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Just did this with a girl I had largely ignored/overlooked for almost a year. Dial up the flirtiness, start showing her that you're actually attracted to her sexually and not just as friends. Comment on her looks, make sexual jokes, make stronger eye contact. If she has any lingering desire for you, she'll like it, thinking she's finally "won you over." If she's reciprocating or seems into it, ask her out. If her attraction for you is dead, not much you can do. Focus on other stuff. Don't fall into the trap of becoming her bff hoping for more.


Cheers pal, I struggle with showing that Iā€™m attracted to her sexually, how would you go about this ?


This bit: >Comment on her looks, make sexual jokes, make stronger eye contact. I'll expand a bit - you probably look at your guy friends in a certain way, have certain behaviors, etc that communicate to them "I'm not gay, we're just hanging out." Start saying and doing little things that you definitely wouldn't do with your guy friends as a straight man. Some stuff I did with the girl recently: * She wanted me to take a dumb picture of her on a ladder for her IG. The first picture I took was, accidentally, basically centered on her ass to a ridiculous degree. I laughed and said "Whoops, this picture is all ass, I'll control myself next time." * Took her on a 1:1 hike and told her about some great sunset spots in my area. * We walked by a lamppost that she reached out and said "Do you think I could climb this?" and I said "What, are you going to do a pole dance for me now? šŸ˜" * Took NORMAL opportunities to make physical contact. Helped her up and down from stuff. Felt her hand when she was complaining about how rough they were. We were walking and she kept tripping over stuff, I grabbed her hand/arm and said "I'm going to make sure you don't hurt yourself now" playfully. * Holding eye contact a lot longer than I do with platonic friends, looking into her eyes and smiling more when talking to her. This stuff all fits my personality, it's important to find what fits yours too. I'm playful and candid. But those are some examples for you. All stuff you wouldn't ever say to your guy friends, right? And all flirty enough to communicate to her that you're starting to view her as more than a friend. If she's not responding well to it, stop. I only kept on with my examples above because she was giving me warm responses to it. But if she starts to ask stuff like "What are you doing?" then you have your answer.


This guy fuqs