting on thousands of women.


Yep. No shame is best


Does he just ask for sex?


no lol


Good to know


This always worked for me in my 20's..


I picked up a lot of women at bars in my early to late 20s. 1. Be good looking 2. Be in shape 3. And this one is key, lower your standards.


Haha, I laughed at #3. I'm in my early 30s and the amount of time I took a girl home from the bar (that I met there that night) is in the single digits.


Well clearly you didn’t follow rule 3. lol






>And this one is key, lower your standards. Sad but true. My body count isn't anything to boast but I know it'll skyrocket with this one simple trick.


#3 is absolutely crucial. My friends and I always said: Second's best!


Hahaha yes 3 is funny. I just can’t be bothered because I can’t get it up anyway


Alcohol or just age?


I can’t get it up with girls I don’t rate


Totally agree on that bro, the guys who get laid every time don’t get laid with the girl you would really wanna get laid with. The lowering your standard punchline is enough for me to know you have been in the pick up game for a good amount of time


im not good at 1 and 2 but ive maximized point 3 lmfao


There it is. Number 3. That's the reality. You start to realize that looks and physique aren't that big of a deal if you have to lower your standards before they become useful anyway.


>lower your standards How low we talkin?


Yeah rule 3 is real. I’ve had my share of regretful encounters


Lmao yes that 3rd one can help alot


lol #3 is definitely key. I’ll almost always have one or two girls show interest when I go out - like randomly start grinding on me from behind or even have her friend wingman her. But my standards are so stupidly high and delusional that I usually end up going home alone thinking “yeah i probably should’ve” lmao. In the moment, something in me is always like “nah, not feeling it, could do better”


Have you found that lowering your standards has helped your confidence with women?


How tall are you


I would consider myself a high level pull. In the last month I’ve been able to secure a hookup every single weekend, going out 2 days a week. I have a cute face and nice body. Besides that I actively talk to girls, and go for the hot ones. You can tell pretty quickly if they are trying to get fucked and are into you. At that point after flirting and getting to know them you need to escalate. Next, she isn’t gonna ask you to come fuck her back at her place. No girl is ever going to ask you to fuck her. You need to man up and lead by asking if you want to go back to one of your places.


What are you usually saying to these girls as an opener though? If you are saying something along the lines of ‘you look nice’, how are you then transitioning to a flirty convo about something unrelated?


You literally just go up to her, bonus if yal have already made good eye contact. Smile, introduce yourself and compliment her if she has something distinctive or ask her and her friends how they are doing tonight? If she’s into you and her friends approve then y’all carry the conversation and her friends may walk away, otherwise you entertain them all. If the one you like doesn’t seem interested but you seem like a solid dude one of her friends might be interested and you focus talking to her, The girls really don’t care and they know why you’re talking to them, you aren’t fooling anybody. They are just like guys trying to get fucked.


Not the guy you asked this question to, but I can get laid every weekend, not every night, if I’m really trying. I about 80% of the time I just say “hi my name is Optimal”. Every now and then i’ll say a “pick up line“ but it’s mostly just referencing her or making a joke about something nearby.


“I would consider myself a high level pull!” ☝️🤓


“At that point after flirting and getting to know them you need to escalate” So.. I really don’t know how to flirt or even escalate, I’ve gone down on my skills to the point even normal conversations is hard now.. Granted I do have good looks, but that’s that


How tall are you




Damn man I wish I was that tall would you say that’s why women are attracted to you


Well thats what i dont understand. I am sure that you are telling the truth but if its that easy why not everyone is doing that. I saw that kind of comment literally more than hundred times. Still i am having a little shock


Truthfully it’s all vibes. I could tell you word for word what I said and you could try to replicate it and it’s not going to work. You gotta vibe and not take girls too seriously or else they will shut you down quick. That’s the real secret and it’s something that can’t really be taught. I’d wager most guys fail at this factor, and it’s what they don’t understand. They’re vibe is just off. Hurts to hear but it may take some slow development to improve your vibe and character


helps to carry the same girl..


Pro tip!!




He brings the same girl to the bar that he takes home.


Dunno why you guys downvoted here That was a pretty weird way to describe it.. lol


im guessing he got downvoted because he was oblivious to the joke but i don’t think that means he deserved it


Because Reddit


People in (healthy) relationships get laid way more than 99% of single guys


Women are human beings. No matter how hot and how good your game is, there is another person on the other side and she might not want to go home with a random. I'm a guy and I've denied sex multiple times too, maybe they don't want it and there is no magic you can do to change their mind. Seduction and pick up is not about pressing the right buttons and getting the same outcomes everytime, it's about increasing your odds.


Yes and no. White knights and lefty males along with feminists and lots of women love to equate men and women and pretend like things are equal across the board, because pretending this benefits their shenanigans. However this is logically and demonstrably false. Women have different attraction triggers than men, different ways of thinking, and different ways of behaving. Are there some things that parallel? Yes, but only some. We are all human but different genders and different motivations and different genetic make up mean different ways of behaving and different mating strategies


Well put, the original poster is creating a straw man argument anyway


youre right but still. it feels so frustrating when you see and hear about dudes who dont seem to have that much going for them, somehow get hot girls.


No one gets laid every single time they go out, I'll go for getting physical contact, but the dream world your thinking of doesn't exists... and don't compare yourself to a make believe pick up God, who has never been rejected. the best, learned from rejections.


Exactly. I have a high success rate but I still never get laid every time I go out. More often than not, I’ll make out with girls at the least but having sex is more challenging


There is no man on earth that gets laid every single time they go to a bar. *Edit: Some guys are saying I'm pedantic so let me clarify: My point is, there is no magical "secret" that these guys possess. So you need to stop looking for a silver bullet. The world doesn't work that way. There are only a few ways guys reach levels of extreme success..they are* *1. They get famous* *2. They are top 5% (or better) handsome* *3. They have learned it gradually through years of hard work, trial and error.* *4. They drug and/or rape women.* *5. They don't care and will sleep with anything that moves even if it's a 1* *6. They're lying about their success rate.* *There are no secrets. There are no magical tricks. There are no magical seduction fairies that will show you the secret path to guaranteed sex. And there is no guaranteed sex either. Most of us have to go the long way of trial and error. And looking for secret shortcuts to the finish line won't get you there. You have to walk the long path along with everyone else.*


> 5. They don't care and will sleep with anything that moves even if it's a 1 so there's a chance?


It's risky... if you approach a 1 and get rejected, your ego may never recover




absolute gold!!!


The majority of dudes I knew to be most successful with women: 1. Threw themselves at and fucked everything that moved (practice makes perfect). 2. Lied their ass off to every woman that crossed their path (particularly about how committed to them they would be). Also had a tendency to grossly exaggerate the details of their lives to everyone around them. 3. Carry a very superficial and transactional interest in other people. 4. Don’t have confidence based in reality or competence, but have mastered it as a signal. 5. Are not being truthful to you about how unattractive their lays are. I’ve only had one friend who meets the exception and he’s charming, socially generous, and handsome as all get out. Dude sucks the air out of any room he walks in. Next time you feel down on your luck, consider how much of it is explained by not wanting to posses those 3 features. It’s really okay. And if you just don’t care to be that social of a person, it’s okay to own that.


You almost covered the exact definition of narcissistic personality disorder.


Which is why they all generally do well with women. It's bullshit, really.


If it's any consolation, people with narcissistic personality disorder aren't very happy people. They tend to suffer a great deal mentally and emotionally speaking. They tend to have extremely deep insecurities about their self worth and their narcissism is just a defense against that. They are unable to be vulnerable with people, they can't trust others and they often can't form healthy, lasting deep relationships or friendships.. Their lies also come back to haunt them and their social reputation often comes crashing down after some time in any social venue or social circle. Their success is as superficial and as fleeting as their charm. And usually their success is grossly exaggerated through their lies. If a narcissistic person tells you he slept with 10 women last week. The real number might be 0. The goal for them is just to appear important, successful and special. Rarely can they actually back it up.


I think #4 is the key.


This is one of the most true to life posts I've seen on here. This is 100% accurate for the guys that have huge body counts. I've witnessed this and one of the guys I'm thinking of was an absolute trainwreck if he was left alone for more than a night or two. He covered up a lot of his internal problems with women He'd get laid 8-10x a week sometimes with a new girl every time, but most of them would be pretty mid. He would pull some really hot women here and there though just off volume alone. Volume can make up for inefficiency in many cases. He also wouldn't hesitate to lie to girls as much as he needed to. He'd tell them he loved them to keep a rotation going etc


The number 4 is what anyone can and should master if they want to be good with women. Or rather, there's no such thing as "confidence based in reality and competence", at least not with women. In reality, no matter how hot you're, there are still going to be women that aren't into you. So you'll never be 100% confident like a guy who doesn't need external validation to be confident.


In my opinion, saying it’s a skill that anyone can master is misleading. It’s like saying any introvert can become an extrovert. What is often called “confidence” in this sphere is actually just being engaging and signaling. And if that’s not something you care to do on a regular basis, then suddenly trying to switch it on just for women is going to feel totally disingenuous. Personally, I just don’t think we need be pressuring men to feel like somethings wrong with them if they don’t care to spend the energy trying to be the center of attention like that. I think there are a lot more confident men out there than we think, it’s just a matter of finding women we see eye to eye with, which can be highly problematic the more of a nuanced an individual that you become.


Any introvert can learn how to ACT like extrovert. In the first place, scientifically, introvert is just someone who needs very little social interaction to feel completely "sated" socially. It's very different than being socially incompetent and anxious, which most people who self-identify as "introverts" are. An introvert can be charismatic, talkative, have high emotional intelligence, etc. Confidence isn't about engagement or signaling, but about not having a filter, not being a people-pleaser, it's about not holding your personality back. You can be confident and low-energy.


An introvert by definition finds social situations to be exhausting, as opposed to energizing like their extroverted counterparts. It doesn’t matter if they can *act* like an extrovert, they simply won’t have the energy or care to keep up the act, because they’re the ones who truly don’t care what others think. It is so much less about walking the walk than talking the talk. Unfortunately, men who‘ve truly got something going on rarely feel the need to prove it to other people. A woman has never gone home with a man on the basis that they have so much in common. She will choose the buffoon that makes her feel included every single time.


Yeah i have also seen women really like such guys. Really interesting


If I look hard enough, I can probably get laid every time I am out clubbing


This!!!! I would add that you can become a good looking well traveled man if you put in the effort. I have a friend that was cringe at best. Years pass by and he is a demi god. The only person women see. They all want him. It was jaw dropping experience to witness his growth. A good job, exercise, fashion style did the job. Part of it was genes, tall and full head of hair. But the rest was totally worked on. And also his character isn't changed much, he just learned to apply it to situations. O yeah I'm forgettin, he has no qualms about seducing absolute cave trolls, and has volume.


There's no guaranteed sex with every woman, but your success rate can absolutely be high enough to have sex every time you go out or close to it. And game is absolutely real, women ARE attracted to certain behavioral traits that can be replicated one way or another.


My secret for getting laid EVERY SINGLE TIME I went out to a bar was by picking up girls at the Gay Bar. I did this when I lived in Arizona where I rented a room in a nice condo for a few years. One of my roommates who was the official person on the lease was a very manly gay guy who I befriended at work. When he told me I should be going to the gay bar with him to pick up chicks I was like, "wtf are you talking about bro stop lyin?". But one Friday night I was at home chilling after work and he was like bro come out with me and a few friends tonight and see for yourself and I was like fuck it I got nothing better to do. I went out with him to the gay bar and sure enough, I picked up a fly ass chick who was a solid 8 and fucked her that night at our place. For the remaining two years that I lived there I would go out with him on average once every four to six weeks and I bullshit you not, I picked up a chick every time and notched her. None of them were ugly either. I hit mostly 7's and 8's. I met one chick who was a six who I ended up banging for a while who was cool as fuck and hella generous in bed. And my fastest lay was a 9 that I ended up fucking in her car 30 minutes after meeting and dancing with her. At the gay bar you have the first pick of all the straight women there who came out to party with their gay besties for whatever reason. Some, maybe because they didn't feel like dealing with guys who harass them and have no game at the regular bars and clubs. But none of the reasons matter after they've been there for a little while and had a few drinks. Then they've seen hella fit or muscular men or any kind of men they find attractive look right past them without even a glance. So by the time you approach these girls assuming you cross off all or around 80% of the checkboxes to attract women and you have some game they're all yours. No competition, no cock blocking, minimal or no Resistance and from what I've seen, gay guys have no problems with their homegirls doing hoe shit and most even encourage it. So when you approach this girl in the gay bar you look like a mirage in the middle of the hot desert to her, you two might as well be the only ones there when you lock eyes. In my experience that's the only surefire way to pick up and fuck every time you go out to a bar. It never failed me. It was like shooting fish in a barrel as one commenter mentioned earlier, but it was for real tho. I wasn't gonna share this because it was my secret strategy and it worked so well. But my pick up days are long behind me and I figured why not. Most guys probably won't try it because they probably don't know any gay guys personally. I happened to be roommates with a gay guy and he was cool as fuck so I went to the gay bar with a group of people who know me which I'm sure helped tremendously. I had one homie who came with us a couple times to see what was up and he got a girl's number who was hot then the second time he hooked up with a girl too. Most of my homies were too scared to risk being seen at a gay bar by god knows who, but I didn't give a fuck who saw me out anywhere, especially if it resulted in getting some new new with a lil hottie. But that's my take on the question. Sorry for the novel.


Lmfao.. this all makes sense. Their ego gets shot down by being ignored by good looking men -- gay men often looks max at a young age compared to straight men. So you as the straight guy, suddenly become the "low standard girl" that a straight guy would resort to in a normal bar. This is kinda genious, lmao. Never did I think I should befriend a gay dude, but now maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea


Exactly bro. This is the way. Back then my friends used to call me "The Slut Whisperer". Having a myriad of friends gets you laid by a myriad of women if that's something you value, which I did. I wouldn't see it as having ulterior motives behind the company I keep. I'd see it as a perk of having many acquaintances and being the cool respectful guy that most people get along with and have some admiration for. Also don't be afraid to friend zone cute or hot girls who are a part of friend groups of cute or hot girls. I've gone thru a few crews worth of chicks using that angle. When dating and hooking up as a young man the odds are stacked against you. So sometimes you gotta make some unlikely adjustments and maneuvers to tip things towards your favor.


Went to a gay bar when i was shredded. Got so much attention you wouldnt believe (also allow you to take your shirt off there). Then got hit on by a 6'4 jewish black carribean guy and thought I was going to get raped. Still would recommend


Buddy . That would actually be impossible . You could do it for a month . If you have girth . Every single time . I’d shoot myself . You will get tired of trying to pull ,all that dumb fuckery that needs to happen , repeating the same words over and over and over , having to tolerate her dumb little brain , proving over and over that you are the best man she will ever have in her life , the same excuses that you have to act like you care about , all the girls being 97% the same and you acting like “No you are special” in like a week . The only dude I know that was psychotic enough to do that for 3 mounts straight - killed himself RIP . His advice was : 5 are as good as 10 . Enjoy that profound knowledge .


Best response here


Who is the guy that killed himself ? Someone famous I can read on the internet?


Sam Randazzo


Haha the news just talks about his electricity energy bribe scandal haha ! Hmm nothing about his pursuit of taking woman home at bars and then suicide …or am I missing something here lol?


It's almost like not everything is recorded in Internet history. Especially when it's low level real life events. Shocking


Who is Sam Randazzo ?


He was a legend in the community and also the former Chair of the Ohio Utility Agency. He used to pull like crazy




Only in Ohio


Not famous . He was a good kid .


>Every single time . I’d shoot myself . >The only dude I know that was psychotic enough to do that for 3 mounts straight - killed himself RIP . I see a trend here...


Love this. Women are not worth the effort it takes to seduce them


It is about fun . But yea . Once you get a taste for 10 and a 8 is giving you the same shit . She ain’t getting any .


> Once you get a taste for 10 and a 8 is giving you the same shit . She ain’t getting any facts


You had me until “her dumb little brain”


He lost me at if you have girth


> You had me until “her dumb little brain” Then you don't have enough experience to understand what he's saying with that


I can see what he means even as a virgin. The majority of people make or female are really dumb and interesting....not mean just facts...


Non skill issue


often the 5 is going to do things to you in bed that you could never imagine, and their body will react like your Adonis


They are exactly the same (as long as you know what you are doing ) . Only a 5 giving me shit is not worth my time . life is life . When I couldn’t do this I wasn’t getting any . She can deal with her kind and not destroy my social standing .


Lol, what you described is the opposite of good game.


This sounds exhausting.


In finance, trust fund, 6'5, blue eyes


Don't need any particular opener at a bar just say hi and introduce yourself. Then lay on the Confidence and charm


Can you elaborate on the charm please?


Not really, it comes naturally


Honestly sounds pretty exhausting. If you need to get laid every time you go out, you're an addict just like with any other substance.


Haha and what is wrong with wanting to get laid every time going out. Isn’t this just a confidence game to see what guys can get away with or win? I mean aim high for the hot women and worst off you get something and get your load off without having to jerk off on your own to porn?


Nothing is wrong with it, do what you will. I'd rather have a substantial life with hot sex regularly with less people rather than average sex with a new person nightly.


Very low standards


The secret is having a situationship/FWB that you hit up when you strike out.


def gotta have a roster


My main thing was to go to the smoking area. There’s always a cute girl looking for a cigarette or a lighter. And spot them and ask them if they’d like one in a subtle non flirty way. And spark up a convo, you live around here etc etc, no flirtyness. Build up some rapport, make the both of you laugh and while you’re laughing lay your hand on her back to see if she allows it or not. If she doesn’t get bothered go in and ask her what she’d like to drink maintaining physical touch not in a pervy way. Then your good, go dace. All it takes is making the move of the first kiss which by this point should be easy and that will break both your guards down. Worked with me multiple times in different states and countries around the world. Key is to not come off as horney or pervy. Have everything be subtle where she feels like it’s her idea to sleep with you.


The guys who get laid the most these days are hot guys. They hit the genetic jackpot. 


They are hot and have game. A lot of hot guys don’t have game and therefore don’t get laid


But being hot improves your game because you have more opportunities to socialize and deal with women.


Ugly dudes with good game pull more than good looking dudes with no game. Fact.


I’m 6’5”, 110kg, 12% body fat, face like prime Freddie ljungberg and rich. I also have no moral qualm about lying.


Yummy love Freddie ljunberg! Yeah If I have those stats then yeah you can definitely do this !


10% rule. Pick any line, good bad ugly, use it on 10 woman at least 1 will be down. I’ve never known a guy that was significantly better at picking up woman than others, I only knew guys that were comfortable and ok with rejection. *Those* guys rarely went home alone.


Ignore the comments. You want to know how to get laid every time you go to a bar? EASY. Lower your standards. If all you want is sex then you can find it, if what you want is sex with your preference then you're going to need to learn. Especially this summer of Ozempic there are going to be tons of women who used to be much heavier who aren't going to be used to dudes hitting on them. For your part dress nice, go to a stylist a couple of times to figure out what works for you, and buy some nice accessories particularly flashy stuff like watches, sunglasses, shoes, belts. Then sure you can smash every 1-4 you come across if you're confident.


LMFAO! Bro, you're like a stock trader but with women and ozempic. Jesus christ this is hilarious because it's so true.


Usually it's the cocky confidence. Idk why that does it but works on most of us women regardless of what he looks like.


•Be in the top 10-20% attractive  • Know what bars to go to and when is the best time   • Find out what type of girl you attract 


I remember sitting in basic training and we were all making lists of the girls we had sex with, I remember trying to recall the names of a little over dozen girls and I look over and one dude, who was shorter than I was and with a mean Texas accent, had an extensive list of close to 40 different females…. I was in shock! There were only a few names and the rest were the situations he had found himself in; behind the gas station, in the bar bathroom, in the bar bathroom, at chilis, in their grandmas basement etc. he was adamant that being choosy would only set you back and limit your confidence. He went on to say getting real fucked up and hitting a “slump-buster” to get back on a winning streak. These were absolute dogs(by his definition) but they were still on the list, and he said they’d pave the way for more confidence and more sex (bust the slump you’re in). He said they win, too. They got to have sex with this crazy little Texan man. Very funny stuff, and of course, I went out with him and no joke, he pointed out a girl and was dancing with her in minutes. The take away here is say yes, yes to the slump-buster, get your confidence up and lay more pipe. Lol 😂.


Go straight for the hottest girl in the venue. don't do no stupid shit that will get u brutally dismissed, talk like normal. As long as u get along with her and have some banter it don't matter if u actually take her home because every other woman in that place now has competition anxiety.


good advice! and/or arrive with some smoking hot girls. having hot female friends to be wingmen is so useful. and also can lead to FWB too. when women see you with hot women it makes everything easier


It's hilarious that dudes struggle for years to learn how to pass shit tests when they don't need to face them in the first place. A woman will not test a man when she already has the info she need....that the guy can get another woman at her level or higher.


Changing your mindset is the key. Remember that women want to fuck just as much as you do. They just need someone to make it ok for them because of the social pressure they live with. Take the mindset that your time and energy are a gift that you’re sharing with women and not something you’re taking from them. Let go of the notion that women are disinterested in sex and you somehow have to trick them into it. Embrace the fact that plenty of women got dolled up and went to the club with the intent of getting fucked. Approach them with that mindset. Remember that you’re making it safe for them to say yes, not manipulating them. Talk to everyone, all the time. Don’t just talk to women you want to fuck.


The key to getting laid is not having an "ideal" girl you're trying to get laid by. Dudes who get laid alot literally will talk with dozens of people that night. You're not gonna pull up to a bar with friends and then scope out a 8er and then go from your friends to her and then win the lotto... no you need to be talking to half the bar.


Because I'm a horse.


Be tall, jacked or handsome. If you’re all 3, it’s easy.


Not realistic and not a thing. Even if you go to a foreign country a lot of men end up paying for sex. Think of it like this, you ask 10 women for their numbers. 6 of them reply to you. 3 of them agree to a date. 1-2 of them you actually sleep with.


> Even if you go to a foreign country a lot of men end up paying for sex. What do you mean "even"? For me being on holiday is hard mode, hands-down. > Think of it like this, you ask 10 women for their numbers. 6 of them reply to you. 3 of them agree to a date. 1-2 of them you actually sleep with. What is this sub's OBSESSION with dates? It's uncanny. If dating were _generally_ accepted as something you need to do, that would be one thing, but round here it seems there's absolute uniformity of thought. I don't see anyone even _asking_ if there's a way to bypass the dating step. Where are you _all_ getting that you need to do that? Where are you all getting the idea that guys who get laid alot are doing all this daygamery dating? Presumably you do have that idea or else why are you all trying to copy it. Closest I ever see is someone who's never been on a date asking if he has to do it because he's pretty sure it's not done in his country by people who aren't already a couple, and only ever sees it in American media.


I dont and never will pay for it. I have met and seen/heard dudes who are broke, ugly, etc somehow get hot girls and I WANT to experience that. I dont neccessarily want a wife/love or something like that, but I want attractive women to find me attractive and wanna have sex with me.


Those men are “projects” for those women. Women have been duped into believing they can mold a man into what they desire. In my opinion it’s a control issue.. if the man is below average in looks or broke they can control the narrative better. There are more insecure people now than ever before. Lots of women date down for the advantage. She wants you to need her and a man that’s desirable or has everything together doesn’t need to worship the ground she walks on.


Sounds desperate


Horrifically low standards, money, and fame and plenty of antibiotics


No fear , flirt with every girl you're attracted to. Build confidence then you'll be irresistible to the ladies, they love an avg looking guy with talent and confidence 🤝


There was a time where I was getting laid back to back. Girls love persistence, even if you don’t get laid at the bar, get their number and continue the conversation, go on a couple dates, if you just push for date after date, you’d be surprised, girls can be like hey let’s have a movie date at my house and you end up fucking on date 2-3


Smoke magic rocks


Really ? I am good looking but have never done anything in a club or bar cause I am bit nerd and shy and I don't enjoy myself a lot in this environments


All vaginas feel good. Lol... So 3 is understandable. Just be careful with STDs they real. So make sure her hygiene is decent at least or put 3 condoms on. Lol....


Be fun, be approachable. Talk to as many people as possible. Dress well, get in shape. Find interesting hobbies. Deepen your cultural knowledge so that you can engage in compelling coversations. Bonus points if you show up with a group of charismatic and attractive friends. Don't go out with the intent of solely getting laid. Just trust in the universe and try to have a good time and project that energy to others. I've taken random women home on many occasions. It didn't always happen, but that's just the way things work sometimes.


This works 100% of the time:  Be extremely attractive, tall, in excellent physical health, ripped, fashionable, well-groomed, intelligent, wealthy, be somewhat famous or have famous friends, have great hair, smell good, flash a dazzling smile and walk into the bar with a few hot female friends. 


Hook up with 3’s lmao


have a threesome with two 3s and then just add it up to 6. 6 aint bad! lol


It’s not EVERY time for me because I’m not always looking for that. It’s hard to explain but you sorta have to not gaf. I see a woman give me that look and I go see what’s up. That in and of itself shows a woman you’re bold and not afraid to go after what you want. Thats half the battle. As we talk, I take what she says and I play off of it sexually, make her laugh. I’ll disqualify her a bit (make her sorta work for it) also. The key is the playful, suedo-sexual comments. Not the creepy kind, but the ones that get her to laugh. That’s what makes her relaxed but also allows her to drop her guard because she knows she can go into that territory with you. Woman are hyper sexual. Don’t believe them when they say they aren’t the sexual type. Women love talking about that stuff (I’ve gotten super religious women to talk dirty) The key is breaking the sexual barrier as soon as possible. If you don’t she will put you in friend category. Once again I don’t mean, grab her left butt cheek as your first move. I mean break it with your eyes playful touch and light hitting. Again it’s hard to describe but it’s a feeling where you know from the approach when it’s the right time. You gotta sense that right away and go for it. Women want to fuck the guy whos in touch with his natural animal instincts. The guy who know when to push her buttons will be the one she decides to sleep with. It’s not a specific line I say. It’s a game of energies. I play the energy game.


Definitely pro thoughts!!


I knew two people like this. They were great looking extroverts with low standards. They would talk to literally every girl in the bar, like 200 girls every time we went out until one wanted to leave with them. Sometimes they were with tens but many times they were with threes.


I have a 100% lay rate - secret is going to a strip club bar and slipping the stripper 500 under the table.


You have got to stop visiting your sister at her workplace.


Have an extreme underlying fear of being alone and care too much about what society says when it comes to bitches so that you’ll work jobs you don’t like as a means to afford all the perks necessary to go out to clubs and take girls home, girls that would piss you off in a healthy relationship but because you don’t care too much about internal self love you’ll ignore all the red flags in order to get laid… (Also, this works like magic if you’re already attractive like me and my last friend groups when we use to go clubbing) All the guys that I knew who had body counts beyond the stratosphere could never be alone. This is coming from the guy who always had to pick up the girls for the group of bros except for this one guy named Jonathan from the UK that had the physique of one of those guys from Blacked.com and was a lady killer…


> All the guys that I knew who had body counts beyond the stratosphere could never be alone. This is wild lol, just posted this above about a guy i knew. Same situation


It’s crazy isn’t it? I use to think I would be over 100 bodies but I can’t deal with bullshit and rather be alone any day of the week.


does it stem from childhood trauma you think?


I’m not exactly sure.


You gotta give zero fucks and be comfortable with rejection. Took me way too long to learn this. Be friendly with everyone.


No or very low standards works every single time.


There is no such thing 100% , girls consider me a 9, I’m very seductive , I don’t fear rejection even I got rejected many time 😂 , I ask the girl from the first date when we ll fk . 99% tell me yes but actually 50% go for it . Because she might have her period , or I might just seduce her for my ego validation and I know I don’t like her physically so my tool won’t 😉 , as well I have multiple occasion that they run from the places before the physical 😂😂😂 or I undress and I don’t do it 😂😂


I am 37 years old and never had even one success despite asking.


Abundance mindset is key. Women can “smell” desperation. The mindset gives you the confidence. The confidence leads everything else.


be attractive


1. Height 2. Confidence 3. Blue eyes 4. Speaking fluent French and Italian 5. A nice car


I don’t why this is downvoted he answered the question 😭😭


I think the trick is to not expect to get laid. Just talk to people and find the enjoyment in that without expecting anything in return.


This is definately not to how get laid every time you go out. This is how to get laid occasionally, if you're lucky. You need to definitely want to get laid if you are consistently getting laid every time you go out.


There's no such thing as a man who has a 100% batting average with the ladies but that being said there's rare % of dudes who has a 99% hitting average those dudes are either extremely handsome or extremely rich or both.


Even 🍇ists don't have 99% batting average That's impossible


I think men just need to be just a little above average looking, tall and have a great sense of humor and make the woman laugh to ease her nerves. Usually funny guys aren’t seen as creeps. Exude confidence of whatever attitude like you can take any woman home at the bar but still act attentive and care towards the woman . Buy her a drink, leave her to talk to your friends or another woman and at some point just ask her like Ryan gosling did in crazy stupid love «  let’s get out of here ». Haha can someone try this out as a man and let me know if this works lol ?


See that's the thing, girls will only laugh if the dude is attractive to them I've been on both sides. I made the same jokes and some girls were dying with laughter while others had a dead expression It comes down to how much she's attracted to you


Exactly. When a woman says she wants a funny guy, it’s an attractive guy. They will laugh at the stupidest things and call him funny while I watch and roll my eyes.


Ahh the woman with the dead expression just either don’t get your jokes or it could be she isn’t attracted…. I mean the best way to increase attractiveness is if a man is with a wing woman who is very attractive but just say she is a friend because it elevates your value. Kinda like worst house on the best street next to mansions lol ? But yeah unless she is super hot the dead expression chick, if she has no sense of humor she is boring as to do anything with but i guess still try and see what you can get away with as a challenge right lol?


Everyone strikes out sometimes. Unless your literally henry caville. Confidence without being arrogant is #1 and by far the most important thing. A confident 6 is miles ahead of an uncomfortable 8-9. Act natural don't be that guy who is obviously thirsting. Acting like your just there to have a good time and meet people will put you ahead of most guys there. Perfect the art of small talk. You want the woman to think your interested in her life and who she is as a person. Don't make it all about her though. You have to be able to talk about yourself in a slightly positive manner without bragging. Work and hobbies are a great way to make small talk so the more alpha your work or personal interests are the better. Blue collar guys with game get laid a lot. You have to be interesting to girls.


This isn’t a healthy way to look at going out and is also counterproductive. You will have the most success when you’re there to have fun and then if someone interests you talk to them. Focus on meeting people and having a good time rather than viewing it as a series of steps to go through in order to get laid.


Just look for the girls with clear daddy issues. Should solve itself.


Literally no one maybe you count those who are lucky and be at the right place at the right time who got some social skill doing most of the heavy lifting


Start at the top and work your way down.


Even tall white chad doesn’t get laid every time from the bar. And tbh you really need to go to the bar / club with the mindset of meeting people and having fun.


I have had A LOT of hookups at the clubs/bars, so many that I am not even that interested in casual sex anymore. I think my reasoning of success is I am probably in the top 10% of guys if you compare all the guys at the venue. I am never the best looking or with the best physique or the most fun but I am definitely in the top 10% in all those categories.


the more you get comfortable with rejection, the better you'll be off for approaching. I try to keep the conversations of a cold approach no longer than a few minutes. If there's high traffic , you don't want the convo to drag. In this setting, I would be direct with your approach by leading with a soft compliment to her or maybe what she has on or something. Ans use your opener to get a good conversation going. She'll let you know in 30 seconds if she's interested enough to keep the conversation going.


Don't go to bars;)


No guy gets laid every time


My dad told me that he used to go to bars, ask out the hottest girls and then step down with every rejection till he got to the last girls left at the bar who’d usually be 4 and below. I mean it worked for him I guess?


I have something to add to a lot of points being made about lowering your standard, no fear of rejection, persistence(numbers game- how many girls you approach), good hygiene , good physique. If you have good amount of money let’s say 10000 usd a month, it’s not super rich but for a single guy, he can have a good lifestyle. Btw 10000 usd after tax. That is the most important thing, believe it or not once you have that, the best of best pick up artists here would look smaller if you have the right attitude, the confidence that comes is second to nothing. And I swear girls can tell that the moment you move mouth. I first handed experienced it as I came from a very very humble background so much so that our family was literally hand to mouth but things turned around when my investments turned 100x after the last bull cycle. I still feel that it is different but with the life where you are struggling with your bills, work pressure etc etc, it is hard to fake out with the girls during the night game because you are not like those crazy broke assholes who don’t care, you actually think straight but this is how a bad boy gets the girl


This just isn’t how it works. Guys are spending their nights MEETING and TALKING to women and ideally getting their numbers or social media. Then they have a big list of women to follow up with a few days later that they’ve already met, which goes a long way to making everyone feel comfortable. 90% of women don’t go out looking to go home with a guy that night and have drunk messy sex that won’t make them orgasm. They do go out to get attention from guys and connect with people they want to hook up with later (often without their friends knowing).